

So I want to take you on a trip to an alien world. 我想带大家去一趟 外星世界的旅行。
And it's not a trip that requires light-years of travel, but it's to a place where it's defined by light. 但是这不是一场 距离为光年的旅行, 但是它是一个 诠释光的地方。
light-years:n.光年; defined:adj.有定义的,确定的; v.使明确;
So it's a little-appreciated fact that most of the animals in our ocean make light. 在那里还不太有人懂得欣赏 海洋里大多数 会发光的动物。
I've spent most of my career studying this phenomenon called bioluminescence . 我用了大部分职业生涯 研究生物体发光的这个现象。
career:n.职业;事业;生涯;经历; phenomenon:n.现象;杰出的人;非凡的人(或事物); bioluminescence:n.生物体之发光;
I study it because I think understanding it is critical to understanding life in the ocean where most bioluminescence occurs . 我研究它是因为我知道它 会是理解海底那些常发光的 生命体的关键。
critical:adj.鉴定的;[核]临界的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的; occurs:v.重现(occur的第三人称单数);
I also use it as a tool for visualizing and tracking pollution. 我同时也把它作为一种工具 来可视化和跟踪污染物。
visualizing:v.使形象化;想象;构思;设想;(visualize的现在分词) tracking:n.追踪,跟踪;v.跟踪;(track的现在分词)
But mostly I'm entranced by it. 但最主要的是我为之而着迷。
Since my my first dive in a deep-diving submersible , when I went down and turned out the lights and saw the fireworks displays , 自从我第一次用深海潜艇下潜, 当我深入海底并关灯的霎那 看到了焰火般的演出,
dive:n.潜水;跳水;俯冲;猛冲;v.猛冲;(头朝下)跳入水中;[体]跳水(运动); submersible:adj.能潜水的;能沉入水中的; fireworks:n.烟花;烟火表演;激烈的言辞;令人激动的行动;(firework的复数) displays:v.陈列; n.陈列;
I've been a bioluminescence junky . 我是一个生物发光的上瘾者。
But I would come back from those dives and try to share the experience with words, and they were totally inadequate to the task. 但是我会还原这些潜水经历 并试着用语言的表达形式分享给大家, 但是它们并不代表这所有的工作。
dives:n.富豪; inadequate:adj.不充分的,不适当的;
I needed some way to share the experience directly . 我需要用某种方式来直接的分享这份经验。
And the first time I figured out that way was in this little single-person submersible called Deep Rover . 第一次我想出了这个方法 那就是用小型单人潜水艇 它取名为深河。
Rover:n.漫游者; n.(Rover)人名; n.罗孚(汽车品牌);
This next video clip , you're going to see how we stimulated the bioluminescence. 这下一个视频剪辑, 你将看到我们如何刺激生物体发光。
clip:v.剪辑;修剪;削减;固定;n.夹;夹子;速度;钳; stimulated:adj.受激的;v.刺激(stimulate的过去式和过去分词);
And the first thing you're going to see is a transect screen that is about a meter across. 第一个你将看到的是 一个样带屏幕 它的对角长度大约有一米。
(Video) Narrator : In front of the sub, a mess screen will come into contact with the soft-bodied creatures of the deep sea. (录像)讲解员:在潜艇前方, 一个巨大的屏幕会接触到 深海中的软体生物。
Narrator:n.讲述者;(电视节目中的)幕后解说员;旁白员; mess:n.混乱;餐厅;杂乱;肮脏;v.使不整洁;弄脏;弄乱;随地便溺; contact:n.接触,联系;v.使接触,联系; soft-bodied:adj.软体的; creatures:n.生物;动物;(具有某种特征的)人(creature的复数)
With the sub's lights switched off, it is possible to see their bioluminescence -- the light produced when they collide with the mesh . 随着潜艇的灯光关闭, 我们就有可能看到那些生物发光体-- 当它们撞网的时候光被激发出来。
collide:vi.碰撞;抵触,冲突;vt.使碰撞;使相撞; mesh:n.网格;网状物;陷阱;困境;圈套;v.(使)吻合,相配,匹配,适合;
This is the first time it has ever been recorded. 这是第一次 它被记录下来。
