

It's a great honor to be here. 很荣幸能来到这里。
It's a great honor to be here talking about cities, talking about the future of cities. 很荣幸能来这里聊一聊城市, 聊一聊城市的未来。
It's great to be here as a mayor . 很荣幸能以市长的身份来到这里。
I really do believe that mayors have the political position to really change people's lives. 我坚信市长们因为其政治地位 完全可以改变人们的生活水平。
That's the place to be. 这就是他们的职责所在。
And it's great to be here as the mayor of Rio. 很高兴能以里约热内卢市长的身份来到这里。
Rio's a beautiful city, a vibrant place, special place. 里约是一个非常漂亮的城市, 一个朝气蓬勃、富有个性的地方。
Actually, you're looking at a guy who has the best job in the world. 事实上,你们今天正看着一个 担任这世界上最好工作的人在演讲。
And I really wanted to share with you a very special moment of my life and the history of the city of Rio. 我非常乐意与大家一同分享 一段我人生中具有特殊意义的经历, 以及里约热内卢这座城市的历史文化。
(Video) Announcer : And now, ladies and gentlemen, the envelope containing the result. (视频)发言人:女士们,先生们, 激动人心的时刻到了,这个信封将揭晓结果。
Announcer:n.[广播]广播员;宣告者; envelope:n.信封,封皮;包膜;[天]包层;包迹;
Jacques Rogge: I have the honor to announce that the games of the 31st Olympiad are awarded to the city of Rio de Janeiro. 雅克·罗格:我很荣幸在这里宣布 第31届奥林匹克运动会主办权将授予 里约热内卢!
(Cheering) (鼓掌欢呼)
EP: Okay, that's very touching, very emotional , but it was not easy to get there. 市长爱德华多?派希:这真是一个激动人心的感人时刻, 但是申办的过程非常不易。
Actually it was a very hard challenge. 事实上,对我们来说,那是一个艰难的挑战。
We had to beat the European monarchy . 我们必须打败欧洲君主--
This is Juan Carlos, king of Spain. 西班牙国王胡安·卡洛斯一世(申办城市马德里)。
We had to beat the powerful Japanese with all of their technology. 我们必须打败拥有各种高科技的日本(申办城市东京)。
We had to beat the most powerful man in the world defending his own city. 我们还必须打败这世界上最强劲的对手(申办城市芝加哥)。 他们都在为自己的城市战斗。
So it was not easy at all. 所以真的是困难重重。
And actually this last guy here said a phrase a few years ago that I think fits perfectly to the situation of Rio winning the Olympic bid. 而事实上, 这最后一个人(奥巴马)在几年前说过一句话, 我觉得用在里约热内卢申办奥运这件事上 非常贴切
We really showed that, yes, we can. 因为我们充分展示了这句话的含义:是的,我们可以。
And really, this is the reason I came here tonight. 事实上,这就是我今晚来这里的原因。
I came here tonight to tell you that things can be done, that you don't have always to be rich or powerful to get things on the way, that cities are a great challenge. 我今天来到这里就是为了告诉你们, 你完全可以实现目标, 你未必要非常富有或者强大 才能把事情做好。 建设城市是一项艰巨的任务,
It's a difficult task to deal with cities. 与城市打交道是困难重重,
But with some original ways of getting things done, with some basic commandments , you can really get cities to be a great, great place to live. 但是凭借很多有创新性的方法 我们能够把事情做好。 或者凭借基本的一些城市规划法则, 你可以把这些城市 变成适宜人类居住的舒适场所。
original:n.原件;原作;原物;原型;adj.原始的;最初的;独创的;新颖的; commandments:n.诫命(commandment的复数);戒律;
I want you all to imagine Rio. 我希望你们都能想像一下里约热内卢。
You probably think about a city full of energy, a vibrant city full of green. 你或许会想到一座充满生机活力的城市 或者一个充满绿色的朝气蓬勃的城市。
And nobody showed that better than Carlos Saldanha in last year's "Rio." 没有人能超越导演卡洛斯·沙尔丹哈在去年影片《里约大冒险》中 对里约热内卢的完美刻画。
(Music) (音乐响起)
(Video) Bird: This is incredible . (影片片断)蓝鸟:这简直不可思议!
