

This is an ambucycle. 這是一輛救護摩托車
This is the fastest way to reach any medical emergency . 用它,我們能以最快的速度到達急救現場
It has everything an ambulance has except for a bed. 除了床,救護車上有的設備它都有
You see the defibrillator . You see the equipment. 有除顫器,還有其他器材
We all saw the tragedy that happened in Boston . 我們都知道波士頓慘案
tragedy:n.悲惨的事;不幸;灾难;悲剧作品; Boston:n.波士顿(美国城市);
When I was looking at these pictures, it brought me back many years to my past when I was a child. 當我看著這些照片 它讓我回憶起多年前 我還是一個小孩兒的時候
I grew up in a small neighborhood in Jerusalem . 我在耶路撒冷的一個小街坊長大
neighborhood:n.附近;地区;街坊;adj.附近的; Jerusalem:n.耶路撒冷(以色列首都);
When I was six years old, I was walking back from school on a Friday afternoon with my older brother. 一個星期五的下午,當時我只有六歲 我和哥哥走在放學回家的路上
We were passing by a bus stop. 經過一個公車站時
We saw a bus blow up in front of our eyes. 目睹一輛公車在我們眼前爆炸
The bus was on fire, and many people were hurt and killed. 整個車身都是火,造成了很大的傷亡
I remembered an old man yelling to us and crying to help us get him up. 我記得,一個老人 朝我們叫喊,大聲叫著讓我們扶他起來
He just needed someone helping him. 他只是需要人幫助他
We were so scared and we just ran away. 我們當時很恐慌,所以跑開了
Growing up, I decided I wanted to become a doctor and save lives. 或許正是因為那次事故
Maybe that was because of what I saw when I was a child. 長大後,我決定成為一名救死扶傷的醫生
When I was 15, I took an EMT course, and I went to volunteer on an ambulance. 15歲時,我修了一門“緊急醫療救護技術員”課程 然後志願去救護車上工作
For two years, I volunteered on an ambulance in Jerusalem. 整整兩年,我都志願在耶路撒冷的救護車上工作
I helped many people, but whenever someone really needed help, 幫助了許多人 但每當有人需要急救時
I never got there in time. We never got there. 我從沒及時到達,我們從沒及時到達
The traffic is so bad. The distance, and everything. 因為交通太差,距離太遠等原因
We never got there when somebody really needed us. 當有人需要急救時,我們從沒及時到達
One day, we received a call about a seven-year-old child choking from a hot dog. 一次,我們接到電話 說一個七歲小孩兒被熱狗噎住了
Traffic was horrific , and we were coming from the other side of town in the north part of Jerusalem. 交通差得可怕,我們要從耶路撒冷北部 即城鎮的另一邊出發
When we got there, 20 minutes later, we started CPR on the kid. 20分鐘後,我們到達現場 對這個孩子進行心肺復甦
A doctor comes in from a block away, stop us, checks the kid, and tells us to stop CPR. 一名醫生從一個街區外趕來,讓我們停下 他對孩子進行檢查之後讓我們停止心肺復甦
That second he declared this child dead. 隨即他說,孩子已經死亡
At that moment, I understood that this child died for nothing. 那一刻我認識到 這個小孩兒的死毫無意義
If this doctor, who lived one block away from there, would have come 20 minutes earlier, not have to wait until that siren he heard before coming from the ambulance, if he would have heard about it way before, he would have saved this child. 如果這位只距此一個街區的醫生 能夠早20分鐘到這兒 而非直到聽見救護車的警笛響起 才過來 抑或是他早先就得知這起事故 他也能救下這個孩子
He could have run from a block away. 其實,他可以從一個街區外跑過來
He could have saved this child. 也可以救下這個孩子
I said to myself, there must be a better way. 於是我對自己說,一定有更好的方法
Together with 15 of my friends -- we were all EMTs — we decided, let's protect our neighborhood, so when something like that happens again, we will be there running to the scene a lot before the ambulance. 我和朋友們, 15人都是救護技術員, 下定決心要保護鄰居們 當類似事件再發生時 我們能在救護車之前到達急救現場
So I went over to the manager of the ambulance company and I told him, "Please, whenever you have a call coming into our neighborhood, we have 15 great guys who are willing to stop everything they're doing and run and save lives. 於是我去對救護車公司的經理講 “無論何時你接到從我們附近 撥來的急救電話 只需用呼叫器提醒我們 我們有15個人,我們願意
Just alert us by beeper . 停下手裡的事去救人
alert:n.警报; adj.警觉的; v.向…报警; beeper:n.能发出哔哔声音的仪器;导弹遥控员;
