

I just want to say my name is Emmanuel Jal. 我名字是伊曼纽·扎
And I come from a long way. 我从很远的地方来到这里
I've been telling a story that has been so painful for me. 长期以来,我在向人们述说着一个对我而言相当痛苦的故事
It's been a tough journey for me, traveling the world, telling my story in form of a book. 那是一段艰苦的历程,我周围去演讲 还将故事以书的形式写了下来
And also telling it like now. 还有就是像现在这样跟你们讲
And also, the easiest one was when I was doing it in form of a music. 但对我而言,最简单的方式 就是用音乐来抒发内心的情感
So I have branded myself as a war child. 我将自己称作一名战地儿童
branded:adj.名牌商标的; v.铭刻; (brand的过去式和过去分词);
I'm doing this because of an old lady in my village now, who have lost her children. 我之所以这么做 是因为我村子里的那位老太太 她失去了孩子
There is no newspaper to cover her pain, and what she wants to change in this society. 没有报纸报道她的伤痛 以及她关于改变社会的看法
And I'm doing it for a young man who want to create a change and has no way to project his voice because he can't write. 还有就是为了一个年轻人 他希望创造改变,但是没有人听得到他的声音 因为他不会写字
Or there is no Internet, like Facebook, MySpace , 或者说,他无法接触到互联网,没有Facebook, Myspace, 或者YouTube
YouTube, for them to talk. 这类的发声工具
Also one thing that kept me pushing this story, this painful stories out, the dreams I have. 另外就是我的梦想 是梦想让我感到有必要说出这些故事,故事本身也包含了我的梦想
Sometimes is like the voices of the dead, that I have seen would tell me, "Don't give up. Keep on going." 有时候,甚至是在我的耳边,我可以听得到 我曾经见过的一些死人的声音 “不要放弃,继续前进。”
Because sometime I feel like stopping and not doing it. 有时候我会想到放弃,不再继续干
Because I didn't know what I was putting myself into. 因为我也不知前路之所向
Well I was born in the most difficult time, when my country was at war. 我出生在最动荡的年代 那时候我的国家正在经历一场战争
I saw my village burned down. 我看着我们的村子在大火中焚毁
The world that meant a lot to me, I saw it vanish in my face. 曾经对我有重要意义的东西 顷刻间化为灰烬
I saw my aunt in rape when I was only five. 五岁那一年,我看到我姨妈被强奸
My mother was claimed by the war. 我母亲在战争中死去
My brothers and sisters were scattered . 我的兄弟姐妹彼此分离
scattered:adj.零散的; v.撒; (scatter的过去分词和过去式)
And up to now, me and my father were detached and I still have issues with him. 到现在,我跟我父亲都还是 隔离居住
detached:adj.独立的; v.拆卸; (detach的过去分词和过去式) issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数)
Seeing people die every day, my mother crying, it's like I was raised in a violence . 每天看着那么多死亡 我母亲在哭 我基本上就是在暴力当中长大的
And that made me call myself a war child. 所以我才叫自己是战时儿童
And not only that , when I was eight 不单那样,八岁那年
only that:只是;要不是;
I became a child soldier. 我成为了一名童军
I didn't know what was the war for. 我不清楚战争到底是为了什么
But one thing I knew was an image that I saw that stuck in my head. 但过往的经历 则深深印在我的脑海
When I went to the training camp I say, "I want to kill as many Muslims, and as many Arabs, as possible." 我去到训练营的时候 我说,“我要杀掉尽可能多的穆斯林” 以及尽可能多的阿拉伯人。“
The training wasn't easy. But that was the driving force. 训练很严酷,但那正是一种动力
Because I wanted to revenge for my family. 因为我希望为家人报仇
I wanted to revenge for my village. 我希望为村子里 的人报仇
Luckily now things have changed because I came to discover the truth, 可幸的是,现在情况扭转过来了 因为我理解了事实真相
What was actually killing us wasn't the Muslims, wasn't the Arabs. 真正杀害我们的不是穆斯林 也不是阿拉伯人
It was somebody sitting somewhere manipulating the system, and using religion to get what they want to get out of us. 而是坐在远方操控着整个系统之运作的人 他们正是通过宗教来达到敲诈百姓之目的
Which is the oil, the diamond, the gold and the land. 他们希望得到石油、金刚石 黄金以及土地
So realizing the truth give me a position to choose, should I continue to hate, or let it go? 因此,理解了真相就为我提供了一个选择的可能 是继续仇恨?还是放弃仇恨?