Edith Widder: So I recorded that with an intensified video camera that has about the sensitivity of the fully dark-adapted human eye. 伊迪丝·威德:我用一个能模拟 肉眼在完全黑暗的环境下 的特殊摄像机来记录下对这发光生物的感知。
intensified:加强的; video camera:n.摄像机; sensitivity:n.敏感;敏感性;过敏;
Which means that really is what you would see if you took a dive in a submersible. 它意味着你事实上能看到的景象 如果你用潜艇潜入的话。
But just to try to prove that fact to you, 只是为了试着用事实证明给大家,
I've brought along some bioluminescent plankton in what is undoubtedly a foolhardy attempt at a live demonstration . 我带来了一些能发光的浮游生物 明显无疑是一次用生物见证 的鲁莽的尝试。
bioluminescent:adj.生物性发光的; plankton:n.浮游生物(总称); undoubtedly:adv.确实地,毋庸置疑的; foolhardy:adj.有勇无谋的;蛮干的; attempt:n.企图,试图;攻击;v.企图,试图;尝试; demonstration:n.示范;演示;论证;证明;
(Laughter) (笑声)
So, if we could have the lights down and have it as dark in here as possible, 所以,如果我们能把光线暗下来 尽量保持黑暗状态,
I have a flask that has bioluminescent plankton in it. 我有一个烧瓶 里面有能生物体发光的浮游生物。
And you'll note there's no light coming from them right now, either because they're dead -- 你能注意到现在还没有发出光来, 要不就是它们全死了--
(Laughter) (笑声)
or because I need to stir them up in some way for you to see what bioluminescence really looks like. 要不就是我需要稍微摇晃它们 才能看到生物发光体是什么样子的。
(Gasps) (感叹声)
Oops. Sorry. 哦,意外。
(Laughter) (笑声)
I spend most of my time working in the dark; I'm used to that. 我花很多时间在黑暗中工作,我已经习惯了。
Okay. 好的。
So that light was made by a bioluminescent dinoflagellate , a single-celled alga . 这光 是来自于一种生物体发光的腰鞭毛虫, 一种单细胞海藻。
dinoflagellate:n.腰鞭毛虫;腰鞭毛虫的; alga:n.水藻;
So why would a single-celled alga need to be able to produce light? 为什么这种单细胞海藻 就能发光呢?
Well, it uses it to defend itself from its predators . 嗯,它用发光来保护自己远离捕食者。
The flash is like a scream for help. 这亮光就像求救的尖叫。
flash:n.闪光; v.闪光; adj.庞大的;
It's what's known as a bioluminescent burglar alarm , and just like the alarm on your car or your house, it's meant to cast unwanted attention onto the intruder , thereby either leading to his capture or scaring him away. 这可以理解为一种生物荧光的防盗警报器。 就想你车上或家里的那种警报器一样, 它是为了把一些多余注意力投射给入侵者, 从而或者误导它的注意力 或者吓走它。
burglar alarm:n.防盗铃; unwanted:adj.不需要的;有害的;讨厌的;空闲的; intruder:n.侵入者;干扰者;妨碍者; thereby:adv.从而,因此;在那附近;在那方面; capture:v.俘虏;捕获;攻占;夺得;刻画,描述;n.(被)捕获;(被)俘获
There's a lot of animals that use this trick, for example this black dragonfish . 有很多动物用这个把戏, 比如这黑海蛾鱼,
It's got a light organ under its eye. 在它的眼睛下有一个发光的器官。
It's got a chin barbel . 它有着颏须。
chin:n.下巴;颏;v.(口)用下巴夹住(提琴等);(单杠)引体向上使下巴高过横杠;谈话; barbel:n.触须;有触须的鱼;触须白鱼之类;
It's got a lot of other light organs you can't see, but you'll see in here in a minute. 它还有很多其它你看不到的发光器官,但是你过一会儿就可以看到。
So we had to chase this in the submersible for quite sometime, because the top speed of this fish is one knot , which was the top speed of the submersible. 有些时候我们不得不提速潜艇来追赶它, 因为这种鱼的最高游速是每小时一海里, 也是潜艇的最高游速。