We'll buy these beepers , just tell your dispatch to send us the beeper, and we will run and save lives." 我們會自己買呼叫器 您讓調度把呼叫器給我們我們就會跑去救人”
beepers:n.能发出哔哔声音的仪器;导弹遥控员; dispatch:n.派遣;急件;vt.派遣;分派;
Well, he was laughing. I was 17 years old. I was a kid. 然而,他笑了。我當時還是個17歲的孩子
And he said to me — I remember this like yesterday — he was a great guy, but he said to me, "Kid, go to school, or go open a falafel stand. 他對我說的話,恍如昨日 他人很不錯,但他卻說 “孩子,上學去,或去開一間小沙拉三明治店
We're not really interested in these kinds of new adventures. 我們對這些新探險不太感興趣
We're not interested in your help." And he threw me out of the room. 也對你們的幫助不感興趣”,然後把我趕出了辦公室
'"I don't need your help," he said. 他還說,“我不需要你的幫助”
I was a very stubborn kid. 我可是個脾氣很倔的小孩兒
As you see now, I'm walking around like crazy , meshugenah. 如你們所見,我像瘋了一樣四處走動
like crazy:拼命地;发疯似的;
(Laughter) (Applause) (笑聲)(掌聲)
So I decided to use the Israeli very famous technique you've probably all heard of, chutzpah . (Laughter) 於是我打算用大概你們都聽過的 以色列人最聞名的技巧——厚臉皮
Israeli:adj.以色列的;以色列人的;n.以色列人; technique:n.技巧,技术;手法; chutzpah:n.肆无忌惮;
And the next day, I went and I bought two police scanners , and I said, "The hell with you, if you don't want to give me information, I'll get the information myself." 第二天,我去買了兩個警用掃描儀 說,“去你的,你不想給我信息 我就自己去搞”
And we did turns, who's going to listen to the radio scanners. 我們輪流聽無線電
The next day, while I was listening to the scanners, 第二天,當我在聽無線電的時候
I heard about a call coming in of a 70-year-old man hurt by a car only one block away from me on the main street of my neighborhood. 我聽到一個急救電話,一個70歲的老人被車撞了 而且距我只有一個街區 在我附近的大街上
main street:n.大街(城镇的主要商业街道);典型的美国中产阶级;
I ran there by foot. I had no medical equipment. 我跑到那兒了,但是沒有急救設備
When I got there, the 70-year-old man was lying on the floor, blood was gushing out of his neck. 當我到達時,那個70歲的老人 正躺在地上,血從他頸部往外湧
gushing:v.喷涌; adj.过分热情的;
He was on Coumadin . 他用過香豆素(一種口服抗凝血藥物)
I knew I had to stop his bleeding or else he would die. 我必須給他止血,不然他可能會死
I took off my yarmulke , because I had no medical equipment, and with a lot of pressure, I stopped his bleeding. 因為沒有急救設備,所以我摘下圓頂小帽 把它使勁壓在傷口處,止住了血
He was bleeding from his neck. 所以現在只是頸部在流血
When the ambulance arrived 15 minutes later, 救護車15分鐘後到了
I gave them over a patient who was alive. 我交給他們一位活著的病人
(Applause) (掌聲)
When I went to visit him two days later, he gave me a hug and was crying and thanking me for saving his life. 兩天後我去看望他 他哭著擁抱了我 感謝我救了他
At that moment, when I realized this is the first person 那一刻我才意識到,這是我兩年志願服務後
I ever saved in my life after two years volunteering in an ambulance, 救助的第一個人
I knew this is my life's mission . 我意識到,這就是我的人生使命
So today, 22 years later, we have United Hatzalah. 所以,22年後的今天,我們有了“全民義救”
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式)
(Applause) (掌聲)
'"Hatzalah" means " rescue ," for all of you who don't know Hebrew . “Hatzalah”意思是“營救”,我忘了我不是在以色列
rescue:n.救援;抢救;营救;获救;v.抢救;营救;援救; Hebrew:n.希伯来人,犹太人;希伯来语;adj.希伯来语的;希伯来人的;
I forgot I'm not in Israel. 可能你們中有人不懂希伯來語
So we have thousands of volunteers who are passionate about saving lives, and they're spread all around, so whenever a call comes in, they just stop everything and go and run and save a life. 我們有成千上萬的 熱衷於救助生命的志願者 他們遍佈各處,無論何時有急救電話 他們都會立即停下手裡的事跑去救助他人
volunteers:n.志愿者; v.自愿做; (volunteer的第三人称单数和复数) passionate:adj.热情的;热烈的,激昂的;易怒的;
Our average response time today went down to less than three minutes in Israel. 現在在以色列,我們的平均反應時間 已經降低到3分鐘以下
