

In my previous life, I was an artist. 以前,我曾是个艺术家
I still paint. I love art. 我仍然画画,我喜欢艺术。
I love the joy that color can give to our lives and to our communities , and I try to bring something of the artist in me in my politics , and I see part of my job today, the reason for being here, not just to campaign for my party, but for politics , and the role it can play for the better in our lives. 我喜欢颜色给我们生活 和社会带来的喜悦 我尝试把我身上艺术家的那一面 带进政治, 我发现, 今天我工作的一部分,我站在这里的原因 不只是为我的党派宣传, 也是为政治,以及它在改善我们生活的方面 能起到的作用
communities:n.社区;社会;团体;共有(community的复数) politics:n.政治;钩心斗角;政治观点;v.(贬)从事政治活动;(politic的第三人称单数) for the better:好转,向好的方向发展;
For 11 years, I was mayor of Tirana, our capital. 我做我们的首都地拉那的市长有11年了
We faced many challenges. 我们面对过很多挑战
Art was part of the answer, and my name, in the very beginning, was linked with two things: demolition of illegal constructions in order to get public space back, and use of colors in order to revive the hope that had been lost in my city. 艺术解决了部分问题 起初,我的名字 与两样事情有关: 为恢复公共空间 而拆除违章建筑, 以及用颜色来重燃我们城市 丢失的希望
demolition:n.拆除(等于demolishment);破坏;毁坏; illegal:adj.不合法的;非法的;n.非法移民;非法劳工; constructions:n.[建]建设(construction的复数);[建]建筑物;构造学; revive:vi.复兴;复活;苏醒;恢复精神;vt.使复兴;使苏醒;回想起;重演,重播;
But this use of colors was not just an artistic act. 这些颜色的使用不光是为了追求艺术
Rather, it was a form of political action in a context when the city budget I had available after being elected amounted to zero comma something. 在当时,它更是一种政治行动 我当选以后 城市的预算经费所剩无几
context:n.环境;上下文;来龙去脉; budget:n.预算,预算费;v.安排,预定;把…编入预算;adj.廉价的; amounted:v.合计,共计;等同,接近;(amount的过去分词和过去式) comma:n.逗号;停顿;
When we painted the first building, by splashing a radiant orange on the somber gray of a facade , something unimaginable happened. 我们粉刷第一幢大楼时 在铅灰色的大楼正面 泼上了明亮的橙色 跟着不可思议的事情发生了
splashing:n.泼洒,喷洒;v.飞溅(splash的ing形式);溅湿; radiant:adj.辐射的;容光焕发的;光芒四射的;n.光点;发光的物体; somber:adj.忧郁的;昏暗的;严峻的;阴天的; facade:n.正面;表面;外观; unimaginable:adj.不可思议的;难以想像的;
There was a traffic jam and a crowd of people gathered as if it were the location of some spectacular accident, or the sudden sighting of a visiting pop star. 一时交通阻塞 众人聚集 好像重大事故的现场 或者突然撞到了来游玩的明星
traffic jam:n.堵车;交通阻塞; location:n.地方;地点;位置;定位 spectacular:adj.壮观的;壮丽的;令人惊叹的;n.壮观的场面;精彩的表演;
The French E.U. official in charge of the funding rushed to block the painting. 负责基金的法国欧盟官员 赶来阻止正在进行的喷涂作业
official:adj.官方的;正式的;公务的;n.官员;公务员;高级职员; in charge of:负责;主管; funding:n.基金;资金;提供资金;v.为…提供资金;拨款给;(fund的现在分词)
He screeched that he would block the financing. 他尖叫着说要中止融资
screeched:vi.发出尖锐的声音; n.尖叫声,尖利刺耳的声音; vt.尖着声音讲或喊;
'"But why?" I asked him. 我问他,“为什么呀?”