But it was worth it, because we caught it in a special capture device , brought it up into the lab on the ship, and then everything on this fish lights up. 但这是值得的, 因为我们用特制的设备捕获了它, 把它带到了船上的实验室, 接着鱼身上所有的光都亮起来了。
It's unbelievable . 多么难以置信啊。
The light organs under the eyes are flashing . 眼部下方的发光器官闪烁着。
flashing:n.防雨板,盖片; v.闪光; (flash的现在分词)
That chin barbel is flashing. 颏须闪烁着。
It's got light organs on its belly that are flashing, fin lights. 闪烁的发光器官还覆盖在它的腹部, 鳍也发着光。
It's a scream for help; it's meant to attract attention. 它在尖叫求救;这意味着攻击的警告。
It's phenomenal . 太神奇了。
And you normally don't get to see this because we've exhausted the luminescence when we bring them up in nets. 你平常是看不到这些的, 因为当我们拉起渔网的时候,它们的冷光已经耗尽了。
normally:adv.正常地;通常地,一般地; exhausted:adj.筋疲力尽的; v.使筋疲力尽; (exhaust的过去分词和过去式)
There's other ways you can defend yourself with light. 还有其他方法用光来保护自己。
For example, this shrimp releases its bioluminescent chemicals into the water just the way a squid or an octopus would release an ink cloud. 比如,这虾 把自身的生物发光的化学物质释放到水中 就和乌贼或章鱼会释放墨汁雾一样的。
shrimp:n.虾;小虾;矮小的人;vi.捕虾;adj.有虾的;虾制的; releases:n.释放; vt.释放; chemicals:n.化学制品;化学品;(chemical的复数) squid:n.鱿鱼;乌贼;枪乌贼; octopus:n.章鱼;
This blinds or distracts the predator. 这会让捕食者失明或者受到干扰。
This little squid is called the fire shooter because of its ability to do this. 这个小乌贼叫做火枪乌贼 因为它会做这个。
Now it may look like a tasty morsel , or a pig's head with wings -- 现在它可能看起来像美味佳肴, 或者带翅膀的猪头--
tasty:美味的 morsel:n.一口;(食物)少量;
(Laughter) (笑声)
but if it's attacked, it puts out a barrage of light -- in fact, a barrage of photon torpedoes . 但是如果它被攻击的话, 它就会释放出一连串的光-- 事实上,像一连串发光的鱼雷。
barrage:n.弹幕; vt.以密集炮火进攻; vi.以密集火力阻击; photon:n.[物]光子;辐射量子;见光度(等于lightquantum); torpedoes:n.鱼雷(torpedo的复数形式); v.用鱼雷进攻;
I just barely got the lights out in time for you to be able to see those gobs of light hitting the transect screen and then just glowing . 我几乎不能及时的捕捉下这些光 来让你们能看清这些撞击到 样带屏幕随之 发光的液体。
barely:adv.仅仅,勉强;几乎不;公开地;贫乏地; gobs:n.凝块;水兵;vi.吐唾沫; glowing:adj.灼热的;热情洋溢的;鲜艳的;v.发光;容光焕发;发热;(glow的现在分词)
It's phenomenal. 太神奇了。
So there's a lot of animals in the open ocean -- most of them that make light. 广阔的大海中有很多生物-- 它们大多数会发光。
in the open:在户外;在野外;
And we have a pretty good idea, for most of them, why. 我们也,对它们大多数,为什么发光有了深入的了解。
They use it for finding food, for attracting mates , for defending against predators. 它们以此来寻找食物,来吸引同伴, 来抵御捕食者。
mates:n.朋友; v.交配;
But when you get down to the bottom of the ocean, that's where things get really strange. 但是当你下潜到海底的时候, 那里才是事情变得真的奇怪的地方。
get down to:开始认真考虑;着手处理;
And some of these animals are probably inspiration for the things you saw in " Avatar ," 一些动物 可能会让你想起“阿凡达”的一些事物。
but you don't have to travel to Pandora to see them. 但是你不必到潘多拉星球才能看到它们。
They're things like this. 它们就像这样。
This is a golden coral , a bush . 这是金色的珊瑚,灌木。
coral:n.珊瑚;珊瑚虫;adj.珊瑚的;珊瑚色的; bush:n.灌木; v.以灌木装饰; adj.如灌木般长得低矮的;
It grows very slowly. 它的生长极其的缓慢。
