

I'm going to first tell you something that in my grandmother would've elicited a five-oy alarm: "Oy-oy-oy-oy-oy." 我打算先告诉你们一件事, 就连我祖母 听了都会发出五声哎唷, ” 哎唷哎唷哎唷哎唷哎唷。“
(Laughter) (笑声)
And here it is ... are you ready? 事情是这样的...你们准备好了吗?
OK. 好的。
I have stage IV lung cancer . 我得了晚期的肺癌。
Oh, I know, "poor me." 噢,我知道, 我真可怜。”
I don't feel that way. 我并不这么认为。
I'm so OK with it. 我觉得根本没什么。
And granted , I have certain advantages -- not everybody can take so cavalier an attitude . 老实说,我还有一些好处-- 不是每个人都能抱着这么无忧无虑的心态。
granted:v.不错,的确; conj.因为; v.同意,准予,允许; (grant的过去分词和过去式) advantages:n.有利条件; v.有利于; cavalier:n.骑士;武士;对女人献殷勤;adj.傲慢的;漫不经心的;无忧无虑的; attitude:n.态度;看法;意见;姿势;
I don't have young children. 我没有年幼的孩子要抚养。
I have a grown daughter who's brilliant and happy and wonderful. 我有一个成年的,聪明,快乐,棒极了的女儿。
I don't have huge financial stress. 我没有巨大的财务压力。
My cancer isn't that aggressive . 我的癌症也没那么来势汹汹。
It's kind of like the Democratic leadership -- 它倒有点像民主党的领导风格。
(Laughter) (笑声)
not convinced it can win. 不让人信服它会赢。
convinced:adj.坚信; v.使确信; (convince的过去分词和过去式)
It's basically just sitting there, waiting for Goldman Sachs to give it some money. 基本上只是坐在那里, 等着高盛集团给点钱。
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
Oh, and the best thing of all -- 噢,最棒的事情是
I have a major accomplishment under my belt . 我获得了一个很大的成就。
accomplishment:n.成就;完成;技艺,技能; belt:n.皮带;腰带;传动带;传送带;v.猛击;狠打;飞奔;飞驰;
Yes. 没错。
I didn't even know it until someone tweeted me a year ago. 要不是有人一年前在推特上给我发了条信息, 我甚至都不记得了。
And here's what they said: "You are responsible for the pussification of the American male." 他们是这么说的: 你要对那些 没种的美国男性们负责。
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
Not that I can take all the credit, but ... 我并不想把功劳都归到我身上,但是...
(Laughter) (笑声)
But what if you don't have my advantages? 但是你们要是没有我这些优势呢?
what if:如果…怎么办?
The only advice I can give you is to do what I did: make friends with reality. 我能给的唯一建议就是按照我做的去做: 和现实交朋友。
make friends with:与…交友;
You couldn't have a worse relationship with reality than I did. 你们不可能有比我与现实更糟的关系了。
From the get-go , 从一开始,
I wasn't even attracted to reality. 我甚至都不被现实所吸引。
If they'd had Tinder when I met reality, 如果我在Tinder(交友软件)上遇见现实时,
I would have swiped left and the whole thing would have been over. 我肯定左划(表示不喜欢) 然后就没有然后了。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And reality and I -- we don't share the same values, the same goals -- 并且现实和我—— 我们没有相同的价值观,相同的目标——
(Laughter) (笑声)
To be honest, I don't have goals; 老实说,我没有目标;
I have fantasies . 我有幻想。
They're exactly like goals but without the hard work. 它们和目标很像,只是不需要任何努力。
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
I'm not a big fan of hard work, but you know reality -- it's either push, push, push, push, push through its agent , the executive brain function -- one of the "yays" of dying: my executive brain function won't have me to kick around anymore. 我不是工作狂, 但你们了解现实—— 它要么就是逼迫,逼迫,逼迫,逼迫,逼迫, 通过它的中间人,大脑执行功能—— 其中一个渴望欢呼“哇”: 我的大脑执行功能不再让我有更多考虑。
push through:完成;挤著穿过; agent:n.代理人,代理商;药剂;特工;v由…作中介;由…代理;adj.代理的; executive:n.管理人员; adj.经营管理的; kick around:粗暴而轻率地对待;从各个角度考虑;流浪;
(Laughter) (笑声)
But something happened that made me realize that reality may not be reality. 但一些事情就这样发生了, 它让我意识到, 现实可能不是真实。
So what happened was, because I basically wanted reality to leave me alone -- but I wanted to be left alone in a nice house with a Wolf range and Sub-Zero refrigerator ... 所以发生的是, 因为我主要想让现实离我远一点—— 但我想一个人待在漂亮的大房子里, 房子里有一个Wolf牌子的灶具和 Sub-Zero牌子的电冰箱...
