

Devil 恶魔
Do you believe in fortunes ? 你相信命运吗?
fortunes:n.命运,机遇(fortune复数形式); v.给…以大宗财富(fortune的第三人称单数形式);
Luck 幸运
Fate 命运
Death 死亡
Aah! 哇!
Oh, man! Heh heh. 耶…哈哈!
Did you see that? - Woo! 看到没有? - 喔!
Oh, my God. Ha ha! 我的天 哈哈!
Yes! Yes! - Nice, nice, nice. 耶! - 真棒!
Aw, sick! - Worth the wait. 真要命! - 没白来
Oh, babe. You missed out. 哦 宝贝 你错过机会了
Yes! 耶!
I want to get off. 我要下去!
That was intense , man. 真是够刺激!
To feel how that would be to just crash and burn like that. 体验一回“粉身碎骨”的感觉
crash and burn:玉石俱焚(歌曲名);
Yeah, yeah. Maybe for you, but our lives are actually goin' somewhere. 是啊 也许你感觉不错吧 我们魂都吓掉了
Oh! OK, well, where we gotta go is to the roller coaster . 好了 下一个目标 云霄飞车
roller coaster:过山车;
'Cause our pass is for 9:15. 我们的通行证只到9:15
If we miss that, we'll stand in line ... 错过这次 就得再排上…
stand in line:站队;
for, like, a day and a half, and that's gonna kill me. 差不多一天半的队 那可得要我的命
OK! - All right? 好吧 - 准备好了?
So let's go. 走吧
welcome mc klnley hlgh grad party 05 麦金利高中 05级 毕业晚会
They're totally gonna dig this man! 他们全准备消遣这家伙!
OK. Come on, it won't kill us to get a deep-fried Snickers and a Coke. 行了 先去吃点炸薯喝杯可乐不碍事吧
deep-fried:adj.油炸的;炒的;vt.油炸(deep-fry的过去分词); Snickers:偷笑;窃笑;窃笑着说(snicker的第三人称单数);
Before ridin' Devil's Flight? Yeah, that might kill me. 坐恶魔航班之前? 那会杀了我
No! What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, man. 不 未能击垮你的事会使你变得更强
Unh! - Ha ha! 哇!哈哈
Oh, I'll take that. 哦 这个我来拿
No. Come on, gimme . It's not even mine, Kevin. 少来了 还我…相机不是我的
It's the yearbook 's. Just...Kevin. 是借来拍同学录的 凯文…给我
Ha ha! 哈哈!
Oh! - Oh, got it. 噢! - 拍到了!
Oh, my God, you're such an idiot . - Hey. Hey. Gimme the... 老天!你真是个白痴 - 嗨!给我…
Ha ha! 哈!
Ow! - Nice. 喔! - 干得好!
Um, could you, like, please delete that one of Stacy? 呃…你能不能把刚才史黛西那张删了?
These are for the yearbook. 这些照片是拍来制作同学录的
And I have to turn them in tomorrow to make a deadline ... 明天就是最后期限 我得赶着交过去
and, like, I doubt it if a shot of Stacy Kobayashi's camel toe ... 至于小林 史黛西的裙下春光能否入选
is gonna make it in there. 我就不知道了
Whew . l'd buy two. 真要有了 我买两份
Ha ha ha! 哈哈!
Number 38, your order's ready. 38号 你们点的东西好了
That's us. 是我们的
I am so sorry. 真不好意思
Kevin can get so out of control. 凯文总是玩过界
Let me just say he would make me crazy. 他总是把我逼到崩溃边缘
Ha! I mean, you know I'm such a control freak ... 我是说…你晓得我是个控制狂
control freak:n.好多管事的人;爱指挥别人的人;
like I couldn't handle that. 可我却控制不了他
I'm breaking up with him. 我要和他分手
Couple of weeks. After graduation. 毕业以后几周之内就提出来
I've been wanting to for a while . 这主意不是一时冲动
for a while:adv.片刻;暂时;一会儿;一时;