'"Because the colors you have ordered do not meet European standards ," he replied. 他回答说:“你用的那些颜色 不符合欧洲标准。”
'"Well," I told him, "the surroundings do not meet European standards, even though this is not what we want, but we will choose the colors ourselves, because this is exactly what we want. 我跟他说 “这周围的一切都不符合欧洲标准 尽管这也不是我们想要的 但是我们要自己选择颜色 因为这就是我们想要的
And if you do not let us continue with our work, 如果你不让我们继续工作
I will hold a press conference here, right now, right in this road, and we will tell people that you look to me just like the censors of the socialist realism era." 我要马上举行一个新闻发布会 就在这条路上 我们会告诉人们你们提防着我们 就像社会主义现实主义时代的审查们。”
press conference:记者招待会,新闻发布会; censors:监察官; socialist realism:n.社会主义现实主义(尤指斯大林领导时期的苏联等一些共产党国家实践的理论,即艺术、音乐和文学应要表现和支持社会主义);
Then he was kind of troubled, and asked me for a compromise . 他也很为难 并请我作出让步
But I told him no, I'm sorry, compromise in colors is gray, and we have enough gray to last us a lifetime. 但我告诉他,很抱歉 妥协有颜色来表示的话是灰色 我们人生中已经有太多的灰色
(Applause) (掌声)
So it's time for change. 是改变的时候啦
The rehabilitation of public spaces revived the feeling of belonging to a city that people lost. 恢复公共空间 会恢复人们对所遗失的城市 的归属感
rehabilitation:n.康复;恢复;善后;平反;复权; revived:v.(使)苏醒,复活;重新使用;使重做;重新上演;(revive的过去分词和过去式)
The pride of people about their own place of living, and there were feelings that had been buried deep for years under the fury of the illegal, barbaric constructions that sprang up in the public space. 人们对自己居住地的自豪 以及多来年他们对 公共场所滋生的非法野蛮建筑 的愤慨背后的情感
fury:n.狂怒;暴怒;激怒者; barbaric:adj.野蛮的,粗野的;原始的;
And when colors came out everywhere, a mood of change started transforming the spirit of people. 当各处有了颜色 人们的精神开始转变
mood:n.情绪,语气;心境;气氛; transforming:v.使改变形态;使改变外观(或性质);使改观;(transform的现在分词)
Big noise raised up: "What is this? What is happening? 有人大声问:“这是什么?这是怎么回事?”
What are colors doing to us?" 这些颜色对我们有什么影响?
And we made a poll , the most fascinating poll I've seen in my life. 我们做了个民意调查 是我一生中见过的最迷人的调查
poll:n.投票; v.获得(票数); adj.当事人一方作成的; fascinating:adj.极有吸引力的;迷人的;v.深深吸引;迷住;(fascinate的现在分词)
We asked people, "Do you want this action, and to have buildings painted like that?" 我们问他们,“你们想要这次行动 就是把建筑漆成这样子吗?”
And then the second question was, "Do you want it to stop or do you want it to continue?" 第二个问题是 “你们想让它停止还是让它继续?”
To the first question, 63 percent of people said yes, we like it. 第一个问题呢 63%的人说是,我们喜欢这样
Thirty-seven said no, we don't like it. 37%的人回答不,我们不喜欢这样
But to the second question, half of them that didn't like it, they wanted it to continue. (Laughter) 对第二个问题,说不喜欢这样的人当中有一半 希望这个行动能继续下去。(笑声)
So we noticed change. 我们注意到了变化
People started to drop less litter in the streets, for example, started to pay taxes, started to feel something they had forgotten, and beauty was acting as a guardsman where municipal police, or the state itself, were missing. 譬如说,人们往街上扔垃圾的行为变少了 开始付税金 开始感觉到一度淡忘了的一些事 当城市警察,或说国家本身正在消亡的时候 美就充当了捍卫者
guardsman:n.卫兵;(英)禁卫军官兵;(美)国民警卫队士兵; municipal:adj.市政的,市的;地方自治的;
One day I remember walking along a street that had just been colored, and where we were in the process of planting trees, when I saw a shopkeeper and his wife putting a glass facade to their shop. 记得有一天我走在街上 那里刚被涂上颜色 树木也正在那里栽种 我看到一个店老板和他太太 在店里装一个玻璃门面
in the process of:在…的过程中; shopkeeper:n.店主,老板;
They had thrown the old shutter in the garbage collection place. 他们把旧的卷帘门 扔进垃圾回收处
shutter:n.快门;百叶窗;关闭物;遮板;vt.为…装百叶窗;以百叶窗遮闭; garbage:n.垃圾;废物;
'"Why did you throw away the shutters ?" I asked him. 我问他,“为什么把那些卷帘门扔掉呢?”
throw away:adj.信口开河的;用后可扔的;n.废品; shutters:n.百叶门窗,[建]百叶窗(shutter的复数形式);
'"Well, because the street is safer now," they answered. 他们回答道,“因为,这条街现在安全多了。”
'"Safer? Why? They have posted more policemen here?" “更安全了吗?是吗?他们派了更多的警察吧?”