So I happened to forgive . Now I sing music with the Muslims. I dance with them. 我选择了放弃仇恨。 现在,我也跟穆斯林的朋友玩音乐,跟他们跳舞
I even had a movie out called "War Child," 我制作了一部叫《战时儿童》的纪录片
funded by Muslim people. 就是由穆斯林出资赞助的
So that pain has gone out. 所以说,那个痛苦现已不复存在了
But my story is huge. 但我的故事是多维度的
So I'm just going to go into a different step now. 接下来我将转入另外一个维度
Which is easier for me. 希望这样我可以轻松一点
I'm going to give you poem called "Forced to Sin ." 我将给大家带来一首诗歌 名字是“被迫犯罪”
Which is from my album "War Child." 是从我的专辑《战时儿童》里面选出来的
I talk about my story. 我将讲述我自己的故事
One of the journey that I tread when I was tempted to eat my friend because we had no food and we were like around 400. 那是一次行军 那一次,我们因为饥饿而没有食物,我们以朋友的肉为食 一开始我们有400人
tread:n.踏;胎面;步态;鞋底;踏板;梯级;v.踏;踩;践踏;跳;踩出; tempted:adj.想做…的; v.引诱; (tempt的过去分词和过去式)
And only 16 people survived that journey. 到最后仅仅剩下16人
So I hope you're going to hear this. 我希望你能听得到我的心声
My dreams are like torment . 我的梦中充满了苦痛
My every moment. 每时每刻
Voices in my brain, of friends that was slain . 我脑海里浮现的,都是被杀害的朋友的声音
Friends like Lual who died by my side, of starvation . 都是像 Lual 那样死在我身边的朋友 因为饥饿而死去
In the burning jungle , and the desert plain. 在烧焦的森林,在荒无人烟的沙漠
Next was I, but Jesus heard my cry as I was tempted to eat the rotten flesh of my comrade. 他们就这么死去,我陪在身边,上帝听到了我的呼喊 当我实在饥肠咕噜忍不住 要吃我那死去的战友的肉的时候
Jesus:int.上帝啊:天哪:n.耶稣:耶稣基督: rotten:adj.腐烂的;堕落的;恶臭的;虚弱的;极坏的;adv.非常; flesh:n.肉;肉体;v.喂肉给…;发胖;
He gave me comfort. 上帝给我以安慰
We used to raid villages, stealing chickens, goats and sheeps. 我们过去一同掠夺村庄 偷鸡、偷羊
Anything we could eat. 寻找任何可以填铇肚子的食物
I knew it was rude. But was needed food. 我知道这么做很粗暴,但是我非常需要食物
And therefore I was forced to sin, forced to sin to make a living . 因此,我被迫犯罪 而犯罪,却仅是为了填饱肚子
make a living:谋生,维持生活;
Forced to sin to make a living. 为了填饱肚子而去犯罪
Sometimes you gotta lose to win. 有时候,你需要失去才能取胜
Never give up. Never give in. 不要放弃,不要低头
Left home at the age of seven. 七岁即离家
One year later, live with an AK-47 by my side. 之后一年,伴随着AK-47,我度过了军营生活
Slept with one eye open wide. 每晚睡觉都只眼闭只眼开
Run, duck, play dead and hide. 我得准备着逃跑、躲避、装死或隐匿
I've seen my people die like flies. 我亲眼看到我的同胞在战争中死去
But I've never seen a dead body, at least one that I've killed. 但未曾看到死去的敌人 至少没有见过我杀死的人的尸体