response time:n.反应时间;回应时间;
(Applause) (掌聲)
I'm talking about heart attacks, 我談的事涉及心臟病、
I'm talking about car accidents, 交通事故,
God forbid bomb attacks, shootings, whatever it is, even a woman 3 o'clock in the morning falling in her home and needs someone to help her. 上帝禁止炸彈襲擊、槍殺和其他一切恐怖活動 即使凌晨三點有個女人 在家裡摔倒了需要幫助
Three minutes, we'll have a guy with his pajamas running to her house and helping her get up. 只要3分鐘,我們就會有人穿著睡衣 跑到她家去扶她起來
The reasons why we're so successful are because of three things. 我們的成功有三個原因
Thousands of passionate volunteers who will leave everything they do and run to help people they don't even know. 第一是因為我們有成千上萬充滿激情的志願者 他們願意丢下自己的事情 跑去幫助那些甚至他們自己都不認識的人
We're not there to replace ambulances . 我們並不是為了取代救護車
We're just there to get the gap between the ambulance call until they arrive. 我們只是為了填補 急救電話撥出後和救護車到達前的間隙
And we save people that otherwise would not be saved. 我們救助那些若不及時挽救就會死亡的人
The second reason is because of our technology . 第二是因為科技
You know, Israelis are good in technology. 眾所周知,以色列人擅長運用高科技
Every one of us has on his phone, no matter what kind of phone, a GPS technology done by NowForce, and whenever a call comes in, the closest five volunteers get the call, and they actually get there really quick, and navigated by a traffic navigator to get there and not waste time. 我們每個人的手機,不管哪種手機 都裝有全球定位系統 每當有急救電話 5位距離最近的志願者會接到電話 然後在道路訊息告知系統的指引下 以最快的時間到達,不浪費一點時間
no matter what:不管什么…; navigated:vt.驾驶,操纵;使通过;航行于;vi.航行,航空; navigator:n.航海家;领航员;驾驶员;
And this is a great technology we use all over the country and reduce the response time. 我們在全國範圍內運用這一技術 以便降低反應時間
And the third thing are these ambucycles. 第三就是這些救護摩托
These ambucycles are an ambulance on two wheels. 它們是兩個輪子上的救護車
We don't transfer people, but we stabilize them, and we save their lives. 但我們不運送傷者,只穩定他們的傷情 及時救助他們
transfer:n.转移;调任;调离;[体]转会球员;v.调任;调走;转学;转移; stabilize:vt.使稳固,使安定;vi.稳定,安定;
They never get stuck in traffic. They could even go on a sidewalk . 救護摩托不會陷入交通阻塞,它們能在人行道上開
They never, literally , get stuck in traffic. 正是由於它們不會陷入交通阻塞
That's why we get there so fast. 所以我們能最快到達現場
A few years after I started this organization , in a Jewish community , two Muslims from east Jerusalem called me up. 在我發起這個組織幾年後 東耶路撒冷的一個猶太社區里 兩個穆斯林打電話給我
organization:n.组织;机构;体制;团体; Jewish:adj.犹太人的;犹太族的; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体;
They ask me to meet. They wanted to meet with me. 說想和我見面
Muhammad Asli and Murad Alyan. 他們是穆罕默德·阿斯利和穆拉德·阿里安
When Muhammad told me his personal story, how his father, 55 years old, collapsed at home, had a cardiac arrest, and it took over an hour for an ambulance arrive, and he saw his father die in front of his eyes, he asked me, "Please start this in east Jerusalem." 穆罕默德給我講訴他的親身經歷 他的父親,55歲 因為心搏停止在家倒下了 救護車花了一個多小時才到他家 他目睹了父親在眼前死去 他對我說,“請一定在東耶路撒冷建立全民義救”
personal:adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的;n.人事消息栏;人称代名词; collapsed:v.倒塌,坍塌;倒下,昏倒;坐下;(collapse的过去分词和过去式) cardiac:n.强心剂;强胃剂;adj.心脏的;心脏病的;贲门的;
I said to myself, I saw so much tragedy, so much hate, and it's not about saving Jews. It's not about saving Muslims. 我對自己講,見過了這麼多悲劇和仇恨 這並不是為了救猶太人、穆斯林
It's not about saving Christians. It's about saving people. 和基督徒,我們是為了救“人”
So I went ahead, full force -- 於是,我竭力開始著手
(Applause) — and I started United Hatzalah in east Jerusalem, and that's why the names United and Hatzalah match so well. (掌聲) 在東耶路撒冷發起了“全民義救” 這就是“全民”和“義救” 如此契合的原因
We started hand in hand saving Jews and Arabs. 我們團結一致幫助猶太人和阿拉伯人
