

(Music) (音乐)
(Singing) It was a teenage wedding and the old folks wished them well. (唱歌)那是一场年轻人的婚礼, 老人家给予他们祝福。
You could see that Pierre did truly love the mademoiselle . 你可以看得出皮耶确实 真心爱着那位小姐。
Oh, and now the young monsieur and madame have rung the chapel bell. 喔, 现在,这年轻的先生和小姐 已经敲响了礼拜堂的钟。
monsieur:n.(法)先生;绅士; rung:n.横档,脚蹬横木;地位;v.给…打电话(ring的过去式和过去分词); chapel:n.小礼拜堂,小教堂;礼拜;adj.非国教的;
C'est la vie , say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell. 这就是人生,老人家说, 接下来会发生什么事, 你永远不会知道。
No, no. 不会,不会。
They furnished off an apartment with a two-room Roebuck sale. 他们在罗巴克买了一间 两房公寓,也选配好了家俱。
furnished:adj.带家具的; v.布置家具; (furnish的过去分词和过去式) Roebuck:n.雄獐;
The coolerator was crammed with TV dinners and ginger ale . 冰箱里装满了微波餐和姜汁汽水。
crammed:adj.塞满的;挤满的;v.把…塞进;挤满;塞满;(cram的过去分词和过去式) ginger ale:n.姜味汽水;一瓶(或一杯)姜味汽水;
Oh, but when Pierre found work, the little money comin' worked out well . 喔, 但当皮耶找到工作时, 微薄的收入很有幫助。
C'est la vie, say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell. 这就是人生,老人家说, 接下来会发生什么事, 你永远不会知道。
You never can tell. 你永远不会知道。
They bought a souped-up jitney , was a cherry red '53. 他们买了一台加强马力的车, 1953 年份,樱桃红色。
souped-up:adj.加强了马力的; jitney:n.小公共汽车;五分硬币;vt.搭乘小型公共汽车;vi.乘小型公共汽车; cherry:adj.上品;卓越的;樱桃色的;n.樱桃;樱桃树;樱桃色;
They drove it down to New Orleans to celebrate their anniversary. 他们开这台车到纽奥良 庆祝婚姻周年。
Oh, it was there where Pierre was wedded to the lovely mademoiselle. 喔, 皮耶就是在那里 娶了这位美丽的小姐。
wedded:adj.执著; v.结婚;
C'est la vie, say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell. 这就是人生,老人家说, 接下来会发生什么事, 你永远不会知道。
No, no, you never can tell. 不会,不会, 你永远不会知道。
No, no, you never can tell. 不会,不会, 你永远不会知道。
You never can tell. 你永远不会知道。
You never can tell. 你永远不会知道。
No, no, you never can tell. 不会,不会, 你永远不会知道。
(Applause and cheers) (掌声及欢呼)
Thank you. 谢谢。
I recently had the tremendous opportunity of searching for gold in the vast mine of songs released by Chess Records, a Chicago-based label that was really very active in the '50s and '60s in the US and that music spread all over the world. 最近,我有个很棒的机会, 一大堆发行歌曲中挖宝, 它是位在芝加哥的一家唱片公司, 五十和六十年代在美国相当活跃, 其音乐遍及全世界。
recently:adv.最近;新近; tremendous:adj.极大的,巨大的;惊人的;极好的; released:v.释放;使免除;已发布;(release的过去分词和过去式) label:n.标签;标记;谓;唱片公司;v.贴标签于;用标签标明;
And the songs that I'm singing tonight are from an album that I just put out called, "Playing Chess," 我今天晚上演唱的歌曲 是取自我刚推出的专辑「下棋」,
that pays homage to those songs. 它是在向那些歌曲致敬。
And these guys were really the innovators of rock 'n' roll and soul and R&B as we now know it. 这些人真可说是我们所知道的 摇滚乐、灵魂乐, 和节奏蓝调背后的创新者,
(Applause) (掌声)
(Music) (音乐)
(Singing) Over the mountain, across the sea, there's a girl waiting, she's waiting for ... (唱歌)在山的另一侧, 在海的另一岸, 有一个女孩在等着, 她在等着……
me. 我。
(Music) (音乐)
Over the river, beyond every cloud, she's passed the wind blowin' loud. 在河的另一边, 在每朵云之外, 她的身影好似穿越了大声吹拂的风。
Over the mountain, a girl waits for me. 在山的另一侧, 有一个女孩在等着我。
(Music) (音乐)
Tell the sands, every blade of grass, please tell the wind to let my love pass. 告诉沙子, 告诉每一叶草, 请告诉风,让我的爱随风而去。
Over the mountain, a girl waits for me. 在山的另一侧, 有一个女孩在等着我。
Tell the moon up -- up in the sky. 告诉上面的月亮—— 天空上面。
Tell all the birds that fly on by that over and over the mountain ... 告诉所有飞过的鸟儿, 在山的另一侧……
over and over:反复;再三;
my love waits for me. 我的摯爱在等着我。
Oh, into each dark, starry night, oh, what a mystery that's sealed so tight. 喔, 在每个黑暗、繁星点点的夜晚, 喔,好一个谜, 封得好紧密。
Over the mountain, a girl waits for me. 在山的另一侧, 有一个女孩在等着我。
Tell the moon up -- up in the sky. 告诉上面的月亮—— 天空上面。
Tell the birds that fly by that over and over the mountain my love waits for me. 告诉所有飞过的鸟儿, 在山的另一侧, 我的摯爱在等着我。
Into each dark and starry night, oh, what a mystery that's sealed so tight. 在每个黑暗、繁星点点的夜晚, 喔,好一个谜, 封得好紧密。
Over the mountains, a girl waits for me. 在山的另一侧, 有一个女孩在等着我。
She waits for me. 她在等着我。
Oh, she waits for me. 喔,她在等着我。
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know. 我知道,我知道,我知道, 我知道,我知道。
Oh, 喔,
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know. 我知道,我知道,我知道, 我知道,我知道。
Oh, 喔,
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, oh oh, oh oh. 我知道,我知道,我知道, 我知道,我知道。 喔喔,喔喔。
(Applause and cheers) (掌声及欢呼)