

Where does the end begin? 终点是从哪开始的?
Well, for me, it all began with this little fellow. 对我来说,一切都是从 这个小家伙开始。
This adorable organism -- well, I think it's adorable -- is called Tetrahymena and it's a single-celled creature . 这个可爱的微生物 是的,我觉得它很可爱, 它被称为“四膜虫”, 是一种单细胞生物,
adorable:adj.可爱的;可敬重的,值得崇拜的; organism:n.生物;有机体;有机组织;(尤指)微生物; creature:n.生物;动物;(具有某种特征的)人;
It's also been known as pond scum . 它也被称为藻类。
pond:n.池塘;水池(尤指人工的);v.把…挖成池塘;堵(溪流)水成池; scum:n.浮渣;泡沫;糟粕;v.产生泡沫;被浮渣覆盖;将浮渣去除掉;
So that's right, my career started with pond scum. 没错,我的职业生涯从浮渣开始
Now, it was no surprise I became a scientist. 我成为一名科学家 并不令人感到意外。
Growing up far away from here, as a little girl I was deadly curious about everything alive. 我在离这里很远的地方长大, 还是一个小女孩时 就对所有活物 感到非常的好奇。
deadly:adj.致命的;非常的;死一般的;adv.非常;如死一般地; curious:adj.好奇的,有求知欲的;古怪的;爱挑剔的;
I used to pick up lethally poisonous stinging jellyfish and sing to them. 我常常捡起有毒刺的水母 并对它们歌唱。
lethally:adv.致命地;危害地;极具威胁地; poisonous:adj.有毒的;恶毒的;讨厌的; stinging:v.刺;蜇;叮;(使)感觉刺痛;激怒;使不安;(sting的现在分词) jellyfish:n.水母;[无脊椎]海蜇;软弱无能的人;
And so starting my career, 所以,我刚开始职业生涯的时候,
I was deadly curious about fundamental mysteries of the most basic building blocks of life, and I was fortunate to live in a society where that curiosity was valued. 就对生命的奥秘非常的好奇 特别是那些构成生命的最基本要素。 幸运的是,我生活在 一个重视这种好奇的社会。
fundamental:n.基础; adj.十分重大的; building blocks:(儿童玩的)积木;建筑砌块;堆积木;建筑砖块;基石; fortunate:adj.幸运的;交好运的;吉利的; curiosity:n.好奇,好奇心;珍品,古董,古玩;
Now, for me, this little pond scum critter Tetrahymena was a great way to study the fundamental mystery 现在,对我来说,这种小藻类生物“四膜虫”, 是一个研究这个基本奥秘的好方法。
I was most curious about: those bundles of DNA in our cells called chromosomes . 我最好奇的是有关: 在我们细胞中 称为染色体的那一簇簇DNA。
bundles:[解剖]束; chromosomes:n.[遗][细胞][染料]染色体(chromosome的复数形式);
And it was because I was curious about the very ends of chromosomes, known as telomeres . 这是因为我对染色体的最末端,即“端粒 这一部分非常有兴趣。
Now, when I started my quest , all we knew was that they helped protect the ends of chromosomes. 在我开始探索时, 我们所知道的就是 它们保护染色体的末端。
It was important when cells divide. 这在细胞分裂时很重要
It was really important, but I wanted to find out what telomeres consisted of, and for that, I needed a lot of them. 真的特别重要。 但我想搞清楚端粒由什么组成, 为此,我需要许多端粒。
And it so happens that cute little Tetrahymena has a lot of short linear chromosomes, around 20,000, so lots of telomeres. 而可爱的小四膜虫, 拥有许多小线性染色体。 大概有两万个, 因此数量充足。
And I discovered that telomeres consisted of special segments of noncoding DNA right at the very ends of chromosomes. 我发现端粒包含特殊区段 非编码DNA的就在染色体的最末端。
segments:n.片段; v.把…分割成段;
But here's a problem. 但,这里有个问题。
Now, we all start life as a single cell. 我们的生命都从一个细胞开始,
