

Salaam alaikum.
Welcome to Doha. 歡迎來到杜哈。
I am in charge of making this country's food secure. 我負責保障本國的糧食供應。
in charge of:负责;主管;
That is my job for the next two years, to design an entire master plan , and then for the next 10 years to implement it -- of course, with so many other people. 在未來兩年,我的工作是 設計一個總體計畫 並於十年內執行本計劃- 當然,這需要眾人攜手合作。
master plan:n.总体规划;总计划; implement:v.实施;执行;贯彻;使生效;n.工具;
But first, I need to talk to you about a story, which is my story, about the story of this country that you're all here in today. 首先我想告訴大家一個故事,這是我的故事, 有關你們此時所在的這個國家。
And of course, most of you have had three meals today, and probably will continue to have after this event. 想必,大多數聽眾今天都已用過三餐。 或許演講結束後還會繼續。
So going in, what was Qatar in the 1940s? 那麼想一下,1940年代時,卡達是什麼情形?
We were about 11,000 people living here. 當時本國大約有一萬一千名居民。
There was no water. There was no energy, no oil, no cars, none of that. 此處沒有水源、沒有能源、沒有石油、沒有汽車,什麽都沒有
Most of the people who lived here either lived in coastal villages, fishing, or were nomads who roamed around with the environment trying to find water. 大多數居住於此的人 不是住在沿海村莊,以捕魚維生, 就是過著遊牧生活,四處尋找水源。
coastal:adj.沿海的;海岸的; nomads:n.游牧民,牧游者(nomad的复数形式);流浪者; roamed:v.徜徉;闲逛;漫步;(缓慢地)扫遍,摸遍;(roam的过去分词和过去式)
None of the glamour that you see today existed. 今日眾位所見的繁華在昨日並不存在。
No cities like you see today in Doha or Dubai or Abu Dhabi or Kuwait or Riyadh . 亦無今日杜哈、杜拜、阿布達比、科威特或利雅德的繁華
Dubai:n.迪拜(阿拉伯联合酋长国的酋长国之一); Riyadh:n.利雅得(阿拉伯半岛中部的城市);
It wasn't that they couldn't develop cities. 這並非由於人們無能開發都市,
Resources weren't there to develop them. 而是由於資源極度缺乏,無法開發。
Resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数);
And you can see that life expectancy was also short. 你們可以發現,那時的人壽命十分短暫。
life expectancy:预期寿命;
Most people died around the age of 50. 大多數人50歲左右就去世了。
So let's move to chapter two: the oil era . 接著,我們進入第二章:石油時代。
1939, that's when they discovered oil. 1939年,人們發現了石油。
But unfortunately , it wasn't really fully exploited commercially until after the Second World War. 但不幸的是,大規模商業性質的石油開採 到了二次世界大戰結束後才開始。
unfortunately:adv.不幸地; exploited:v.剥削;压榨;运用;利用;发挥(exploit的过去分词和过去式) commercially:adv.商业上;通商上;
What did it do? 石油造成什麼影響?
