

Dr. Greene? 格林医生
Dr. Greene! 格林医生
What is it? 什么事
Patient for you, Dr. Greene. 有病人找你 格林医生
Can't the intern take it? 不能交给实习医生处理吗
intern:n.实习医生; v.(战争期间或由于政治原因未经审讯)拘留;
No, it's for you. 不能 指名找你
What time is it? - Five o'clock. 几点了 -五点
All right. 好吧
Can't the intern take it? - It's Dr. Ross. 不能让实习医生处理吗 -是罗斯医生
Dr. Ross. 罗斯医生
I'll be right there. 我马上来
Come on, Doug. 走吧 道格
Markie-boy! Did I wake you up? 马克小伙 我吵醒你了吗
Yes, you did. 是的 没错
You're a real friend, I want you to know that 我想告诉你 你真够朋友
That's all right. - Real friend. 没事的 -真够朋友
Room three is free! 三号病房空着
Three is free. Free for three. 三号空 空三号
Oh yeah. 没错
Come on, Doug. - All right, I gotcha . 来 道格 -没事 有我呢
*But come ye back* *当夏日绿草如茵时*
*When summer's in the meadow ...* *你要回来哦...*
I can't tell you... 我对你的...
how much I appreciate this, Mark. 感激之情无以言表 马克
I'm a little under the weather . 我有点不舒服
under the weather:人不太舒服;身体不适;
D5, NS. I need the dextrose . 葡萄糖水 盐水 我需要补充葡萄糖
I almost forgot aspirin . 我差点忘了阿司匹林
So anyway... 话说...
she says to me, she says... 她对我说 她说...
'"I didn't know that pediatricians could be so sexy." 我不知道儿科医生也可以如此性感
And I said, "Honey, you ain't seen nothing yet." 而我说 亲爱的 我还没露真本事呢
All right. Give me the fast drip . I need the hydration . 好吧 给我来个快输 我需要补水
drip:n.滴落;滴落(的液体);水滴;v.(液体)滴下; hydration:n.[化学]水合作用;
Don't worry, Doug. Just lie back. 别担心 道格 躺好就行
How's your beautiful wife, how's Jennifer? 你的娇妻詹妮弗最近如何
She's fine, really. 她很好 真的
You two settle your problems? 你们俩的问题解决了吗
Everything's okay. 解决了
Hate to lose you in the ER, you know. 急诊室不能没有你
Lie back. - I am. 躺好 -好的
I can't tell you how much I appreciate this. 真的非常感谢你
Really do. 真的
Here's your aspirin. 你要的阿司匹林
Keep an eye on him. Don't let it run dry. 盯着点他 别滴没了
Keep an eye on:v.照看;留意;密切注视;
Does he always do this? 他经常这样吗
Only on his nights off. 不上晚班就这样
I'm going to bed. Wake me at 6:30. 我要睡觉去了 六点半叫醒我
Doctor Greene? 格林医生
Doctor Greene? Mark! 格林医生 马克
What is it? 什么事
Can I give Mrs. Williston more Demerol ? 我能再给维尔斯顿夫人点杜冷丁[止疼药]吗
She's completely pain. 她疼得非常厉害
50 milligrams , I.M. 50毫克 肌肉注射
Thanks, Mark. 谢谢 马克
Dr. Greene! - What is it? 格林医生 -什么事
6:30, Dr. Greene. 六点半了 格林医生