But still as I wonder, I won't go under. 在徘徊中,我也不会沉沦
Guns barking like lightning and thunder . 枪声如闪电惊雷一般在我的耳边响起
barking:v.(狗)吠叫;厉声发令;厉声质问;(bark的现在分词) lightning:n.闪电;adj.闪电般的;飞快的;突然的 thunder:n.雷;雷声;轰隆声;v.打雷;发出雷鸣般响声;
As a child so young and tender , 我那时还很年轻,很无知
Words I can't forget I still remember. 一些话语我至今铭记心中
I saw sergeant command raising his hand, no retreat , no surrender . 我看到司令举起他的手 暗示:不要退却,不要投降
sergeant:n.军士;警察小队长;海军陆战队中士;高等律师; retreat:v.撤退;退却;后退;退缩;n.撤退;退却;退缩;退避; surrender:v.投降;(被迫)放弃,交出;n.投降;屈服;屈从;放弃,交出
I carry the banner of the trauma . 我就活在一出灾难戏剧当中
banner:n.横幅;adj.为首的;(美)突出地支持(某一政党)的; trauma:n.[外科]创伤(由心理创伤造成精神上的异常);外伤;
War child, child without a mamma , still fighting in the saga . 我是一个没有妈妈的战时儿童 我还在进行新的奋斗
mamma:n.妈妈;乳房; saga:n.传说;冒险故事;英雄事迹;
Yet as I wage this new war I'm not alone in this drama . 但是,在这场新的战役上,我不再孤单
wage:v.发动;n.(通常指按周领的)工资; drama:n.戏剧;戏剧艺术;戏剧文学;戏剧性事件;
No sit or stop, as I reach for the top 不等待、不停止
I'm fully dedicated like a patriotic cop . 如警察一般,
dedicated:adj.献身的; v.把…奉献给; (dedicate的过去分词和过去式) patriotic:adj.爱国的; cop:v.遭受;忍受;注意到;n.警察;
I'm on a fight, day and night. 我日日夜夜的奋战
Sometime I do wrong in order to make things right. 有时候,为了做正确的事情,我不得不去犯罪
It's like I'm living a dream. 似乎就生活在梦境当中
First time I'm feeling like a human being. 我还是体会到作为人的感觉
Ah! The children of Darfur . 啊!达尔富尔的儿童!
Your empty bellies on the telly and it's you that I'm fighting for. 电视上,我们看到你的肚皮 我正是为了你们而奋斗
bellies:n.腹部; v.张满; (belly的第三人称单数和复数) telly:n.电视机;电视节目;
Left home. 我离家而去
Don't even know the day I'll ever return. 也不知何时回来
My country is war-torn . 我的国家被战火吞噬
Music I used to hear was bombs and fire of guns. 我过去听到的音乐都是炮弹声与子弹声
So many people die that I don't even cry no more. 看到有那么多人死去,我甚至不再为他们一一流泪
Ask God, question what am I here for. 我问上苍,我来到这个世界为的是什么?
And why are my people poor. 为何我的同胞要忍受饥饿
And why, why when the rest of the children were learning how to read and write, 为何当其他的孩子在上学的时候
I was learning how to fight. 我却在学习怎么打仗
I ate snails , vultures , rabbits, snakes, and anything that had life. 我吃过蜗牛、秃鹰、兔子 蛇以及其他有生命的动物
snails:n.[无脊椎]蜗牛; v.使成蜗纹; vultures:n.兀鹫;秃鹫;趁火打劫的人;(vulture的复数)
I was ready to eat. 我都吃过
I know it's a shame. But who is to be blamed? 我知道这是让人羞耻的。但是谁该受责备?
