

Show me what you got! 放马过来
Come on, guys! I can do this. 快点 伙计们 我能做到
Ha-ha, didn't hurt! 哈哈 完全没用
Ha-ha! You got nothin' on me, Bones! - Hey! I'm the best! 哈哈 你奈何不了我 脆骨 - 我是最棒的
I'm goin' get ya now! 我现在就要战胜你
All right, let's do this thing. 好了 我们开始吧
You can't catch me! 你抓不到我
Yeah, run away! 哈 跑吧
Get outta my way! Watch it! 让开 看着点
Careful. 小心
That was close. 就差一点
Is that all you got? 你就这点能耐吗
Hi, buddy . I told you I'd be back. 嗨 伙计 告诉过你我会回来的
The truck! 卡车
Out of my way, losers ! Hey! 别挡我道 失败者 - 嘿
Guys, check it out. - Wow, cool! 大家快看 - 真酷
Yes! The winner's truck. 太好了 胜者的卡车
It's happening today? 就在今天吗
What's happening today? 今天会发生什么
Don't you know anything, Ferdinand? 你一点也不知道吗 费迪南
If that truck's here, 如果那卡车来了
It means the matador 's gonna pick a bull . 就意味着斗牛大师要选择一头公牛
matador:n.斗牛士;王牌; bull:n.废话;公牛;彪形大汉;v.大量买进以期抬高价格;吓唬;
Who do you think he's gonna pick? 你觉得他会选谁
Duh, my dad. 当然是我爸爸啦
And when my horns come in, it'll be my turn. 等到我的角长出来 就会轮到我了
horns:n.喇叭; v.截锯…的角;
People will come from all over Spain just to see me, the great Valiente! 人们会从西班牙各个地方前来 为了见到我 伟大的瓦连特
The fiercest bull of all time. 史上最勇猛的公牛
fiercest:(尤指人或动物)凶猛的; (天气或温度)恶劣的(fierce的最高级);
I'll take him down big time. 我会狠狠打倒他
Man versus bull. 人类对抗公牛
Will it be pretty? No. 这场面会好看吗 不会
Will it be awesome ? Heck yeah! 这场面会很棒吗 当然啦
awesome:adj.令人敬畏的;使人畏惧的;可怕的;极好的; Heck:n.(英口)同"hell",表示略微烦恼或吃惊;
The crowd will go nuts, making me a champ . 人们会为我疯狂 令我成为冠军
champ:n.咀嚼; vt.焦急; vi.咬;
I'll spend the rest of my days living like a king. 我的余生将会如国王一般度过
Dream on, Valiente. 做梦吧 瓦连特
I'm the one who's getting selected. 我才会是被选中的那一个
I'm already working on my victory smile. 我已经在练习我的胜利微笑了
Hey, the matador's here! 嘿 斗牛大师在这
Where? where? Oh, no. 哪里 在哪 哦 不
I feel sick. oh, mama. 我很不舒服 哦 妈妈
There's no matador, Guapo. What? 这里没有斗牛大师 瓜波 - 什么
What a wimp . 真是个胆小鬼
Forget it, Guapo. He's gonna pick me. 得了吧 瓜波 他会选我的
I'm the fastest, baddest bull around. 我是最快 最厉害的公牛
I'm so fast, they won't see me coming. 我快得让他们都看不到我的身影
Bones? - Yeah? 脆骨 - 什么
You're never gonna get selected. 你永远不会被选中的
You wanna know why? 想知道原因吗
Why? 为什么
'cause you're a puny bag of bones, Bones. 因为你瘦得皮包骨 脆骨
You okay? 你没事吧
I don't need your help, weirdo . 我用不着你帮忙 怪胎
I'm fine! 我很好
Careful. 小心点
Oh, what do you got there, Ferdinand? 你藏了什么 费迪南