It multiples to two. Two becomes four. Four becomes eight, and on and on to form the 200 million billion cells that make up our adult body. 之后,它倍增成两个, 二个变成成四个,四个变成八个, 不断分化形成 200万兆个细胞, 组成我们成熟的身体。
multiples:n.[数]倍数;跨国公司;多倍制图仪;连票; on and on:继续不停地;
And some of those cells have to divide thousands of times. 而且一些细胞 必须分化几千次。
In fact, even as I stand here before you, all throughout my body, cells are furiously replenishing to, well, keep me standing here before you. 事实上,即使我站在你面前, 全身细胞正在疯狂地更新, 为了让我能站在你面前。
throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及; furiously:adv.猛烈地;狂暴地; replenishing:n.补充;重装;v.补充;再装满(replenish的ing形式);
So every time a cell divides, all of its DNA has to be copied, all of the coding DNA inside of those chromosomes, because that carries the vital operating instructions that keep our cells in good working order, so my heart cells can keep a steady beat, which I assure you they're not doing right now, and my immune cells can fight off bacteria and viruses, 每次细胞分裂, 所有的DNA都必须被复制, 所有在那些染色体内部的DNA编码, 因为它们携带了重要的操作指南, 使我们的细胞保持良好的工作状态。 这样我的心脏细胞就可以 保持稳定的跳动。 但事实上,我向各位保证 它们现在并没有做到。 而我的免疫细胞, 能抵抗细菌和病毒,
coding:n.译码;v.把…编码;(code的现在分词) vital:adj.至关重要的;生死攸关的;有活力的; steady:adj.稳定的; v.使稳定; v.稳定地; n.关系固定的情侣; assure:vt.保证;担保;使确信;弄清楚; immune:adj.免疫的;免于…的,免除的;n.免疫者;免除者; bacteria:n.[微]细菌;
and our brain cells can save the memory of our first kiss and keep on learning throughout life. 还有我们的脑细胞 可以保存我们初吻的记忆, 并且保持终身学习。
But there is a glitch in the way DNA is copied. 但在DNA复制的过程总会有个小故障
glitch:n.小故障;失灵;[电子]短时脉冲波干扰; in the way:妨碍;挡道;
It is just one of those facts of life. 当然,这只是生活中的事实之一。
Every time the cell divides and the DNA is copied, some of that DNA from the ends gets worn down and shortened , some of that telomere DNA. 每次细胞分裂 DNA被复制, 一些来自末端的DNA 磨损和缩短, 一些DNA端粒。
And think about it like the protective caps at the ends of your shoelace . 再想一想, 就像在你鞋带的末端保护帽一样
protective:adj.防护的;关切保护的;保护贸易的; shoelace:n.鞋带;
And those keep the shoelace, or the chromosome, from fraying , and when that tip gets too short, it falls off, and that worn down telomere sends a signal to the cells. 那些阻止鞋带, 或染色体磨损的东西 当那些保护措施变得太短,它就会脱落。 而那些磨损的端粒则 向细胞发送信号,
'"The DNA is no longer being protected." “这一条DNA不再受到保护了。”
It sends a signal. Time to die. 它发出一个信号,死亡的时刻到了。
So, end of story. 所以,故事的结局。
Well, sorry, not so fast. 哦,对不起,没那么快。
It can't be the end of the story, because life hasn't died off the face of the earth. 这不可能是故事的结局, 因为生命还没从 地球表面消逝。
So I was curious: if such wear and tear is inevitable , how on earth does Mother Nature make sure we can keep our chromosomes intact ? 所以我很好奇: 如果这样的磨损是不可避免的, 大自然究竟是怎么确保 我们可以保持染色体完整呢?
inevitable:adj.必然的,不可避免的; Mother Nature:n.大自然;自然界; intact:adj.完整的;原封不动的;未受损伤的;
Now, remember that little pond scum critter Tetrahymena? 现在,还记得 池塘里的小四膜虫?