That's my story shared in the form of a lesson. 这就是我的故事,我的人生读本
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. 谢谢大家
(Applause) (掌声)
What energized me and kept me going is the music I do. 一直支撑着我前进的,是我创作的音乐
energized:v.使充满热情; (energize的过去分词和过去式)
I never saw anybody to tell my story to them so they could advise me or do therapy . 我从来都没有期望 听过我的故事的人 能够给我以指点或疗救
advise:v.建议;通知;劝告;忠告; therapy:n.治疗,疗法;
So the music had been my therapy for me. 音乐本身就是我的救济
It's been where I actually see heaven. 通过音乐,我真实的看到了天堂
Where I can be happy, where I can be a child again, in dances, through music. 我在那儿很快乐 我重新成为一个孩子,伴随着音乐跳舞
So one thing I know about music, music is the only thing that has power to enter your cell system, your mind, your heart, influence your soul and your spirit, and can even influence the way you live without even you knowing. 就我所知 音乐是唯一能够直接进入到 人的细胞、人的心灵以及心脏 的东西 它会影响到你的心灵 甚至会影响到你行为的方式 连你自己也不知道
Music is the only thing that can make you want to wake up your bed and shake your leg, without even wanting to do it. 只有音乐,才会让你 从床上爬起来 高兴的踢踢腿 一切都是很天然
And so the power music has 我常常把音乐的力量与
I normally compare to the power love when love doesn't see a color. 爱的力量相提并论 因为爱是不讲颜色的
normally:adv.正常地;通常地,一般地; compare:v.比较;对比;n.比较;
You know, if you fall in love with a frog, that's it. 要是你爱上了一只青蛙,你就是爱上一只青蛙
fall in love with:爱上......;与......相爱;
One testimony about how I find music is powerful is when 这里讲一个故事 从中体现出来的正是我对音乐这一魅力的发现
I was still a soldier back then. 那时我还是一个儿童军
I hated the people in the north. 我憎恨北部的人
But I don't know why I don't hate their music. 但是不知为什么,我没有憎恨他们的音乐
So we party and dance to their music. 我们围绕着音乐载歌载舞
And one thing that shocked me is one day an Arab musician to come and entertain the soldiers. 让我 吃惊的是,有一天 有一位阿拉伯音乐人去到我们的营房 跟我们唱歌作乐
And I almost broke my leg dancing to his music. 我跟随着音乐的节奏跳舞,还差点弄断了我的腿
But I had this question. 但是我有一个问题
So now I'm doing music so I know what the power of music is. 现在,我自己是音乐人,我很清楚音乐的力量
So what's happening here? 到底发生了些什么?
I've been in a painful journey. 我经历了非常痛苦的旅程
Today is day number 233 in which I only eat dinner. 今天是第233天 这些天来我只吃晚饭
I don't eat breakfast. No lunch. 不吃早餐和午餐
And I've done a campaign called 我发起了一场名为
Lose to Win. ”失去才能取胜“的行动
Where I'm losing so that I could win the battle that I'm fighting now. 我在失去, 也唯有如此我才能得胜
So my breakfast, my lunch, 我把我的早饭和午餐
I donate it to a charity that I founded because we want to build a school in Sudan. 捐给这个项目 我们希望在苏丹建立一所学校
donate:v.赠送;献(血);捐献(器官); charity:n.慈善;施舍;慈善团体;宽容;施舍物;
And I'm doing this because also it's a normal thing in my home, people eat one meal a day. 我之所以这么做 是因为在我家里,一天只吃一顿饭是很正常的
Here I am in the West. I choose not to. 现在我到了西方,我也让自己只吃一餐
So in my village now, kids there, they normally listen to BBC, or any radio, and they are waiting to know, the day Emmanuel will eat his breakfast it means he got the money to build our school. 我村子里的孩子 他们通常会收听BBC或其他电台的节目 他们等待着 有一天电台传来消息说,伊曼纽吃早餐了 因为那就意味着我们筹集到足够的钱来建学校了
And so I made a commitment . I say, "I'm gonna not eat my breakfast." 我作出了这样的承诺 我说,“为了这个项目,我决定不吃早餐”
I thought I was famous enough that I would raise the money within one month. 我本以为自己足够出名的,可以在一个月之内筹集到所需的金钱
But I've been humbled . 但是我发现不是
(Laughter) (笑声)
So it's taken me 232 days. 到现在已经是第232天了
And I said, "No stop until we get it." 我说,“不达到目标不放弃”
And like it's been done on Facebook, MySpace. 我看到了人们在Facebook, MySpace上面支持我的行动
