

Move, move, move. 快 快
Tell me again why we chose this over seeing the movie. 告诉我为什么我们看这个 而不是看电影?
If these guys lose focus for even a millisecond ... 如果车手哪怕有一毫秒的注意力不集中
you have to scrape them off the fence with a shovel . 你就要用铲子把他们从围栏上铲去 用铲子
scrape:v.刮掉;削去;擦坏;擦伤;刮坏;n.擦伤;刮擦声;擦痕; shovel:n.铁铲;一铲的量;铲车;v.铲除;用铲挖;把…胡乱塞入;
You come hoping to see a crash? 你是来看出车祸的?
No, I would like to see them complete... 不 我是来看他们比赛
Of course it's to see a crash. 当然也是看车祸的
You're sick, Hunt. - Come on! 你真变态 亨特 - 加油
Look, here comes Nick with our stuff . 看 尼克带着我们的东西来了
Hey, bud . - There he is. 嘿 老兄 - 他来了
Hi, babe. - Hey. 嗨 宝贝 - 嗨
Oh, my God. Ha, ha. 天啊
Uh, time to lay off the Funyuns, Nicky boy. 该少吃点快餐了 尼克
Oh, thanks, buddy . 谢谢 哥们
Ah, great. - Yeah! All right! 喔 太好了 - 耶 好呀
Oh. Here. Want a drink? 想喝点吗?
Oh. Is that straight-up Jack? 这是杰克吗?
It's his buddy Jim. 是他喜欢的吉姆
Maybe later, yeah? - Hey, sport. 等会吧 - 嘿 伙计
Can my girl use your binoculars ? 我的女友能用用你的望远镜吗
Well, they're not really binoculars exactly. They're more... 其实并不是望远镜 更应该说是…
Drink as much as you like. 想喝多少就喝多少吧
Go, go, go. 快 快
Whoa. Easy, fellas . 别冲动 伙计们
Craig Perry shuts the door as... 马克.赫尔弗雷奇想超车
Mark Helfrich tries to overtake him. 克雷格.佩里挡住了他
Hey, thanks for making me take a study break. 谢谢你让我放下学业 休息一下
I really, really needed this. 我真的很需要
Excuse me. Pardon me. 借过 借过
That was a close call .. 真是惊险
a close call:侥幸的脱险;
Well, great. What did I just miss? 糟糕 刚才发生了什么
Can you see, ma'am? - I'm sorry, not really. 你能看见吗? - 我看不见
Would you like me to move down a bit? Would you mind? 你是否希望我坐到下面? 你介意吗
Be glad to. Thanks, man. 我很乐意
Thank you.- And I thought chivalry was dead. 谢谢 - 没想到还有这么有风度的人
Heh. That's not true. I have my cowboy right here. 不是的 我的牛仔就是这样的人
Get a room, guys. 换个地方亲热吧
Hey. Put these in. 嘿 塞上这个
Oh, Mom, not tampons . - Put these...Put them in. 喔 妈妈 不要卫生棉 - 塞进去
Nick. Nick. 尼克 尼克
This tickles . - Aw, Mom. 这很痒 - 哦 妈妈
No, no, no. - She put tampons in their ears. 不 不 - 她把卫生棉塞进他们耳朵
That's just wrong, man. 怎么能这样
I can't see now. 我现在看不见了
Hey, down in front, asshole . 前面的坐下 混蛋
Approaching the halfway point. 接近半程了
There goes the neighborhood . 来了个邻居
Sir. 先生
I need you to move your foot. Thank you. 把你的脚拿开 谢谢
Hey, how old is this place? 这里建了多长时间了
You got me. 不知道
Go, go, go. 快 快
Tire up. 准备轮胎
What's that? 怎么了