leave me alone:走开;别理我;别管我; Sub-Zero:adj.零下的;严寒的;
private yoga lessons -- 私人的瑜伽课程——
I ended up with a development deal at Disney . 最终我和迪士尼达成了一个开发协议。
And one day I found myself in my new office on Two Dopey Drive -- 然后有一天,我在自己矮人路上的 新办公室里(迪士尼总部所在地)——
(Laughter) (笑声)
which reality thought I should be proud of ... 现实原以为我应当很自豪...
(Laughter) (笑声)
And I'm staring at the present they sent me to celebrate my arrival -- not the Lalique vase or the grand piano I've heard of other people getting, but a three-foot-tall, stuffed Mickey Mouse 然后我看着他们寄来的庆祝我到来的礼物... 不是Lalique(法国知名水晶品牌)的花瓶, 或者是我听说其他人得到的大钢琴, 而是三英尺高的毛绒米老鼠
staring:adj.凝视的,目不转睛的;显眼的;v.凝视;盯着看;显眼;(stare的现在分词) grand piano:n.大钢琴;三角钢琴; stuffed:adj.饱;装满的;v.填满;装满;给…装馅;(stuff的过去分词和过去式) Mickey Mouse:[口语][电影,电视];(在动画片等中)为动作配上背景音乐;
(Laughter) (笑声)
with a catalog , in case I wanted to order some more stuff that didn't jive with my aesthetic . 和一份产品目录,以防我想要订购更多的东西, 但那并没有骗过我的审美。
catalog:n.目录册;产品样本;学校便览;一览表;v.(为…)编目录;(把…)按目录分类; jive:n.摇摆舞;隐语;vi.跳摇摆舞;哄骗;vt.取笑;演奏;欺骗;adj.假的; aesthetic:adj.美的;美学的;审美的,具有审美趣味的;
(Laughter) (笑声)
And when I looked up in the catalog to see how much this three-foot-high mouse cost, here's how it was described ... 然后当我翻了翻目录册, 想看看这三英尺高的米老鼠多少钱, 它是这么描述的...