The people are giving three dollars. 有些人捐了3美金
The lowest amount we ever got was 20 cents. 最低的捐助数额为20美分
Somebody donated 20 cents online. 有人给我们捐了20美分
I don't know how they did it. 我也不知道他们是怎么做到的
(Laughter) (笑声)
But that moved me. 但是他们的善举感动了我
And so, the importance of education to me is what I'm willing to die for. 我愿意为之贡献我的一切的 就是教育
I'm willing to die for this. 我甚至愿意为此献身
Because I know what it can do to my people. 因为我明白这对于我的村子里的人的重大意义
Education enlighten your brain, give you so many chances, and you're able to survive. 教育可以启迪人的大脑 为一个人带来许多的机会 给一个人带来生存的希望
As a nation we have been crippled . 因为长期依赖救济
For so many years we have fed on aid. 我的国家变成了很羸弱的国家
You see a 20-years-old, 30-years-old families in a refugee camps. 在难民营里,你可以看得到20、30岁的人 跟他们的家人住在一起
They only get the food that drops from the sky, from the U.N. 他们只懂得来自联合国的粮食救济
So these people, you're killing a whole generation if you just give them aid. 但你是否知道, 假如只是提供救济,你戕害的将会是整整一代人啊
If anybody want to help us this is what we need. 假如你真心要帮助非洲 那么请先了解我们需要什么
Give us tools. Give the farmers tools. 请给我们工具,给我们农具
It's rain. Africa is fertile . They can grow the crops. 非洲有雨水,有沃土。人们可以种植庄稼。
(Applause) (掌声)
Invest in education. 请投资教育吧
Education so that we have strong institution that can create a revolution to change everything. 投资教育,让非洲也有强大的机构 去发起一场革命改变一切
institution:n.制度;建立;(社会或宗教等)公共机构;习俗; revolution:n.革命;旋转;运行;循环;
Because we have all those old men that are creating wars in Africa. They will die soon. 那些制造战争的老朽 他们马上就要死去
But if you invest in education then we'll be able to change Africa. 假如你们投资非洲的教育 我们就有可能改变非洲
That's what I'm asking. 这就是我所呼吁的
(Applause) (掌声)
So in order to do that, 为了实现这一目标
I founded a charter called Gua Africa. 我创立了Gua Africa.
charter:n.章程; v.包租(飞机、船等);
Where we put kids in school. 通过这个机构,我们将孩子送回学校
And now we have a couple in university. 现在,我们有了Kaplan大学
We have like 40 kids, ex-child soldiers mixed with anybody we feel like we want to support. 有40个儿童,都曾是战时儿童 还有其他我们认为值得支持的孩子
And I said "I'm going to put it in practice ." 我说,“我们要将此付诸实践。“
in practice:在实践中;实际上,事实上;
And with the people that are going to follow me and help me do things. 将与那些怀有共同理想和信念的朋友一起干这件事
That's what I want to do to change, to make a difference in the world. 这就是我希望做到的 这是我希望带给世界的一个改变
make a difference:有影响,有关系;
Well now, my time is going. 好了,现在我的时间不多了
So I want to sing a song. 我给大家唱一首歌吧
But I'll ask you guys to stand up so we celebrate the life of a British aid worker called Emma McCune that made it possible for me to be here. 我希望大家能站起来 我们一起为一位英国救助人员唱赞歌 她的名字是Emma McCune 多亏了她,我才有机会来到这里
I'm gonna sing this song. 我演唱这首歌
Just to inspire you how this woman has made a difference. 就是为了告诉大家,Emma McCune为我带来了多大的改变
She came to my country and saw the importance of education. 她来到我的国家 看到了在苏丹推行教育之重要意义
She said the only way to help Sudan is to invest in the women, educating them, educating the children. 她说,能够帮助苏丹的唯一办法 就是投资妇女教育 投资儿童教育
So that they could come and create a revolution in this complex society. 只有这样,他们才有可能在这样一个复杂的国家 创造一场革命
So she even ended up marrying a commander from the SPLA. 她最后跟苏丹人民解放军的一位将领 结婚了
And she rescued over 150 child soldiers. 她拯救了超过150名的儿童兵
One of them happened to be me. 我就是其中一个
And so at this moment I want to ask to celebrate Emma with me. 我希望大家此刻能与我一道,去为Emma唱一首赞歌
Are you guys ready to celebrate Emma? 大家准备好了吗
Audience: Yes! (观众:)准备好了
Emmanuel Jal: All right. (伊曼纽:)好
? This one goes to Emma McCune ? ?这是献给Emma McCune的赞歌?