The craziest thing was, Tetrahymena cells never got old and died. 最古怪的是, 四膜虫的细胞从不变老和死亡。
Their telomeres weren't shortening as time marched on. 它们的端粒并没有 随着时间向前而缩短,
Sometimes they even got longer. 有时甚至长得更长。
Something else was at work, and believe me, that something was not in any textbook. 还有别的东西在起作用, 相信我,那些东西 不在任何教科书中。
So working in my lab with my extraordinary student Carol Greider -- and Carol and I shared the Nobel Prize for this work -- we began running experiments and we discovered cells do have something else. 所以,在实验室里我与 我杰出的学生卡罗尔·格雷德一起工作 凯罗尔和我因这项工作 共享了诺贝尔奖。 我们开始做实验, 我们发现细胞 确实有其他的东西。
extraordinary:adj.非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的; Carol:v.欢乐地歌唱;唱耶诞颂歌;n.颂歌,赞美诗;欢乐之歌; Nobel Prize:n.诺贝尔奖;
It was a previously undreamed-of enzyme that could replenish, make longer, telomeres, and we named it telomerase . 这是一个以前做梦也想不到的酶。 它可以补充, 使端粒变得更长。 我们把它命名为端粒酶。
previously:adv.先前;以前; undreamed-of:梦想不到的; enzyme:n.[生化]酶; telomerase:n.端粒酶(核糖体蛋白酶);
And when we removed our pond scum's telomerase, their telomeres ran down and they died. 当我们去除掉实验藻的端粒酶, 它们的端粒水平下降了,死了。
So it was thanks to their plentiful telomerase that our pond scum critters never got old. 所以这得感谢充足的端粒酶 我们的藻生物从不变老。
plentiful:adj.丰富的;许多的;丰饶的; critters:n.生物;小动物(critter的复数形式);
OK, now, that's an incredibly hopeful message for us humans to be receiving from pond scum, because it turns out that as we humans age, our telomeres do shorten, and remarkably , that shortening is aging us. 因而,从这个实验中 我们可以得出这样一个充满希望的信息, 从这些藻类生物中得出的。 因为结果就是, 当我们人类衰老, 我们的端粒就随之缩短。 显然这种缩短 正在使我们衰老。
incredibly:adv.难以置信地;非常地; remarkably:adv.非常;极为;格外;出乎意料地
Generally speaking, the longer your telomeres, the better off you are. 一般来说你的端粒越长, 你的身体狀況就会越好。
It's the overshortening of telomeres that leads us to feel and see signs of aging. 正是这端粒的过度缩短 让我们感觉和看到衰老的迹象。
My skin cells start to die and I start to see fine lines, wrinkles . 我的皮肤细胞开始死亡, 于是我开始看到细纹,皱纹。
Hair pigment cells die. 毛发色素细胞死亡,
You start to see gray. 你就会开始看到这些灰色的头发。
Immune system cells die. 免疫系统细胞死亡,
Immune system:n.免疫系统;
You increase your risks of getting sick. 你增加了生病的风险。
In fact, the cumulative research from the last 20 years has made clear that telomere attrition is contributing to our risks of getting cardiovascular diseases , 事实上,20年来持续的研究都 明确表明端粒损耗, 增加了我们患心血管疾病,
cumulative:adj.累积的; attrition:n.摩擦;磨损;消耗; contributing:v.捐献,捐赠(尤指款或物);捐助;增加;增进;(contribute的现在分词) cardiovascular:adj.[解剖]心血管的; diseases:n.[医]病(disease的复数);[医]疾病;[植保]病害;疾病种类;
Alzheimer's, some cancers and diabetes , the very conditions many of us die of. 老年痴呆症,某些癌症和糖尿病的风险。 这些都是现代大多数人的死亡原因。
cancers:n.癌; (Cancers是cancer的复数) diabetes:n.糖尿病;多尿症;
And so we have to think about this. 所以我们必须考虑这个问题
What is going on? 到底是怎么回事?
