

Good morning, Presage employees. 早安 各位员工
We hope you're all ready for our exciting team-building retraining . 希望你们准备好参加令人兴奋的团队建设培训
team-building:团队建设; retraining:v.(接受)重新培养,再教育,再培训;(retrain的现在分词)
Please enjoy your breakfast.. 请享用您的早餐
and then make your way to the bus, which will leave shortly. 然后我们上车 很快就会出发
Hey, Sam, I said, "Would you put breakfast together for the retraining?".. 山姆 我说“你能为培训准备一些早餐吗?”
I meant, like, some stale doughnuts , some coffee. 我的意思是弄些甜麦圈 还有咖啡 之类的
stale:v.走味; adj.不新鲜的; n.囮子; doughnuts:n.炸面圈,多纳圈(常含果酱、水果、奶油等);(doughnut的复数)
But this is amazing. 你做的太棒了
Thanks, man. Just remember that when you see my sales report for last month. 谢谢 兄弟 别忘了我上个月的销售报告
Oh, I saw it last night. - Shit. 我昨晚看见到了 - 该死!
Has Dennis seen it? 丹尼斯看了?
Not yet. 还没有
Look, you just need to make a decision, you know? 你还是需要做个决定 知道吗?
You gonna be "chef" or you gonna be "sales guy". 你可以做厨师 或是做业务员
I'm saying that as your friend because, as your boss, I'm ready to fire your ass. 作为朋友 我才这么说 如是你的老板 我早开除你了
As your friend, I appreciate that advice. - Good. 作为朋友 我很感激这个建议 - 好的
Inside my baby's room 我宝宝的房里
Hold on, man, I'll be right back. 等一下 我马上就回来
Yeah, I guess I'm doing okay 我想我做的不错
I moved in with.. 我走进…
Molly. Your ticket's canceled. 茉莉 你的车票被取消了
Tell me that's a mistake. 告诉我这只是一个误会
I was gonna tell you after this weekend. 我原想过完这个周末告诉你
Uh, tell me what? 呃 告诉我什么?
That I don't think it's such a good idea. 我觉得这不是 一个好主意
What, the trip? it's my brother's wedding. 什么 旅行吗? 这是我兄弟的婚礼
What's going on here? 出什么事了?
We should talk about this later. Let's just.. 我们应该晚点再谈论这件事 我们…
What, pretend like I didn't see this for the next two days? No, let's talk about this. 什么 接下来的两天我都假装没看到这个? 就现在说吧
It's not working out, Sam. 不会有结果的 山姆
We're not working out. 我们不会有结果的
Hey. - Hey. 嘿 - 嘿
Oh, it's, uh, Candice, right? 呃 你是坎蒂丝 对吗?
Not funny. - Oh.. 一点都不好笑 - 哦
Okay, sorry, this is not a vacation. Okay, this is a business retraining. 抱歉 这次不是度假 是一次商务培训
So we're gonna be all business for the next two days. 我们接下来的两天 面对的都将是公事
Sorry. 对不起
I love you, but doesn't change the fact that you're still an intern . 我爱你 不过这不能改变你还是一个实习生
intern:n.实习医生; v.(战争期间或由于政治原因未经审讯)拘留;
Oh, um, but that 12:30 curfew tonight. You should plan on breaking that. 唔 今晚十二点三十分宵禁 你要准备好出来
Why? 为何?
For the naked team-building. 我们“袒胸”团队合作
Hey, Olivia. 奥莉维亚
Don't forget this. 别忘了这个
Oh, yeah. I keep trying to. 好的 我会记住的
Hmm. - I like it. it's very Lisa Loeb. 嗯 - 我喜欢它 有点莉萨乐步的感觉
Oh, well, you know.. 哦 你知道
I'd rather be very Olivia. 我更喜欢做自己
We got a gig on Sunday. 我们周日要办一个音乐会
Yeah, I'll be there. 好 我一定会来
Morning, Peter. 早 彼特
Looking good. - Uh, hi. 看起来精神不错 - 嗨
Olivia. Have you slept with every hipster in town yet? 奥莉维亚 你和城里每个时髦的人都睡了吗?
Candice. Do you actually get paid for this internship .. 坎蒂丝 你应该为这次实习买单
or does Daddy just increase your allowance ? 还是你老爸多给你零用钱了?
You know, if you wanna get rid of that baby fat, you should try the gym. 如果你想摆脱婴儿肥 你应该去健身房
They have these workout machines that you use on your back. 他们的设备有些落后 不过你依然可以使用