? Angel to rescue came one afternoon ? ?那是一天下午,她如天使一般从西边降临?
? I'm here because you rescued me ? ? 我能来到这里,是因为你救了我 ?
? I'm proud to carry your legacy ? ? 我希望可以继续你的努力 ?
? Thank you. Bless you. R-I-P ? ? 感谢您。让神保佑您。R-I-P- ?
? What would I be? Me! ? ? 我会成为谁?我 ?
? If Emma never rescued me? What would I be? ? ? 假如Emma没有救我,我会成为谁? ?
? What would I be? Me! ? ? 我会成为谁?我! ?
? Another starving refugee ? ? 我会成为另一名难民 ?
? What would I be? ? ? 我会成为谁? ?
? What would I be? Me! ? ? 我会成为谁?我! ?
? If Emma never rescued me? Yeah! ? ? 假如Emma没有救我,我会成为谁? ?
? Yeah! Yeah! ? ? Yeah! Yeah! ?
? You would have seen my face on the telly ? ? 你也许会在电视上看到我的肚皮 ?
? Fat hungry belly ? ? 那是饥饿的肚皮 ?
? Flys in my eyes, head too big for my size ? ? 看到我眼睛里的虫子,看到我那超级大的脑袋 ?
? Just another little starving child ? ? 就像其他的饥饿儿童一样 ??
? Running around in Africa, born to be wild ? ? 在非洲跑,生来就是这股野性 ?
? Praise God, praise the Almighty ? ? 赞美上帝 ?
? for sending an angel to rescue me ? ? 是他把天使带到我身边 ?
? I got a reason for being on this Earth ? ? 我活在世上有了一个理由 ?
? 'Cause I know more than many what a life is worth ? ? 因为我比其他人更懂得生命的价值 ?
? Now that I got a chance to stand my ground ? ? 我现在可以勇敢的站起 ?
? I'm gonna run over mountains, leaps and bounds ? ? 我希望翻越重山 ?
? I ain't an angel, hope I'll be one soon ? ? 我虽然不是天使,但我希望可以成为天使 ?
? And if I am, I wanna be like Emma McCune ? ? 假如我可以,我想成为Emma McCune ?
? Me! What would I be? Me! ? ? 我!我会成为什么?我! ?
? If Emma never rescued me? ? ? 假如Emma没有救我? ?
? What would I be? ? ? 我会过得怎样? ?
? What would I be? Me! ? ? 我会过得怎样?我? ?
? Another starving refugee ? ? 另一个难民?
? What would I be? ? ? 我会成为? ?
? What would I be? Me! ? ? 我会成为什么?我? ?
? If Emma never rescued me? Yeah! Yeah!? ? 假如Emma没有救我?
? Yeah, Yeah! ? ? Yeah, Yeah! ?
? I would have probably died from starvation ? ? 我也许就因为饥饿或者其他恐怖的疾病 ?
