

Imagine you're in Rome, and you've made your way to the Vatican Museums. 想像一下你身在罗马 而你终于来到了梵蒂冈的博物馆
And you've been shuffling down long corridors , past statues , frescoes , lots and lots of stuff . 你走过了长走廊 经过了雕像 壁画 林林种种
shuffling:v.拖着脚走;坐立不安;洗牌;(shuffle的现在分词) corridors:n.廊道,[建]走廊(corridor的复数形式); statues:n.[建]雕像(statue的复数);v.在…处装饰;用雕像装饰(statue的三单形式); frescoes:壁画; stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本:
You're heading towards the Sistine Chapel . 你正向着西斯汀教堂的方向前进
Sistine:adj.罗马教宗西克斯图斯的; Chapel:n.小礼拜堂,小教堂;礼拜;adj.非国教的;
At last -- a long corridor, a stair and a door. 最后 —— 一条长廊 一堂楼梯和一道门
You're at the threshold of the Sistine Chapel. 终于来到了西斯汀教堂的核心处
So what are you expecting? 你在期待着什么呢
Soaring domes ? Choirs of angels? 饱满的圆顶还是天使合唱团
Soaring:adj.翱翔的;高耸的;猛增的;v.高耸;高飞;猛增;(soar的现在分词形式) domes:n.[建]穹顶;拱形结构;西班牙域名; Choirs:n.唱诗班(choir的复数形式);合唱队;
We don't really have any of that there. 其实那里并没有这些
Instead, you may ask yourself, what do we have? 那好 你可能会问自己那哪里有什么呢
Well, curtains up on the Sistine Chapel. 好吧 西斯汀教堂 掀起你的帐幕吧
And I mean literally , you're surrounded by painted curtains, the original decoration of this chapel. 我的意思是在字面上你确是被绘上了图画的帐幕包围着 这是这座教堂原本的装饰
literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地: original:n.原件;原作;原物;原型;adj.原始的;最初的;独创的;新颖的; decoration:n.装饰,装潢;装饰品;奖章;
Churches used tapestries not just to keep out cold during long masses , but as a way to represent the great theater of life. 教堂采用了挂毯 不单只是为了在举行弥撒时可以保暖 同时也代表着伟大的人生舞台
tapestries:n.挂毯(tapestry的复数);v.饰以织锦画(tapestry的第三人称单数形式); masses:n.民众;大量(mass的复数);包块;v.集中;聚集(mass的三单形式); represent:v.代表;表现;描绘;回忆;再赠送;
The human drama in which each one of us plays a part is a great story, a story that encompasses the whole world and that came to unfold in the three stages of the painting in the Sistine Chapel. 我们每一位都有参与的人生舞台剧是一个伟大的故事 一个涵盖了整个世界的故事 分开了三个阶段去演绎 成就了西斯汀教堂的图画
drama:n.戏剧;戏剧艺术;戏剧文学;戏剧性事件; encompasses:vt.包含;包围,环绕;完成; unfold:v.(使)展开;打开;展示;透露;
Now, this building started out as a space for a small group of wealthy, educated Christian priests . 这座建筑物当初开始的时候是为一小部分人提供了空间 多是富裕而有学识的神父们
They prayed there. They elected their pope there. 他们在那里祷告他们在那里推选他们的教皇
Five hundred years ago, it was the ultimate ecclesiastical man cave. 五百年前 那是一个拥有无上榮誉的终极神父洞窟
ultimate:adj.最终的;极限的;根本的;n.终极;根本;基本原则; ecclesiastical:adj.教会的;牧师的;神职的;
So, you may ask, how can it be that today it attracts and delights five million people a year, from all different backgrounds? 所以你大概会问 那这个教堂是如何做到每年能吸引 五百万人的呢
delights:n.高兴; v.使高兴; (delight的第三人称单数和复数)
Because in that compressed space, there was a creative explosion , ignited by the electric excitement of new geopolitical frontiers, which set on fire the ancient missionary tradition of the Church and produced one of the greatest works of art in history. 因为在那压缩了的空间里存在了一种创意大爆发 新地缘政治的前沿变化带动而来的强烈刺激触发了它 并点燃激发了教会的传教传统 同时也创造了历史上最伟大的艺术品之一
compressed:adj.(空气或气体)压缩的; v.(被)压紧; (compress的过去式和过去分词) creative:adj.创造性的; explosion:n.爆炸;爆发;激增; ignited:v.(使)燃烧,着火;点燃;(ignite的过去分词和过去式) electric:n.供电;adj.电的;用电的;电动的;发电的; excitement:n.兴奋;刺激;令人兴奋的事物; geopolitical:adj.地理政治学的; set on fire:焚烧;使情绪激昂; missionary:adj.传教的;传教士的;n.传教士;
Now, this development took place as a great evolution , moving from the beginning of a few elite , and eventually able to speak to audiences of people that come from all over the world. 这个发展如同是一个伟大的进化 从开始的少数精英 到最后能够 与来自全球的所有群众对话
evolution:n.演变;进化;发展;渐进; elite:n.精英;精华;杰出人物; eventually:adv.最后,终于;
This evolution took place in three stages, each one linked to a historical circumstance . 这个进化过程 历经了三个阶段 每一个阶段都关连到一个历史场境
historical:adj.历史的;史学的;基于史实的; circumstance:n.环境,情况;事件;境遇;
The first one was rather limited in scope . 第一个在范畴上比较狭窄
limited:adj.有限的; n.高级快车; v.限制; (limit的过去分词和过去式) scope:n.能力; v.仔细看;