This attrition, we look and we feel older, yeah. 这种损耗, 使我们看起来以及感觉老了。
Our telomeres are losing the war of attrition faster. 我们的端粒正在加快消失。
And those of us who feel youthful longer, it turns out our telomeres are staying longer for longer periods of time, extending our feelings of youthfulness and reducing the risks of all we most dread as the birthdays go by. 还有那些我们觉得青春更长的人, 结果是我们的端粒保持时间长些, 更长的时间, 而正是这种延长 也延长了我们的青春感, 减少了当我们每渡过一次生日, 所感到的那种时间流逝的恐惧。
extending:v.使伸长;扩大;扩展;延长;(extend的现在分词) youthfulness:n.少壮; dread:n.恐惧;可怕的人(或物);vi.惧怕;担心;vt.惧怕;担心;adj.可怕的;
OK, seems like a no-brainer . 好的, 这么一说好像很简单。
Now, if my telomeres are connected to how quickly I'm going to feel and get old, if my telomeres can be renewed by my telomerase, then all I have to do to reverse the signs and symptoms of aging 现在,如果我的端粒水平与 我对变老的感受和我的衰老相关联 如果我的端粒可以 被我的端粒酶更新, 那么为了扭转衰老的征兆和症状 我做的就是
renewed:adj.再次发生的; v.重新开始; (renew的过去分词和过去式) reverse:n.反面; v.颠倒; adj.相反的; symptoms:n.症状;征候;征兆;(symptom的复数)
is figure out where to buy that Costco-sized bottle of grade A organic fair trade telomerase, right? 弄清楚在哪里能买到 像Costco瓶子那样大小的 A级有机公平交易的端粒酶,对吗?
Great! Problem solved. 太好了,问题解决了.
(Applause) (掌声)
Not so fast, I'm sorry. 但实际上并没有这么快,我很抱歉
Alas , that's not the case. 唉,事实并非如此。
OK. And why? 为什么呢?
It's because human genetics has taught us that when it comes to our telomerase, we humans live on a knife edge. 这因为人类遗传学已经告诉我们, 当涉及到我们的端粒酶时, 我们人类生活在刀刃上,
OK, simply put, yes, nudging up telomerase does decrease the risks of some diseases, but it also increases the risks of certain and rather nasty cancers. 好吧,简单地说, 是的,提高端粒酶的水平 确实减少某些疾病的风险, 但它也增加了某些恶性肿瘤的风险。
nudging:v.(用肘)轻推,轻触;(朝某方向)轻推,渐渐推动;(nudge的现在分词) decrease:v.降低;减少;缩小;减弱;n.减少;减小量;所减少的总量;减缩位置; nasty:adj.极差的:令人厌恶的:不友好的:n.令人不愉快的事物:
So even if you could buy that Costco-sized bottle of telomerase, and there are many websites marketing such dubious products, the problem is you could nudge up your risks of cancers. 所以即使你能买到 Costco样大瓶的端粒酶, 而且有很多网站, 销售这种可疑产品。 但这么做的弊端就是 你可能提高了患癌症的风险。
dubious:adj.可疑的;暧昧的;无把握的;半信半疑的; nudge:n.推动; vt.推进; vi.轻推;
And we don't want that. 我们并不想要那样。
Now, don't worry, and because, while I think it's kind of funny that right now, you know, many of us may be thinking, well, I'd rather be like pond scum. 现在,别担心 因为,虽然我觉得有点好笑, 现在我们很多人可能在想, 好吧,我宁愿是池塘里的水藻。
(Laughter) (笑声)
There is something for us humans in the story of telomeres and their maintenance . 人类机体内 就存在着端粒维护机制。
But I want to get one thing clear. 但是我想澄清一件事,
It isn't about enormously extending human lifespan or immortality . 这并不是关于 延长人类的寿命 或使人类达成永生的机制。
enormously:adv.巨大地,庞大地;非常地,在极大程度上; lifespan:n.寿命;预期生命期限;预期使用期限; immortality:n.不朽;不朽的声名;不灭;
It's about health span. 这是关于健康的寿命,
Now, health span is the number of years of your life when you're free of disease, you're healthy, you're productive , you're zestfully enjoying life. 健康寿命是指你生命中有多少年 你没有疾病,你很健康,很有生产力, 你兴致勃勃地享受生活。
productive:adj.能生产的;生产的,生产性的;多产的;富有成效的; zestfully:adv.热情地;
Disease span, the opposite of health span, is the time of your life spent feeling old and sick and dying. 带病生存与健康寿命相反 是你生命中感觉衰老,生病和死亡的时刻。
So the real question becomes, 所以问题实际就变成
OK, if I can't guzzle telomerase, do I have control over my telomeres' length and hence my well-being , my health, without those downsides of cancer risks? 好吧,如果我不能狂饮端粒酶饮料 我们是否能控制 自己端粒的长度。 因此我的良好状态,我的健康, 就不会有这些负面癌症影响的风险?
guzzle:vt.狂饮;暴食;vi.狂饮;暴食;狼吞虎咽;n.狂饮;豪饮作乐; hence:adv.因此;今后; well-being:n.幸福;康乐; downsides:下降趋势;消极面,缺点(downside的复数);
OK? 可以吗?
