

Welcome to Africa! Or rather, I should say, welcome home. 欢迎来到非洲!或者我应该说,欢迎回家。
Because this is where it all really began, isn't it? 不是吗?此处便是我们的起源地
Looking at fossils dating back several millions of years -- it all points to evidence that life for the human species as we know it began right here. 从数百万年前的化石 它们是我们在此生活的证据 我们所知道的人类族类均发源于此。
fossils:n.[古生]化石(fossil复数形式); evidence:n.证据,证明;迹象;明显;v.证明; species:n.[生物]物种;种类;
We are on an amazing journey the next four days. 下来的四天,我们会有一次激动的旅程
You're going to hear stories of Africa: The Next Chapter. 你们在下来的节目中你们会从其它演讲者听到各种关于非洲的
Fantastic tales, anecdotes from speakers. 怪诞的、离奇的故事
Fantastic:奇异的,空想的 anecdotes:n.奇闻轶事(anecdote的复数);
But I want to turn that upside down for a moment, and get something out on the table and clear the air , so to say. 但我现在想把顺序颠倒过来, 让这些故事留着日后再探讨.我们先把一些事情拿到台上谈,消除下我们彼此间的隔阂
upside down:adj.颠倒的;乱七八糟的; clear the air:消除误会;使空气清新;澄清事实;
What's the worst thing you've ever heard about Africa? 好的,那我要问:你们听到关于非洲最糟糕的情况是什么?
And this is not a rhetorical question. 这可不是一个反问句哦
I actually want answers from you. 我真的希望能听到你们的回答。
Go for it ! The worst. 继续!最烂的。
Go for it:努力争取;加油;
Famine . 饥荒
Corruption . 腐败
More. 继续
Genocide . 种族灭绝
AIDS. 艾滋病
Slavery . 奴隶制
That's enough. 差不多了
We've all heard these things. 我们都听到过了这些东西
But this is about Africa, the story we have not heard. 但是关于非洲,那些我们以前没有听到的故事
The stories that we want to know, and the stories that do exist about positive tales. 那些我们想知道的 真实存在正面意义的故事
A part of my talk is going to be about investment opportunities that exist on this continent . 也我要讲述的内容 关于在这里的投资机会
investment:n.投资;投入;封锁; continent:n.大陆,洲,陆地;adj.自制的,克制的;
To separate the rhetoric from the reality, the fact from the fiction. 去掉那些粉饰的,虚构的成分
To go to the actual data and statistics that exist about the actual things that are happening on the ground that make Africa a realistic investment opportunity and option for you. 获取那些真实的统计数据 获取那些正在我们身边发生的事实 让非洲成为可供你选择的一个投资机会
statistics:n.统计数字;统计资料;统计学;(statistic的复数) realistic:adj.现实的;现实主义的;逼真的;实在论的; option:n.选择;可选择的东西;
So let's get going because Africa, to some degree, is on a turnaround . 选择非洲在于 某种意义上,这里正处于变革
A turnaround in terms of how it manages its image, and how it takes control of its own destiny . 这个“变革”依赖于我们如何去理解想象 如何去把握机遇
And turnarounds are part and parcel of what I have focused on for most of my professional career . “变革” 是我职业生涯中所关注的重要领域
turnarounds:na.车辆调头处;(思想,立场的)转变;(turnaround的复数) parcel:n.包裹;小包;一块地;一片地;v.包;裹好;打包;adj.部分(时间)的;adv.局部地; professional:adj.专业的;职业的;职业性的;n.专业人员;职业运动员; career:n.职业;事业;生涯;经历;
And it all started almost a decade ago, as a young consultant at McKinsey & Company at their first African office in Johannesburg. 早在10年前 我作为一个年轻的顾问加入到约翰内斯堡城市的麦肯锡 它是麦肯锡设立在非洲的第一个办公室
And there we worked with leading CEOs on African issues , and African companies on turnarounds -- making the companies not just the best in Africa, but the best globally. 在那里我们与企业家领袖一起处理非洲的问题 以及非洲企业的转型 帮助这些企业成为不仅是非洲 也是全球最好的公司
But I really formalized this focus on turnarounds when I was completing my MBA in the United States. 而我真正的关注到变革这个领域 是我在美国刚完成MBA学习的时候
formalized:adj.形式化的; v.使正式; United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式)
It all began with a fantastic phone call. 它由一个神奇的电话开始
It was from Rosabeth Moss Kanter, 那个电话来至于罗莎白·默丝·坎特
Harvard Business School guru and a professor of mine. 哈弗商学院的领军人物,同时也是我的导师
Harvard:n.哈佛大学;哈佛大学学生; Business School:n.(大学里针对毕业生的)工商学院; guru:n.古鲁(指印度教等宗教的宗师或领袖);领袖;专家;