It reflected the rather parochial perspective . 它反映了相当是教会的角度
reflected:adj.反射的;得自他人的;v.反射;思考;(reflect的过去式和过去分词) parochial:adj.教区的;狭小的;地方范围的; perspective:n.观点;远景;透视图;adj.透视的;
The second one took place after worldviews were dramatically altered after Columbus's historical voyage;and the third, when the Age of Discovery was well under way and the Church rose to the challenge of going global . 第二个阶段发生的时候人类整个世界观都已经有了戏剧性的改变 也就是在哥伦布的历史性旅程之后;而第三个阶段 则发生在如火如荼的大航海时代 而教会也正在面临 走向全球的挑战。
dramatically:adv.戏剧地;引人注目地;adv.显著地,剧烈地; altered:adj.改变了的:v.(使)改变,更改,改动:(alter的过去分词和过去式) under way:进行中;航行中;在行进; global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的;
The original decoration of this church reflected a smaller world. 这座教堂原来的装饰反映了一个比较细小的世界
There were busy scenes that told the stories of the lives of Jesus and Moses , reflecting the development of the Jewish and Christian people. 那些拥挤的画面 诉说着耶稣和摩西的生平事迹 反映着犹太民族和基督教徒的发展
Jesus:int.上帝啊:天哪:n.耶稣:耶稣基督: Moses:n.摩西(《圣经》故事中犹太人古代领袖);立法者;领导者; reflecting:v.反映;映出(影像);反射;显示,表明,表达;(reflect的现在分词) Jewish:adj.犹太人的;犹太族的;
The man who commissioned this, Pope Sixtus IV, assembled a dream team of Florentine art, including men like Sandro Botticelli and the man who would become Michelangelo 's future painting teacher, 定下这个项目的人 教皇圣思道四世 召集了佛罗伦斯最好的艺术家 成员中包括桑德罗波堤切利 还有后来会成为了米开朗基罗绘画老师的
commissioned:adj.受委任的;v.正式委托;任命…为军官;(commission的过去式和过去分词) assembled:v.聚集;集合;收集;装配;组装;(assemble的过去分词和过去式) dream team:n.梦之队;最佳阵容;最佳组合; Florentine:adj.意大利佛罗伦萨的;佛罗伦萨画派的;n.佛罗伦萨人; Botticelli:n.波提切利(文艺复兴早期的著名意大利画家); Michelangelo:n.米开朗基罗(意大利文艺复兴时期成就卓著的科学家,艺术家);
Ghirlandaio. 基尔兰达约
These men, they blanketed the walls with a frieze of pure color, and in these stories you'll notice familiar landscapes , the artists using Roman monuments or a Tuscan landscape to render a faraway story, something much more familiar. 这几位为墙壁铺上了带状装饰的纯色彩 而在这些故事中 你会看到熟悉的场景 艺术家们会用上罗马纪念碑或是托斯卡尼的街景 把一个久远的故事 联系到比较熟悉的一些东西
frieze:n.带状物;起绒粗呢;vt.使起绒毛; familiar:adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的;n.常客;密友; landscapes:n.风景; v.从事庭园设计; Roman:n.罗马人;古罗马语;adj.罗马的;罗马人的; monuments:n.遗迹;纪念物;不朽的功业;有永久价值的作品(monument的复数形式); Tuscan:n.托斯卡纳人;托斯卡纳语;adj.托斯卡纳的; render:v.提供;给予;提交;翻译;n.粉刷;[建](墙壁的)初涂;抹灰;精制油; faraway:adj.遥远的;恍惚的;
With the addition of images of the Pope's friends and family, this was a perfect decoration for a small court limited to the European continent . 再加上一些图像比如教宗的朋友们和家庭 这是一个小庭的完美装饰 只限于欧洲大陆
addition:n.添加;[数]加法;增加物; images:n.印象;声誉;形象;画像;雕像;(image的第三人称单数和复数) continent:n.大陆,洲,陆地;adj.自制的,克制的;
But in 1492, the New World was discovered, horizons were expanding , and this little 133 by 46-foot microcosm had to expand as well. 但是在1492年 人们发现了新大陆 各方面的范畴都在拓展 所以这个133乘以46呎的微观宇宙也得跟着拓展
horizons:n.地平线;范围,眼界;(horizon的复数) expanding:v.扩大,增加,增强细谈;详述;(expand的现在分词) microcosm:n.微观世界;小宇宙;作为宇宙缩影的人类;缩图(等于microcosmos);
And it did, thanks to a creative genius , a visionary and an awesome story. 它也的确跟上了时代的步伐 这得归功于一位创作天才 创造出了高瞻远瞩的伟大故事。
genius:n.天才;天资;才能,本领; visionary:adj.梦想的;幻影的;n.空想家;梦想者;有眼力的人; awesome:adj.令人敬畏的;使人畏惧的;可怕的;极好的;
Now, the creative genius was Michelangelo Buonarroti, 33 years old when he was tapped to decorate 12,000 square feet of ceiling, and the deck was stacked against him -- he had trained in painting but had left to pursue sculpture . 那位创作天才是米开朗基罗波纳罗蒂 当他被邀约去装饰12,000平方呎的天花时正值33岁 而整体情况并不利于他 他受训于绘画 但却跑去了钻研雕塑
decorate:v.装饰;装点;装潢;点缀; deck:n.甲板;舱面;层面;一副(为52张);v.装饰;打扮;布置;用力击倒; stacked:adj.放有大量…的; v.(使)放成整齐的一叠(或一摞、一堆); (stack的过去分词和过去式) pursue:v.继续;从事;追赶;纠缠; sculpture:n.雕塑;雕刻;刻蚀;vt.雕塑;雕刻;刻蚀;vi.从事雕刻;
There were angry patrons in Florence because he had left a stack of incomplete commissions , lured to Rome by the prospect of a great sculptural project, and that project had fallen through. 在佛罗伦斯有许多客户对他很不满意因为他留下了一批 未完成的定制项目 为着一个伟大的雕塑项目而去到罗马 但该项目却流产了
