

I want you to imagine what a breakthrough this was for women who were victims of violence in the 1980s. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
breakthrough:n.突破;开始取得成功之时;adj.突破性的; violence:n.暴力;侵犯;激烈;歪曲;
They would come into the emergency room with what the police would call "a lovers' quarrel ," and I would see a woman who was beaten, 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
emergency room:n.急诊室; quarrel:n.口角;争吵;拌嘴;抱怨;v.争吵;吵嘴;吵架;
I would see a broken nose and a fractured wrist and swollen eyes. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
fractured:v.(使)断裂,折断,破裂;(使)分裂;(fracture的过去式和过去分词) wrist:n.手腕;腕关节;v.用腕力移动[送出,抛掷等]; swollen:adj.肿胀的,浮肿的;浮夸的;激动兴奋的;
And as activists, we would take our Polaroid camera, we would take her picture, we would wait 90 seconds, and we would give her the photograph. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
And she would then have the evidence she needed to go to court. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
We were making what was invisible visible. 暂时没有中文字幕!
I've been doing this for 30 years. 暂时没有中文字幕!
I've been part of a social movement that has been working on ending violence against women and children. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
And for all those years, 暂时没有中文字幕!
I've had an absolutely passionate and sometimes not popular belief that this violence is not inevitable , that it is learned, and if it's learned, it can be un-learned, and it can be prevented. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
absolutely:adv.绝对地;完全地; passionate:adj.热情的;热烈的,激昂的;易怒的; inevitable:adj.必然的,不可避免的;
(Applause) 暂时没有中文字幕!
Why do I believe this? 暂时没有中文字幕!
Because it's true. 暂时没有中文字幕!
It is absolutely true. 暂时没有中文字幕!
Between 1993 and 2010, domestic violence among adult women in the United States has gone down by 64 percent, and that is great news. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
domestic:n.佣人;家佣;家庭纠纷;家庭矛盾;adj.本国的;国内的;家用的;家庭的; United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式)
(Applause) 暂时没有中文字幕!
Sixty-four percent. Now, how did we get there? 暂时没有中文字幕!
Our eyes were wide open. 暂时没有中文字幕!
Thirty years ago, women were beaten, they were stalked , they were raped , and no one talked about it. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
stalked:v.偷偷接近,潜近(猎物或人); (stalk的过去分词和过去式) raped:v.强奸;强暴(rape的过去分词和过去式)
There was no justice . 暂时没有中文字幕!
And as an activist , that was not good enough. 暂时没有中文字幕!
And so step one on this journey is we organized , and we created this extraordinary underground network of amazing women who opened shelters, and if they didn't open a shelter, they opened their home so that women and children could be safe. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
journey:n.旅行;行程;vi.旅行; organized:adj.有组织的; v.组织; (organize的过去分词和过去式) extraordinary:adj.非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的;
And you know what else we did? 暂时没有中文字幕!
We had bake sales, we had car washes, and we did everything we could do to fundraise , and then at one point we said, you know, it's time that we went to the federal government and asked them to pay for these extraordinary services that are saving people's lives. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
bake:n.烤; v.焙; (变得)灼热; fundraise:n.募捐; federal:adj.联邦的;同盟的;联邦政府的;联邦制的;adv.联邦政府地;
Right? (Applause) 暂时没有中文字幕!
And so, step number two, we knew we needed to change the laws. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
And so we went to Washington, and we lobbied for the first piece of legislation . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
lobbied:v.游说(从政者或政府);(lobby的过去分词和过去式) legislation:n.立法;法律;
And I remember walking through the halls of the U.S. Capitol , and I was in my 30s, and my life had purpose, and I couldn't imagine that anybody would ever challenge this important piece of legislation. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
I was probably 30 and naive . 暂时没有中文字幕!
But I heard about a congressman who had a very, very different point of view . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
congressman:n.国会议员;众议院议员; point of view:观点;见地;立场;
Do you know what he called this important piece of legislation? 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
He called it the Take the Fun Out of Marriage Act. 暂时没有中文字幕!
The Take the Fun Out of Marriage Act. 暂时没有中文字幕!
Ladies and gentlemen, that was in 1984 in the United States, and I wish I had Twitter. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
(Laughter) 暂时没有中文字幕!
