

Stephanie White: I'm going to let her introduce herself to everybody. 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:我将让她向大家做自我介绍。
Can you tell everybody your name? 你能告诉大家你的名字吗?
Einstein: Einstein. 爱因斯坦:爱因斯坦
SW: This is Einstein. Can you tell everyone "hi"? 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:这是爱因斯坦。你能对大家说“你们好”吗?
E: Hello. 爱因斯坦:你们好。
SW: That's nice. Can you be polite? 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:非常好。你能再礼貌些吗?
E: Hi, sweetheart . 爱因斯坦:亲爱的,你们好。
SW: Much better. Well, Einstein is very honored to be here at TED 2006, amongst all you modern-day Einsteins. In fact, she's very excited. 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:好多了。爱因斯坦感到非常荣幸参加TED 2006 演讲会, 并与诸位现代爱因斯坦相识。事实上,她兴奋的不得了。
amongst:prep.在…之中;在…当中(等于among); modern-day:adj.当代的;今日的;
E: Woo. 爱因斯坦:唔
SW: Yeah. 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:没错。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Since we've arrived, there's been a constant buzz about all the exciting speakers here for the conference . 自从我们到达这里,就不断地听到关于 所有来参加演讲会的令人兴奋的演讲者们的事情。
buzz:n.嗡嗡声; v.发出嗡嗡声; conference:n.会议;研讨会;商讨会;体育协会(或联合会)
This morning we've heard a lot of whispers about 今天早晨我们听到很多关于
Tom Reilly's wrap-up on Saturday. Einstein, did you hear whispers? 汤姆.欧莱礼周六晚上的闭幕演讲的小道消息。爱因斯坦,你听说了吗?
E: [Squawks] 爱因斯坦:(瓜瓜地叫)
SW: Yeah. 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:没错。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Einstein's especially interested in Penelope's talk. 爱因斯坦对佩内洛普的演讲尤其感兴趣。
A lot of her research goes on in caves, which can get pretty dusty . 她的很多研究都需要在山洞里进行,尘土会比较大。
E: Achoo ! 爱因斯坦:啊嚏!
SW: It could make her sneeze . But more importantly, her research could help Einstein find a cure for her never-ending scratchy throat. 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:会使她打喷嚏。但是更重要的是,她的研究 可能会帮助爱因斯坦为她经常沙哑的喉咙找到治疗方案。
sneeze:vi.打喷嚏;n.喷嚏; never-ending:adj.不停的;无限的; scratchy:adj.潦草的;刺痒的;草率的;发刮擦声的;
Einstein: [Coughs] 爱因斯坦:(咳嗽)
SW: Yeah. 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:没错。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Well, Bob Russell was telling us about his work on nanotubes in his research at the microscopic level. 鲍伯.罗素给我们讲了他的纳米管的项目 他的研究要求精益求精。
nanotubes:n.纳米管;米碳管; microscopic:adj.微观的;用显微镜可见的;
Well, that's really cool, but what Einstein's really hoping is that maybe he'll genetically engineer a five-pound peanut . 听起来非常棒,但是爱因斯坦却特别希望 鲍伯能够用基因改造工程研制一个5镑重的花生米。
genetically:adv.从遗传学角度;从基因方面; peanut:n.花生;微不足道的人;adj.微不足道的;
E: Oh, my God! My God! My God! 爱因斯坦:呕,我的天呀!我的天呀!我的天呀!
SW: Yeah. She would get really, really excited. 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:没错,她会变得非常非常兴奋的。
(Laughter) (笑声)
That is one big peanut. Since Einstein is a bird, she's very interested in things that fly. 那可是一个巨大的花生米。因为爱因斯坦是只鸟, 她对会飞的东西非常感兴趣。
She thinks Burt Rutan is very impressive . 她认为伯特.鲁坦非常了不起。
E: Ooh. 爱因斯坦:喔。
SW: Yeah. She especially likes his latest achievement, SpaceShipOne. 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:是的,她尤其喜欢他最近的成果:航天飞船1号。
Einstein, would you like to ride in Burt's spaceship? 爱因斯坦,你想乘坐伯特的航天飞船吗?
E: [Spaceship noise] 爱因斯坦:(航天飞船的响声)
SW: Even if it doesn't have a laser? 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:即使飞船没有激光也行?