patrons:n.赞助人;老顾客(patron的复数);庇护人; incomplete:n.未完成;adj.不完整的;不完全的;不完善的; commissions:n.[会计]佣金,[会计]手续费;现金奖励情况(commission的复数); lured:v.劝诱;引诱;诱惑;(lure的过去分词和过去式) prospect:n.展望;前景;希望;前途;v.勘探;探矿; sculptural:adj.雕刻的;雕刻般的;
And he had been left with a commission to paint 12 apostles against a decorative background in the Sistine Chapel ceiling, which would look like every other ceiling in Italy. 剩下的一个定制项目 就是去画12位门徒 就在西斯汀教堂那个有装饰的背景天花 那个在意大利 到哪里看起来都一样的天花板
apostles:n.使徒(apostle的复数);传道者;倡导者; decorative:adj.装饰性的;装潢用的;
But genius rose to the challenge. 但天才自能克服挑战
In an age when a man dared to sail across the Atlantic Ocean, 在那个年代 有人敢于横越大西洋
Michelangelo dared to chart new artistic waters. 米开朗基罗就敢于艺坛上开天辟地
He, too, would tell a story -- no Apostles -- but a story of great beginnings, the story of Genesis . 他 同样的 也会诉说一个故事 没有门徒 但一个伟大的盘古初开故事 创世纪的故事
Not really an easy sell, stories on a ceiling. 要想把故事画到天花板上并非易事
How would you be able to read a busy scene from 62 feet below? 在距离天花壁62呎的地面,有如何让人能够细阅这样拥挤的画面?
The painting technique that had been handed on for 200 years in Florentine studios was not equipped for this kind of a narrative . 佛罗伦斯画室传授了二百年的绘画技巧 并不足以应付这类型的故事
technique:n.技巧,技术;手法; studios:n.工作室(studio的复数); narrative:n.叙述;故事;讲述;adj.叙事的,叙述的;叙事体的;
But Michelangelo wasn't really a painter, and so he played to his strengths. 但米开朗基罗其实并不真的是一位画家 所以他发挥自己的所长
Instead of being accustomed to filling space with busyness , he took a hammer and chisel and hacked away at a piece of marble to reveal the figure within. 他并没有随俗的就把空间填满 他反而拿起了锤子和錾刀雕琢一块大理石 释放了其中蕴藏着的人物
accustomed to:习惯于; busyness:n.繁忙; hammer:n.锤子; v.锤打; chisel:vt.雕,刻;凿;欺骗;vi.雕,刻;凿;欺骗;n.凿子; hacked:v.砍;劈;猛踢;非法侵入(hack的过去分词和过去式) marble:n.大理石;大理石制品;弹珠;adj.大理石的;冷酷无情的; reveal:v.显示;透露;揭露;泄露;n.揭露;暴露;门侧,窗侧;
Michelangelo was an essentialist; he would tell his story in massive , dynamic bodies. 米开朗基罗是一位本质主义者 他透过宏伟而互动的躯体讲述故事
massive:adj.大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的; dynamic:n.动力; adj.充满活力的;
This plan was embraced by the larger-than-life Pope Julius II, a man who was unafraid of Michelangelo's brazen genius. 这个计划得到了教皇尤利乌斯二世的支持 他是一位传奇人物无惧于米开朗基罗这样自负的天才
embraced:v.拥抱;欣然接受,乐意采纳;信奉;包含;(embrace的过去分词和过去式) larger-than-life:adj.(谚语)杰出的; unafraid:adj.不怕的;无畏的; brazen:adj.厚颜无耻的;黄铜制的;vt.使变得无耻;厚脸皮地做;
He was nephew to Pope Sixtus IV, and he had been steeped in art for 30 years and he knew its power. 他是教皇圣思道四世的外甥 而他亦沉醉于艺术达三十年明瞭其中的力量
And history has handed down the moniker of the Warrior Pope, but this man's legacy to the Vatican -- it wasn't fortresses and artillery , it was art. 这位人物在历史上留下的名号是 战斗教皇 但对于梵谛冈来说这位人物所留芳的 不是堡垒和大炮 是艺术
moniker:n.绰号;名字; Warrior:n.勇士; legacy:n.遗赠,遗产; fortresses:n.堡垒(fortress的复数); v.在…设置堡垒(fortress的第三人称单数形式); artillery:n.火炮;大炮;炮队;炮术;
He left us the Raphael Rooms, the Sistine Chapel. 他遗留给我们的是拉裴尔房间是西斯汀教堂
He left St. Peter's Basilica as well as an extraordinary collection of Greco-Roman sculptures -- decidedly un-Christian works that would become the seedbed of the world's first modern museum, the Vatican Museums. 他遗留了圣彼得大教堂 还有古希腊-古罗马雕塑的非凡收藏 这些非基督教的作品很明确地孕育了 全球首间现代博物馆梵谛冈博物馆
Basilica:n.(古罗马)长方形会堂;长方形基督教堂;长方形廊柱大厅; as well as:也;和…一样;不但…而且; extraordinary:adj.非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的; sculptures:n.[建]雕塑(sculpture的复数); v.雕刻; decidedly:adv.果断地;断然地;明显;毫无疑问; seedbed:n.苗床,苗圃;温床,发源地;
Julius was a man who envisioned a Vatican that would be eternally relevant through grandeur and through beauty, and he was right. 尤利乌斯是那种 能预见到梵谛冈可以透过恢宏和美 他是对的
envisioned:v.展望;想象;(envision的过去分词和过去式) eternally:adv.永恒地;不朽地; relevant:adj.相关的;切题的;中肯的;有重大关系的;有意义的,目的明确的; grandeur:n.壮丽;庄严;宏伟;
The encounter between these two giants , Michelangelo and Julius II, that's what gave us the Sistine Chapel. 这两位伟人的相遇相知米开朗基罗和尤利乌斯二世 为我们留下了西斯汀教堂