'"Come on, man! What policemen? “我说,伙计,什么警察?
You can see it for yourself. There are colors, streetlights , new pavement with no potholes , trees. So it's beautiful; it's safe." 你自己看看。这些色彩, 街灯,新铺的没有坑坑洼洼的路面, 树木。又漂亮,又安全。”
streetlights:n.街灯,路灯; pavement:n.路面;人行道;石板铺的地面; potholes:n.凹坑;坑槽;洞坑(pothole的复数形式);
And indeed, it was beauty that was giving people this feeling of being protected. 事实上,是美给了人们 被保护的感觉
And this was not a misplaced feeling. 这不是一种情感错位
misplaced:adj.不合时宜的; v.乱放(而一时找不到); (misplace的过去式和过去分词)
Crime did fall. 犯罪率降低了
The freedom that was won in 1990 brought about a state of anarchy in the city, while the barbarism of the '90s brought about a loss of hope for the city. 1990年赢得的自由 带来了城市的无政府状态 90年代的野蛮 导致城市失去了希望
anarchy:n.无政府状态;混乱;无秩序; barbarism:n.野蛮;原始;未开化;暴虐;
The paint on the walls did not feed children, nor did it tend the sick or educate the ignorant , but it gave hope and light, and helped to make people see there could be a different way of doing things, a different spirit, a different feel to our lives, and that if we brought the same energy and hope to our politics, we could build a better life for each other and for our country. 墙上的图画不能喂饱孩子们 也不会照顾病号或教育无知者 但是它带来了希望和光明 帮助人们看见 还有另外一种办法 另一种精神,另一种对生活的感受 如果我们能把这种同样的热情和希望 引入我们的政治,我们就能够 给我们和我们的国家一个更好的生活
We removed 123,000 tons of concrete only from the riverbanks . 单单从河边呀 我们就搬走了123,000吨的水泥
concrete:n.混凝土;adj.混凝土制的;确实的,具体的;vt.用混凝土覆盖 riverbanks:n.河堤;
We demolished more than 5,000 illegal buildings all over the city, up to eight stories high, the tallest of them. 我们在整个城市拆毁了 5千多非法建筑 当中最高的有8层楼高
We planted 55,000 trees and bushes in the streets. 我们种植了5万5千棵树和灌木
We established a green tax, and then everybody accepted it and all businessmen paid it regularly . 我们设立了一项绿色税 每人都接受了 所有的生意人都定期纳税
established:adj.已确立的;著名的;v.建立;创立;设立;(establish的过去分词和过去式) regularly:adv.经常地;有规律地;定期的
By means of open competitions , we managed to recruit in our administration many young people, and we thus managed to build a de-politicized public institution where men and women were equally represented . 我们通过公开竞争 招募了我们的公务员 当中有许多年轻人 我们设法建立 一个去除政治化的公共机构 在这里男女被平等对待
By means of:用,依靠; competitions:n.比赛,[生态]竞争(competition的复数形式); recruit:n.新兵; v.吸收(新成员); (通过招募)组成; public institution:事业单位; represented:v.代表; (represent的过去式和过去分词)
International organizations have invested a lot in Albania during these 20 years, not all of it well spent. 国际组织 在这20年中在阿尔巴尼亚投了很多资金, 有些没有被利用好
organizations:n.组织,构造,有机体(organization的复数);组织机构; invested:v.投资;投入;(invest的过去分词和过去式)
When I told the World Bank directors that I wanted them to finance a project to build a model reception hall for citizens precisely in order to fight endemic daily corruption , they did not understand me. 当我告诉世界银行的董事们 我想让他们融资设立一个项目 为市民建立一个符合标准的接待厅 正是为了打击地方腐败 他们并不理解我
World Bank:n.世界银行(向处于困境需要资助的成员国贷款的国际机构); finance:n.财政,财政学;金融;v.负担经费,供给…经费; endemic:adj.地方性的;风土的;n.地方病; corruption:n.贪污,腐败;堕落;
But people were waiting in long queues under sun and under rain in order to get a certificate or just a simple answer from two tiny windows of two metal kiosks . 但人们在烈日下风雨里 排长队等候 只为了从那两个金属亭上的两个小窗口里 拿到证明或区区一个答复