And she said, "I want to write a case, Euvin -- a case on a public-sector leader that has lessons for the corporate world." 她和我说到“Euvin ,我想写一个案例-- 一个公共事业领域领袖的案例 这个案例将会用于跨国公司的课程
And the leader that came to mind was Nelson Mandela. 我当时第一个想到的领导人便是纳尔逊.曼德拉(南非总统)
Because Nelson Mandela, as he took over power as the first democratically-elected president of South Africa, faced a situation of a country that could have slid into the abyss of chaos . 因为纳尔逊.曼德拉 是南非的第一个民选总统 上任伊始就面对 一个已经陷入混乱深渊的国家
abyss:n.深渊;深邃,无底洞,地狱; chaos:n.混沌,混乱;
But he started the country on a path of a positive cycle. 但由他开始引领国家走向良性的循环
Now the case, "Nelson Mandela: Change Leader," 现在,这个案例“纳尔逊.曼德拉:变革的领袖”
became part of the research base for a chapter in Rosabeth's new book, called " Confidence ." 已经成为罗莎白新书的一个章节 那本书名为:《信心:创造成功的循环》
And "Confidence" became a New York Times bestseller and topped Business Week's hardcover bestseller list. 并且信心:创造成功的循环》一书被列入纽约《Times》商业领域的畅销榜 并位居前列
bestseller:n.畅销书;畅销书作者;畅销商品(等于bestseller); hardcover:adj.精装的;硬书皮的;n.精装书;硬封面的书;
And why I tell you this story is because later, when I was interviewed on SABC Africa, on a pan-African broadcast , they asked, "What is your key lesson, or the key thing you enjoy the most?" -- because it was a huge privilege to be part of such a project. 为什么我要跟大家讲这故事呢?因为在那之后,我去了SABC面试 SABC是一个泛非洲的广播公司,他们问到我 “你在这里面学到了什么?或者你最喜欢的是什么? 对于编写这样一个案例的项目是非常荣耀的事情
interviewed:v.对(某人)进行面试(或面谈); (媒体)采访(interview的过去分词和过去式) broadcast:v.广播; n.广播节目; adj.[无线]播音的; privilege:n.特权;优待;v.给与…特权;特免;
The lesson from that was that it was Africa, an African story, that was used to share news with the rest of the world of what the benchmark can be for corporate turnarounds. 我学到的东西自于非洲,一个非洲的故事。 然后用它与世界各国分享 分享公司转型中的基准点是什么
Africa was being used as a success story ! 非洲已经被作为一个成功的实例
success story:n.获得巨大成功的人(或事物);
So I want to share with you a personal story about a turnaround or a transformation . 我想和大家分享下我个人的故事 一个关于变革或者转变的故事
personal:adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的;n.人事消息栏;人称代名词; transformation:n.转变;(用于南非)民主改革;
And that has to do with me. 这事情就发生在我身上
Because in 1994, I packed a few things into a backpack and headed off for a year of travel in the middle of my university career. 在1994年,我打包收拾我的行李 并中断学业去周游 那是我大学学业进行一半时候
You should have seen my parents' reaction ! 你们可以想象我父母的反应!
(Laughter) (笑)
But very soon, I found myself from the southern part of Africa -- in South Africa -- at the very north, in Egypt. 但很快我一个来至自非洲南部的人-- 南非---抵达了非洲的最北端,埃及
And I sought out the most remote places. 我拼命的去最远的地方
sought:v.seek(寻求、寻找)的过去式和过去分词形式; remote:adj.偏远的;偏僻的;遥远的;久远的;
I went to the Siwa Oasis -- that was one of my stops. 第一站来到了锡瓦绿洲--我其中的一个落脚点
And the Siwa Oasis is famous for several things, but the key thing is that it was the place that Alexander the Great went to when he wanted to find out what his destiny had in store for him. 锡瓦绿洲之所以出名有很多因素, 但最关键的地方在此处是 亚历山大帝 来过此处寻找他的神谕
And legend has it that Alexander trekked through this desert. 传说中,亚历山大长途跋涉的穿越沙漠
legend:n.传奇;说明;图例;刻印文字; trekked:n.艰苦跋涉;vt.(牛)拉(货车);搬运;vi.艰苦跋涉;
Half his battalion was wiped out in the sandstorm . 一半的军队在沙尘爆覆没
battalion:n.营,军营;军队,部队; sandstorm:n.[气象]沙暴;大风沙;
And myth says that he had an audience with the oracle , and it foretold his destiny of greatness . 在神话中,亚历山大得到神谕 表明它是命中注定的君主(君权神受)
myth:n.神话;虚构的人,虚构的事; oracle:n.神谕;预言;神谕处;圣人; foretold:v.预言(foretell的过去式及过去分词); greatness:n.伟大;巨大;
This was 300 BC. 这是公元300年前