(Music) (音乐)
EP: Okay, some parts of Rio are pretty much like that, but it's not like that everywhere. 市长爱德华多?派希:里约的有些地方确实如影片所描绘的一般, 但是却也不是处处如此。
We're like every big city in the world. 我们和世界上的每一个大城市一样,
We've got lots of people, pollution, cars, concrete , lots of concrete. 有很多人口、 环境污染、车辆、钢筋混凝土的高楼大厦,很多很多。
These pictures I'm showing here, they are some pictures from Madureira. 我今天所展示给你们的照片 有些是来自于马度雷拉。
It's like the heart of the suburb in Rio. 它是里约郊区的核心。
And I want to use an example of Rio that we're doing in Madureira, in this region , to see what we should think as our first commandment. 我想用里约热内卢的这个例子, 就是我们对马度雷拉这个地区的开发, 来阐述我们是如何构思第一个准则的。
So every time you see a concrete jungle like that, what you've got to do is find open spaces. 每当你看到这样一个城市混凝土森林, 你要做的就是找到一个开放的空地。
concrete jungle:n.混凝土丛林(指高楼林立、无树木无公园因而单调沉闷的现代化城市或地区);
If you don't have open spaces, you've got to go there and open spaces. 如果没有这样一块可用空间, 你就必须在城市中开发出一些。
So go inside these open spaces and make it that people can get inside and use those spaces. 所以走到这些开放空间去, 并确保市民也能进入 并且利用这些空间。
This is going to be the third largest park in Rio by June this year. 这里就将成为里约第三大公园, 在今年6月前。
It's going to be a place where people can meet, where you can put nature. 这里将成为人们沟通交流的好地方, 也是接近自然的地方。
The temperature's going to drop two, three degrees centigrade . 这里将使附近的气温平均下降2-3度。
So the first commandment 所以第一条我建议的城市规划准则,
I want to leave you tonight is, a city of the future has to be environmentally friendly . 也是我今晚想带给你们的就是, 一个未来的城市 必须是一个环保的城市。
environmentally friendly:adj.对环境无害的;保护生态环境的;
Every time you think of a city, you've got to think green. 每次只要你想到这个城市, 你就会想到绿色。
You've got to think green and green. 你会想到一处又一处的绿色。
So moving to our second commandment that I wanted to show you. 接下来我们来看看第二条准则。
Let's think that cities are made of people, lots of people together. 让我们想一想,城市是由众多人口组成的, 成千上万的人口,
cities are packed with people. 城市里往往挤满了人。
So how do you move these people around? 那么如何解决这些人的出行问题呢?
When you have 3.5 billion people living in cities -- by 2050, it's going to be 6 billion people. 尤其是当你有35亿人口居住在这些城市-- 到2050年,将有60亿人口。
So every time you think about moving these people around, you think about high-capacity transportation . 因此每次当你想到这些人口流动量, 你就会想到高容量的交通设施。
high-capacity:n.高容量;高功率; transportation:n.运输;运输系统;运输工具;流放;
But there is a problem. 但是这里存在一个很现实的问题,
High-capacity transportation means spending lots and lots of money. 就是高容量交通运输意味着 花费大笔大笔的资金。
So what I'm going to show here is something that was already presented in TED by the former mayor of Curitiba who created that, a city in Brazil , Jaime Lerner. 所以今天我要在这里展示给大家的 是已经在TED大会上 由库里提巴市(巴西)前任市长杰米·勒纳 所展示过的创新理念。
And it's something that we're doing, again, lots in Rio. 我们也正在里约再次做这样同样的事情。
It's the BRT, the Bus Rapid Transit . 这就是BRT系统,全称“公交车捷运系统”。
Rapid Transit:n.(城市)快速交通系统;(尤指)地铁;
So you get a bus. It's a simple bus that everybody knows. 你只需要一辆公交车,就是大众广泛所知的那种。
You transform it inside as a train car. 你把它的内部改成类似铁路的构造,
You use separate lanes , dedicated lanes. 并且开设单独的车道,或者专用车道。
lanes:n.线路,跑道(lane复数形式); dedicated:adj.献身的; v.把…奉献给; (dedicate的过去分词和过去式)
The contractors , they don't like that. 对于承包商, 他们并不喜欢这个做法。
You don't have to dig deep down underground. 你不必在地下挖很深的隧道,
You can build nice stations. 而只需要建造一些漂亮的公交车站。
This is actually a station that we're doing in Rio. 这个就是我们现在在里约建造的车站。