So, it's the year 2000. 所以,这是2000年
Now, I've been minutely scrutinizing little teeny tiny telomeres very happily for many years, when into my lab walks a psychologist named Elissa Epel. 现在,我已经详细检查 那小小的,极小的,极微的的端粒 快乐地过了很多年, 一个叫伊丽莎 埃佩尔的心理学家 走进我的实验室,
minutely:adv.详细地;精密地;adj.每分钟的; scrutinizing:检查; teeny:adj.极小的;微小的; psychologist:n.心理学家,心理学者;
Now, Elissa's expertise is in the effects of severe , chronic psychological stress on our mind's and our body's health. 现在,伊丽莎专长的是 严重慢性心理压力, 于身心健康的影响.
expertise:n.专门知识;专门技术;专家的意见; severe:adj.极为恶劣的;十分严重的;严厉的;苛刻的; chronic:adj.慢性的;长期的;习惯性的; psychological:adj.心理的;心理学的;精神上的;
And there she was standing in my lab, which ironically overlooked the entrance to a mortuary , and -- 她站在我的实验室里, 讽刺的是从那可以看到太平间入口,
ironically:adv.讽刺地;说反话地; overlooked:n.被忽视;v.忽视(overlook的过去式和过去分词形式);忽略;俯瞰; mortuary:n.太平间;停尸间;adj.死的;悲哀的;
(Laughter) (笑声)
And she had a life-and-death question for me. 她有一个关生有死的问题问我
'"What happens to telomeres in people who are chronically stressed?" “在那些长期处于压力的人群中, 端粒会发生什么变化?”
she asked me. 她问我。
You see, she'd been studying caregivers , and specifically mothers of children with a chronic condition, be it gut disorder , be it autism , you name it -- a group obviously under enormous and prolonged psychological stress. 你看,她一直在研究照护者, 特别是慢性病儿童的母亲 无论是肠道紊乱,自闭症, 凡你说得出的都有 --- 这个群体显然是长期 处于巨大心理压力之下。
caregivers:n.照顾者;看护人(caregiver的复数); specifically:adv.特别地;明确地; gut:n.勇气;肠道;内脏;v.损毁内部;取出…的内脏;adj.非理性的;本能的 disorder:n.混乱;骚乱;vt.使失调;扰乱; autism:n.[心理][内科]孤独症;自我中心主义; prolonged:adj.长期的;持久的;v.延长(prolong的过去分词和过去式);
I have to say, her question changed me profoundly . 我不得不说,她的问题 深深地改变了我。
See, all this time I had been thinking of telomeres as those miniscule molecular structures that they are, and the genes that control telomeres. 你看,长期以来, 我一直在思考端粒 那些微小的分子结构, 和那控制端粒的基因。
miniscule:adj.草写小字的(等于minuscule);小字体的; molecular:adj.[化学]分子的;由分子组成的; structures:n.结构; v.建造(structure的第三人称单数形式); genes:n.基因;(gene的复数)
And when Elissa asked me about studying caregivers, 当伊丽莎问我 有关照护者的研究。
I suddenly saw telomeres in a whole new light. 我突然看到端粒, 在崭新的亮点之中。
I saw beyond the genes and the chromosomes into the lives of the real people we were studying. 我看到了超越基因和染色体之外, 进入到我们所研究的人 真实的生活之中,
And I'm a mom myself, and at that moment, 我自己也是个妈妈 在那一刻,
I was struck by the image of these women dealing with a child with a condition very difficult to deal with, often without help. 我被这些女人的形象所触动。 照顾一个有病的孩子, 很难处理, 常常没有帮助
And such women, simply, often look worn down. 而这样的女人,显然, 经常看起来疲惫不堪。
So was it possible their telomeres were worn down as well? 那么她们的端粒 会不会也损耗了呢?