'" Life-sized ." “ 真人大小。”
(Laughter) (笑声)
And that's when I knew. 就在这一刻我知道了。
Reality wasn't "reality." 现实并不是“ 真实。”
Reality was an imposter . 现实是个骗子。
So I dived into quantum physics and chaos theory to try to find actual reality, and I've just finished a movie -- yes, finally finished -- about all that, so I won't go into it here, 因此我埋头苦读量子物理学和混沌理论, 试图找到真实的现实, 然后我就完成了一部电影—— 是的,最终完成了—— 关于那一切的, 因此我就不在这儿细聊了,
dived:v.(使)潜水;俯冲;(使)跳水;急剧下降;钻研(dive的过去式和过去分词); quantum:n.量子论;额;美国昆腾公司(世界领先的硬盘生产商); chaos theory:n.混沌理论; finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地;
and anyway, it wasn't until after we shot the movie, when I broke my leg and then it didn't heal , so then they had to do another surgery a year later, and then that took a year -- two years in a wheelchair , 总之,直到我们把电影拍出来,它才成型, 那时我摔断了我的腿,还没痊愈, 需要一年后再做一个手术, 然后又花了一年时间—— 两年间我坐在轮椅上,
heal:v.复原;治疗(病人);使又愉快起来;(使)结束 surgery:n.外科;外科手术;手术室;诊疗室; wheelchair:n.轮椅;
and that's when I came into contact with actual reality: limits. 就在那时,我实实在在地与现实发生了联系: 限制。
Those very limits I'd spent my whole life denying and pushing past and ignoring were real, and I had to deal with them, and they took imagination , creativity and my entire skill set. 那些我花了一生时间否认, 绕开并不予理睬的限制 是真实的, 并且我不得不去面对它们, 我耗尽了我的想象力,创造力以及所有技能。
denying:v.否认;否定;拒绝承认;拒绝给予;(deny的现在分词) ignoring:v.忽略,忽视;(ignore的现在分词); imagination:n.想象;想象力;创造力;想象的事物;
It turned out I was great at actual reality. 结果证明我很擅长处理实实在在的现实。
I didn't just come to terms with it, 我不仅仅和它达成了妥协,
come to terms with:达成协议;让步;
I fell in love. 我还爱上了它。
And I should've known, given my equally shaky relationship with the zeitgeist ... 并且我本该已经知道, 给予时代精神一个同样不坚定的关系...
shaky:adj.摇晃的;不可靠的;不坚定的; zeitgeist:n.时代思潮,时代精神;
I'll just say, if anyone is in the market for a Betamax -- 我将只会说,如果有谁想买一个 Betamax(Beta制录像系统)——
(Laughter) (笑声)
I should have known that the moment I fell in love with reality, the rest of the country would decide to go in the opposite direction. 我本该已经知道当我爱上现实的那一刻, 这个国家的其他人都会决定朝着相反的方向走。
(Laughter) (笑声)
But I'm not here to talk about Trump or the alt-right or climate-change deniers or even the makers of this thing, which I would have called a box, except that right here, it says, "This is not a box." 但我不是在这儿讨论特朗普或是另类右派, 又或是气候变化的否认派们, 甚至是这件事的制造者, 就像我会叫这个东西是一个盒子, 除了在这右边,写着, “ 这不是一个盒子。”
Trump:n.王牌;主牌花色;v.出王牌赢(牌);;赢;胜过;打败; alt-right:另类右派(alternativeright); deniers:n.否认者;极微量;极少量的金额;法国旧银币;
(Laughter) (笑声)
They're gaslighting me. 他们正在蒙骗我。
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
But what I do want to talk about is a personal challenge to reality that I take personally , and I want to preface it by saying that I absolutely love science. 但我确实想讨论的 是一个我对于现实的个人挑战, 针对我自己的, 并且我想先声明我是绝对热爱科学的。
personally:adv.个人;亲自;本人;就本人而言; preface:n.序言;v.为…写序言;以…为开端;作…的开场白; absolutely:adv.绝对地;完全地;
I have this -- not a scientist myself -- but an uncanny ability to understand everything about science, except the actual science -- 我拥有这个—— 不是一个科学家的我—— 而是一种理解所有关于科学的神秘能力, 不包括实实在在的科学——
(Laughter) (笑声)
which is math. 也就是数学。
But the most outlandish concepts make sense to me. 但我能理解最奇特的概念。
outlandish:adj.古怪的;奇异的;异国风格的;偏僻的; make sense:有意义;讲得通;言之有理;
The string theory; the idea that all of reality emanates from the vibrations of these teeny -- 弦理论; 它的想法是所有的现实是 从这些微小的振动中散发出来的——
string:n.字符串; v.悬挂; adj.由弦乐器组成的; emanates:vt.放射; vibrations:n.[力]振动;共鸣;动摇(vibration的复数); teeny:adj.极小的;微小的;
I call it "The Big Twang ." 我称之为“ 一个大大的拨弦声。”
Twang:n.鼻音; vi.发拨弦声; vt.用鼻音讲;
(Laughter) (笑声)
Wave-particle duality : the idea that one thing can manifest as two things ... 波粒二象性: 这个理论是一件东西能够以两件事物来显示...
duality:n.二元性;[物]二象性; manifest:v.表明;显现;使人注意到;adj.明显的;显而易见的;n.旅客名单;
you know? 你们知道吗?