So Africa had long been seen as a place to go to for answers. 因此非洲在自古以来就是一个寻找答案的地方
Now, the thing I remember about Siwa was the magical view of the sky at night. 现在,我能想起关于锡瓦的 就是它迷人夜色天空
With no natural light source , Siva is one of these amazing places that when you look up you see a perfect tapestry . 没有非自然的光源,锡瓦就是这样一个迷人的地方 一抬头就看到天空如锦画一般
source:n.来源;水源;原始资料; tapestry:n.织锦;挂毯;绣帷;vt.用挂毯装饰;
Fast forward to 2002. 到了2002年
I'm sitting in Cambridge , Massachusetts at the Healthcare Development Conference . 我来到马萨诸州的剑桥 参加一个保健发展的会议
Cambridge:n.剑桥(英国城市);坎布里奇(美国马萨诸塞州城市); Healthcare:n.医疗保健;健康护理,健康服务;卫生保健; Conference:n.会议;研讨会;商讨会;体育协会(或联合会)
And I see the same picture, but from the opposite side. 我看到了类似的景色,不过那是相反的景色
A satellite picture looking down at the earth. 这是一张从卫星上观测地球的图像
And it was that picture that made such an profound impact on me because I'll never forget it. I remember the very moment. 那张图片深深震撼了我 以致于让我无法忘怀。那一刻便记住了
profound:adj.深厚的;意义深远的;渊博的; impact:n.影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力;v.挤入,压紧;撞击;对…产生影响;
And I wanted to share that image with you of what I saw at that point. 和大家分享下在那一刻我看到了什么样的景色
The first thing that I saw was North America at night -- glowing , in all its glory. A warm feeling. Light. 第一个图片是我看到的北美的夜色--- 灯火通明,暖洋洋的灯光
North America:n.北美洲; glowing:adj.灼热的;热情洋溢的;鲜艳的;v.发光;容光焕发;发热;(glow的现在分词)
And then I saw it -- Africa. Quite literally the "Dark Continent." 然后我看到---非洲。毫不夸张的“黑暗大陆”(非洲的代称)。
And while Africa may be dark, the thing that brought the message home to me was that this is the challenge we are facing, but it's also the opportunity. 那一刻非洲是黑暗的 它给清楚说明的表明一个信息 也是我们正在面临的挑战 但同时也是机会
Because whilst Africa may be dark -- other than the few specks that exist north and in the south and other areas -- it's aglow with the light in the hearts of the millions of people that are there. 因为尽管非洲可能是黑暗的--相对于 它的北面、南面或者地区上的其它地方--- 相对于那些灯火通明的核心地区 的成千上万的人民
whilst:conj.同时;时时,有时;当…的时候; specks:n.斑点;少量(speck的复数);v.使沾上污迹;除掉污迹(speck的三单形式); aglow:adj.发红的;通红的;adv.发光地;n.发红光;
Entrepreneurs , dynamic people, people with hope. 企业家,精力充沛的人,充满希望的人
Entrepreneurs:n.企业家;(entrepreneur的复数) dynamic:n.动力; adj.充满活力的;
It was George Kimble, the geographer , who said that, "The only thing dark about Africa is our ignorance of it." 正如乔治.金布尔,一个地理学家所说 “我们觉得非洲只有黑色的,根源是我们的无知”
geographer:n.地理学者; ignorance:n.无知,愚昧;不知,不懂;
So let's start shedding light on this amazing eclectic continent that has so much to offer. 让我们开始照亮这片土地 虽然光已很多了
shedding:v.去除;摆脱;使落下;掉落(货物);(shed的现在分词) eclectic:adj.折衷的;选择的;折衷学派的;n.折衷派的人;折衷主义者;adj.不拘一格的;
Let's start unpacking it. 我们开始解构。
Africa is the second-largest continent, a land mass , second from Asia. 非洲是世界上第二大洲,一个仅次于亚洲的第二大个大陆。
land mass:n.陆块;地块;
It also is the second most populated continent, with 900 million people. 是世界上第二大人口的地区 拥有9亿人口
In fact -- coming back to the land mass -- Africa is so big that you could fit in the continental United States, 事实上,从大陆面积看---非洲如此之大以至 可以把美国,
China, and the entire Europe into Africa, and still have space. 中国,还有整个欧洲塞在这里,依然还有空间
Africa is home to over 1,000 languages -- 2,000 is another estimate that's out there -- with over 2,000 languages and dialects . 非洲是一个有超过1000种语言的家庭-- 也有人估计 有超过2000种语言和方言
estimate:v.估计;估算;估价;n.估价;(对大小、数量、成本等的)估计;估计的成本; dialects:n.乡土语言,方言;
But you could say, "Invest in Africa in over 1,000 languages, and it wouldn't make a difference ." 你可能说“投资在非洲这样超过1000种语言的地方, 根本没有什么效果
make a difference:有影响,有关系;
What does the data say? 但数据又是怎么说的?