encounter:v.遭遇,邂逅;遇到;n.遭遇,偶然碰见; giants:n.巨人;大汉;巨兽;巨树;(giant的复数)
Michelangelo was so committed to this project, that he succeeded in getting the job done in three and a half years, using a skeleton crew and spending most of the time, hours on end, reaching up above his head to paint the stories on the ceiling. 米开朗基罗非常投入于这个项目 在三年半以内他已经成功地完成了任务 采用节流的队伍投进大量时间 在他头顶上的天花壁绘画
committed:adj.坚信的; v.做出错事; (commit的过去分词和过去式) skeleton:n.骨架,骨骼;纲要;骨瘦如柴的人;adj.骨骼的;骨瘦如柴的;概略的;
So let's look at this ceiling and see storytelling gone global. 让我们来看看这个天花板 和走向世界的故事
No more familiar artistic references to the world around you. 身边再没有熟悉的艺术资料可供参考
references:n.提到; v.查阅; (reference的第三人称单数和复数)
There's just space and structure and energy; a monumental painted framework which opens onto nine panels , more driven by sculptural form than painterly color. 那里有的只是空间、架构和能量; 一幅不朽的绘画架构横亘九个板块 更多由雕塑形式所主导而不只是绘画颜色
structure:n.结构;构造;建筑物;vt.组织;构成;建造; monumental:adj.不朽的;纪念碑的;非常的; panels:n.面板(panel的复数); v.嵌镶(panel的第三人称单数形式);
And we stand in the far end by the entrance, far from the altar and from the gated enclosure intended for the clergy and we peer into the distance, looking for a beginning. 我们站在入口的最远处 远离神坛及远离只留给神职人员的大门紧锁的密室 而我们纵目看进去 寻觅一个开始
altar:n.祭坛;圣坛;圣餐台; enclosure:n.附件;围墙;围场; intended:adj.预定的;计划的;v.打算;计划;想要;(intend的过去分词和过去式) clergy:n.神职人员;牧师;僧侣; peer:n.同辈;同龄人;身份(或地位)相同的人;(英国)贵族成员;v.仔细看;端详;
And whether in scientific inquiry or in biblical tradition, we think in terms of a primal spark . 不管是从科学的查考或是从圣经上的传统 我们期待一种原始的火花
scientific:adj.科学的,系统的; inquiry:n.询问;查询;打听;调查; biblical:adj.圣经的;依据圣经的(等于biblical); primal:adj.原始的; n.被压抑童年情绪的释放; vt.释放(被压抑的童年情绪); spark:n.火花;电火花;火星;活力;v.引发;触发;冒火花;飞火星;
Michelangelo gave us an initial energy when he gave us the separation of light and dark, a churning figure blurry in the distance , compressed into a tight space. 米开朗基罗给予我们一种初始的能量 当他为我们分开了光和影 一位翻腾的人物 在距离中显得模糊 被压缩进一个狭窄的空间
initial:adj.最初的; n.(名字的)首字母; v.用姓名的首字母作标记(或签名)于; separation:n.分离;分开;分割;隔离; churning:n.搅乳;一次提制的奶油;v.搅拌(churn的现在分词); blurry:adj.模糊的;污脏的;不清楚的; in the distance:在远处;
The next figure looms larger, and you see a figure hurtling from one side to the next. 下一位人物显得大一些 而你会看到一位人物从一处飞驰往下一处
looms:n.织布机(loom的复数);v.隐现(loom的三单形式);用织机织; hurtling:adj.飞奔的,疾驰的;v.急飞,猛烈碰撞,猛掷(hurtle的ing形式);
He leaves in his wake the sun, the moon, vegetation . 祂在醒着的时候创造了太阳 月亮 植物
Michelangelo didn't focus on the stuff that was being created, unlike all the other artists. 米开朗基罗的重点并不在于被创造的事物 有别于所有其他的艺术家
He focused on the act of creation . 他聚焦于创造这行为
And then the movement stops, like a caesura in poetry and the creator hovers . 然后所有的动态都戛然而止如同在诗歌里的休止
poetry:n.诗;诗意,诗情;诗歌艺术; hovers:盘旋;
So what's he doing? 而创造者在徘徊
Is he creating land? Is he creating sea? 那祂在干吗哪
Or is he looking back over his handiwork , the universe and his treasures, just like Michelangelo must have, looking back over his work in the ceiling and proclaiming , "It is good." 还是祂在顾盼着自己的创作整个宇宙和他的珍宝 就像米开朗基罗那样 顾盼着自己在天花壁上的作品 并且宣称 干得好
handiwork:n.手工艺;[工经]手工制品;行为后果; proclaiming:v.宣布;声明;明确显示;表明;(proclaim的现在分词)
So now the scene is set, and you get to the culmination of creation, which is man. 这样下来整个场景已拟定 然后你来到了创造的高潮部分创造人类
Adam leaps to the eye, a light figure against a dark background. 亚当跃进了眼裏 在深暗的背景上跳入一个轻巧的身躯
But looking closer, that leg is pretty languid on the ground, the arm is heavy on the knee. 但看得近一点 他的腿部酸软地落在地上 手臂负苛在膝盖上
Adam lacks that interior spark that will impel him to greatness . 亚当缺乏了
interior:n.内部;内陆;内地;里面;adj.内部的;里面的; impel:vt.推动;驱使;激励; greatness:n.伟大;巨大;
That spark is about to be conferred by the creator in that finger, which is one millimeter from the hand of Adam. 那灵光将会从创造者的那手指授赐 就在亚当的手一毫米之距
is about to:眼看就要;即将;正要;行将; conferred:v.商讨;协商;交换意见;授予;(confer的过去分词和过去式) millimeter:n.毫米;