It changed the face of this country, as you can see today and witness . 石油改變了本國的面貌,大家今日有目共睹。
as you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的; witness:n.证人;目击者;证据;v.目击;证明;为…作证;
It also made all those people who roamed around the desert -- looking for water, looking for food, trying to take care of their livestock -- urbanize . 石油也使得那些在沙漠中四處遷徙、 尋找水源和食物、費心照料牲口的牧民 走向都市化。
livestock:n.家畜;牲畜; urbanize:vt.使都市化;使文雅;
You might find this strange, but in my family we have different accents . 你們或許感到奇怪, 但我的家族成員都擁有不同口音。
My mother has an accent that is so different to my father, and we're all a population of about 300,000 people in the same country. 我母親與父親的口音截然不同。 而我們都是土生土長的30萬卡達居民之一。
There are about five or six accents in this country as I speak. 我說話時就用到大約五、六種口音。
Someone says, "How so? How could this happen?" 有人質疑「為何如此?這是怎麼回事?」
Because we lived scattered . 這是因為以往我們散居各處。
scattered:adj.零散的; v.撒; (scatter的过去分词和过去式)
We couldn't live in a concentrated way simply because there was no resources. 僅僅由於資源缺乏,因此我們無法群居生活。
concentrated:adj.决心要做的; v.集中(注意力); (concentrate的过去式和过去分词)
And when the resources came, be it oil, we started building these fancy technologies and bringing people together because we needed the concentration . 當資源-例如石油-出現後 我們開始發展這些先進技術 將人們聚集起來因為我們需要群眾的力量。
fancy:n.幻想; adj.想象的; v.想象; technologies:n.技术;科技(technology的复数); concentration:n.浓度;含量;集中;专心;
People started to get to know each other. 人們開始彼此認識。
And we realized that there are some differences in accents. 我們才發現彼此擁有不同口音。
So that is the chapter two: the oil era. 這就是第二章:石油時代。
Let's look at today. 我們談談如今的情況。
This is probably the skyline that most of you know about Doha. 這或許是大多數人所知的杜哈天際線
So what's the population today? 如今的人口是多少?
It's 1.7 million people. 大約170萬
That is in less than 60 years. 這是在不到60年間所取得的成果。
The average growth of our economy is about 15 percent for the past five years. 過去5年,本國經濟平均增長率大約為15%。
Lifespan has increased to 78. 平均壽命增加到78歲。
Water consumption has increased to 430 liters . 平均用水量上升到430公升。
consumption:n.消费;消耗;肺痨; liters:n.(计量)公升(容量单位)(liter的复数)
And this is amongst the highest worldwide . 可說是全球最高的用水量。
amongst:prep.在…之中;在…当中(等于among); worldwide:adj.全世界的;adv.在世界各地;
From having no water whatsoever to consuming water to the highest degree, higher than any other nation. 從缺乏水源 轉變成高度用水量,勝於世上任何國家。
whatsoever:pron.无论什么; consuming:adj.消费的;强烈的;v.消耗(consume的ing形式);
I don't know if this was a reaction to lack of water. 我不知道這是否是缺水造成的反效果。
But what is interesting about the story that I've just said? 但這個故事中令人感興趣之處為何?
The interesting part is that we continue to grow 15 percent every year for the past five years without water. 令人感興趣的是過去5年中,每年經濟增長率 在缺乏水源的情況下,依然維持15%。
Now that is historic . It's never happened before in history. 這具有歷史意義。可說是史無前例的。
Cities were totally wiped out because of the lack of water. 過去,城市由於缺乏水源而走向衰敗。
This is history being made in this region . 這是本國于此地區所創造的歷史。
Not only cities that we're building, but cities with dreams and people who are wishing to be scientists, doctors. 我們建造的不僅僅是一座座的城市, 而是一座座充滿夢想的城市,在這裡人們期待成為科學家和醫生、
Build a nice home, bring the architect , design my house. 建造美麗的家園、請建築師設計自己房子。
These people are adamant that this is a livable space when it wasn't. 這些人的毅力使這片不宜居住的土地改頭換面。
adamant:adj.固执的,坚强的;坚定不移的;坚硬无比的;n.坚硬的东西;坚石; livable:adj.适于居住的;生活过得有价值的;
But of course, with the use of technology . 當然,這必須藉助科技的力量。
So Brazil has 1,782 millimeters per year of precipitation of rain. 巴西擁有每年1782毫米的降雨量。
Brazil:n.巴西(拉丁美洲国家); millimeters:n.毫米;(millimeter的复数) precipitation:n.[化学]沉淀,[化学]沉淀物;冰雹;坠落;鲁莽;
Qatar has 74, and we have that growth rate. 而卡達僅有74毫米,但我們達到這一經濟增長率。
The question is how. 問題在於如何做到這一點。
How could we survive that? 我們如何在這種情況下生存?