Ten years later, after lots of hard work, we finally passed the Violence Against Women Act, which is a life-changing act that has saved so many lives. (Applause) 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; life-changing:改变人生的;
Thank you. 暂时没有中文字幕!
I was proud to be part of that work, and it changed the laws and it put millions of dollars into local communities . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
And you know what else it did? It collected data. 暂时没有中文字幕!
And I have to tell you, I'm passionate about data. 暂时没有中文字幕!
In fact, I am a data nerd . 暂时没有中文字幕!
I'm sure there are a lot of data nerds here. 暂时没有中文字幕!
I am a data nerd, and the reason for that is I want to make sure that if we spend a dollar, that the program works, and if it doesn't work, we should change the plan. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
And I also want to say one other thing: 暂时没有中文字幕!
We are not going to solve this problem by building more jails or by even building more shelters. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
It is about economic empowerment for women, it is about healing kids who are hurt, and it is about prevention with a capital P. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
economic:adj.经济的,经济上的;经济学的; empowerment:n.许可,授权; healing:n.康复; adj.痊愈中的; v.(使)康复,复原; (heal的现在分词) prevention:n.预防;阻止;妨碍;
And so, step number three on this journey: 暂时没有中文字幕!
We know, if we're going to keep making this progress, we're going to have to turn up the volume , we're going to have to increase the visibility , and we're going to have to engage the public. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
volume:n.体积;容积;音量;响度;一册;合订本 visibility:n.可见性;能见度;能见距离 engage:v.吸引,占用;使参加;雇佣;使订婚;预定;
And so knowing that, we went to the Advertising Council , and we asked them to help us build a public education campaign. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
Advertising:n.做广告;广告业;广告活动;v.做广告;(advertise的现在分词) Council:n.(市、郡等的)政务委员会;市政(或地方管理)服务机构;
And we looked around the world to Canada and Australia and Brazil and parts of Africa, and we took this knowledge and we built the first national public education campaign called There's No Excuse for Domestic Violence. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
Take a look at one of our spots. 暂时没有中文字幕!
Take a look at:看一看;检查;
(Video) Man: Where's dinner? 暂时没有中文字幕!
Woman: Well, I thought you'd be home a couple hours ago, and I put everything away, so— 暂时没有中文字幕!
Man: What is this? Pizza. Woman: If you had just called me, 暂时没有中文字幕!
Man: Dinner? Dinner ready is a pizza? Woman: Honey, please don't be so loud. 暂时没有中文字幕!
Please don't—Let go of me! 暂时没有中文字幕!
Man: Get in the kitchen! Woman: No! Help! 暂时没有中文字幕!
Man: You want to see what hurts? (Slaps woman) 暂时没有中文字幕!
That's what hurts! That's what hurts! (Breaking glass) 暂时没有中文字幕!
Woman: Help me! 暂时没有中文字幕!
["Children have to sit by and watch. What's your excuse?"] 暂时没有中文字幕!
Esta Soler: As we were in the process of releasing this campaign, 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
in the process of:在…的过程中; releasing:n.释放;松释动作;脱扣释放;v.释放;排放;(release的现在分词);
O.J. Simpson was arrested for the murder of his wife and her friend. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
We learned that he had a long history of domestic violence. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
The media became fixated . 暂时没有中文字幕!
media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉; fixated:adj.念念不忘的;稳固关系的;v.使固定下来;注视(fixate的过去分词);
The story of domestic violence went from the back page, but actually from the no-page, to the front page . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
front page:adj.(新闻等的)头版的;重要的;轰动的;vt.把…登在头版;
Our ads blanketed the airwaves , and women, for the first time, started to tell their stories. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
Movements are about moments, and we seized this moment. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
And let me just put this in context . 暂时没有中文字幕!
Before 1980, do you have any idea how many articles were in The New York Times on domestic violence? 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
I'll tell you: 158. 暂时没有中文字幕!
And in the 2000s, over 7,000. 暂时没有中文字幕!
We were obviously making a difference. 暂时没有中文字幕!
But we were still missing a critical element . 暂时没有中文字幕!
critical:adj.鉴定的;[核]临界的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的; element:n.元素;要素;原理;成分;自然环境;
So, step four: We needed to engage men. 暂时没有中文字幕!
