

After decades of research and billions of dollars spent in clinical trials, we still have a problem with cancer drug delivery. 经过数十年的研究, 花了数十亿美元在临床实验上, 我们仍然无法解决 癌症药物递输的问题。
clinical:adj.临床的;诊所的; cancer:n.癌症;恶性肿瘤;
We still give patients chemotherapy , which is so non-specific that even though it kills the cancer cells, it kind of kills the rest of your body, too. 我们仍然让病人接受化疗, 但化疗药物完全没有特异性, 虽然能杀死癌症细胞, 它几乎会把身体其他部份也杀死了。
patients:n.接受治疗者,病人;(patient的复数) chemotherapy:n.[临床]化学疗法; non-specific:adj.不明确的;非确切的;
And yes, we have developed more selective drugs, but it's still a challenge to get them into the tumor , and they end up accumulating in the other organs as well or passing through your urine , which is a total waste. 是的,我们已经发展出 选择性高的药物, 但要把它们送到 肿瘤所在仍是个挑战, 结果它们也会累积在其他器官中, 或是通过你的尿液, 就完全浪费掉了。
selective:adj.选择性的;有选择的;认真挑选的;严格筛选的; tumor:n.肿瘤;肿块;赘生物; accumulating:n.[数]累加;v.积累(accumulate的ing形式); organs:n.[生物]器官;机构;风琴(organ的复数); urine:n.尿;
And fields like mine have emerged where we try to encapsulate these drugs to protect them as they travel through the body. 于是就有我这种领域出现, 我们尝试将这些药物包裹起来, 让它们在通过身体时能受到保护。
emerged:v.(从隐蔽处或暗处)出现;暴露;露出真相;显现;(emerge的过去分词和过去式) encapsulate:vt.压缩;将…装入胶囊;将…封进内部;概述;vi.形成胶囊;
But these modifications cause problems that we make more modifications to fix. 但这些改变会造成问题, 我们还得再做更多的改变来解决。
So what I'm really trying to say is we need a better drug delivery system. 所以,我想说的是,我们 需要更好的药物递输系统。
And I propose , rather than using solely human design, why not use nature's? 我提议, 与其使用完全人为设计的系统, 为何不用自然界的系统?
propose:v.建议;提议;求婚;打算; solely:adv.单独地,唯一地;
Immune cells are these versatile vehicles that travel throughout our body, patrolling for signs of disease and arriving at a wound mere minutes after injury . 免疫细胞就是在我们体内 移动的多功能运载工具, 它们四处巡逻寻找疾病征兆, 也会在受伤后几分钟内 就抵达伤口所在。
Immune:adj.免疫的;免于…的,免除的;n.免疫者;免除者; versatile:adj.多才多艺的;通用的,万能的;多面手的; vehicles:n.车辆;飞行器;运行工具;(vehicles是vehicle的复数) throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及; patrolling:v.巡逻;(在街上)巡游;侦察(patrol的现在分词) disease:n.病,[医]疾病;弊病;vt.传染;使…有病; wound:n.创伤,伤口;v.使受伤;受伤,伤害; mere:adj.仅仅的;只不过的;n.小湖;池塘; injury:n.伤害,损害;受伤处;
So I ask you guys: 所以,我想请问各位:
If immune cells are already traveling to places of injury or disease in our bodies, why not add an extra passenger ? 如果免疫细胞本来就会移动到 为何不多载个乘客呢? 为何不多载个乘客呢?
extra:adj.额外的:n.额外的事物:adv.额外:另外: passenger:n.旅客;乘客;白吃饭的人;闲散人员;
Why not use immune cells to deliver drugs to cure some of our biggest problems in disease? 为什么不用免疫细胞来递输药物, 来解决我们在疾病上的 一些大问题?
I am a biomedical engineer, and I want to tell you guys a story about how I use immune cells to target one of the largest problems in cancer. 我是生物医学工程师, 我想告诉各位一个故事, 说明我如何用免疫细胞 来解决癌症中最重大的问题。
Did you know that over 90 percent of cancer deaths can be attributed to its spread? 你们知道吗,90% 癌症造成的死亡 都是因为癌症转移所致?