So our collective curiosity went into overdrive . 所以,我们的所有的好奇心 马上超速运转。
collective:adj.集体的;共同的;集合的;集体主义的;n.集团;集合体;集合名词; overdrive:v.驱使过度;虐待;工作过度;n.超速档;[机]超速传动;
Elissa selected for our first study a group of such caregiving mothers, and we wanted to ask: What's the length of their telomeres compared with the number of years that they have been caregiving for their child with a chronic condition? 伊丽莎为我们第一个研究 选了一组这样的照护妈妈。 我们想要问: 端粒的长度 与她们照顾慢性病孩子的年数相比是多少?
compared:adj.比较的,对照的; v.相比; (compare的过去式和过去分词)
So four years go by and the day comes when all the results are in, and Elissa looked down at our first scatterplot and literally gasped , because there was a pattern to the data, and it was the exact gradient that we most feared might exist. 四年过去了, 在所有的结果都来临这一天, 伊丽莎看着 我们的第一个散点图, 简直深吸了一口气, 因为数据呈现一个模式, 正是我们最害怕 可能存在的梯度变化。
scatterplot:n.散点图; literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地: gasped:v.喘气,倒抽气; (gasp的过去分词和过去式) gradient:n.[数][物]梯度;坡度;倾斜度;adj.倾斜的;步行的;
It was right there on the page. 就呈现在那页上。
The longer, the more years that is, the mother had been in this caregiving situation, no matter her age, the shorter were her telomeres. 时间越长,年数越多, 母亲处于 在这照顾者的情况下, 不管她的年龄的大小, 她的端粒越短。
And the more she perceived her situation as being more stressful , the lower was her telomerase and the shorter were her telomeres. 和她越感到 她的处境压力越大 她的端粒酶越低, 她的端粒越短。
perceived:v.注意到;意识到;将…视为;认为;(perceive的过去式和过去分词) stressful:adj.紧张的;有压力的;
So we had discovered something unheard of: the more chronic stress you are under, the shorter your telomeres, meaning the more likely you were to fall victim to an early disease span and perhaps untimely death. 所以我们发现了一些前所未闻的东西: 你承受的慢性压力越大, 你的端粒越短, 意味着你越有可能 过早患病 也许是英年早逝。
unheard:adj.听不到的;未被倾听的;不予理睬的; victim:n.受害人;牺牲品;牺牲者; untimely:adj.不合时宜的;过早的;adv.不合时宜地;过早地;
Our findings meant that people's life events and the way we respond to these events can change how you maintain your telomeres. 我们的研究结果意味着 人们的生活事件, 以及我们对这些事件的反应方式 可以改变 你如何维持你的端粒。
findings:n.调查发现;判决;裁决;(finding的复数) respond:vi.回答;作出反应;承担责任;n.应答;唱和; maintain:v.维持;保持;维修;保养;坚持(意见);
So telomere length wasn't just a matter of age counted in years. 端粒长度并不只是年岁长短,
Elissa's question to me, back when she first came to my lab, indeed had been a life-and-death question. 伊丽莎的问题于我而言, 就在她第一次来到我的实验室时, 的确是一个生死问题。
Now, luckily, hidden in that data there was hope. 现在,幸运的是 隐藏在这些数据中有希望。
We noticed that some mothers, despite having been carefully caring for their children for many years, had been able to maintain their telomeres. 我们注意到一些母亲, 尽管细心照顾 她们的孩子多年, 却能够维持她们的端粒。
So studying these women closely revealed that they were resilient to stress. 所以仔细研究这些女人 她们能承受压力。
revealed:v.揭示;显示;露出;(reveal的过去分词和过去式) resilient:adj.弹回的,有弹力的;
Somehow they were able to experience their circumstances not as a threat day in and day out but as a challenge, and this has led to a very important insight for all of us: we have control over the way we age all the way down into our cells. 不知何故她们能 经历她们的处境, 不当作一日复一日的威胁 而是作为挑战。 这给了我们所有人一个领悟: 我们可以控制自己的老化过程。 一直深入到我们的细胞。
Somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地; circumstances:n.情况;环境;情形;(circumstance的复数) day in and day out:天天;夜以继日; insight:n.洞察力;洞悉;
OK, now our initial curiosity became infectious . 好了,现在我们起初的好奇 变得有传染性。
initial:adj.最初的; n.(名字的)首字母; v.用姓名的首字母作标记(或签名)于; infectious:adj.传染的;传染性的;易传染的;
Thousands of scientists from different fields added their expertise to telomere research, and the findings have poured in. 成千上万的科学家 从不同的领域 加入他们的专业知识在 端粒的研究上, 研究结果也大量涌现。
It's up to over 10,000 scientific papers and counting. 超过10,000篇 科技论文与统计。
So several studies rapidly confirmed our initial finding that yes, chronic stress is bad for telomeres. 所以,有一些研究 很快证实了我们的初步发现。 是的,慢性应激 对端粒不好。
And now many are revealing that we have more control over this particular aging process than any of us could ever have imagined. 现在许多研究揭示, 我们在这种老化过程 有更多的掌控权, 比我们所能想象的更多。
revealing:adj.暴露的;发人深省的;v.揭示;露出;显示;展示;(reveal的现在分词) process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的;
A few examples: a study from the University of California, Los Angeles of people who are caring for a relative with dementia , long-term , and looked at their caregiver's telomere maintenance capacity and found that it was improved by them practicing a form of meditation for as little as 12 minutes a day for two months. 举几个例子: 加利福尼亚洛杉矶大学的一项研究, 长期照顾患有痴呆症亲人, 研究他们的照顾者 端粒的维持能力, 发现它得到了改善, 通过练习一种冥想, 只需每天12分钟持续两个月。
relative:adj.相对的;有关系的;成比例的;n.亲戚;相关物;[语]关系词;亲缘植物; dementia:n.[内科]痴呆; long-term:adj.长期的;从长远来看; capacity:n.能力;容量;资格,地位;生产力; improved:adj.改良的:v.改进:改善(improve的过去分词和过去式) meditation:n.冥想;沉思,深思;
Attitude matters. 态度很重要。
If you're habitually a negative thinker, you typically see a stressful situation with a threat stress response , meaning if your boss wants to see you, you automatically think, "I'm about to be fired," 如果你习惯了消极的思考, 你通常遇到压力情形 会以威胁应激作反应, 比如,你的老板想见你, 你自然而然地想, “我就要被解雇了,”
habitually:adv.习惯地;日常地; negative:adj.[数]负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的;n.否定;负数;[摄]底片;v.否定;拒绝; typically:adv.代表性地;作为特色地; response:n.响应;反应;回答; automatically:adv.自动地;机械地;无意识地;adj.不经思索的;
and your blood vessels constrict , and your level of the stress hormone cortisol creeps up, and then it stays up, and over time, that persistently high level of the cortisol actually damps down your telomerase. 你的血管收缩, 和你的压力荷尔蒙 皮质醇水平升高, 而且持续在那, 随着时间的推移, 这种持续高水平的皮质醇 实际上,抑制你的端粒酶,
vessels:n.血管(vessel的复数);船舶;容器; constrict:vt.压缩;束紧; hormone:n.[生理]激素,荷尔蒙; cortisol:n.[生化]皮质醇;考的索;[药]氢化可的松; creeps:n.缺磷症;佝偻病;毛骨悚然的感觉;v.爬;蔓延(creep的第三人称单数形式); persistently:adv.坚持地;固执地; damps:vt.使潮湿; vi.减幅,阻尼; n.潮湿,湿气; adj.潮湿的;
Not good for your telomeres. 不利于你的端粒。
On the other hand , if you typically see something stressful as a challenge to be tackled , then blood flows to your heart and to your brain, and you experience a brief but energizing spike of cortisol. 另一方面, 如果你通常视有压力的事情, 作为一个有待解决的挑战, 于是,血液流向你的心脏。 和你的大脑, 你经历了一个简短的 但兴奋的皮质醇峰值。
On the other hand:另一方面; tackled:v,解决,处理,对付;(tackle的过去式和过去分词) energizing:v.激励(energize的现在分词);通电; spike:n.长钉,道钉;钉鞋;细高跟;vt.阻止;以大钉钉牢;用尖物刺穿;
And thanks to that habitual "bring it on" attitude, your telomeres do just fine. 感谢那个 “来吧”的态度, 你的端粒会没事,
So ... 所以,
What is all of this telling us? 这一切告诉我们什么?