As an investment banker, I'm in the cross-flow of information and the changes that are taking place in capital markets. 作为一个银行家,我总处于各种交错的信息中 处于瞬息万变资本市场
So I want to share with you some of these bellwether signals, or signs, and winds of change that are sweeping this continent. 我想和你们分享下这些变革前的预兆,或者说信号 也可以说是改革的风向
bellwether:n.前导;领导者;系铃的公羊;群众的首领; sweeping:n.扫除; adj.影响广泛的; v.打扫; (sweep的现在分词)
So let's start on that. 我们就从这里谈起
And let's start at the high level, on the macro-factors. 以一个高层次的宏观因素入手
Inflation , in general , is coming down across Africa -- that's the first sign -- in many countries reaching double-digit figures. 一般的,整个非洲的通货膨胀都在下降 这是第一个信号-- 在很多国家已经达到两位数的通货膨胀
Inflation:n.膨胀;通货膨胀;夸张;自命不凡; in general:总之,通常;一般而言; double-digit:adj.两位数的;
So let's start looking at some of those. 我们在看看这些国家
I call it my Z.E.N. cluster . 我称它们为:Z.E.N群集
Zambia: from 2004 to 2006, moves from the 18 percent in inflation to the nine percent. 赞比亚:从2004年到2006年,通货膨胀由18% 降低到9%
Egypt: from the 16 percent to about 8.4 percent. 埃及:由16%降低到8.4%
Nigeria, a similar situation: from the 16 percent to the eight percent. Single digits. 尼日利亚,情况相同 从16降低到8%
More fascinating , you have other countries -- South Africa, 更有意思的是,其它的国家如南非,
Mauritius, Namibia -- all in single digits. 毛里求斯,纳米比亚--都处在个位数中
But that's just part of the story. You have a similar trend with currencies -- currencies going through an extreme time of stability . 这只是故事的一部分。类似的还有货币-- 货币已经度过了极端的时期慢慢趋于平稳.
trend:n.趋势;动向;趋向;动态;v.走向;趋向; currencies:n.货币;货币流通(currency的复数); extreme:adj.极端的;极度的;偏激的;尽头的;n.极端;末端;最大程度;极端的事物; stability:n.稳定性;坚定,恒心;
But that's looking at the big picture. 不过这只是在全局上看到的
And the first myth to dispel is that Africa is not a country. 同时,在第一个观念,非洲并不是一个国家.
It's made up -- 非洲只是一个统称--
(Applause) (鼓掌)
It's made up of 53 different countries. 它是由53个不同的国家组成.
made up of:由…组成,由…构成;
So the very definition -- to say "invest in Africa" -- is a no-go . 因此可以肯定是---称 投资非洲 完全不合适.
definition:n.定义;清晰度;(尤指词典里的词或短语的)释义;解释; no-go:adj.不方便的;闲人免进的;不宜继续进行的;
It's meaningless. 也无意义。
Each country has a unique value proposition . 因为每个国家有自己独立的主张。
unique:adj.独特的,稀罕的;[数]唯一的;n.独一无二的人或物; proposition:n.提议;待处理的问题;任务;(美国)法律修正议案;见解;命题;v.向...提议;
You can make money, you can lose money in Africa. 你可以在非洲赚到钱,也可能赔钱。
But opportunities, boy oh boy, they exist. 但是机会,大家伙啊,大家伙,机会可是存在的.
And this is what today is about -- it's about discussing those very opportunities. 这就是我们今天要探讨的-- 探讨这些机会。
So let's start getting into the countries and into the specific material and data. 好的,我们开始看这些国家的 用数据、材料来说
I was recently elected, as Emeka mentioned, as the President of the South African Chamber of Commerce in America. 我最近被推选为 北美非洲商会的会长。
recently:adv.最近;新近; Chamber of Commerce:n.商会;
And I'm very proud and happy to be in that role because it is a fascinating position to be in. 能当选我很荣幸,也很光荣. 因为它是一个吸引人的角色.