We have no water whatsoever. 我們依然缺乏水源。
Simply because of this gigantic , mammoth machine called desalination . 僅僅由於這座龐大的名為海水淡化裝置的機器。
gigantic:adj.巨大的,庞大的; mammoth:n.长毛象;猛犸象;庞然大物;adj.巨大的,庞大的;猛犸似的; desalination:n.脱盐作用;减少盐分;
Energy is the key factor here. It changed everything. 能源是其中的關鍵因素,它改變了一切。
It is that thing that we pump out of the ground, we burn tons of, probably most of you used it coming to Doha. 正是我們從地底抽出、大量使用的石油 或許大部分聽眾正是藉其前來杜哈。
So that is our lake, if you can see it. 因此這就相當於我們的湖泊,如果你能想像。
That is our river. 相當於我們的河流。
That is how you all happen to use and enjoy water. 這正是大家有水可用的原因。
This is the best technology that this region could ever have: desalination. 這是本國有史以來最偉大的科技:海水淡化裝置
So what are the risks? 那麼,其中有何風險?
Do you worry much? 你會不會很擔心?
I would say, perhaps if you look at the global facts, you will realize, of course I have to worry. 我的看法是,如果觀察全球情況, 你們將意識到我不得不憂心
There is growing demand, growing population. 人口與各項需求與日俱增
We've turned seven billion only a few months ago. 僅在數月前,全球人口達到了70億。
And so that number also demands food. 隨之而來的是對糧食的需求。
And there's predictions that we'll be nine billion by 2050. 根據預測,到了2050年,全球人口將達90億。
So a country that has no water has to worry about what happens beyond its borders. 因此一個缺乏水源的國家 不得不擔憂國境以外的情況。
There's also changing diets. 飲食結構亦發生變化。
By elevating to a higher socio-economic level, they also change their diet. 隨著社會經濟水平的逐漸提高, 人們的飲食習慣亦發生改變。
elevating:adj.引人向上的;n.升降机构;v.使升高(elevate的现在分词形式);提起; socio-economic:adj.社会经济的;
They start eating more meat and so on and so forth. 例如說,人們開始消耗更多肉類等等。
On the other hand , there is declining yields because of climate change and because of other factors . 但另一方面,因為氣候變化和其它因素, 糧食產量逐漸減少。
On the other hand:另一方面; declining:v.减少;下降;衰弱;谢绝;婉言拒绝;(decline的现在分词) yields:n.生产量,投资效益(yield的复数形式); v.[经]生产; factors:n.因素(factor的复数); v.做代理商;
And so someone has to really realize when the crisis is going to happen. 因此人們必須確實意識到即將發生的危機。
This is the situation in Qatar, for those who don't know. 有些人可能不知情,可是卡達的情況是
We only have two days of water reserve . 我們僅擁有兩天的淡水儲備量,
reserve:n.储备,储存; vt.储备; vi.预订;
We import 90 percent of our food, and we only cultivate less than one percent of our land. 國內 90% 的糧食都是仰賴進口, 全國的耕地面積不到國土的 1%。
The limited number of farmers that we have have been pushed out of their farming practices as a result of open market policy and bringing the big competitions , etc., etc. 為數不多的農民 已由於市場開放政策及引進的外來競爭等因素 被擠出農業行業。
limited:adj.有限的; n.高级快车; v.限制; (limit的过去分词和过去式) as a result:结果; open market:n.公开市场;自由市场; policy:n.政策,方针;保险单; competitions:n.比赛,[生态]竞争(competition的复数形式);
So we also face risks. 因此我們亦面臨某些風險。
These risks directly affect the sustainability of this nation and its continuity . 這些風險直接影響國家的永續發展。
directly:adv.直接地;立即;马上;正好地;坦率地;conj.一…就; sustainability:n.持续性;永续性;能维持性; continuity:n.连续性;一连串;分镜头剧本;
The question is, is there a solution ? 問題是,是否存在解決這些風險的方案?
Is there a sustainable solution? 是否存在一個永續的解決方案?