In fact, it's thought that some of these are as much as 3,000 years old, which is one reason that bottom trawling should not be allowed. 事实上,它们中的一些被认定为 大约3000多年的年龄, 这也是为什么深海捕鱼是不被允许的。
The other reason is this amazing bush glows . 另外一个原因是这神奇的灌木会发光。
So if you brush up against it, any place you brushed against it, you get this twinkling blue-green light that's just breathtaking . 如果你刷动它的话, 刷动任何位置, 你会看到这闪耀的蓝绿色的光 多么窒息的美丽啊。
brush up against:碰及,遭遇; twinkling:n.瞬间;转眼;一眨眼;一刹那;v.闪烁;闪光,发亮;(twinkle的现在分词) blue-green:n.蓝绿色; breathtaking:adj.惊险的;惊人的;激动人心的
And you see things like this. 你能看到像这样的东西。
This looks like something out of a Dr. Seuss book -- just all manner of creatures all over this thing. 它就好像从瑟斯博士书中跳出来的一样-- 所有生物的特点都集中在这上面。
And these are flytrap anemones . 这些是捕蝇海葵。
flytrap:n.捕蝇草;捕蝇器;防火墙机器; anemones:n.海葵;银莲花(anemone的复数);
Now if you poke it, it pulls in its tentacles . 如果你戳它的话,它会收回它的触角。
poke:v.刺,捅;戳;伸出;刺探;闲荡;n.戳;刺;袋子;懒汉; tentacles:n.[动]触手;[动]触须(tentacle的复数);
But if you keep poking it, it starts to produce light. 但是如果你一直戳它的话, 它就会开始发光。
And it actually ends up looking like a galaxy . 它事实上最后看起来像一个银河系。
It produces these strings of light, presumably as some form of defense. 它发出雾状的光, 类似于某些保护的方式。
strings:一串,悬挂(string的第三人称单数和复数) presumably:adv.大概;推测起来;可假定;
There are starfish that can make light. 还有能发光的海星。
And there are brittle stars that produce bands of light that dance along their arms. 有能发出条纹光的海蛇尾 舞动着它们的发光的带状手臂。
brittle:adj.易碎的,脆弱的;易生气的; bands:n.乐队;法官;
This looks like a plant, but it's actually an animal. 这看上去像一株植物, 但其实它是个动物。
And it anchors itself in the sand by blowing up a balloon on the end of its stock . 它在它的基底部吹起个气球 来把自己固定在沙子中。
stock:n.股票; v.库存; adj.老一套的;
So it can actually hold itself in very strong currents, as you see here. 以此它能在很强的水流中站住, 就像你这里看到的一样。
But if we collect it very gently , and we bring it up into the lab and just squeeze it at the base of the stock, it produces this light that propagates from stem to the plume , changing color as it goes, from green to blue. 但是如果我们很小心的收集,并把它带回到实验室中 挤压它的基底部, 它发出了这种 从茎杆往枝干传播的光, 传播的同时还变换色彩, 从绿色到蓝色。
gently:adv.轻轻地;温柔地;温和地; squeeze:v.挤;紧握;勒索;压榨;n.压榨;紧握;拥挤;佣金; propagates:vt.传播;传送;繁殖;宣传;vi.繁殖;增殖; stem:n.花草的茎或梗;高脚酒杯的脚;烟斗柄;词干;v.阻止;封堵;遏止; plume:vt.用羽毛装饰;n.羽毛;vi.骚首弄姿;
Colorization and sound effects added for you viewing pleasure. 声效和音效 只为了增加你观看的乐趣。
(Laughter) (笑声)
But we have no idea why it does that. 但是我们完全不知道为什么它要这么做。
Here's another one. This is also a sea pen. 这是另外一个。这也是个海笔。
It's got a brittle star hitching a ride. 它搭着海蛇尾的顺风车。
It's a green saber of light. 它发出着金属般的绿色的光。
And like the one you just saw, it can produce these as bands of light. 就像你刚看到的那个一样, 它能发出那种条状的光纹。
So if I squeeze the base, the bands go from base to tip . 所以如果我挤压底部, 光带从底部传到顶部。
If I squeeze the tip, they go from tip to base. 如果我挤压顶部,它们就从顶部传到底部。
So what do you think happens if you squeeze it in the middle? 那如果我挤压中部的话你们觉得会发生什么?