To hear this dialogue that's just increasing in tenor and velocity , of decisions about trade and companies wanting to come. 我说这些话只是想促进那些 想来非洲发展的公司
tenor:n.男高音;要旨,大意;票据的限期;稳定的进程;adj.男高音的; velocity:n.[物]速度;
So the first port of call : let's talk a little bit about South Africa. 第一个我们先来谈点关于南非的事情
port of call:n.停泊港;(旅途中的)落脚处;
But not the South Africa we always talk about -- the gold, the minerals , the First World infrastructure -- a bit about the other side of it. 但不是关于我们经常谈论到的南非--- 那些黄金、矿物和基础设施建设 谈的是与这些无关的东西
minerals:n.矿物;矿产,矿产品(mineral的复数);矿物质; First World:n.第一世界(指富有的工业国); infrastructure:n.基础设施;公共建设;下部构造;
Example: South Africa was recently voted as the top destination for the top 1,000 UK companies for offshore call-centers. 例如:南非现在被1000个英国公司评选为 最佳呼叫离岸呼叫中心.
Same language, timeline , et cetera . Makes sense. 相同的语言、时区等等。这毫无疑问。
timeline:n.时间轴,时间线;大事年表; et cetera:na.以及其他;
Other headlines that have recently reached South Africa were Bain Capital and KKR, the big boys of private equity . 最近南非的头条新闻是 私募领域大老的贝恩资本和KKR资本抵达南非
Headline in South Africa: "They have landed." Quite ominous . 南非的新闻头条是:“狼来了!”非常悲观
But what were they there for? To acquire assets . 但他们去哪里干嘛呢?为了获得资产
acquire:v.获得;取得;学到;捕获; assets:n.资产;宝贵的人材;(一项)财物;资产;(asset的名词复数)
Bing Capital's acquisition of Edcon, a large retailer , is testimony to the confidence they are starting to place in the economy . 获取Edcon公司的股份,Edcon是当地一家很大的零售商 这些事实表明他们开启了它们的商业进程
acquisition:n.获得物,获得; retailer:n.零售商;传播的人; testimony:n.[法]证词,证言;证据; economy:n.经济;节约;理财;
Because it is actually a long-term play. 因为这是一个真正的长期投资
Being a retailer, it is a play on the belief that this middle-class that's growing will continue to grow, that the boom and the confidence in consumer spending will continue. 作为一个零售商,它坚信 一个中产阶层的数目会持续增加 相信消费者的信心会增加
middle-class:adj.中产阶级的;中层社会的; boom:n.繁荣;吊杆;v.激增;繁荣昌盛;轰鸣;轰响;adj.(美)猛涨起来的; consumer:n.[经]消费者;[生,生态]消费者;
But the story of Africa, and my focus, is beyond South Africa because there's so much happening. 但是关于非洲,我关注的领域。远不止南非, 因为那么有太多这样正在发生的事情
Undoubtedly , Nigeria is clearly a hot spot. 毫无疑问,尼日利亚是一个明显的热点。
Challenges -- and we will hear a lot about Nigeria in these four days. 挑战--下来四天我们将会听到更多多关于尼日利亚的事情。
But looking at Goldman Sachs' work -- we had the famous BRIC Report. 但看看高盛投资做的工作---我们有著名的“金砖四国”的报告。
The new report, "The Next Eleven," highlights that by 2020 最新的报告,“N-11”,凸显出2020年
highlights:n.拔萃,集锦; v.使突出(highlight的三单形式);
Nigeria is going to be amongst the top 10 economies in the world. 尼日利亚会成为世界前10内的经济体。
amongst:prep.在…之中;在…当中(等于among); economies:n.经济;经济结构;节约;(economy的复数)
It's an investment opportunity. Think about that. 这是一个投资机会,考虑下
Is anyone -- our banks, our investors -- seriously thinking about going to Nigeria? 有没有人--我们的银行家,我们的投资者--- 认真考虑去尼日利亚呢?
If you haven't, why not? 如果你还没有,这又为什么呢?