queues:n.[数]队列;行列(queue的复数形式);v.[数]排队(queue的第三人称单数); certificate:n.证明;证明书;合格证书;文凭;v.发给结业证书;(尤指)发给职业培训证书; kiosks:n.报摊,电话亭(kiosk的复数);店铺设计;
They were paying in order to skip the queue, the long queue. 他们为了不排长队 就得付钱
The reply to their requests was met by a voice coming from this dark hole, and, on the other hand , a mysterious hand coming out to take their documents while searching through old documents for the bribe . 他们得到的回答 就是来那个黑洞里 同时 一只神秘的手拿走他们的文件 一边在查旧文件就是为了捞点贿赂
on the other hand:另一方面; mysterious:adj.神秘的;不可思议的;难解的; bribe:v.贿赂,收买;n.贿赂;
We could change the invisible clerks within the kiosks, every week, but we could not change this corrupt practice. 我们可以每星期更换小亭子里隐藏的工作人员 但我们改变不了这种腐败的行为
'"I'm convinced ," I told a German official with the World Bank, "that it would be impossible for them to be bribed if they worked in Germany, in a German administration, 我告诉一位世界银行的德国官员, “我确信, 如果他们在德国工作 他们是不可能受贿的 在德国政府
convinced:adj.坚信; v.使确信; (convince的过去分词和过去式) bribed:v.向(某人)行贿;贿赂;(bribe的过去分词和过去式)
just as I am convinced that if you put German officials from the German administration in those holes, they would be bribed just the same." 正如我确信的,如果你把德国政府官员 放进那些小亭里 他们也会同样受贿。”
(Applause) (掌声)
It's not about genes . 这不是基因的关系
It's not about some being with a high conscience and some others having not a conscience. 这不是说有些人有良知 而另一些没有良知
It's about system, it's about organization. 这是体制问题,是组织问题
It's also about environment and respect. 也是环境问题和尊重问题
We removed the kiosks. 我们撤掉了这些小亭子
We built the bright new reception hall that made people, Tirana citizens, think they had traveled abroad when they entered to make their requests. 建造了一个明亮的接待大厅 使人们,地拉那的公民们 感觉他们到了这里像是到了国外 去办他们的请求
We created an online system of control and so speeded up all the processes . 我们设立了一个在线控制系统 以加快流程
speeded:vbl.加速; processes:n.过程; v.处理(process的第三人称单数形式);
We put the citizen first, and not the clerks. 我们以公民优先,而不是公务员
The corruption in the state administration of countries like Albania -- it's not up to me to say also like Greece -- can be fought only by modernization . 这种腐败现象 在像阿尔吉尼亚这样的国家政府 或者希腊,这不该由我来说 可以用现代化的方式来解决
Reinventing the government by reinventing politics itself is the answer, and not reinventing people based on a ready-made formula that the developed world often tries in vain to impos e to peopl e like u s. 通过重塑政治本身来重塑政府 这就是答案,而不是用一个现成的公式 来改造人民 就像发展中国家经常尝试强加于人民的那样 但徒劳无益
(Applause) (掌声)
Things have come to this point because politicians in general , but especially in our countries, let's face it, think people are stupid. 事到如今 大部分政客们 尤其在我们国家,承认吧 他们认为民众很蠢。
politicians:n.政治家;(蔑)政客;(美)政治贩;(politician的复数) in general:总之,通常;一般而言; especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分;
They take it for granted that, come what may , people have to follow them, while politics, more and more, fails to offer answers for their public concerns or the exigencies of the common people. 他们理所当然认为,不管发生什么 民众必须跟从他们 政治越来越不能够为 公众关注的 或人们亟待解决的问题提供答案
take it for granted:认为理所当然;想当然; come what may:不管发生什么;无论如何; concerns:n.关注; v.使关心(concern的三单形式); exigencies:n.紧急状态;迫切情况(exigency的复数形式);