hand in hand:adj.并进的;手拉手的;亲密的;
Arabs were saving Jews. Jews were saving Arabs. 阿拉伯人在幫助猶太人,猶太人在幫助阿拉伯人
Something special happened. 有件特別的事情發生了
Arabs and Jews, they don't always get along together, but here in this situation, the communities , literally, it's an unbelievable situation that happened, 我們知道阿拉伯人和猶太人向來不和睦 但在這種情況下 社區之間真的 產生了難以置信的友好狀態
communities:n.社区;社会;团体;共有(community的复数) unbelievable:adj.(非正式)难以置信的;不可信的
the diversities , all of a sudden they had a common interest: 突然之間,差異間有了共同利益——
diversities:n.差异;参差;(diversities是diversity的复数); all of a sudden:突然地,出乎意料地;
Let's save lives together. 共同拯救生命
Settlers were saving Arabs and Arabs were saving settlers. 移民在幫助阿拉伯人,阿拉伯人在幫助移民
It's an unbelievable concept that could work only when you have such a great cause. 這種不可思議的理念 也只有在如此偉大的目標下才會起作用
And these are all volunteers. 而且這些人都是志願者
No one is getting money. 沒人收取報酬
They're all doing it for the purpose of saving lives. 他們這麼做只是為了救人
for the purpose of:为了…目的;
When my own father collapsed a few years ago from a cardiac arrest, one of the first volunteers to arrive to save my father was one of these Muslim volunteers from east Jerusalem who was in the first course to join Hatzalah. 幾年前,我父親因心搏停止倒下 最先到達現場 救我父親的志願者 是一名來自東耶路撒冷的穆斯林 這是他加入“全民義救”後的第一次任務
And he saved my father. 但是他救了我父親
Could you imagine how I felt in that moment? 你們能想像我那一刻的感受嗎?
When I started this organization, I was 17 years old. 我17歲時發起這個組織
I never imagined that one day I'd be speaking at TEDMED. 從沒想過某天我會站在TEDMED 的講臺上
I never even knew what TEDMED was then. 甚至從不知 TEDMED 是什麼
I don't think it existed, but I never imagined, 我不知道有 TEDMED,也沒猜測過
I never imagined that it's going to go all around, it's going to spread around, and this last year we started in Panama and Brazil . 我從沒想到“全民義救”會在附近發展 會向全世界發展 去年,我們在巴拿馬和巴西也發起了這個組織
All I need is a partner who is a little meshugenah like me, passionate about saving lives, and willing to do it. 我只需一個跟我一樣瘋狂的夥伴 熱衷且義無反顧的救助他人
And I'm actually starting it in India very soon with a friend who I met in Harvard just a while back. 其實,我也正和一個在哈佛遇見的朋友 在印度籌劃發起這個組織
Hatzalah actually started in Brooklyn by a Hasidic Jew years before us in Williamsburg, and now it's all over the Jewish community in New York, even Australia and Mexico and many other Jewish communities. 其實義救在我們之前就由一個哈西德猶太人 在布魯克林的威廉斯堡發起了 現在已遍布紐約的猶太社區 甚至包括澳大利亞、墨西哥和許多其他猶太社區
But it could spread everywhere. 它可以傳播到任何地方
It's very easy to adopt . 非常容易開展
You even saw these volunteers in New York saving lives in the World Trade Center. 你甚至能看到志願者們 在紐約世貿中心救人
Last year alone, we treated in Israel 207,000 people. 僅去年,我們在以色列救助了 207000人
Forty-two thousand of them were life-threatening situations. 其中 42000人 生命危在旦夕
And we made a difference. 但是我們創造了奇蹟
I guess you could call this a lifesaving flash mob , and it works. 你們可以叫我們“救生快閃” 但確實有用
lifesaving:adj.救命的;救生用的;n.救生; flash:n.闪光; v.闪光; adj.庞大的; mob:n.人群;(尤指)暴民;一群;一帮;v.(鸟群或兽群)围攻;围拢;
When I look all around here, 當我望向四周
I see lots of people who would go an extra mile, run an extra mile to save other people, no matter who they are, no matter what religion, no matter who, where they come from. 我看到一群願意不辭辛苦 去救助他人的人 不論身份,不論宗教 不論誰,無論來自何處
We all want to be heroes. 我們都想當英雄
We just need a good idea, motivation and lots of chutzpah, and we could save millions of people that otherwise would not be saved. 只需要一個好想法和動力 還有“厚臉皮” 我們可以挽救無數如果我們不去救 可能就會死去的人
Thank you very much. 非常感謝
(Applause) (掌聲)