What's going on in Nigeria? A couple of things. 尼日利亚正在发生什么事情?很多。
I want to talk about it from the perspective of capital markets. 我想从资本市场的角度上谈论这个
Bellwether signs again. 接着从领先企业的信号来看看
Guarantee Trust Bank recently issued the first Euro Bond out of Africa, and this excludes South Africa. 信托担保银行最近发行第一个欧洲债券 在非洲之外,但不包括南非
Guarantee:n.保证;担保;保证人;保证书;抵押品;v.保证;担保; issued:v.宣布;公布;发出;将…诉诸法律;(issue的过去分词和过去式) Euro:n.欧元(欧盟的统一货币单位); excludes:v.不包括; (exclude的第三人称单数)
But the first Eurobond , the raising of international capital offshore, off its own balance sheet , without any sovereign backing -- that is an indication of the confidence that is taking place in that economy. 第一个欧洲债券,促使了国际离岸资本 摆脱了它们自己的收支平衡, 没有任何主权国家担保 这是一个经济领域发生的迹象
Eurobond:n.欧洲债券; balance sheet:资产负债表; sovereign:adj.至高无上的; n.君主; indication:n.显示;表明;标示;象征;
Without any sovereign backing, a Nigerian company raising capital offshore. 没有任何主权国家担保 一个尼日利亚公司募集到了资金
It's just a sign of things to come. 它仅仅是一个将要发生变化的信号
Looking at the oil industry, Africa provides 18 percent of the U.S.'s oil supply, with the Middle East just 16 percent. 再看一看石油行业,非洲提供了18% 的美国石油供应量,而中东仅仅是16%
Middle East:n.中东(包括亚洲西南部和非洲东北部);
It's an important strategic partner. 它是一个很重要的战略伙伴
Let's put Nigeria in perspective. 我们全面的看下尼日利亚
2.2 to 2.4 million barrels of oil a day. 每天220~240万桶的石油
barrels:n.机筒; v.把…装桶;
The same league as Kuwait. The same league as Venezuela . 与科威特、委内瑞拉相同
league:n.联赛;联盟;协会;种类;v.(使)结盟;(使)联合[团结];一鼻孔出气;组成联盟; Venezuela:n.委内瑞拉;
But with Africa, let's start being careful about this. 但在非洲,我们开始谨慎对待这个事情
And Emeka and I have had these discussions. Emeka和我曾经讨论过这个事情
We have to move away from what's called "the curse of the commodities ." 我们不得不离开被称为“日用品的诅咒”
curse:n.诅咒;咒骂;v.诅咒;咒骂; commodities:n.商品(commodity的复数);日用品;商品期货;
Because it's not about oil, it's not about commodities. 因为它无关于石油,无关于日用品
For Africa to truly be sustainable , we have to move beyond, to other industries. 对非洲而言真的需要可持续性 我们必须跨出到其他行业
So let's unpack those very quickly, and I'm going to move through these very, very, very fast, because I can see that clock counting down. 我们也将会很快的摆脱掉 而我自己也正在快速的撤离这个领域 因为我已经看到了开始在倒计时了
What else is going on there? Egypt. 下来还要谈的是哪个国家?埃及
Egypt is launching a first large industrial zone -- 2.8 billion investment. 埃及是一个正在腾飞的大的工业区域 2.8亿的投资
launching:n.发射;开办;起飞;v.开始从事,发起,发动;(launch的现在分词) industrial:adj.工业的,产业的; n.工业股票;
The announcement just came out the last few weeks. 上周刚刚公布的消息
Close to the Mediterranean , near Alexandria -- textiles , petrochemicals . 在靠近地中海,亚历山大市附近 纺织品,石化
Mediterranean:n.地中海;adj.地中海的; Alexandria:n.亚历山大港(位于埃及);亚历山大大帝;亚历山大市(美国弗吉尼亚一城市); textiles:n.纺织品;纺织业;(textile的复数) petrochemicals:adj.石油化学的;岩石化学的;n.石油化学产品;(petrochemical的复数)
It's being managed by a Singaporean-based management company. 正被一个新加坡公司所控制
So they want to emerge as an industrial powerhouse across the industries -- away from oil. 他们想成为一个工业大国 拥有各个行业---以摆脱石油
emerge:v.浮现;显现;暴露;露出真相; powerhouse:n.精力旺盛的人;动力室;发电所;
Let's look at agriculture. Let's look at forestry . 再看一看农业,我们看下森林
What's going on there? 那里又在发生什么?
In Tanzania last week, we had the launch of the East African Organic Produce Standard . 坦桑尼亚上一周颁布 东非有机产品标准
Organic:adj.有机的;不使用化肥的;绿色的;有机物的;n.分子有机体; Standard:n.标准;水准;旗;度量衡标准;adj.标准的;合规格的;公认为优秀的;
Again, gathering together farmers, gathering together stakeholders in East Africa to get standards for organic produce. Better prices. 在东非,农场主和利益相关者再一次团结起来 以达到有机农产品的标准。因为可以卖出更好的价钱。
stakeholders:n.利益相关者;赌款保存人(stakeholder的复数); standards:n.标准,水平,规格(standard的复数)
It ties in with small-scale farmers in terms of no pesticides , no fertilizers . 这与小规模的农场主一致 在标准的条款中,无农药,无杀虫剂。
small-scale:adj.小规模的; pesticides:n.[农药]农药;[农药]杀虫剂(pesticide的复数); fertilizers:n.[肥料]肥料(fertilizer的复数形式);化肥;底肥;
Again, opportunity to tackle markets to get that higher price. 再一次,机会在于满足市场需求
tackle:v.处理; n.用具;
Uganda : the New Forest Company, replanting and redeveloping their forests. Why is that important? 乌干达:新的森林公司 重新耕作和开发他们的森林。为什么要这么做呢?