(Gasps) (感叹声)
I'd be very interested in your theories about what that's about. 我会对你认为这是什么的理论感兴趣的。
(Laughter) (笑声)
So there's a language of light in the deep ocean, and we're just beginning to understand it, and one way we're going about that is we're imitating a lot of these displays. 在深海有一种光的语言, 而我们才刚刚开始了解它。 我们了解的其中一个方法 是我们对它们的行为作出效仿。
This is an optical lure that I've used. 这是我曾用过的一个视觉诱饵。
optical:adj.光学的;眼睛的,视觉的; lure:n.诱惑;饵;诱惑物;v诱惑;引诱;
We call it the electronic jellyfish . 我们叫它电子水母。
electronic:adj.电子的;电子器件的;电子设备的; jellyfish:n.水母;[无脊椎]海蜇;软弱无能的人;
It's just 16 blue LEDs that we can program to do different types of displays. 它有16个蓝色发光二极管 能让我们编程出不同的显示方式。
And we view it with a camera system I developed called Eye-in-the-Sea that uses far red light that's invisible to most animals, so it's unobtrusive . 我们用我开发的叫做海之眼的摄影系统观测它 这系统利用了大多数动物不可见的远红外光线, 所以这不会引起其注意。
invisible:adj.看不见的;n.看不见的人或物; unobtrusive:adj.不唐突的;谦虚的;不引人注目的;
So I just want to show you some of the responses we've elicited from animals in the deep sea. 我想给大家看 一些我们整合过的 一些深海动物的反应。
responses:n.回答,答复;反应;响应;(response的复数) elicited:引出;
So the camera's black and white . 这摄像是黑白的。
black and white:adj.印刷的;黑白混合的;用笔写的;
It's not high-resolution . 它分辨率不是很高。
And what you're seeing here is a bait box with a bunch of -- like the cockroaches of the ocean -- there are isopods all over it. 这里你看到的是一个诱饵盒子 有着一堆--像海里的蟑螂-- 类似甲壳类动物的东西。
bait:v.引诱;在…中放诱饵;折磨;n.饵;诱饵;vi.中途休息; a bunch of:一群;一束;一堆; cockroaches:n.[昆]蟑螂(cockroach的复数); isopods:adj.等脚类的;n.等足类动物;
And right in the front is the electronic jellyfish. 正前方 是电子水母。
And when it starts flashing, it's just going to be one of the LEDs that's flashing very fast. 当它开始闪烁的时候, 只有一个发光二极管快速的闪着光。
But as soon as it starts to flash -- and it's going to look big, because it blooms on the camera -- 但是当它开始闪光的时候-- 它会看起来很巨大,因为它在镜头前发光--
as soon as:一…就; blooms:n.花朵(bloom的复数);[生态]水华;v.开花(bloom的三单形式);
I want you to look right here. 我想让大家注意这里。
There's something small there that responds . 有一些小的东西作出了回应。
We're talking to something. 我们说的这些东西。
It looks like a little of string pearls basically -- in fact, three strings of pearls. 它基本上看起来像一小串珍珠, 事实上,三串珍珠。
pearls:n.珍珠;像珍珠之物;(pearl的复数) basically:adv.主要地,基本上;
And this was very consistent . 这是非常一致的。
This was in the Bahamas at about 2,000 feet. 这是在巴哈马群岛下2000英尺深。
We basically have a chat room going on here, because once it gets started, everybody's talking. 我们在这里有个聊天室, 因为一旦它运作,每个人都在说话。
chat room:n.[网]聊天室;
And I think this is actually a shrimp that's releasing its bioluminescent chemicals into the water. 我以为这其实是一个虾米 向水中释放出生物体发光的化学物质。
But the cool thing is, we're talking to it. 但是有趣的事,我们和它在交谈。
We don't know what we're saying. 我们不知道我们说了些什么。
Personally , I think it's something sexy. 个人觉得,这是一些性感的东西。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And then finally , 接着最后,
I want to show you some responses that we recorded with the world's first deep-sea webcam , which we had installed in Monterey Canyon last year. 我想给大家看一些我们 用世界首台深海摄像头录下的一些发光反应, 这些是我们去年在蒙特里峡谷安装的。
deep-sea:adj.深海的; webcam:n.网络摄像头; installed:v.安装;设置;使就职(install的过去分词和过去式) Monterey:n.蒙特利(美国一座城市); Canyon:n.(周围有悬崖峭壁的)峡谷;(