So if we can stop these cancer cells from going from the primary tumor to a distant site , we can stop cancer right in its tracks and give people more of their lives back. 如果我们能阻止癌症细胞 从主要肿瘤转移到较远的地方, 我们就能直接在路上阻止癌症移转, 提高人们复原的机会。
distant:adj.遥远的;远处的;久远的; site:n.地点;位置;场所;v.设置;为…选址; tracks:n.小道;足迹;车辙;轨道;v.追踪;跟踪;(track的第三人称单数和复数)
To do this special mission , we decided to deliver a nanoparticle made of lipids , which are the same materials that compose your cell membrane . 为了进行这项特殊任务, 我们决定要递输一个由 脂质组成的奈米粒子, 而脂质正是构成细胞膜的原料。
mission:n.使命,任务;代表团;布道;v.派遣;向…传教; nanoparticle:n.纳米颗粒;毫微粒; lipids:n.脂肪,油脂;[生化]脂类(lipid的复数); compose:v.组成;作曲;创作(音乐);撰写(信函、讲稿、诗歌等); membrane:n.膜;薄膜;羊皮纸;
And we've added two special molecules . 我们又再加上了两个特殊的分子,
One is called e-selectin, which acts as a glue that binds the nanoparticle to the immune cell. 第一种是「e 型选择素」, 用来当作黏着剂, 将奈米粒子和免疫细胞黏结在一起。
glue:n.胶;胶水;v.粘贴; binds:v.约束;捆绑;系;装订;n.窘境;(binds是bind的第三人称单数)
And the second one is called trail . 第二种是 TRAIL。
Trail is a therapeutic drug that kills cancer cells but not normal cells. TRAIL 是一种治疗药物, 只会杀死癌症细胞, 不会杀死正常细胞。
Now, when you put both of these together, you have a mean killing machine on wheels. 把这两者结合起来, 就有厉害可用的行动杀戮机器了。
To test this, we ran an experiment in a mouse. 为了测试它,我们在老鼠身上实验,
So what we did was we injected the nanoparticles , and they bound almost immediately to the immune cells in the bloodstream . 我们的做法是将奈米粒子注射进去, 它们马上就和血液中的 免疫细胞黏结在一起。
injected:v.(给…)注射(药物等); (inject的过去分词和过去式) nanoparticles:n.纳米粒子(nanoparticle的复数形式); bound:n.跳跃:v.跳跃着跑:形成…的边界(或界限)adj.一定会:很可能会: bloodstream:n.[生理]血流,血液的流动;
And then we injected the cancer cells to mimic a process through which cancer cells spread throughout our bodies. 接着,我们注入癌症细胞
mimic:vt.模仿,摹拟;n.效颦者,模仿者;仿制品;小丑;adj.模仿的,模拟的;假装的; process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的;
And we found something very exciting. 我们的发现很让人兴奋。
We found that in our treated group, over 75 percent of the cancer cells we initially injected were dead or dying, in comparison to only around 25 percent. 我们发现,在实验组中 超过 75% 被注入的癌症细胞 已经死亡或即将死亡, 相较之下对照组只死了 25%。
treated:v.以…态度对待;把…看作;(treat的过去分词和过去式) initially:adv.最初,首先;开头; comparison:n.比较;对比;相比;
So just imagine: these fewer amount of cells were available to actually be able to spread to a different part of the body. 想像一下:只剩下少数的癌症细胞 还能够转移到身体的其他地方。
And this is only after two hours of treatment . 且这还只是治疗后两小时的成果。
Our results were amazing, and we had some pretty interesting press. 我们的结果很惊人, 也得到一些有趣的媒体报导。
My favorite title was actually, " Sticky balls may stop the spread of cancer." 我最爱的标题是: 「黏黏球有可能阻止癌症转移。」
(Laughter) (笑声) (注:球和睪丸的英文都是 balls)
I can't tell you just how smug my male colleagues were, knowing that their sticky balls might one day cure cancer. 我无法告诉各位,当我的男同事们 知道有一天他们的黏黏球 可能会治愈癌症时, 他们有多么沾沾自喜。
smug:adj.自鸣得意的;自以为是的;整洁的;n.书呆子;自命不凡的家伙; colleagues:n.同事;同行(colleague的复数);