Again, you don't have to dig deep down underground to make a station like that. 再强调一下,你不必在地下挖轨道 来造这样一个车站。
This station has the same comfort, the same features as a subway station. 但是这些车站与地铁一样舒适, 具有一样的特点。
A kilometer of this costs a tenth of a subway. 但是一千米长的公交系统造价只是地铁的十分之一。
So spending much less money and doing it much faster, you can really change the way people move. 所以花更少的钱但是却很便捷。 你可以真正改变人们的出行方式。
This is a map of Rio. 这个是里约的城市地图。
All the lines, the colored lines you see there, it's our high-capacity transportation network. 所有的线路,你可以看到彩色的线条, 都是我们的高容量公交系统网络。
In this present time today, we only carry 18 percent of our population in high-capacity transportation. 如今, 我们只运载了 全国18%的人口。
With the BRTs we're doing, again, the cheapest and fastest way, we're going to move to 63 percent of the population being carried by high-capacity transportation. 凭借这个BRT系统, 这种既廉价又迅速的方法, 我们未来的目标是用这个高容量公交系统 运输63%的人口。
So remember what I said: 所以请记住我刚刚说过的话,
You don't always have to be rich or powerful to get things done. 为了做好一件事 不一定要很有钱或者很有权力。
You can find original ways to get things done. 你可以找到创新性的方法来把事情做好。
So the second commandment I want to leave you tonight is, a city of the future has to deal with mobility and integration of its people. 因此我今晚想带给你们的第二个准则就是, 未来的城市 必须要妥善解决交通的便利性, 以及城市居民生活的一体化。
mobility:n.移动性;机动性;[电子]迁移率; integration:n.集成;综合;
Moving to the third commandment. 下面我们来看一看第三条准则,
And this is the most controversial one. 也是最具争议的一条。
It has to do with the favelas , the slums -- whatever you call it, there are different names all over the world. 这与巴西特色的贫民区,或者叫贫民窟,有关。 全世界有不同的表达方式,但都指同一个地区。
favelas:n.(巴西)贫民窟(favela的复数); slums:n.贫民,[经]贫民区(slum的复数); v.到贫民窟去;
But the point we want to make here tonight is, favelas are not always a problem. 但是今天我们晚上要讨论的是, 贫民窟并不永远是一个疑难杂症。
I mean, favelas can sometimes really be a solution , if you deal with them, if you put public policy inside the favelas. 我的意思是说,贫民窟有时候 也可以成为一种解决问题的方法, 如果你认真处理这个问题, 如果你把国家政策贯彻到贫民窟中。
solution:n.解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答; policy:n.政策,方针;保险单;
Let me just show a map of Rio again. 让我再次展示一下里约热内卢的地图。
Rio has 6.3 million inhabitants -- 里约现在大约有630万居民,
More than 20 percent, 1.4 million, live in the favelas. 大约有超过20%,140万居住在贫民窟。
All these red parts are favelas. 所有这些红色区域就是贫民窟。
So you see, they are spread all over the city. 你可以看到他们散布在城市的各个角落。
This is a typical view of a favela in Rio. 这是里约最典型的贫民窟。
You see the contrast between the rich and poor. 你可以明显看到贫富差距的存在。
So I want to make two points here tonight about favelas. 因此,今晚我想就贫民窟问题提谈两点想法。
The first one is, you can change from what I call a [vicious] circle to a virtual circle. 第一个是 你可以将这个“恶性循环”的现状 转变为良性循环。
But what you've got to do to get that is you've got to go inside the favelas, bring in the basic services -- mainly education and health -- with high quality. 但是要达到这样的效果, 你必须真正深入贫民窟, 为他们带去基础生活设施建设, 主要是教育和医疗, 并且必须是高质量的。
I'm going to give a fast example here. 我给大家举一个小例子。
This was an old building in a favela in Rio -- 这个是里约一栋古老的贫民窟楼房--
[unclear favela name] -- that we just transformed into a primary school , with high quality. [贫民窟名字] 我们刚刚把它改建成一所小学, 一座高质量的学堂。
transformed:v.使改变形态;使改变外观(或性质);(transform的过去分词和过去式) primary school:小学;
This is primary assistance in health that we built inside a favela, again, with high quality. 这是我们为贫民窟提供的 主要医疗健康设施, 同样,它们是高质量保障的。
We call it a family clinic . 我们称之为家庭诊所。