E: [Laser noise] 爱因斯坦:(激光的响声)
(Laughter) (笑声)
SW: Yeah, yeah. That was pretty funny, Einstein. 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:那一招挺滑稽的,爱因斯坦。
Now, Einstein also thinks, you know, working in caves and travelling through space -- it's all very dangerous jobs. 爱因斯坦还认为在山洞工作 及在宇宙中航行都是非常危险的工作。
It would be very dangerous if you fell down. 如果你摔倒的话,会非常危险。
E: Wheeeeeee! Splat . 爱因斯坦:(从高处摔落的声音)
SW: Yeah. 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:没错。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Little splat at the end there. Einstein, did that hurt? 爱因斯坦,摔得痛不痛?
E: Ow, ow, ow. 爱因斯坦:喔,喔,喔
SW: Yeah. It's all a lot of hard work. 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:没错,这些都需要非常卖力工作。
E: [Squawks] 爱因斯坦:(呱呱)
SW: Yeah. It can get a bird like Einstein frustrated . 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:会使爱因斯坦这样的鸟感觉不知所措。
E: [Squawks] 爱因斯坦:(呱呱)
SW: Yeah, it sure can. But when Einstein needs to relax from her job educating the public, she loves to take in the arts. 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:绝对没错。但是爱因斯坦需要在她的工作之余放松放松 除了教育公众外,她酷爱艺术。
If the children of the Uganda need another dance partner, 如果乌干达的孩子们再需要一位舞伴的话,
Einstein could sure fit the bill, because she loves to dance. 爱因斯坦会刚好合适,因为她喜欢跳舞。
Can you get down? 你能为大家跳段舞吗?
E: [Bobbing head] (Laughter) 爱因斯坦:(不断地上下晃动脑袋) (笑声)
Let's get down for everybody. Come on now. 让我们给大家跳舞吧。现在开始。
She's going to make me do it too. Ooh, ooh. 她也让我一起跳。噢,噢。
Einstein: Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. 爱因斯坦:噢,噢,噢,噢。
SW: Do your head now. 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:现在上下摇晃脑袋。
E: Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. 爱因斯坦:噢,噢,噢,噢。
(Laughter) (笑声)
SW: Or maybe Sirena Huang would like to learn some arias on her violin, and Einstein can sing along with some opera ? 斯蒂芬尼.怀特: 没准儿塞丽娜.王想学用她的小提琴学些新的曲子, 同时爱因斯坦可以跟着唱歌剧?
E: [Operatic squawk] 爱因斯坦:(歌剧的呱呱声)
SW: Very good. 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:非常好。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Or maybe Stu just needs another backup singer? 或者没准儿司图需要另一个后备歌手?
Einstein, can you also sing? 爱因斯坦,你会唱歌吗?
I know, you need to get rid of that seed first. Can you sing? 当然了,你得先把那颗瓜子吃掉。能唱吗?
E: La, la. 爱因斯坦:拉,拉。
SW: There you go. And, of course, if all else fails, you can just run off and enjoy a fun fiesta . 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:好极了。当然了,如果什么都不成功, 你可以溜掉,找个热闹的地方玩玩。
E: [Squawks] 爱因斯坦:(呱呱)
SW: All right. Well, Einstein was pretty embarrassed to admit this earlier, but she was telling me backstage that she had a problem. 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:好了,爱因斯坦之前很不好意思承认, 但还是在后台告诉我说,她有一点小麻烦。
embarrassed:adj.尴尬的;窘迫的;v.使...局促不安;(embarrass的过去分词和过去式) backstage:adv.在后台;向后台;
E: What's the matter? 爱因斯坦:怎么了?
SW: No, I don't have a problem. You have the problem, remember? 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:不是我,我没有麻烦。你有点麻烦,记得吗?
You were saying that you were really embarrassed because you're in love with a pirate ? 你说,你非常不好意思 因为你爱上了一个海盗?
E: Yar. 爱因斯坦:是。
SW: There you go. And what do pirates like to drink? 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:承认了吧。海盗喜欢喝什么?
E: Beer. 爱因斯坦:啤酒。
SW: Yeah, that's right. But you don't like to drink beer, Einstein? 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:是的,没错。但是你不喜欢喝啤酒,对不对爱因斯坦?
You like to drink water. 你喜欢喝水。
E: [Water sound] 爱因斯坦:(水声)
SW: Very good. Now, really, she is pretty nervous. 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:非常好。真的,她非常紧张。
Because one of her favorite folks from back home is here, and she's pretty nervous to meet him. 因为她最欣赏的人物之一就在现场, 要与他见面,她非常紧张。
She thinks Al Gore is a really good-looking man. 她认为阿尔.戈尔非常英俊。
What do you say to a good-looking man? 你想对帅哥说些什么?
What do you say:你说…怎么样?;
E: Hey, baby. 爱因斯坦:你好,宝贝儿。
(Laughter) (笑声)
SW: And so do all the folks back home in Tennessee . 对在家乡田纳西的乡亲们说什么?
