

(Hammer) (锤声)
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Microwave beeps) (Laughter) (微波炉声)(笑声)
You probably all agree with me that this is a very nice road. 你们也许会同意 这条路很不错。
It's made of asphalt , and asphalt is a very nice material to drive on, but not always, especially not on these days as today, when it's raining a lot. 它是沥青做的, 沥青是一种很好的材料,在上面开车很好 但也不总是,特别是像今天这样的天气, 下大雨的时候。
asphalt:n.沥青;柏油;v.以沥青铺;adj.用柏油铺成的; especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分;
Then you can have a lot of splash water in the asphalt. 在沥青路上会溅起很多水。
And especially if you then ride with your bicycle, and pass these cars, then that's not very nice. 尤其是如果你正骑着自行车, 与那些车擦肩而过,就不太好啦。
Also, asphalt can create a lot of noise. 同时,沥青路会产生很大噪音。
It's a noisy material, and if we produce roads like in the Netherlands, very close to cities, then we would like a silent road. 这种材料有点吵, 如果我们要修的路紧邻城市, 像荷兰的道路那样,我们就会希望噪音小一些。
The solution for that is to make roads out of porous asphalt. 解决的办法就是 使用多孔沥青来修路。
solution:n.解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答; porous:adj.多孔渗水的;能渗透的;有气孔的;
Porous asphalt, a material that we use now in most of the highways in the Netherlands, it has pores and water can just rain through it, so all the rainwater will flow away to the sides, and you have a road that's easy to drive on, so no splash water anymore. 多孔沥青这种材料 用在荷兰的多数高速公路上, 它有些小毛孔让水渗过去, 雨水会流向旁边, 路上驾车就容易了, 也没有溅起的水花。
pores:n.[陶瓷]气孔;毛穴(pore的复数);v.注视;熟读;沉思(pore的第三人称单数); rainwater:n.雨水;软水;
Also the noise will disappear in these pores. 噪音也会消失在这些毛孔里。
Because it's very hollow , all the noise will disappear, so it's a very silent road. 因为它有很多空洞,相互抵消了噪音, 所以路就很安静。
hollow:n.孔; v.挖; adj.中空的; v.彻底;
It also has disadvantages , of course, and the disadvantage of this road is that raveling can occur . 当然,它也有缺点, 这种路的缺点是沥青可能会松脱。
disadvantages:n.不利因素;障碍;不便之处;(disadvantage的复数) occur:v.发生;出现;存在于;出现在;
What is raveling? You see that in this road that the stones at the surface come off. 什么叫松脱?看看这条路 路面上的石头脱落。
First you get one stone, then several more, and more and more and more and more, and then they -- well, I will not do that. (Laughter) 开始一块,接着几块, 越来越多, 后来就——我就不演示了。(笑声)
But they can damage your windshield , so you're not happy with that. 但它们会损坏你的挡风玻璃, 你肯定不高兴。
And finally , this raveling can also lead to more and more damage. 最后,这种松脱会带来越来越多的损害。
Sometimes you can create potholes with that. 有时候路面会出现坑槽
Ha. He's ready. 哈,他早有准备。
Potholes, of course, that can become a problem, but we have a solution. 坑坑洼洼当然会变成问题, 但我们有解决的办法。
Here you see actually how the damage appears in this material. 这里你看到的是这种材料上出现的损害。
It's a porous asphalt, like I said, so you have only a small amount of binder between the stones. 这是沥青,就像我说的, 石头中间有少量的粘合剂。
Due to weathering, due to U.V. light, due to oxidation , this binder, this bitumen , the glue between the aggregates is going to shrink, and if it shrinks , it gets micro-cracks, and it delaminates from the aggregates. 由于风化、紫外线、氧化等原因 这种粘合剂,这种沥青, 集料之间的黏胶会收缩, 如果它收缩,就会有小裂纹, 从集块开始会出现分层。
oxidation:n.[化学]氧化; bitumen:n.沥青; glue:n.胶;胶水;v.粘贴; aggregates:n.总量; v.聚集; shrinks:v.缩水,收缩,缩小;n.精神病学家;心理学家;(shrink的第三人称单数和复数)
Then if you drive over the road, you take out the aggregates -- what we just saw here. 如果你在这种路上行驶,你会带出这些集料-- 就是我们看到的。
To solve this problem, we thought of self-healing materials. 为了解决这个问题,我们考虑到了自我修复材料。
If we can make this material self-healing, then probably we have a solution. 如果我们能让这种材料自我修复, 就有可能有解决方案。