? Or some other wretched disease ? ? 而死去 ?
wretched:adj.可怜的;卑鄙的;令人苦恼或难受的; disease:n.病,[医]疾病;弊病;vt.传染;使…有病;
? I would have grown up with no education ? ? 我长大,但没有机会上学 ?
? Just another refugee ? ? 就跟别的难民一样 ?
? I stand here because somebody cared ? ? 我能站在这里,因为有人在乎 ?
? I stand here because somebody dared ? ? 我能站在这里,因为有人在乎 ?
? I know there is a lot of Emmas out there ? ? 我知道世界上还有很多的Emma McCune ?
? Who is willing and trying to save a life of a child ? ? 她们在寻找,希望挽救更多孩子的生命 ?
? What would I be? Me! ? ? 我会成为什么?我? ?
? If Emma never rescued me? ? ? 假如Emma没有挽救我? ?
? What would I be? ? ? 我会成为什么? ?
? What would I be? ? ? 我会成为什么? ?
? Another starving refugee ? ? 另一位饥饿的难民 ?
? I remember the time when I was small ? ? 记得我小时候 ?
? When I couldn't read or write at all ? ? 我还不会读或写 ?
? Now I'm all grown up, I got my education ? ? 现在我长大了,接受了教育 ?
? The sky is the limit and I can't be stopped by no one ? ? 海阔天空 The sky is the limit and the cup is running over ?
The sky is the limit:没有限制(习语);缘份无边界(TVB电视剧名);
? How I prayed for this day to come ? ? 我怎么为这一天的到来作准备? ?
? And I pray that the world find wisdom ? ? 我希望世界和平 ?
? To give the poor in need some assistance ? ? 世人能够为水深火热中的孩童以关照 ?
? Instead of putting up resistance , Yeah ? ? 而不是彼此仇恨厮杀 ?
? Sitting and waiting for the politics to fix this ? ? 也不是等待警察来收拾残局 ?
? It ain't gonna happen ? ? 因为那不会发生 ?
? They're all sitting on they asses ? ? 他们只会坐在皇帝椅上 ?
? Popping champagne and sponging off the masses ? ? 畅饮香槟,欺骗百姓 ?
champagne:n.香槟酒;香槟酒色; sponging:n.将色彩或釉料用海绵轻拍在坯上; adj.舔吸式的; v.用海绵揩擦; masses:n.民众;大量(mass的复数);包块;v.集中;聚集(mass的三单形式);
? Coming from a refugee boy-soldier ? ? 我从难民营走过来 ?
? But I still got my dignity ? ? 但我还有我的尊严 ?
? I gotta say it again ? ? 让我再说一遍 ?
? If Emma never rescued me ? ? 假如Emma不曾拯救我?
? I'd be a corpse on the African plain ? ? 我会成为非洲平原上的一具干尸 ?
? Is there anybody who's here in the back, some love ? ? 后面的朋友听到吗? ?
? Big scream for Emma everybody ? ? 让我们给Emma最高声的祝福 ?
? Yeah! I'm gonna get crazy now ? ? 好了,我要疯了! ?
? What would I be? ? ? 我会成为什么? ?
? If Emma never rescued me? ? ? 假如Emma没有救我? ?
? What would I be? ? ? 我会成为什么? ?
? Another starving refugee ? ? 另一位难民 ?
? What would I be? ? ? 我会成为什么? ?
? If Emma never rescued me? ? ? 假如Emma没有救我 ?
? Yeah, Yeah ? ? Yeah, Yeah ?
? Yeah, I would have probably died from starvation ? ? 我可能已经在饥饿中死去 ?
? Or some other wretched disease ? ? 或者是被病魔夺走生命 ?
? I would have grown up with no education ? ? 我将不能接受教育 ?
? Just another refugee ? ? 跟其他难民没有差别 ?
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)
Go save a life of a child. 是上帝为我这孩子带来了生命
(Applause) (掌声)