It puts us at the edge of our seats, because we're one moment from that contact , through which that man will discover his purpose, leap up and take his place at the pinnacle of creation. 这吸引了我们的专注 因为我们就在那接触的顷刻之间 在那一刻人类会发现自己的意义 跃升到一个地位 成为了创造之顛
contact:n.接触,联系;v.使接触,联系; pinnacle:n.高峰;小尖塔;尖峰;极点;vt.造小尖塔;置于尖顶上;置于高处;
And then Michelangelo threw a curveball . 米开朗基罗再抛出了一个弧线球
Who is in that other arm? 谁在另一边的手臂
Eve, first woman. 夏娃 第一位女性
No, she's not an afterthought . She's part of the plan. 不 她不是事后想出来的她是创造计画的一部份
She's always been in his mind. 她从来都已经在祂心中。
Look at her, so intimate with God that her hand curls around his arm. 看看她 和上帝很亲厚她的手绕着祂的手臂
intimate:n.知己; v.暗示; adj.亲密的; curls:n.卷发(curl的复数);v.弄卷(curl的第三人称单数形式);
And for me, an American art historian from the 21st century, this was the moment that the painting spoke to me. 对我来说 作为来自21世纪美国的艺术历史学者 这一刻 这幅图画最感动我
Because I realized that this representation of the human drama was always about men and women -- so much so, that the dead center, the heart of the ceiling, is the creation of woman, not Adam. 因为我体会到在这个具代表性的人生戏剧 总是述说着男性和女性 最最重要的 夏娃在教堂的中央在天花壁上的核心位置 主角其实是女性 而不是亚当
And the fact is, that when you see them together in the Garden of Eden , they fall together and together their proud posture turns into folded shame. 事实上 当你看到他俩在伊甸园 他俩双双堕落 他俩原来骄傲的姿势双双转化为一种收纳起的羞愧
Garden of Eden:na.(《圣经》中所说亚当和夏娃所住的)伊甸园; posture:n.姿势;态度;看法;立场;处理方式;v.故作姿态;装样子
You are at critical juncture now in the ceiling. 你现在来到了天花壁上最关键的交滙处
critical:adj.鉴定的;[核]临界的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的; juncture:n.接缝;连接;接合;
You are exactly at the point where you and I can go no further into the church. 你正正处于一个位置你和我在这座教堂里 都需要止步的地方
The gated enclosure keeps us out of the inner sanctum , and we are cast out much like Adam and Eve. 那关上了闸的密室让我们无从再走进去内里的圣所 如同亚当和夏娃一样 我们被摒开了
inner:n.内部;射中接近靶心部分的一发;adj.里面的;向内的;内部的;接近中心的; sanctum:n.圣所;密室;私室;
The remaining scenes in the ceiling, they mirror the crowded chaos of the world around us. 天花壁上其余的场景 倒映了我们四周那种拥挤的混乱
You have Noah and his Ark and the flood. 能看到挪亚和他的方舟和洪水
You have Noah. He's making a sacrifice and a covenant with God. 挪亚 他正在献祭并和上帝订立盟约
sacrifice:n.牺牲;舍弃;祭献;祭祀;祭品;v.牺牲;献出;作祭献 covenant:n.契约,盟约;圣约;盖印合同;vi.订立盟约,契约;vt.立约承诺;
Maybe he's the savior . 可能他是那位救世者
Oh, but no, Noah is the one who grew grapes, invented wine, got drunk and passed out naked in his barn . 噢 但不 挪亚种植葡萄 发明了酒 喝醉了后还赤裸裸地休克在自己的榖场
naked:adj.裸体的;无装饰的;无证据的;直率的; barn:n.谷仓;畜棚;车库;靶(核反应截面单位);v.把…贮存入仓;
It is a curious way to design the ceiling, now starting out with God creating life, ending up with some guy blind drunk in a barn. 那是一个奇异的方式去设计天花 从上帝创造万物开始 而以一个宿醉在榖场的男人作结
And so, compared with Adam, you might think Michelangelo is making fun of us. 所以 如果与亚当比起来 你大概会觉得米开朗基罗在开我们玩笑
compared:adj.比较的,对照的; v.相比; (compare的过去式和过去分词)
But he's about to dispel the gloom by using those bright colors right underneath Noah: emerald , topaz , scarlet on the prophet Zechariah. 但是他马上就驱祛这愁绪 在挪亚的下方 借用了绚烂的颜色 翠绿 黄玉 斐红描绘出先知撒迦利亚
dispel:vt.驱散,驱逐;消除(烦恼等); gloom:n.忧郁;阴暗;v.变阴暗;变忧沉;使黑暗;使忧郁; underneath:prep.在…的下面;在…的支配下;n.下面;底部;adj.下面的;底层的; emerald:n.绿宝石;[宝]祖母绿;翠绿色;adj.翠绿色的; topaz:n.[宝]黄晶,黄玉;[鸟]南美蜂鸟; scarlet:adj.深红的;鲜红色的;罪孽深重的;淫荡的;n.猩红色;红衣;绯红色;鲜红色布; prophet:n.先知;预言者;提倡者;
Zechariah foresees a light coming from the east, and we are turned at this juncture to a new destination, with sibyls and prophets who will lead us on a parade . 撒迦利亚预见了从东边来的一道光 就在这个交滙点我们就被导往新的目的地 女神喻者和先知们带领我们前往参与游行队伍
foresees:vt.预见;预知; sibyls:n.女巫;女预言家; prophets:n.先知;提倡者(prophet的复数形式); parade:n.阅兵;游行;炫耀;检阅;v.游行;展览;游行庆祝;游行示威;
You have the heroes and heroines who make safe the way, and we follow the mothers and fathers. 有英雄和英雌为你保驾护航 我们跟随着先父先母们
They are the motors of this great human engine, driving it forward. 他们就是人类社会的原动力 向前推进