So what we can do is use steel wool just to clean pans, and the steel wool we can cut in very small pieces, and these very small pieces we can mix to the bitumen. 我们用的就是清洁厨具用的钢丝绒, 钢丝绒可以裁成很小块, 我们把这些小块混进沥青。
steel wool:n.钢丝球(用以擦洗或磨光);
So then you have asphalt with very small pieces of steel wool in it. 所以现在的沥青 有一些小钢丝绒在里面。
Then you need a machine, like you see here, that you can use for cooking -- an induction machine. 你再需要一个像这样的机器, 一个感应电机——它可以用来做饭。
Induction can heat, especially steel; it's very good at that. 感应电机可以加热东西,尤其擅长加热钢铁
Then what you do is you heat up the steel, you melt the bitumen, and the bitumen will flow into these micro-cracks, and the stones are again fixed to the surface. 所以我们要做的就是把钢铁加热, 把沥青溶化, 沥青就会流进那些小裂缝里, 脱落的小石子就又被粘上了。
Today I use a microwave because I cannot take the big induction machine here onstage . 由于感应电机太大了拿不上来, 我在这里就用微波炉演示了。
microwave:n.微波; onstage:adj.台上的;台上演出的;adv.上台;上场;
So a microwave is a similar system. 微波炉跟感应电机的原理类似。
So I put the specimen in, which I'm now going to take out to see what happened. 我把样品放进去了,现在把它拿出来 看看发生了什么事。
So this is the specimen coming out now. 这是样品现在的样子。
So I said we have such an industrial machine in the lab to heat up the specimens . 我们实验室里有工业用的机器 来加热样品。
industrial:adj.工业的,产业的; n.工业股票; specimens:n.[试验]试样,[图情]样本(specimen的复数);
We tested a lot of specimens there, and then the government, they actually saw our results, and they thought, "Well, that's very interesting. We have to try that." 我们测试过很多样品, 政府也看过我们的结果, 他们决定,“这很有趣,我们应该试一下。”
So they donated to us a piece of highway, 400 meters of the A58, where we had to make a test track to test this material. 政府免费授权了一段高速公路给我们, 在A58号上400米的距离, 我们就在那里做了材料测试。
donated:v.捐赠,赠送;献(血);捐献(器官);(donate的过去分词和过去式) track:n.小道;足迹;车辙;轨道;v.追踪;跟踪;
So that's what we did here. You see where we were making the test road, and then of course this road will last several years without any damage. That's what we know from practice. 这就是我们做的。你看到的就是做的实验路段, 当然这段路近几年不会坏。 我们在实践中确认了这点。
So we took a lot of samples from this road and we tested them in the lab. 我们在这段路上取了很多样品 在实验室里进行各种测试。
So we did aging on the samples, did a lot of loading on it, healed them with our induction machine, and healed them and tested them again. 我们做了老化实验, 加了很多负载,用我们的感应电机给它们加热, 重复加热和测试。
Several times we can repeat that. 我们可以多次重复。
So actually, the conclusion from this research is that if we go on the road every four years with our healing machine -- this is the big version we have made to go on the real road -- if we go on the road every four years we can double the surface life of this road, which of course saves a lot of money. 事实上,这项实验得到的结论是 如果我们每四年在这段路上 用我们的加热机器——超大号微波炉 我们要把这个机器搬到公路上用—— 我们每四年上这段路 路面的寿命会加倍, 当然会省很多钱。
Well, to conclude , I can say that we made a material using steel fibers , the addition of steel fibers , using induction energy to really increase the surface life of the road, double the surface life you can even do, so it will really save a lot of money with very simple tricks. 所以,结论是 我们制造了一种材料 使用钢纤维,加了钢纤维 使用感应能量(induction energy) 有效的增加了路面的寿命, 能使路面的寿命加倍, 用这种简单的技巧就会省很多钱。
conclude:v.断定:得出结论:终止:达成:缔结(协定) fibers:n.纤维(fiber的复数); addition:n.添加;[数]加法;增加物;
And now you're of course curious if it also worked. 你会好奇是否会有效。
So we still have the specimen here. It's quite warm. 我们看这个样品。现在还有点烫。
Actually, it still has to cool down first before I can show you that the healing works. 事实上,我要先让它冷却下来 才能向你们展示加热修复是否有效。
cool down:冷却;平静下来;
But I will do a trial. 但是要尝试一下。
Let's see. Yeah, it worked. 看,真的,修好了。
Thank you. 谢谢!
(Applause) (掌声)