E: Yee haw. 爱因斯坦:(兴奋激动的声音)
(Laughter) (笑声)
SW: And since she's such a big fan, she knows that his birthday is coming up at the end of March. 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:因为是阿尔.戈尔的崇拜者, 她知道他的生日是在三月底。
And we didn't think he'd be in town then, so Einstein wanted to do something special for him. 我们猜他那时不会在这里。 因此爱因斯坦想为他做点儿特殊的事情。
So let's see if Einstein will sing "Happy Birthday" to Al Gore. 让我们看看爱因斯坦是否愿意为阿尔. 戈尔唱“祝你生日快乐”。
Can you sing "Happy Birthday" to him? 你能为他唱“生日快乐”吗?
E: Happy birthday to you. 爱因斯坦:祝你生日快乐。
SW: Again. 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:再唱一遍。
E: Happy birthday to you. 爱因斯坦:祝你生日快乐。
SW: Again. 斯蒂芬尼.怀特: 再唱一遍。
E: Happy birthday to you. 祝你生日快乐。
SW: Big finish. 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:最后一遍。
E: Happy birthday to you. 爱因斯坦:祝你生日快乐。
SW: Good job. 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:好极了。
(Applause) (鼓掌)
Well, before before we wrap it up, she would like to give a shout out to all our animal friends back at the Knoxville Zoo. 在我们结束之前,她希望问候 所有在我们诺克斯威尔动物园的动物朋友们。
Einstein, do you want to say "hi" to all the owls ? 爱因斯坦,你想对所有猫头鹰说”你们好“吗?
E: Woo, woo, woo. 爱因斯坦:(猫头鹰的叫声)
SW: What about the other birds? 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:其他鸟呢?
E: Tweet, tweet, tweet. 爱因斯坦:(鸟叫)
SW: And the penguin ? 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:企鹅呢?
E: Quack , quack, quack. 爱因斯坦:(企鹅叫)
SW: There we go. 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:不错。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Let's get that one out of there. How about a chimpanzee ? 说的好。猩猩呢?
E: Ooh, ooh, ooh. Aah, aah, aah. 爱因斯坦:(猩猩叫声)
SW: Very good. 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:非常好。
(Laughter) (笑声)
What about a wolf? 狼呢?
E: Ooooowww. 爱因斯坦:(狼叫声)
SW: And a pig? 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:猪呢?
E: Oink , oink, oink. 爱因斯坦:(猪叫声)
SW: And the rooster ? 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:公鸡?
E: Cock-a-doodle-doo ! 爱因斯坦:(公鸡叫)
SW: And how about those cats? 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:猫呢?
E: Meow . 爱因斯坦:(猫叫)
(Laughter) (笑声)
SW: At the zoo we have big cats from the jungle . 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:在动物园里,我们有从森林里来的大猫。
E: Grrrrr. 爱因斯坦:(狮子叫)
(Laughter) (笑声)
SW: What about a skunk ? 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:臭鼬呢?
E: Stinker . 爱因斯坦:臭气熏天。
(Laughter) (笑声)
SW: She's a comedian . I suppose you think you're famous? Are you famous? 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:她是个喜剧演员。我猜你觉得自己很有名,是不是?
comedian:n.滑稽演员;喜剧演员; suppose:v.推断:假定:假设:设想:
E: Superstar. 爱因斯坦:天皇巨星。
SW: Yeah. You are a superstar. 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:是呀,你是巨星。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Well, we would like to encourage all of you to do your part to help protect Einstein's animal friends, and to do your part to help protect their homes that they live. 我们希望鼓励大家力所能及地去 帮助保护爱因斯坦的动物朋友们,并且 帮助保护他们的家园。
Now, Einstein does say it best when we ask her. 当我们问她时,爱因斯坦对这个问题回答的最好,
Why do we want to protect your home? 我们为什么要保护你的家园?
E: I'm special. 爱因斯坦:我与众不同。
SW: You are very special. What would you like to say to all these nice people? 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:你是与众不同。你想说什么 对这些好心人?
E: I love you. 爱因斯坦:我爱你们。
SW: That's good. Can you blow them a kiss? 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:不错。你能给他们来一个飞吻吗?
E: [Kissing noise] 爱因斯坦:(飞吻的声音)
SW: And what do you say when it's time to go? 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:在告别的时候,你说什么?
E: Goodbye. 爱因斯坦:再见。
SW: Good job. Thank you all. 斯蒂芬尼.怀特:好极了。谢谢大家。
(Applause) (掌声)