And now we're at the keystone of the ceiling, the culmination of the whole thing, with a figure that looks like he's about to fall out of his space into our space, encroaching our space. 现在我们来到了天花的拱心石 整个天花壁的综合之顛 有一位人物彷佛就要离开他自己的空间 堕进来我们的世界 侵进来我们的世界
keystone:n.主旨,基本原则;[建]楔石; encroaching:adj.渐渐渗入的;
This is the most important juncture. 这是一个最关键的交滙点
Past meets present. 过去与现在相遇
This figure, Jonah , who spent three days in the belly of the whale, for the Christians, is the symbol of the renewal of humanity through Jesus' sacrifice, but for the multitudes of visitors to that museum from all faiths who visit there every day, he is the moment the distant past encounters and meets immediate reality. 这位人物 约拿 在鲸鱼的肚腹内三天 对于基督徒来说 象征着人类的重生 透过耶稣基督的牺牲 但对于来自五湖四海的博物馆到访者 对于每天都到那里去的信徒 他就是久远的过去和眼前当下相遇的刹那
Jonah:n.约拿(圣经人物);约拿书;带来厄运的人; belly:n.腹部;胃;食欲;v.涨满;鼓起; symbol:n.象征;符号;标志; renewal:n.更新,恢复;复兴;补充;革新;续借;重申; humanity:n.人类;人道;仁慈;人文学科; multitudes:n.众多;大量;群众;民众;人群;(multitude的复数) distant:adj.遥远的;远处的;久远的; encounters:v.遭遇(encounter的第三人称单数);邂逅;n.遭遇战(encounter的复数);相见;
All of this brings us to the yawning archway of the altar wall, where we see Michelangelo's Last Judgment , painted in 1534 after the world had changed again. 所有这些把我们带到了神坛墙壁上的拱廊 我们看到了米开朗基罗的最后的审判 在1534年绘画那时候世界又再一次改变了
yawning:v.打哈欠;非常宽;难以逾越;(yawn的现在分词) archway:n.拱门;拱道; Judgment:n.判断;裁判;判决书;辨别力;
The Reformation had splintered the Church, the Ottoman Empire had made Islam a household word and Magellan had found a route into the Pacific Ocean. 宗教改革削弱了教会 因为鄂图曼帝国 伊斯兰成了家传户晓 而麦哲伦也找到了前往太平洋的航道
Reformation:n.革新;改善; splintered:v.(使)裂成碎片;分裂;分离出来;(splinter的过去式和过去分词) Ottoman:adj.土耳其帝国的(等于Turkish);土耳其人的;土耳其民族的;n.土耳其人; household:n.家庭;一家人;同住一所(或一套)房子的人;adj.家庭的;家常的;王室的; route:n.路线;路途;固定线路;途径;v.按某路线发送;
How is a 59-year-old artist who has never been any further than Venice going to speak to this new world? 一位59岁的艺术家 最远也只到过威尼斯 如何和这个新世界沟通呢
Michelangelo chose to paint destiny , that universal desire, common to all of us, to leave a legacy of excellence . 米开朗基罗选择了描绘命运 整个宇宙都期盼 我们人人也一样 遗传下来优越的传奇
destiny:n.命运,定数,天命; universal:adj.普遍的;全体的;全世界的;共同的; excellence:n.优秀;美德;长处;
Told in terms of the Christian vision of the Last Judgment, the end of the world, 从基督教角度而铨释的最后的审判 世界的终极
Michelangelo gave you a series of figures who are wearing these strikingly beautiful bodies. 米开朗基罗给予你一系列的人物 他们都拥有极佳的肉体
series:n.系列,连续;[电]串联;级数;丛书; strikingly:adv.显著地;突出地,引人注目地;
They have no more covers, no more portraits except for a couple. 他们都没有遮盖物 没有画像 除了极少数
It's a composition only out of bodies, 391, no two alike, unique like each and every one of us. 那是由众多的身躯组成的 391副身躯 通通没有一样的 就像我们每一位都是独一无二的人一样
composition:n.成分;作文;构成;创作; unique:adj.独特的,稀罕的;[数]唯一的;n.独一无二的人或物;
They start in the lower corner, breaking away from the ground, struggling and trying to rise. 他们从下面的角落开始 脱离地面 挣扎着尝试要奋起
Those who have risen reach back to help others, and in one amazing vignette , you have a black man and a white man pulled up together in an incredible vision of human unity in this new world. 那些已经成功起来的会回去幫助其他人 在一幅奇妙的小插图里 你会看到一位黑人和一位白人并肩相扶 一种人类大融和的伟大愿景 在这个新世界
vignette:n.装饰图案; vt.把…印放为虚光照,晕映; n.Vignette)人名; n.梗概,简介,花絮; incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的; unity:n.团结;一致;联合;个体;
The lion's share of the space goes to the winner's circle. 絶大部分的空间归属于胜利者的圈子
There you find men and women completely nude like athletes . 你会看到男性和女性都如同运动健儿一样裸体
nude:adj.裸的,裸体的;无装饰的;与生俱有的;n.裸体;裸体画; athletes:n.运动员;身强体健的人(athlete的复数形式);
They are the ones who have overcome adversity , and Michelangelo's vision of people who combat adversity , overcome obstacles -- they're just like athletes. 他们都战胜了逆境 在米开朗基罗的愿景里战胜了逆境的人们 克服了障碍 他们就如同运动健儿一样
overcome:vt.克服;胜过;vi.克服;得胜; adversity:n.逆境;不幸;灾难;灾祸; combat:v.战斗;防止;减轻;与…搏斗;n.战斗;搏斗;打仗; obstacles:n.障碍;障碍物;阻碍;(obstacle的复数形式)