That a photon can manifest as a wave and a particle coincided with my deepest intuitions that people are good and bad, ideas are right and wrong. 光子能够以波和粒子来显示, 恰好和我心底的直觉不谋而合, 人类有好有坏, 想法有对有错。
photon:n.[物]光子;辐射量子;见光度(等于lightquantum); particle:n.颗粒;[物]质点;极小量;小品词; coincided:v.同时发生;相同;相符;重叠;(coincide的过去式和过去分词) intuitions:n.直觉;直觉力;直觉的知识;
Freud was right about penis envy and he was wrong about who has it. 佛洛伊德曾对于 阴茎羡慕心理的理论是对的, 同时他对于谁有这样的心理是错的。
Freud:n.佛洛伊德(1856-1939,奥地利心理分析学家及精神病学家); penis:n.阴茎; envy:n.嫉妒,妒忌;羡慕;v.嫉妒,妒忌;羡慕;感到妒忌;显示出妒忌;
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)
And then there's this slight variation on that, which is reality looks like two things, but it turns out to be the interaction of those two things, like space -- time, mass -- energy and life and death. 那儿有微小的差别, 现实看起来像两样东西, 但其实是两者之间的一种相互作用, 就像空间——时间, 数量——能量 以及生命和死亡。
variation:n.变异;变体;变奏;变种; interaction:n.[计]交互,相互作用;相互交流;干扰; mass:n.块,团; adj.群众的,民众的; v.聚集起来,聚集;
So I don't I understand -- 因此我不明白——
I simply just don't understand the mindset of people who are out to "defeat death" and " overcome death." 就是不明白, 那些有着想要跳出来 “打败死亡”和“攻克死亡”心态的人,
mindset:n.心态;倾向;习惯;精神状态; overcome:vt.克服;胜过;vi.克服;得胜;
How do you do that? 你们如何做到?
How do you defeat death without killing off life? 你们如何在不结束生命的情况下打败死亡?
It doesn't make sense to me. 这对我来说讲不通。
I also have to say, 我也不得不说,
I find it incredibly ungrateful . 我觉得这相当忘恩负义。
incredibly:adv.难以置信地;非常地; ungrateful:adj.忘恩负义的;不领情的;讨厌的;徒劳的;
I mean, you're given this extraordinary gift -- life -- but it's as if you had asked Santa for a Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow and you had gotten a salad spinner instead. 我的意思是你拥有这一件很特别的礼物—— 生命—— 但这就好像你已经 向圣诞老人要了劳斯莱斯银影汽车, 然后你却得到了沙拉脱水器。
extraordinary:adj.非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的; Silver:n.银; v.给…镀(或包)银; adj.银色的; spinner:n.纺纱机;纺纱工人;旋床工人;旋式诱饵;
You know, it's the beef -- the beef with it is that it comes with an expiration date . 你知道的,牛肉—— 牛肉有它的保质期。
expiration date:n.截止日期;(物品、食品等的)有效期;
Death is the deal breaker . 死亡是一场血色交易。
deal breaker:血色交易(电影名);
I don't get that. 我不理解。
I don't understand -- to me, it's disrespectful . 我不明白—— 对我来说,那是不尊重的。
It's disrespectful to nature. 对大自然的不尊重。
The idea that we're going to dominate nature, we're going to master nature, nature is too weak to withstand our intellect -- no, I don't think so. 那种我们要主导大自然, 我们要掌控大自然的想法, 大自然太无力而 不能抵抗我们这些高智商的人群—— 不,我不这么认为。
dominate:vt.控制;支配;占优势;在…中占主要地位;vi.占优势;处于支配地位; withstand:vt.抵挡;禁得起;反抗;vi.反抗; intellect:n.智力,理解力;知识分子;思维逻辑领悟力;智力高的人;
I think if you've actually read quantum physics as I have -- well, I read an email from someone who'd read it, but -- 我想你们实际上正如我一样 已经读过量子物理学—— 嗯,我读了一封来自 一位已经读过量子物理学人的邮件,但是——
