

It's okay, it's okay, you're just in time. 没关系 你来的时间刚刚好
You're going to be a great father, Brian. 你会是个好父亲的 布莱恩
What makes you so sure? 你为什么这么确定
Because I'll be there to kick your ass if you ain't. 如果你不好好表现 我就弄死你
Get in there. 快去吧
Go. 快去吧
Brian. 布莱恩
Remember, the second you go through those doors, everything changes. 记住 你一旦踏入那扇门 一切都改变了
Our old life is done. 过去的生活不复存在了
Let's go for a little ride. 去兜兜风吧
Here we go 出发吧
It's the life I chose 这是我选择的人生
Gunshots in the dark, one eye closed 黑暗中响起枪声 我当没听到
And we got it cooking like a one- eyed stove 我们的热火瞬间点燃黑夜
You can catch me kissin' my girl with both eye closed 亲吻姑娘的时候 我才会闭眼
Perfecting my passion , thanks for asking 老子追求完美 谢谢各位关心
Couldn't slow down so we had to crash it 绝不放慢速度 宁愿粉身碎骨
You used plastic, we 'bout cash 你用吸管 老子用美金
I see some people ahead that we gon' pass 前面的对手我们都要超越
I never feared death or dying 我从不害怕死亡
I only fear never trying 只害怕无疾而终
I am whatever I am 我就是我
Only God can judge me, now 只有上帝才能对我指指点点
One shot everything rides on tonight 放手一搏 成败就在今晚
Even if I've got three strikes, 即使三振
I'ma go for it , 我也不会出局
go for it:努力争取;加油;
This moment, we own it 这个瞬间 属于我们
And I'm not to be played with 我不会轻易被人玩弄
Because it can get dangerous 因为这是危险游戏
See these people I ride with 看与我同行这些兄弟
This moment, we own it 这个瞬间 属于我们
And the same ones that I ride with be the same ones that I die with 与我闯荡的兄弟 我们同生死共患难
Put it all out on the line with if you looking for me you can find with In the new car or in the crown whip 出生入死 你抓不住我 老子开着新车在众人之中
on the line:处于危险中;模棱两可;在电话线上; crown:王冠 whip:n.鞭子; v.鞭打;
My new broad, that's a fine chick 还有我的小妞 绝对火辣
And the wonder squad , I'm down with 与我为伍的兄弟们
What you say? Tell me what you say 怎么样 你说怎样
Working hard, reppin for my dogs, do this everyday, 努力奋斗 照顾小弟 每天如此
Stuck to the plan, always think that we would stand up, never ran 坚守计划 不屈不挠 不做逃兵
We the fam and loyalty never change up 我们亲如一家 彼此永远忠诚
Been down since day one, look at where we came from 白手起家 成就如此
Jumpin out on anybody who try to say some one thing about it 有人评头论足 我就让你闭嘴
Got a problem, I got the same one 你敢不服 包你折服
Money rolls, we fold Plently clubs we closed, 有钱我们就赚 有乐子我们玩
Follow the same code 遵循信条
Never turn our backs, our cars don't even lose control 永不反目 人不离车
One shot everything rides on tonight 放手一搏 成败就在今晚
Even if I've got three strikes, I'ma go for it 即使三振 我也不会出局
This moment, we own it 这个瞬间 属于我们