Your telomeres do just fine. 你的端粒很好。
You really do have power to change what is happening to your own telomeres. 你真的有权力 改变正在发生的事情 对你自己的端粒。
But our curiosity just got more and more intense , because we started to wonder, what about factors outside our own skin? 但我们的好奇心 变得越来越強烈, 因为我们开始想知道, 我们自己皮肤以外的因素呢?
intense:adj.强烈的;紧张的;非常的;热情的; factors:n.因素(factor的复数); v.做代理商;
Could they impact our telomere maintenance as well? 它们也能影响 我们的端粒维持吗?
You know, we humans are intensely social beings. 你知道,我们人类 是极度的群居动物
Was it even possible that our telomeres were social as well? 我们的端粒也可能是有社会性的吗?
And the results have been startling . 结果令人吃惊。
As early as childhood , emotional neglect , exposure to violence , bullying and racism all impact your telomeres, and the effects are long-term. 早在童年时代, 情感上的忽视、暴露在暴力之中, 欺凌和种族主义 都会影响你的端粒, 其影响是长期的。
childhood:n.童年;幼年;孩童时期 emotional:adj.情绪的;易激动的;感动人的; neglect:v.忽视;忽略;疏忽;疏于照顾;n.忽视;忽略;未被重视; exposure:n.暴露;显露;揭露;面临; violence:n.暴力;侵犯;激烈;歪曲; bullying:n.仗势欺人者;横行霸道者;v.恐吓;伤害;胁迫;(bully的现在分词) racism:n.种族主义,种族歧视;人种偏见;
Can you imagine the impact on children of living years in a war zone? 你能想象对孩子的影响, 在战区度过多年,
People who can't trust their neighbors and who don't feel safe in their neighborhoods consistently have shorter telomeres. 人们不能信任邻居, 在他们的社区觉得不安全, 端粒长度较短。
So your home address matters for telomeres as well. 所以你的家庭住址 对端粒也很重要。
On the flip side , tight-knit communities , being in a marriage long-term, and lifelong friendships, even, all improve telomere maintenance. 反过来, 紧密结合的社区, 长久的婚姻, 甚至终身的友谊, 改善端粒的维持。
On the flip side:另一方面; tight-knit:adj.亲密的,紧密的; communities:n.社区;社会;团体;共有(community的复数)
So what is all this telling us? 那么这一切告诉我们什么?
It's telling us that I have the power to impact my own telomeres, and I also have the power to impact yours. 它告诉我们,我有力量 影响我自己的端粒, 我也有能力影响你的。
Telomere science has told us just how interconnected we all are. 端粒科学告诉我们 我们是那么的连接在一起。
But I'm still curious. 但我还是很好奇。
I do wonder what legacy all of us will leave for the next generation? 我真的想知到, 我们所有人 将遗留给下一代什么?
Will we invest in the next young woman or man peering through a microscope at the next little critter, the next bit of pond scum, curious about a question we don't even know today is a question? 我们是否会投资 在下一个年轻男女, 透过显微镜窥视 下一个小动物, 下一堆绿藻, 对某个问题很好奇 我们今天都不知道是个问题?
invest:v.投资;(把资金)投入;投入(时间、精力等);授予; peering:n.对等互连;对等操作;互传;同级化;v.凝视(peer的现在分词);同等,比得上; microscope:n.显微镜;
It could be a great question that could impact all the world. 这可能是个很好的 会影响整个世界的问题.
And maybe, maybe you're curious about you. 也许,也许你对自己很好奇。
Now that you know how to protect your telomeres, are you curious what are you going to do with all those decades of brimming good health? 现在你知道了 如何保护你的端粒, 你好奇你将要做什么吗? 在身体健康的几十年。
And now that you know you could impact the telomeres of others, are you curious how will you make a difference ? 现在你知道你可以影响 其他人的端粒, 你是否好奇 你将如何改变世界?
make a difference:有影响,有关系;
And now that you know the power of curiosity to change the world, how will you make sure that the world invests in curiosity for the sake of the generations that will come after us? 现在你知道了 好奇心改变世界的力量, 你将如何确定 世界投资于好奇心 为了下一代,为了来人?
invests:v.投资;花费(invest的三单形式); for the sake of:为了;为了…的利益;
Thank you. 谢谢。