(Laughter) (笑声)
You have to understand that we don't live in Newton's clockwork universe anymore. 你得明白, 我们不再生活在牛顿的发条宇宙。
We live in a banana peel universe, and we won't ever be able to know everything or control everything or predict everything. 我们生活在一个香蕉皮宇宙, 并且我们不再能知道一切, 或者控制一切, 或者预测一切。
Nature is like a self-driving car. 大自然就像一辆自动驾驶的汽车。
The best we can be is like the old woman in that joke -- 我们能做的最好的就像是那位笑话里的老妇人——
I don't know if you've heard it. 我不知道你们有没有听过。
An old woman is driving with her middle-aged daughter in the passenger seat , and the mother goes right through a red light. 一位老妇人正在开车, 副驾驶坐着她中年的女儿, 母亲在红灯时直接闯过去了。
middle-aged:adj.中年的;具有中年人特点的;适合于中年人的; passenger seat:n.(汽车驾驶员旁边的)乘客座位;副驾驶座;
And the daughter doesn't want to say anything that makes it sound like, "You're too old to drive," 女儿不想说出任何听起来好像是, “你年纪太大不能开车了,” 这样的话,
so she didn't say anything. 所以她什么也没说。
And then the mother goes through a second red light, and the daughter, as tactfully as possible, says, "Mom, are you aware that you just went through two red lights?" 然后这位母亲在第二处红灯时又闯过去了, 女儿尽可能机智地 说:“妈妈,你有没有意识到 你刚刚闯过两个红灯?
And the mother says, "Oh, am I driving?" 母亲说,“噢,我正在开车吗?”
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
So ... 所以...
and now, I'm going to take a mental leap , which is easy for me because I'm the Evel Knievel of mental leaps; my license plate says, " Cogito , ergo zoom." 现在,我思维要跳跃一下, 这对我来说很容易, 因为我是思维跳跃上的Evel Knievel(特级演员) 我的车牌写着, “我思,故我快。”
mental:adj.精神的;脑力的;疯的;n.精神病患者; leap:n.跳越;跳跃;跳高;骤变;v.跳;跳跃;跳越;猛冲; license plate:牌照; Cogito:"我思; ergo:adv.因此,所以;
I hope you're willing to come with me on this, but my real problem with the mindset that is so out to defeat death is if you're anti-death, which to me translates as anti-life, which to me translates as anti-nature, it also translates to me as anti-woman, because women have long been identified with nature. 我希望你们跟得上我, 但我对于那种试图打败死亡思想的不认同, 在于你是否是在对抗死亡, 这对我而言就等于是对抗生命, 对我来说就是对抗大自然, 那对我来说也是对抗女性, 因为女性长久以来已经等同于大自然。
And my source on this is Hannah Arendt, the German philosopher who wrote a book called "The Human Condition." 并且我的资料来源于Hannah Arendt, 一位德国哲学家,写过一本书叫做“人类境况”。
source:n.来源;水源;原始资料; philosopher:n.哲学家;深思的人;善于思考的人;
And in it, she says that classically , work is associated with men. 在书中,她提到,传统上来说, 男人跟工作紧密相连,
classically:adv.拟古地;古典主义地; associated:adj.有关联的; v.联想; (associate的过去分词和过去式)
Work is what comes out of the head; it's what we invent, it's what we create, it's how we leave our mark upon the world. 工作是一个从大脑冒出来的东西, 是我们发明出来的, 是我们创造出来的, 是我们如何在这个世界上留下我们印记。
Whereas labor is associated with the body. 然而, 劳动是和我们身体联系在一起。
It's associated with the people who perform labor or undergo labor. 是和完成工作 或是正在工作的人类联系在一起。
