

Hello? 你好
Yes, I'm coming to get him in... 对 我正要去找他
I'm sorry. Did you say "He escaped."? 等一下 你刚才是不是说 他逃跑了
Hi, it's Joan Watson. 你好 我是乔恩.华生
On the off chance you haven't already been contacted by Hemdale. 你很可能已经从汉德尔那听说了
off chance:n.极罕见的机会;极小的; contacted:v.联系,联络(如用电话或信件)(contact的过去分词和过去式)
Your son left rehab a little early this morning. 今天上午早些时候 令郎逃离了康戒中心
I'm already at his house, to see if he is here. 我现在在他家门口 看他在不
I'll call you if there is a problem. 如果有状况的话 我再打给你
Excuse me, I'm looking for Mr... 打扰一下 我在找
Hello? 有人吗
Excuse me, Mr... 打扰一下
My name is Joan Watson. 我叫乔恩.华生
I've been hired by your father, to be your sober companion . 你父亲雇我来当你的康戒陪护
sober:adj.冷静的,清醒的;未醉的;v.使严肃;使醒酒,使清醒; companion:n.同伴;伴侣;陪伴;手册;v.(与…)同行;(跟…)搭伴儿去;
He told me he was going to e-mail you about me. 他说他会发邮件向你介绍我
I'm here to make the transition from your rehab... 我来这儿 是为了让你顺利地
experience to the routine of your everyday life, as smooth as possible. 从在康戒中心被迫戒瘾 转变为 养成健康的生活习惯
So I will be living with you for the next six weeks. 所以之后的六周 我都会跟你住在一起
Which means...I'll be available to you 24/7. 也就是说 我要时刻陪在你身边
Do you believe in love at first sight ? 你相信一见钟情吗
love at first sight:一见钟情;一见锺情;一见倾心;闪电恋爱;
I know what you're thinking. 我知道你在想什么
The world is a cynical place and I must be a cynical man... 这世界俗不可耐 我一定是个犬儒之辈
thinking a woman like you would fall for a line like that. 认为你这样的女子 也会落入这样的俗套
The thing is... it isn't a line. 可关键在于 我并不是那样
So please hear me when I say this... 所以请你仔细听好了
I have never loved anyone as I do you right now... 我从未如此地深爱一个人
in this moment. 直到遇到了你
Do you believe in love at first sight? 你相信一见钟情吗
I know what you're thinking. 我知道你在想什么
The world is a cynical place, and I must be a cynical man thinking a woman like you would fall for a line like that. 这世界俗不可耐 我一定是个犬儒之人 认为你这样的女子 也一定会落入这样的俗套
The thing is... it isn't a line. 可关键在于 我并不是这样
So please... 所以
hear me when I say this... 请你仔细听好了
I have never loved anyone... 我从未如此地
as I do you right now... 深爱一个人
in this moment. 直到遇到了你
Spot on! 分毫不差
Sherlock Holmes. 夏洛克.福尔摩斯
Please don't get comfortable, we won't be here long. 请不要太随意 咱们很快就得走
Mr. Holmes, did your father tell you about me or not? 福尔摩斯先生 令尊到底有没有提过我
Uh... he emailed, said to expect some sort of addict-sitter. 他发了邮件 提到有个什么康戒保姆
Then he explained his conditions with respect to your sobriety ? 他说过如果你戒毒失败会怎样么
with respect:怀有敬意; sobriety:n.清醒,冷静;节制;严肃;
If you mean his threats to evict me from this, the shoddiest and the least renovated from the 5... 如果你指的是他逼我 从他在纽约的5所房产中最烂最破的这所
evict:vt.驱逐;逐出; shoddiest:adj.长弹毛的;软再生毛的;劣等的;假的;(shoddy的最高级) renovated:v.修复;翻新;重新粉刷;(renovate的过去式和过去分词)
count them, 5 properties he owns in New York, then, yeah. 搬出去的话 他的确提过
And yeah he made his conditions quite clear. 而且他讲得清清楚楚
I used, I wind up on the street. 我破过戒 因此流落街头
I refuse your, quote-unquote, "Help," i wind up on the street. 不需要你来转述 我已经吃过苦头了
It's my understanding that most sober companions are recovering addicts themselves, but... 据我所知 大部分康戒陪护 连自己的瘾都戒不掉 不过
companions:n.同伴;同事(companion的复数);伴随物;v.陪伴;伴随(companion的三单形式); addicts:有瘾的人;对...入迷的人(addict的复数);
you've never had a problem with drugs or alcohol . 你倒是从来没有对酒精或毒品上瘾过