Indeed there is. 這確實存在。
This slide sums up thousands of pages of technical documents that we've been working on over the past two years. 這張投影片總結了數千頁科技文獻, 這是我們過去兩年的研究成果。
sums:n.算术题;总数;全部;v.归纳;总计;(sum的第三人称单数和复数) technical:adj.工艺的,科技的;技术上的;专门的;
Let's start with the water. 我們從水源談起。
So we know very well -- I showed you earlier -- that we need this energy. 現在大家十分清楚,如之前所言,我們需要能源。
So if we're going to need energy, what sort of energy? 如果我們需要能源,該使用何種能源?
A depletable energy? Fossil fuel ? 耗竭性能源?化石燃料?
Fossil fuel:n.化石燃料(如煤或石油);
Or should we use something else? 或者我們該採取其他選擇?
Do we have the comparative advantage to use another sort of energy? 我們使用另一類能源的話,能否取得相對優勢?
comparative:adj.比较的;相当的;n.比较级;对手; advantage:n.有利条件:优势:优点:
I guess most of you by now realize that we do: 300 days of sun. 我想大多數聽眾已意識到,我們的確具有相對優勢:每年300天的日照
And so we will use that renewable energy to produce the water that we need. 因此我們將使用這種可再生能源,製造我們極需的淡水。
And we will probably put 1,800 megawatts of solar systems to produce 3.5 million cubic meters of water. 我們會使用1800兆瓦的太陽能系統 生產350萬立方公尺淡水。
megawatts:n.百万瓦特(megawatt的复数); cubic:adj.立方体的,立方的;
And that is a lot of water. 水產量十分龐大。
That water will go then to the farmers, and the farmers will be able to water their plants, and they will be able then to supply society with food. 這些水將供給農民, 那麼農民就能用水灌溉作物, 也可為社會提供糧食。
But in order to sustain the horizontal line -- because these are the projects, these are the systems that we will deliver -- we need to also develop the vertical line: 但為了支撐這一橫軸線的計畫— 因為這是我們預定設置的項目和系統- 縱軸線上,我們也需要發展
horizontal:n.水平线;水平面;横线;水平位置;adj.水平的;与地面平行的;横的; vertical:n.垂直线;垂直位置;adj.竖的;垂直的;直立的;纵向的;
system sustenance , high-level education, research and development , industries, technologies, to produce these technologies for application , and finally markets. 支撐系統:高等教育、研究開發、 工業、科技等,用以發展應用技術,最後是市場行銷。
sustenance:n.食物;生计;支持; high-level:adj.高级的;高阶层的;在高空的; research and development:n.研究和开发; application:n.应用;申请;应用程序;敷用; finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地;
But what gels all of it, what enables it, is legislation , policies , regulations . 但能使之持之以恆,須建立法律、政策和規章。
gels:n.凝胶剂;定型发胶(gel的复数);v.形成胶体(gel的第三人称单数); enables:v.使得; (enable的第三人称单数) legislation:n.立法;法律; policies:n.政策;方针;原则;为人之道;保险单(policy的复数) regulations:n.章程;规则;法规;管理,控制;(regulation的复数)
Without it we can't do anything. 若沒有這些,一切都是空談。
So that's what we are planning to do. 這就是我們的計畫。
Within two years we should hopefully be done with this plan and taking it to implementation . 我們希望於兩年內完成這一計畫, 實施這一計劃。
Our objective is to be a millennium city, just like many millennium cities around: 我們的目標是成為屹立千年的城市,如同周遭眾多歷史悠久的城市:
objective:n.目标; adj.客观的; millennium:n.千年期,千禧年;一千年,千年纪念;太平盛世,黄金时代;
Istanbul, Rome, London, Paris, Damascus, Cairo . 伊斯坦堡、羅馬、倫敦、巴黎、大馬士革、開羅。
We are only 60 years old, but we want to live forever as a city, to live in peace. 我國僅擁有60年歷史但我們希望成為屹立不倒的城市, 生活在和平世界。
Thank you very much. 十分感謝。
(Applause) (掌聲)