Uganda:n.乌干达(非洲国家); replanting:v.移植(replant的现在分词);重栽;重植; redeveloping:v.改造;重新建设;(redevelop的现在分词)
As the energy needs are met and electricity is needed [we will need] 用来满足能源和电力的需求
poles for rolling out electricity. 用于延伸电网的电线杆
But here is the sweetener in the deal. 但这只是整个生意里面的一丁点
They're going to be tapping into carbon credits. 他们打算进一步深入挖掘碳排放信用额
Let's go back to Nigeria. 我们再回过来看看尼日利亚
The banking sector has undergone tremendous transformation, from over 80 banks to 25 banks. Strengthening of the system. 银行业发生巨大的蜕变 从80家银行到25家,虽然巩固了整个系统
sector:n.部门;扇形,扇区;象限仪;函数尺;vt.把…分成扇形; undergone:v.经历(undergo的过去分词); tremendous:adj.极大的,巨大的;惊人的;极好的;
But what's going on there? Only 10 percent of the country is banked. 但那将会发生什么呢?整个国家只有10%的地方有银行
The largest population in Africa is in Nigeria. 尼日利亚是非洲人口最多的国家
135 million-plus people. Think about that. 超过1.35亿的人口,想像下
There are only 700 ATMs in the country. Opportunity. 整个国家只有700台ATM取款机。机会!
The same for telecoms across the country. 对于整个国家的通讯也是如此
Now let's look at the continent as a whole . 我们来整体看看非洲大陆
as a whole:总的来说;
People look at the roads, for example, and they'd say, "Angola: 90 percent of roads are untarred. Ah, problem!" 人们一看到马路,比如,就会说到 安哥拉:90%的马路没有沥青,哦,真糟糕!”
It's more expensive to transport goods. Prices of goods go up, inflation is affected. 对于运输货物来讲,价格就会飙升上去。 然后导致通货膨胀
Nigeria: 70 percent of roads are untarred. Zambia: 80 percent. 尼日利亚:70%的马路没有沥青。赞比亚:80%
In general, more than 50 percent of roads are untarred. 大部分情况,超过50%的马路没有沥青。
This is an opportunity! Energy needs -- it's an opportunity. 这是一个机会!能源需求--一个机会
So what are the signs that things are fundamentally changing? 那么从正在根本性转变中的信号是什么呢?
Let's look at the stock markets in Africa. 我们看看非洲的股票交易市场吧
stock:n.股票; v.库存; adj.老一套的;
If I had to ask you, "In 2005 what was the best performing stock market or stock exchange in the world?" Would Egypt come to mind? 如果我问你,“2005年中,全世界表现最好的股票市场 或者期货市场在哪里?”你能想到是埃及吗?
performing:adj.表演的;演奏的;v.做;执行;演出;运转(perform的现在分词) stock market:股票市场;证券市场;股票交易; stock exchange:n.证券交易(所);股票交易(所);
In 2005, the Egyptian stock market -- stock exchange -- returned over 145 percent. 在2005年,埃及股市--股票交易所--回报率超过145%
What's going on in some of the other countries? 而同期在其它国家呢?
Let's look at some 2006 numbers. Kenya: over 60 percent. Nigeria: over 40 percent. 我们再看看2006年的数字。肯尼亚:超过60%。尼日利亚:超过40%
South Africa: in the 20 percents . High ones. 南非:20%。这都是比较高的数字。
These are the trends that are taking place. 这就是正在发生的趋势
But in any investment decision, the key question is, "What is my alternative investment?" 在任何投资决策中,有一个关键的问题就是, 什么是我的另类投资?
Because in Africa today, we are competing globally for capital. 因为今日的非洲,我们和全球的资本市场竞争。
And global capital is agnostic -- it has no loyalties . 同时全球的资本不可知--因为他没有特许费
global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; agnostic:n.不可知论者;adj.不可知论的; loyalties:n.忠诚;忠心(loyalty的复数);
There's an overhang of capital in the U.S., and the key is yield pickup . 美国则是资本过剩,问题出在收益率上。
overhang:vi.悬垂; vt.悬于…之上; n.(船首或船尾)突出部分; yield:n.产量;产出;利润;v.屈服;让步;放弃;提供; pickup:n.收集,整理;小卡车;拾起;搭车者;偶然结识者;
What Africa is providing is a diversification play, and also opportunities for yield pickup for the investor that's aware of what he or she is doing. 非洲能提供多元化的组合 以给投资者提高收益率 能够意识到他或者她正在做什么
diversification:n.多样化;变化; investor:n.投资者;
Now, when looking at Africa vis-a-vis other things, and countries in Africa vis-a-vis other things, comparisons become important. 好的,我们拿非洲和其它地方向比较 也拿非洲中的国家进行比较 对比显得很重要
vis-a-vis:n.面对面的人; prep.关于; v.相向着; comparisons:n.比较;类似(comparison的复数形式);处于对比状态;
10 years ago there, were very few countries that received sovereign ratings from the Standard & Poors, Moody's and Fitch's. 10年以前,我们只有少数的国家 能够获得 标准普尔,穆迪还有惠誉的独立评级
Today, 16 African countries and growing have sovereign country ratings. What does this mean? 今天,已有16个非洲的国家 获得国家评级,这又意味着什么?