We couldn't solve this problem with 50 percent of the population on the sidelines . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
on the sidelines:当旁观者,不直接参加;
And I already told you I'm a data nerd. 暂时没有中文字幕!
National polling told us that men felt indicted and not invited into this conversation. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
polling:n.投票;民意测验;v.获得(票数);对…进行民意调查;(poll的现在分词) indicted:v.控告;起诉(indict的过去分词和过去式)
So we wondered, how can we include men? 暂时没有中文字幕!
How can we get men to talk about violence against women and girls? 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
And a male friend of mine pulled me aside and he said, "You want men to talk about violence against women and girls. Men don't talk." 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
(Laughter) 暂时没有中文字幕!
I apologize to the men in the audience. 暂时没有中文字幕!
I know you do. 暂时没有中文字幕!
But he said, "Do you know what they do do? 暂时没有中文字幕!
They do talk to their kids. 暂时没有中文字幕!
They talk to their kids as parents, as coaches." 暂时没有中文字幕!
And that's what we did. 暂时没有中文字幕!
We met men where they were at and we built a program. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
And then we had this one event that stays in my heart forever where a basketball coach was talking to a room filled with male athletes and men from all walks of life. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
And he was talking about the importance of coaching boys into men and changing the culture of the locker room and giving men the tools to have healthy relationships. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
locker room:n.更衣室;
And all of a sudden , he looked at the back of the room, and he saw his daughter, and he called out his daughter's name, Michaela, and he said, "Michaela, come up here." 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
all of a sudden:突然地,出乎意料地;
And she's nine years old, and she was kind of shy, and she got up there, and he said, "Sit down next to me." 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
She sat right down next to him. 暂时没有中文字幕!
He gave her this big hug, and he said, "People ask me why I do this work. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
I do this work because I'm her dad, and I don't want anyone ever to hurt her." 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
And as a parent, I get it. 暂时没有中文字幕!
I get it, knowing that there are so many sexual assaults on college campuses that are so widespread and so under-reported . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
sexual:adj.性的;性别的;有性的; assaults:n.攻击(assault的复数);vt.攻击;袭击(assault的第三人称单数); campuses:(大学)校园;大学;校园内的草地(campuse的复数); widespread:adj.普遍的,广泛的;分布广的; under-reported:报道少;
We've done a lot for adult women. 暂时没有中文字幕!
We've got to do a better job for our kids. 暂时没有中文字幕!
We just do. We have to. (Applause) 暂时没有中文字幕!
We've come a long way since the days of the Polaroid. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
come a long way:突飞猛进;
Technology has been our friend. 暂时没有中文字幕!
The mobile phone is a global game changer for the empowerment of women, and Facebook and Twitter and Google and YouTube and all the social media helps us organize and tell our story in a powerful way. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
mobile phone:移动电话 global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; changer:n.转换开关装置;改变者(change的名词形式); Google:谷歌;谷歌搜索引擎;
And so those of you in this audience who have helped build those applications and those platforms , as an organizer , 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
platforms:n.平台; v.把…放在台上; organizer:n.组织者;承办单位;[生物]组织导体;
I say, thank you very much. 暂时没有中文字幕!
Really. I clap for you. 暂时没有中文字幕!
(Applause) 暂时没有中文字幕!
I'm the daughter of a man who joined one club in his life, the Optimist Club. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
You can't make that one up. 暂时没有中文字幕!
And it is his spirit and his optimism that is in my DNA. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
I have been doing this work for over 30 years, and I am convinced , now more than ever, in the capacity of human beings to change. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
convinced:adj.坚信; v.使确信; (convince的过去分词和过去式) capacity:n.能力;容量;资格,地位;生产力;
I believe we can bend the arc of human history toward compassion and equality, and I also fundamentally believe and passionately believe that this violence does not have to be part of the human condition. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
arc:n.弧;弧形;弓形;v.作弧形运动; compassion:n.同情;怜悯; fundamentally:adv.从根本上;基础地;重要地 passionately:adv.热情地;强烈地;激昂地;
And I ask you, stand with us as we create futures without violence for women and girls and men and boys everywhere. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
Thank you very much. 暂时没有中文字幕!
(Applause) 暂时没有中文字幕!