So the first point is bring basic services inside the favelas with high quality. 所以,第一要点就是把基础服务设施 带到贫民窟去, 并保障它们的质量。
The second point I want to make about the favelas is, you've got to open spaces in the favela. 第二个要点是 拓大贫民窟里的空间。
Bring infrastructure to the favelas, to the slums, wherever you are. 把基础设施 投入到贫民窟中去,投入它的每一个角落。
Rio has the aim, by 2020, to have all its favelas completely urbanized . 到2020年,里约将实现目标, 把所有贫民窟完全城市化。
Another example, this was completely packed with houses, and then we built this, what we call, a knowledge square. 另外一个例子:这些地方到处都是平房; 然后我们建造了这个,我们把它称为知识广场。
This is a place with high technology where the kids that live in a poor house next to this place can go inside and have access to all technology. 这里有很多的高科技设施, 住在这个广场旁边贫民窟的孩子们 可以进入这里,接触到高科技设备。
high technology:n.高科技;
We even built a theater there -- 3D movie. 我们甚至在那里建造了一个剧院,可以播放3D电影。
And this is the kind of change you can get for that. 这种改变是你可以实现的。
And by the end of the day you get something better than a TED Prize, which is this great laugh from a kid that lives in the favela. 而这一天结束后,你可以得到比TED奖品更好的东西, 那就是贫民窟孩子们 爽朗的笑声。
So the third commandment I want to leave here tonight is, a city of the future has to be socially integrated . 那么今天我想给大家的第三个准则就是, 一个未来的城市 必须将它的各项社会服务职能统一起来。
integrated:adj.综合的; v.整合; (integrate的过去式和过去分词)
You cannot deal with a city if it's not socially integrated. 你不可能治理得好一个城市, 如果你不能调和社会各个方面的矛盾。
But moving to our fourth commandment, 讨论到今天晚上第四个准则,
I really wouldn't be here tonight. 我今天本不应该在这里。
Between November and May, Rio's completely packed. 在11月到5月之间,里约到处都挤满了人。
We just had last week Carnivale. 我们上周刚刚庆祝完狂欢节。
It was great. It was lots of fun. 非常棒,非常有趣。
We have New Year's Eve. 我们度过了新年夜狂欢。
There's like two million people on Copacabana Beach. 当天大约有200万人聚集在科帕卡巴纳海滩。
We have problems. 我们也确实有很多问题。
We fight floods, tropical rains at this time of the year. 我们每年这个时候都与洪水或者热带暴雨做斗争。
You can imagine how people get happy with me watching these kinds of scenes. 你可以想像,如果人们知道我时刻关注着这些事件, 他们会多么高兴。
We have problems with the tropical rains. 我们一直都有热带风暴问题。
Almost every year we have these landslides , which are terrible. 几乎每年, 我们都面临滑坡的危险,非常恐怖。
landslides:n.[地质]滑坡; v.在竞选中以压倒优胜获胜;
But the reason I could come here is because of that. 但今天我能够来到这里来的原因 就是它,
This was something we did with IBM that's a little bit more than a year old. 就是我们与IBM合作的项目。 我们合作了有一年多。
It's what we call the Operations Center of Rio. 我们称它为“里约运营中心”。
And I wanted to show that I can govern my city, using technology, from here, from Long Beach, so I got here last night and I know everything. 下面我向大家展示一下如何运用科技管理我的城市, 从这个延绵的海滩开始。 虽然我昨天就达到这里,但是我知道在里约发生的所有事情。
We're going to speak now to the Operations Center. 我们将与运营中心的人通话。
This is Osorio, he's our secretary of urban affairs. 这个是奥索里奥, 他是城市规划发展部的秘书。
So Osorio, good to be there with you. 奥索里奥,很高兴和你通话。
I've already told the people that we have tropical rain this time of year. 我已经告诉这里的人们 我们今年这个时候有热带暴雨。
So how's the weather in Rio now? 所以现在里约的天气怎么样?
Osorio: The weather is fine. We have fair weather today. 奥索里奥:天气很好,我们这里晴空万里。
Let me get you our weather satellite radar . 让我展示一下气象卫星雷达图。
You see just a little bit of moisture around the city. 你看,城市中就只有一点点水气,
Absolutely no problem in the city in terms of weather, today and in the next few days. 所以整个城市的天气 在未来几天内都会相当好。
EP: Okay, how's the traffic? 市长:那交通状况怎么样呢?