perform:v.表演;执行;履行;演出;工作,运转(好/不好); undergo:vt.经历,经受;忍受;
So to me, the mindset that denies that, that denies that we're in sync with the biorhythms , the cyclical rhythms of the universe, does not create a hospitable environment for women or for people associated with labor, which is to say, people that we associate as descendants of slaves, or people who perform manual labor. 所以对我来说, 这种思维模式, 这种否认我们与生物周期一致的思维模式, 否认宇宙的周期性节奏的思维模式, 并没有为女性 或是工作的人类创造出舒适的环境, 所以要说, 人类成为了奴隶的后代, 或是那些进行手工劳作的人们。
denies:v.否认;否定;拒绝接受;拒绝;(deny的第三人称单数) sync:n.同步,同时;vi.同时发生;vt.使同步; biorhythms:n.[生理]生物节律(biorhythm的复数形式); cyclical:adj.周期的,循环的; hospitable:adj.热情友好的;(环境)舒适的; descendants:n.后裔;后代;子孙;派生物;(descendant的复数) manual:n.说明书;指南;使用手册;adj.用手的;手工的;体力的;手动的;
So here's how it looks from a banana-peel-universe point of view , from my mindset which I call "Emily's universe." 所以,从香蕉皮宇宙的角度来看看它是怎样的, 从我的思维概念来说,我叫它“艾米莉的宇宙。”
point of view:观点;见地;立场;
First of all , 首先,
First of all:adv.首先;
I am incredibly grateful for life, but I don't want to be immortal . 我非常地感激生活, 但我并不想不朽。
I have no interest in having my name live on after me. 我对千古留名并没兴趣。
In fact, I don't want it to, because it's been my observation that no matter how nice and how brilliant or how talented you are, 50 years after you die, they turn on you. 实际上,我也不想这样, 因为据我观察, 无论你人多好,多聪明 或是多有才华, 在你死后50年, 他们会对你进行攻击。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And I have actual proof of that. 并且我实际的证据,
A headline from the Los Angeles Times: "Anne Frank : Not so nice after all." 一则来自洛杉矶时报的大标题: 安妮·弗兰克(二战犹太人大屠杀中最着名的 受害者之一): 归根到底并没有那么好。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Plus, I love being in sync with the cyclical rhythms of the universe. 此外,我热爱 与宇宙的周期性节奏保持一致。
That's what's so extraordinary about life: it's a cycle of generation, degeneration , regeneration . 那是对生命多么特别的事情, 这是新生的循环, 退化的, 再生的周期。
degeneration:n.退化;[医]变性;堕落;恶化; regeneration:n.[生物][化学][物]再生,重生;重建;
'"I" am just a collection of particles that is arranged into this pattern, then will decompose and be available, all of its constituent parts, to nature, to reorganize into another pattern. “我”只是众多颗粒的集合, 这些颗粒被排列出这种模式, 然后分解,再变的可用, 所有这些组成部分,对大自然而言, 重组成另一种模式。
particles:n.微粒,粒子;粒子系统;碎木料(particle的复数形式); arranged:adj.安排的;v.安排;计划;准备(arrange的过去式和过去分词); decompose:v.腐烂;(使)分解; constituent:n.构成要素;选民;成分;adj.组成的;构成的; reorganize:v.重新组织;改组;整顿;
To me, that is so exciting, and it makes me even more grateful to be part of that process . 对我来说是无比令人兴奋的, 这使我对我成为这个过程的一部分而更加感激。
You know, 你们知道吗,
I look at death now from the point of view of a German biologist , 我现在以德国生物学家,
Andreas Weber , who looks at it as part of the gift economy . Andreas Weber的角度看待死亡。 他把死亡看作是礼物经济的一部分。