So you have men and women flexing and posing in this extraordinary spotlight . 所以你会看到在这非同寻常的焦点上 无论男女 都在舒展筋骨
flexing:n.挠曲,屈曲;可挠性;v.弯曲(flex的现在分词); posing:v.造成;引起;产生;提问;摆好姿势;(pose的现在分词) spotlight:n.聚光灯;反光灯;公众注意的中心;v.聚光照明;使公众注意;
Presiding over this assembly is Jesus, first a suffering man on the cross, now a glorious ruler in Heaven. 主持这集会的是耶稣 最初是十字架上的受难者 现在是天堂的榮耀统治者
Presiding:adj.首席的;主持会议的,指挥的;v.主持;主管(preside的现在分词); assembly:n.装配;集会,集合; glorious:adj.光荣的;辉煌的;极好的;
And as Michelangelo proved in his painting, hardship , setbacks and obstacles, they don't limit excellence, they forge it. 如同米开朗基罗在他的作品里证实的一样 苦难 挫折和阻碍 它们并没有限制了优越而是锻造出了优越
hardship:n.艰难;困苦;拮据; setbacks:n.挫折;周折(setback复数); forge:v.锻造; n.锻压;
Now, this does lead us to one odd thing. 现在 这其实也让我们看到一件满蹩扭的事,
This is the Pope's private chapel, and the best way you can describe that is indeed a stew of nudes . 这是教皇的私人教堂 而这里用最好的方式来描述也其实是一堆裸体
describe:v.描述;形容;把…称为;画出…图形; stew:v.炖,炖汤;焖;忧虑;受闷热;n.炖,炖汤;烦恼;闷热;鱼塘; nudes:n.肉色针织物(nude的复数);
But Michelangelo was trying to use only the best artistic language, the most universal artistic language he could think of: that of the human body. 但米开朗基罗只是想采用最佳的艺术语言 他能够想到的最普遍通用的艺术语言 就是人体
And so instead of the way of showing virtue such as fortitude or self-mastery, he borrowed from Julius II's wonderful collection of sculptures in order to show inner strength as external power. 所以他并没有用上一般的方法去表达美德 例如坚毅和自主 他反而从尤利乌斯二世的絶佳收藏的雕塑品借镜 去呈现出由内至外的坚强和力量
virtue:n.美德;优点;贞操;功效; fortitude:n.刚毅;不屈不挠;勇气; external:n.外部;外观;形式;外部情况;adj.外部的;外面的;外界的;外来的;
Now, one contemporary did write that the chapel was too beautiful to not cause controversy . 当代曾有评说 这样漂亮的教堂必然会引起争议
contemporary:n.同时代的人;同时期的东西;adj.当代的;同时代的;属于同一时期的; controversy:n.争论;论战;辩论;
And so it did. 也确实是这样
Michelangelo soon found that thanks to the printing press , complaints about the nudity spread all over the place, and soon his masterpiece of human drama was labeled pornography , at which point he added two more portraits, 米开朗基罗很快就发现因为媒体的关系 有关于裸体的投诉无处不在 不久之后 他的人类戏剧巨作被标签为色情 在那个时候 他加上了两个人的画像
printing press:n.印刷机; complaints:n.不满;抱怨;投诉;控告;(complaint的复数) nudity:n.裸露;裸体像; masterpiece:n.杰作;名著;代表作 labeled:adj.有标签的; v.示踪; (label的过去分词和过去式) pornography:n.淫秽作品;色情书刊(或音像制品等)
one of the man who criticized him, a papal courtier , and the other one of himself as a dried up husk , no athlete, in the hands of a long-suffering martyr . 一个是抨击他的那人 是教皇的助手 另外一个是他自己 扮成了干涸的一副皮囊而不是运动健儿 垂在一位久经辛酸的烈士手上
criticized:v.批评;挑剔;指责;评论;评价;(criticize的过去式和过去分词) papal:adj.教宗的;罗马教皇的;教皇制度的; courtier:n.朝臣;奉承者;谄媚者; husk:n.皮;外壳;无价值之物;vt.削皮;以粗哑的嗓音说;vi.嗓音变得嘶哑; in the hands of:由…掌握;在…掌握中; long-suffering:adj.坚忍的;长期忍受的;n.忍耐;坚忍;长期受苦; martyr:vt.牺牲;折磨;杀害;n.烈士;殉道者;
The year he died he saw several of these figures covered over, a triumph for trivial distractions over his great exhortation to glory. 在他去世的那年他目睹有几位画中的人物都披上了遮盖物 微不足道的一些打岔鸣胜了他伟大矢志的的榮耀
triumph:v.战胜;成功;打败;n.巨大成功;重大成就;伟大胜利;喜悦; trivial:adj.不重要的,琐碎的;琐细的; distractions:n.分心,干扰;分散注意力的事;娱乐;消遣;(distraction的复数) exhortation:n.讲道词,训词;劝告;
And so now we stand in the here and now . 此时此地 我们就在这里
here and now:此时此地;立刻;
We are caught in that space between beginnings and endings, in the great, huge totality of the human experience. 我们都被掳在这个空间 在始初和终极之间 游刃于伟大而恢宏全面的人类体验
The Sistine Chapel forces us to look around as if it were a mirror. 西斯汀教堂好像一面镜子殷切的着我们环顾四周
Who am I in this picture? 在这幅图画里 我是谁
Am I one of the crowd? 我是拥挤人群里的一员
Am I the drunk guy? 我是那个醉汉吗
Am I the athlete? 我是运动健儿吗
And as we leave this haven of uplifting beauty, we are inspired to ask ourselves life's biggest questions: 当我们离开了这处愈形美丽的避难所 我们都得到了启发 并且询问自己人生中最大的疑问
haven:n.避难所;保护区;v.把船开进港;掩护; uplifting:adj.令人振奋的;使人开心的; inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式)
Who am I, and what role do I play in this great theater of life? 我是谁在伟大的人生舞台上 我在扮演着甚么样的角色?