We've only just begun to analyze all of this data. 我们已经开始分析所有的这些数据。
This is going to be a glowing source first, which is like bioluminescent bacteria . 起初这就像一个发光源, 就好像生物荧光细菌。
source:n.来源;水源;原始资料; bacteria:n.[微]细菌;
And it is an optical cue that there's carrion on the bottom of the ocean. 这是一个视觉关于 深海底部有腐肉的提示。
cue:n.暗示;提示;信号;(戏剧的)提示;v.给(某人)暗示(或提示); carrion:adj.腐肉的;腐朽的;n.腐肉;臭尸;不洁之物;
So this scavenger comes in, which is a giant sixgill shark. 所以这食腐动物到来, 这是一个巨型的灰六鳃鲨。
scavenger:n.食腐动物;清道夫;[助剂]清除剂;拾荒者; giant:n.巨人;伟人;巨兽;adj.巨大的;特大的
And I can't claim for sure that the optical source brought it in, because there's bait right there. 我不能确定是不是 这视觉的光源吸引它过来,还是因为有诱饵在那里。
But if it had been following the odor plume, it would have come in from the other direction. 但是如果我们跟踪这气味痕迹, 它可能会来自另外一个方向。
And it does actually seem to be trying to eat the electronic jellyfish. 它的确在试着 吃掉这个电子水母。
That's a 12-foot-long giant sixgill shark. 这是只12尺长,巨大的灰六鳃鲨。
Okay, so this next one is from the webcam, and it's going to be this pinwheel display. 好了,这接下来视频是 它是旋转型的展示台,
And this is a burglar alarm. 这是个防盗报警器。
And that was a Humboldt squid, a juvenile Humboldt squid, about three feet long. 那是个洪堡鱿鱼, 一个幼年的洪堡鱿鱼,大约3英尺长。
This is at 3,000 feet in Monterey Canyon. 这是在蒙特里峡谷水下3000英尺。
But if it's a burglar alarm, you wouldn't expect it to attack the jellyfish directly. 如果这是个防盗报警器,你不能指望它直接攻击这水母。
It's supposed to be attacking what's attacking the jellyfish. 它本应当要去攻击那个水母。
But we did see a bunch of responses like this. 但是我们的确观察到一系列像这样的发光反应。
This guy is a little more contemplative . 这家伙需要更多时间思考。
'"Hey, wait a minute. “嗨,等一下。
There's supposed to be something else there." 这里本来应该是另外一个东西。”
He's thinking about it. 它在思考这个问题。
But he's persistent . 但是它是固执的。
He keeps coming back. 它一直来回游动。
And then he goes away for a few seconds to think about it some more, and thinks, "Maybe if I come in from a different angle." 接着它离开了几秒钟 来更好的思考这个问题, 并想到, “也许如果我从不同角度攻击的话。”
(Laughter) (笑声)
Nope. 算了。
So we are starting to get a handle on this, but only just the beginnings. 我们开始着手做这些, 但是仅仅是开始阶段。
We need more eyes on the process . 我们需要对流程有更多的关注。
So if any of you ever get a chance to take a dive in a submersible, by all means , climb in and take the plunge . 所以如果你们中任何一个有机会做潜艇下潜的话, 想办法,冒险试试。
by all means:一定,务必;尽一切办法; plunge:v.暴跌;使突然前冲(或下落);骤降;突降;n.跳水;突然跌落;突然分离;骤减;
This is something that should be on everybody's bucket list , because we live on an ocean planet. 这是一件应该在每个人愿望单上的事, 因为我们生活在一个海洋星球。
bucket list:遗愿清单(电影名);
More than 90 percent, 99 percent, of the living space on our planet is ocean. 我们星球上90%以上的,99%, 的生物栖息的地方 是海洋。
It's a magical place filled with breathtaking light shows and bizarre and wondrous creatures, alien life forms that you don't have to travel to another planet to see. 这是个神奇的地方 充斥着窒息的光影表演 奇怪而惊人的生物, 外星式的生命形式 让你不用穿越到另一个星球去目睹。
bizarre:adj.奇异的(指态度,容貌,款式等); wondrous:adj.奇妙的;令人惊奇的;非常的;
But if you do take the plunge, please remember to turn out the lights. 但是如果你真的冒险尝试, 请记住关灯。
But I warn you, it's addictive . 但是,我警告大家, 这是会上瘾的。
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)