(Laughter) (笑声)
But I can tell you they made some pretty, pretty, exciting, pretty ballsy t-shirts. 但我可以告诉各位, 他们做了一些非常非常 「有种」的 T 恤。
This was also my first experience talking to patients where they asked how soon our therapy would be available. 这也是我初次和病人谈话的经验, 谈话中,他们问我 这种疗法何时可以使用。
And I keep these stories with me to remind me of the importance of the science, the scientists and the patients. 我一直记着这些故事,来提醒我自己 科学、科学家、以及病人有多重要。
Now, our fast-acting results were pretty interesting, but we still had one lingering question: 我们的快速见效结果十分有趣, 但我们还有一个未解的问题:
fast-acting:adj.快速的;n.快速作用;快断; lingering:adj.拖延的; v.继续存留; (linger的现在分词)
Can our sticky balls, our particles actually attached to the immune cells, actually stop the spread of cancer? 我们的黏黏球,或粒子, 能不能真的附着在免疫细胞上, 真正阻止癌症转移?
So we went to our animal model, and we found three important parts. 所以,我们开始用动物模式, 且有三项重要发现点。
Our primary tumors were smaller in our treated animals, there were fewer cells in circulation , and there was little to no tumor burden in the distant organs. 在接受治疗的动物体内, 主要肿瘤变得比较小; 循环中的癌症细胞数量也比较少; 在远处器官上的肿瘤负荷 比较低,甚至没有。
tumors:n.肿瘤(tumor的复数); circulation:n.流通,传播;循环;发行量; burden:n.负担;责任;船的载货量;v.使负担;烦扰;装货于;
Now, this wasn't just a victory for us and our sticky balls. 这不只是对我们以及我们的 黏黏球而言的一场胜仗,
This was also a victory to me in drug delivery, and it represents a paradigm shift , a revolution -- to go from just using drugs, just injecting them and hoping they go to the right places in the body, to using immune cells as special delivery drivers in your body. 也是对我而言的一场胜仗, 药物递输的胜仗, 它代表的是典范转移, 是革命── 从只是使用药物、只是注射药物, 并希望它们能在体内到达对的地方, 变成使用免疫细胞 来扮演体内的快递司机。
represents:v.代表;维护…的利益;相当于;(represent的第三人称单数) paradigm shift:n.范式转移(指行事或思维方式的重大变化); revolution:n.革命;旋转;运行;循环; injecting:v.(给…)注射(药物等);(给…)添加,增加(某品质);(inject的现在分词) special delivery:n.(信件等的)特快专递;
For this example, we used two molecules, e-selectin and trail, but really, the possibility of drugs you can use are endless . 在这个例子,我们用了两个分子: e 型选择素与 TRAIL, 但其实,你能使用的药物 有着无尽的可能性。
And I talked about cancer, but where disease goes, so do immune cells. 我刚谈的是癌症, 但只要有疾病的地方, 免疫细胞就会过去。
So this could be used for any disease. 所以这方法可以用在任何疾病上。
Imagine using immune cells to deliver crucial wound-healing agents after a spinal cord injury, or using immune cells to deliver drugs past the blood-brain barrier to treat Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease. 想像一下,在发生脊髓损伤之后, 用免疫细胞来传递 重要的伤口愈合药, 或是用免疫细胞来通过 脑血管障壁以递输药物, 来治疗帕金森氏症或阿兹海默症。
crucial:adj.重要的;决定性的;定局的;决断的; agents:n.代理人,经纪人;原动力;(agent的复数) spinal cord:n.脊髓; barrier:n.屏障;障碍;障碍物;关口;v.用栅围住;
These are the ideas that excite me about science the most. 这些点子真的让我对科学感到兴奋。
And from where I stand, I see so much promise and opportunity. 从我的角度来看, 我看见好多的希望与机会。
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)