Weber:n.韦伯(磁通单位); economy:n.经济;节约;理财;
You're given this enormous gift -- life, you enrich it as best you can, and then you give it back. 你被给予了巨大的礼物——生命, 你尽最大努力地丰富它, 然后你将它归还。
enormous:adj.庞大的,巨大的;凶暴的,极恶的; enrich:v.充实;使丰富;使富有;使富裕;
And, you know, Auntie Mame said, "Life is a banquet " -- well, I've eaten my fill. 同时,你知道吗, Auntie Mame 说过: “生命是一场盛宴” —— 嗯,我已经尽情地享用了美食。
Auntie:n.伯母;阿姨;姑妈;姨妈;舅妈(aunt的昵称); Mame:vt.街机模拟器;大型电玩游戏模拟器(软件名); banquet:n.宴会,盛宴;宴请,款待;vt.宴请,设宴款待;vi.参加宴会;
I have had an enormous appetite for life, 我已经对生活充满了期望,
I've consumed life, but in death, I'm going to be consumed. 我享受了生命, 但在死亡里,我将被享用。
consumed:adj.沉迷…的; v.消耗,耗费; (consume的过去分词和过去式)
I'm going into the ground just the way I am, and there, I invite every microbe and detritus-er and decomposer to have their fill -- 我将以我原本的样子入土为安, 在那儿,我邀请每一个细菌, 碎石, 分解者, 去享用我——
microbe:n.细菌,微生物; decomposer:na.[微]分解体;
I think they'll find me delicious. 我认为它们会发现我的美味。
(Laughter) (笑声)
I do. 我确实这么认为。
So the best thing about my attitude, I think, is that it's real. 所以关于我态度最棒的事情, 我认为这一切是真实的。
You can see it. 你能看见它。
You can observe it. 你能观察它。
It actually happens. 它实实在在地发生着。
Well, maybe not my enriching the gift, 嗯,可能没有丰富的礼物,
I don't know about that -- but my life has certainly been enriched by other people. 我不知道—— 但我的生命确实已经被其他朋友所丰富着。
By TED, which introduced me to a whole network of people who have enriched my life, including Tricia McGillis, my website designer, who's working with my wonderful daughter to take my website and turn it into something where all I have to do is write a blog . 被TED, 它介绍我认识了一群朋友, 他们使我生活丰富多彩, 包括我的网站设计师Tricia McGillis, 她和我优秀的女儿一起工作, 把我的网站打造成不可思议的地方, 在那儿我只需要写写博客。
I don't have to use the executive brain function ... 我不需要用大脑执行功能...
Ha, ha, ha, I win! 哈哈哈,我赚到了!
(Laughter) (笑声)
And I am so grateful to you. 同时我也非常感激你们。
I don't want to say, "the audience," 我不想说,“ 观众们,“
because I don't really see it as we're two separate things. 因为我不认为我们有什么不同。
I think of it in terms of quantum physics, again. 再用量子物理学来说,
And, you know, quantum physicists are not exactly sure what happens when the wave becomes a particle. 你知道的,量子物理学不完全确定 当波成为了质子时到底发生了什么。
There are different theories -- the collapse of the wave function, decoherence -- but they're all agreed on one thing: that reality comes into being through an interaction. 有不同的理论—— 波函数的瓦解, 去相干性—— 但它们都在一件事上达成共识: 现实通过相互作用而存在的。
collapse:vi.倒塌;瓦解;暴跌;vt.使倒塌,使崩溃;使萎陷;折叠;n.倒塌;失败;衰竭; decoherence:n.脱散;
(Voice breaking) So do you. (嗓音低沉)你们也是。
And every audience I've ever had, past and present. 所有我曾经或现在, 遇到的你们。
Thank you so much for making my life real. 非常感谢,是你们使我的生命变得真实。
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. 谢谢。