

All right, touch down in two. 听好 两分钟后着陆
Rules of engagement : 交战原则
Electric rounds only. 只能用电击枪
MI6 wants him alive for questioning. 军情六局需要活口供审讯
The target's in a metal copper . 目标在一个金属盒内
Every agency and terror cell is looking for it. 每个情报组织和恐怖组织都在找它
Get on the ground! 趴下
Get on the ground! 趴下
Asset secured. 目标到手
MI6. 军情六处
Freeze! 不许动
I'm a fan. Fantastic job. 我可是粉丝 干得不错
And I think you look amazing in your matching outfits . 你们的统一服装真好看
outfits:n.全套装备; v.装备;
Who the hell are you? 你他妈是谁
Bad guy. 坏人
Get on the ground, now! 赶紧趴下
Nah. 这可不行
Buggered up, too. 又失败了
The team is down. 小队被干掉了
We've been betrayed . 我们被出卖了
She took the virus. 她拿走了病毒
One of the soldiers got away with the virus. 一个士兵带着病毒逃走了
I want her on the run with no place to turn. 我要让她叫天天不应
on the run:在逃;奔波;跑着;
She is a... a wily one. 她很狡猾
Monitor all channels and make sure she takes the fall for it. 监控所有频道 确保她为此背黑锅
Understand? - Yes, sir. 明白了吗 -是 长官
What do you want us to do with these arseholes ? 这些混蛋怎么处置
Clean it up. I don't care. 清理吧 无所谓
No witnesses . 不能留下活口
witnesses:n.[法]证人; v.作证;
I'm gonna get it back. 我要拿回病毒
Who's gonna stop me? 谁又能阻挡我
Where? - Where? 在哪 -在哪
Who the hell are you? 你是哪根葱
I'm what you call a nice, cold can of whoop-ass. 我就是传说中的罐装狠角色
Who the hell are you? 你是哪根葱
I'm what you might call a champagne problem. 我就是传说中的惹事儿香槟
What you got, big man? 你有什么能耐 大个子
Well, you thought that would've broke. 居然还没碎
I'm gonna kill you! 我要杀了你
You gonna die! 你死定了
All right, all right. No, no, no, no. 行了 行了 不 不
That's my favorite jacket, don't do that. 这是我最爱的外套 别这样
Hi, sweetheart , could you pass me that gun, please? 亲爱的 能把文身机递给我吗
Thank you very much. 十分感谢
Nice tats . 文身不错
All right, assclown, we're gonna play a little game. 好了 混蛋 我们来玩个小游戏
It's called hangman . 叫作上吊人问答
I'm gonna ask you some questions. 我要问你几个问题
When you give me an answer I don't like... 如果你的答案我不爱听
Okay. You get the idea. 行 你懂了就行
I've been tracking some dark web chatter about a super virus that's comin' up on the auction block. 我在追踪黑市上谈论的 一种即将被拍卖的超级病毒
tracking:n.追踪,跟踪;v.跟踪;(track的现在分词) chatter:v.打颤;卡嗒地响;瞎谈;(鸟等)鸣;n.饶舌;卡嗒声;啁啾; auction:v.拍卖;竞卖;n.拍卖;
Why don't you tell me about it? 不如你给我讲讲
I swear, I don't-I don't know! 我发誓 我不知情
I don't like that answer. 这答案我不爱听