Take Nigeria again: double B-minus -- in the league of Ukraine and Turkey. Immediately we have a comparison. 再以尼日利亚为例:它得到 乌克兰和土耳其的两个B-.很快我们就有个对比
The backbone of making investment decisions for global holders of capital. 为全球主流金融资本持有者 提供投资决策参考
Some other figures. South Africa: triple B-plus. Botswana: A-plus. 也有人指出。南非:3 个B-.波扎那:A-+
triple:adj.三部分的; n.三倍的数[量]; v.成为三倍;
Bakino Faso: B-minus. And so on. 布基纳法索:B-等等
In fact, one of the big agencies is setting up an office in Africa. 实际上,全球最大的一个经纪公司正在非洲设立办公室
Why are they doing that? Because they expect investment to follow. 他们为什么要这么做?因为他们想跟进投资。
So one of the big bellwethers , and one of my final points I want to mention, is the interesting thing I read: that CNBC has launched their first African channel. Why is CNBC doing this? 其中一个带头大哥 也就是我最后一个想提及的,也是 我认为最有意思的:CNBC(美国全国广播公司财经频道) 已经启动第一个非洲频道。CNBC为什么要这么做?
bellwethers:n.前导;领导者;系铃的公羊;群众的首领; launched:v.发射;发起;开展;开始;(launch的过去式和过去分词)
It's the 24-hour rolling African news channel. 它是一个24小时滚动播放非洲新闻的频道
They're doing it because they are expecting things to happen. 之所以这么做他们期待大事件发生
Me and you, the investments we are going to be making, the investments the world is going to be making -- that's the 24-hour news channel dedicated to Africa. 我还有你,我们这些做投资的人 还有全世界在做投资的人 从那里可以得到24小时的非洲新闻
investments:n.[经]投资,投资的财产;投资学;(investment的复数) dedicated:adj.献身的; v.把…奉献给; (dedicate的过去分词和过去式)
So that's the change that's coming down the pipeline. 这就是变化,从头到尾的变化
So in conclusion , I want to turn back to that very slide that made such a deep impact on me all those years ago. 最后,我想简单回顾下 这些年来对我深远影响的事情
in conclusion:总之;最后; turn back:往回走;阻挡;翻回到;
And this time [I'll] give you the entire picture that I saw in 2002, and ask you that when you think about what your role can be in Africa, think about your journey in terms of bringing light to this continent. 这一次我给你们看看我在2002年所看到的完整张图片 也问下你什么时候你也考虑下自己在非洲可以是什么角色 思考下你的旅途是否给这篇大陆带来光明
Because there are amazing opportunities available. 因为这里有太多惊人的机会
And think about the concept of transformation in the back of your mind, because things can be turned around rather quickly. 也思考下变革的概念 印在你的脑海里 因为有些事情很难一下转变过来
In 1899, Joseph Conrad released " The Heart of Darkness," 1989年,约瑟夫·康拉德发行了《黑暗之心》一书
Joseph:n.连帽大氅; released:v.释放;使免除;已发布;(release的过去分词和过去式)
a tale of grim horror along the Congo River. 一个冷酷的英雄在刚果河的故事
grim:adj.冷酷的;糟糕的;残忍的; horror:n.恐惧;厌恶;震惊;对某事物的强烈畏惧(或憎恨);
If one looks carefully, on the Congo River is one of those bright lights. And that's the very Congo river generating light -- the old heart of darkness -- now generating light with hydro-electric power. 假如有人注意到的话,刚果河 也是带来光亮的。这是真正的刚果河 发出光--那古老的黑暗之心-- 正在利用水来发电
generating:v.产生;引起;(generate的现在分词) hydro-electric:adj.水力发电的;
That is a transformation in power of ideas. 这也是一个转换电力的看法
So the next step, over the next four days, is us exploring more of these ideas. 到下一阶段,接下来的四天里 我们会探讨更多这样的想法
And perchance , if you can always keep this picture in your mind. 或许,如果你能保存这张图片在你的大脑中
And that when we convene maybe in the distant future, in 2020, that picture will look very different. 不久的将来,到2020年我们再次相聚 这个图片将会看起来非常不同
convene:vt.召集,集合;传唤;vi.聚集,集合; distant:adj.遥远的;远处的;久远的;
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)