We, at this time of year, get lots of traffic jams. 我们在每年的这个时候,交通堵塞一直很严重。
People get mad at the mayor. So how's the traffic tonight? 人们对市长都很愤怒。那么今晚的交通状况怎么样?
Osario: Well traffic tonight is fine. 奥索里奥:今晚的交通状况良好。
Let me get you one of our 8,000 buses. 我给你们看下8000条交通线路中的一条。
A live transmission in downtown Rio for you, Mr. Mayor. 市长先生,请您看下里约市中心现场交通运输状况。
transmission:n.传输;传染;播送;发射;广播;传动装置; downtown:n.市区;闹市区;adv.在市区;在热闹街上;到闹市区;adj.闹市区的;
You see, the streets are clear. 您可以看到,街道很畅通。
Now it's 11:00 pm in Rio. 现在是里约晚上11点。
Nothing of concern in terms of traffic. 没有任何问题。
I'll get to you now the incidents of the day. 我还要向您报告一下今天的交通意外情况。
We had heavy traffic early in the morning and in the rush hour in the afternoon, but nothing of big concern. 我们今天早上早些时候 和下午高峰期间交通拥堵状况比较严重, 但是都没有发生大的意外事故。
rush hour:n.交通拥挤时间;高峰时刻;adj.高峰时刻的;
We are below average in terms of traffic incidents in the city. 城市交通意外发生率 处于平均水平之下。
EP: Okay, so you're showing now some public services. 市长:好的,你能否再给我们展示公共服务的情况。
These are the cars. 解释一下这些汽车的作用。
Osorio: Absolutely, Mr. Mayor. 奥索里奥:当然,市长先生。
Let me get you the fleet of our waste collection trucks. 让我给你们展示一下废物回收车的状况。
fleet:n.舰队; v.浅; v.掠过; adj.跑得快的;
This is live transmission. 这个也是现场转播。
We have GPS's in all of our trucks. 我们在所有的卡车上都装有GPS导航系统。
And you can see them working in all parts of the city. 你可以看到他们正在运作, 在城市的各个地方
Waste collection on time. 准时收集废物。
Public services working well. 公共服务系统运作良好。
EP: Okay, Osorio, thank you very much. 市长:好的,奥利索奥,非常感谢你的展示。
It was great to have you here. 很高兴你能参加到这次演讲中。
We're going to move so that I can make a conclusion . 让我们把镜头切回现场,做最后的总结。
(Applause) (鼓掌)
Okay, so no files, this place, no paperwork , no distance, 24/7 working. 好的,在这个运营中心里,没有文档,没有纸质文件, 没有距离,全年全天候24小时工作。
So the fourth commandment I want to share with you here tonight is, a city of the future has to use technology to be present. 所以今晚我想和大家分享的第四个准则就是, 未来的城市 需要充分利用科学技术。
I don't need to be there anymore to know and to administrate the city. 我不一定非要呆在那里才可以了解和管理我的城市。
But everything that I said here tonight, or the commandments, are means, are ways, for us to govern cities -- invest in infrastructure, invest in the green, open parks, open spaces, integrate socially, use technology. 但是今晚我所说的所有的东西,所有的准则, 都是一些帮助我们管理城市的 手段和方法-- 包括基础设施建设的投资、绿色环保的投资、 公园扩建、空间空地扩建、 社会资源整合和高科技的利用。
But at the end of the day, when we talk about cities, we talk about a gathering of people. 但是在今天演讲的最后, 当我们讨论城市的时候, 我们还会讨论人口的增长。
And we cannot see that as a problem. 我们不能把它看成一个问题。
That is fantastic . 它其实非常美妙。
If there's 3.5 billion now, it's going to be six billion then it's going to be 10 billion. 如果现在有35亿人口, 将来会变成60亿,然后是100亿。
That is great, that means we're going to have 10 billion minds working together, 10 billion talents together. 这太棒了, 这意味着我们将要有 100亿个大脑一同思考工作, 100亿个有各种天赋的人聚一起。
So a city of the future, 所以未来的城市,
I really do believe that it's a city that cares about its citizens, integrates socially its citizens. 我非常确信, 应当是一个关心每一个居民的城市, 并且能够把市民们凝聚在一起。
A city of the future is a city that can never let anyone out of this great party, which are cities. 未来的城市是一个不会 让任何一个人被孤立在外的城市。
Thank you very much. 非常感谢!
(Applause) (鼓掌)