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)
Bruno Giussani: Elizabeth Lev, thank you. 布鲁诺吉萨尼: 伊丽莎白勒芙 谢谢
Elizabeth, you mentioned this whole issue of pornography, too many nudes and too many daily life scenes and improper things in the eyes of the time. 伊丽莎白 妳提述到色情成为了一个大难题 在当时那一个年代的众人眼裏 太多的裸体和太多的日常生活场景是不恰当的
issue:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;发行; improper:adj.不正确的,错误的;不适当的;不合礼仪的;
But actually the story is bigger. 但其实整个故事牵扯到更广
It's not just touching up and covering up some of the figures. 那不只是把一些人物补上和披上遮盖物
This work of art was almost destroyed because of that. 这个艺术作品还几乎被毁掉就因为所谓的“色情”
work of art:艺术品;
Elizabeth Lev: The effect of the Last Judgment was enormous . 伊丽莎白勒芙:最后的审判所带来的影响非常巨大。
The printing press made sure that everybody saw it. 媒体矢志每一个人都要看到它
And so, this wasn't something that happened within a couple of weeks. 这样下来 那不只是发生在短短数周以内的事
It was something that happened over the space of 20 years of editorials and complaints, saying to the Church, "You can't possibly tell us how to live our lives. 而是发生了超逾二十年 包括各类型的社论和投诉 向西斯汀教堂表示 向西斯汀教堂表示
Did you notice you have pornography in the Pope's chapel?" 你连自己教皇的教堂有色情图画都没看到吗?
And so after complaints and insistence of trying to get this work destroyed, it was finally the year that Michelangelo died that the Church finally found a compromise , a way to save the painting, and that was in putting up these extra 30 covers, and that happens to be the origin of fig-leafing. 因为无数的投诉和坚持 致力于要毁去了这作品 最后在米开朗基罗去世的那年 西斯汀教堂最后找到了一个妥协的方式 去保存这幅图画, 那就是加上了额外的三十个覆盖 那同时也成为了遮羞布的源起
insistence:n.坚持,强调;坚决主张; finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; compromise:n.妥协;折中;互让;和解;v.妥协;违背(原则);达不到(标准);使陷入危险;
That's where it all came about, and it came about from a church that was trying to save a work of art, not indeed deface or destroyed it. 所以故事就是这样而来 来自一座教堂要拯救一幅艺术画作 而不是要去损坏或毁掉了它
BG: This, what you just gave us, is not the classic tour that people get today when they go to the Sistine Chapel. 布鲁诺吉萨尼: 妳刚刚给我们的不是一个传统的 今时今日一般民众到访西斯汀教堂的历程
(Laughter) (笑声)
EL: I don't know, is that an ad? 伊丽莎白勒芙: 我不知道这算是广告吗
(Laughter) (笑声)
BG: No, no, no, not necessarily , it is a statement . 布鲁诺吉萨尼: 不,不,不,不能说是,那是一种表达
necessarily:adv.必要地;必定地,必然地; statement:n.声明;陈述,叙述;报表,清单;
The experience of art today is encountering problems. 今时的艺术体验都碰上了问题
Too many people want to see this there, and the result is five million people going through that tiny door and experiencing it in a completely different way than we just did.EL: Right. I agree. I think it's really nice to be able to pause and look. 太多的人想到那裏去看这个 造成了五百万人都穿过了那小门 和我们刚刚体验过的 截然不同 伊丽莎白勒芙: 对 我同意我觉得能够停下来好好的欣赏 是很棒的一回事
But also realize, even when you're in those days, with 28,000 people a day, even those days when you're in there with all those other people, look around you and think how amazing it is that some painted plaster from 500 years ago 同时也感悟到 就算是在那些日子 每天和28,000人在一起 即便和那些人在一起 的日子 环顾四周你也会觉得很神妙 一些五百年前涂上了画的石膏
can still draw all those people standing side by side with you, looking upwards with their jaws dropped. 仍然能够吸引到他们和你一起并肩的站着 仰起头看得入神 下颚都掉下来了
side by side:adj.并肩的;并行的; upwards:adv.向上;在上部;向上游;
It's a great statement about how beauty truly can speak to us all through time and through geographic space. 那是一个伟大的证明真善美如何能够 穿越时空和我们对话
BG: Liz, grazie . 布鲁诺吉萨尼: 谢谢
EL: Grazie a te.
BG: Thank you. 伊丽莎白勒芙: 谢谢您
(Applause) (掌声)