Politics has come to resemble a cynical team game played by politicians, while the public has been pushed aside as if sitting on the seats of a stadium in which passion for politics is gradually making room for blindness and desperation. 政治也越来越像 一场由愤世嫉俗的政客们操弄的分组游戏 公众被放置一边 就像坐在球场的席位上 对政治的热情 逐渐被盲目和绝望取代
resemble:v.看起来像;显得像;像; cynical:adj.愤世嫉俗的;冷嘲的; stadium:n.[体]露天大型体育场;[病]病期;[生]生长期;龄期; passion:n.激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒; gradually:adv.渐渐地;逐步地;
Seen from those stairs, all politicians today seem the same, and politics has come to resemble a sport that inspires more aggressiveness and pessimism than social cohesion and the desire for civic protaganism. 从这个角度来看 当今所有的政客们看上去是一样的 政治就类似于 一项激发更多进攻主义和厌世情绪的运动 而不是激发社会凝聚力 和对市民主权的欲望
inspires:激励;赋予灵感(inspire的第三人称单数); aggressiveness:n.攻击性;侵犯;进取精神; pessimism:n.悲观,悲观情绪;厌世主义; cohesion:n.凝聚;结合;[力]内聚力; civic:adj.市的;公民的,市民的;
Barack Obama won — (Applause) — because he mobilized people as never before through the use of social networks. 巴拉克·奥巴马赢了 --(掌声)-- 因为他通过使用社交媒体 来动员民众,这是前所未有的
He did not know each and every one of them, but with an admirable ingenuity , he managed to transform them into activists by giving them all the possibility to hold in their hands 他并不认识每一个人 但借助令人钦佩的独创性 他把他们变成行动派 让他们把任何可能为他赢得竞选的资源
admirable:adj.令人钦佩的;极好的;值得赞扬的; ingenuity:n.心灵手巧,独创性;精巧;精巧的装置;
the arguments and the instruments that each would need to campaign in his name by making his own campaign. 握在手里 用他的名义为他奔走
I tweet. I love it. 我推特,我喜欢!
I love it because it lets me get the message out, but it also lets people get their messages to me. 我喜欢它因为它把我的信息传出去 但也得到人们的消息
get the message:领会,明白;
This is politics, not from top down, but from the bottom up, and sideways , and allowing everybody's voice to be heard is exactly what we need. 这是政治,不是自上而下 而是自下而上地,甚至斜向地 允许每个人的声音都被听到 这就是我们所要的
Politics is not just about leaders. 政治不光是与领袖有关
It's not just about politicians and laws. 不只是政客和法律
It is about how people think, how they view the world around them, how they use their time and their energy. 它是关乎民众的想法 他们如何来看待周围的世界 如何利用他们的时间和能源
When people say all politicians are the same, ask yourself if Obama was the same as Bush, if Fran?ois Hollande is the same as Sarkozy . 当人们讲政客都是一个样时 请扪心自问奥巴马和布什是否一样 弗朗索瓦·奥朗德和萨科齐是否一样
They are not. They are human beings with different views and different visions for the world. 他们不一样。他们观点不同 世界观也不同
visions:n.愿景; v.想像;
When people say nothing can change, just stop and think what the world was like 10, 20, 50, 100 years ago. 当人们说什么都不会改变时 只要停下来想一想 10年前,20年前,50年前,100年前这个世界是什么样子
Our world is defined by the pace of change. 我们的世界是根据变化来定义的
defined:adj.有定义的,确定的; v.使明确;
We can all change the world. 我们都能够改变世界
I gave you a very small example of how one thing, the use of color, can make change happen. 我给了你们一个小例子 一个如何通过颜色 来产生变化的例子
I want to make more change as Prime Minister of my country, but every single one of you can make change happen if you want to. 作为我们国家总理 我想做更多改变 但是如果你想做 你们每个人都会让改变发生
Prime Minister:n.首相;总理;
President Roosevelt, he said, "Believe you can, and you are halfway there." 罗斯福总统说过, 相信你可以,你就成功了一半。”
Efharisto and kalinihta. 谢谢,晚安
(Applause) (掌声)