

Alex. 艾力克斯
Tod and George's dad just called. 托德和乔治的爸爸刚刚来电话
He's picking you up at 3.30 tomorrow. 他说明天下午3:30来接你
The bus leaves the high school for the airport around 5.00. 五点巴士从学校出发
How's my suitcase working out for you? 我的皮包好用吗?
Mom, you got to leave that on. 妈妈 不要拆标签
The tag made the last flight without the plane crashing... 爸爸上次带着标签搭飞机…
so I figure it's got to be on or with the bag. 没有出事 应该保留
For luck. 是吉祥物
Where would you get a nutball idea like that? 胡思乱想
I'm still here. 我的确还活着
So, seventeen, on the loose ... 你才17岁
on the loose:散漫;放荡;
senior trip with your friends in Paris... 你们这群野马
ten days in the springtime . 到巴黎渡假十日
Live it up .You got your whole life ahead of you. 趁青春 好好开心吧
Live it up:狂欢一场;过着逍遥的日子;
Hitchcock, let me give you a hand with this. 比利 让叔叔帮你一下
There you go. 给你
Carter, you dick . 混球
Schmuck . 小子
You left this on the bus. - Thanks. 你遗留在巴士上的 - 谢谢
Come on let's get your stuff together. 来吧 让我们帮你拿点行李吧
Hey, Christa.Hi, Blake . 嘘 姬丝黛…贝丽…
What are you doing? - He's the man. 做什么? - 你们的爸爸
All right.You guys got everything? 带齐行李没有?
Yeah, Dad, we're all set. 爸 都带齐了
Does that mean go? 意思是指可以起程吗?
Don't know. 不知道
This is for both of you.Have a great time. 这是给你们两个的 玩得开心
Thanks, Dad. 谢谢 爸爸
Both of us. - Let's go. 是给我们两个的 - 走吧
Alex, take care of them. - I will. 艾力克斯 照顾一下他们 - 我会的
Didn't think anything could look worse than my yearbook photo. 校刊上我的照片真恶心
How do you think I feel having to look at you? 别烦我 从早到晚就听你罗嗦
What the fuck does he want? 他叽哩咕噜什么?
The airport does not endorse solicitors . 机上不准乘客生事
endorse:vt.背书;认可;签署;赞同;在背面签名; solicitors:n.律师(solicitor复数);
Death is not the end. 死 并非一了百了
It will be for you if you harass my students. 再骚扰我学生 你就一了百了
Hare Rama. 神会保佑你
I have to ask you a few questions this evening. 我想问你几句
Did you pack your bags yourself? 行李是你自己收拾?
Have your belongings been in your possession the entire time? 一直在你身边?
belongings:n.[经]财产,所有物;亲戚; possession:n.拥有;具有;属地;个人财产;
Mr Browning? - Oh Yeah 布郎宁先生? - 是我
Have you received any packages from persons unknown to you? 你有没有接过陌生人的东西?
Same as your birthday. - What? 和你生日一样 - 什么?
September 25.9.25. 你生于9月25日 起飞是9点25分
Your birthday's the same as your departure time. 生日和起飞时间一样
Fuck off, dude .Dick. 滚开!迪克
Babe. 小子
George, Dad said both of us.Give me some cash. 老爸说给的钱我们两个都有份
Hi! Hi! Knock it off . 嗨…不要闹了
Knock it off:停止做;住口,别再讲下去了;
You asshole . 混蛋
Thanks. - You're welcome. 谢谢 - 不用客气
Let's go take a shit. 一起去拉屎
Take a shit by yourself. - No, dude. 你自己去拉个够 - 不 一起去
Listen OK? Take some knowledge. 嘿 听着 不如讲些有意思的吧