

This song is one of Thomas' favorites, called "What You Do with What You've Got." 这首歌是托马斯的最爱之一。 歌名叫做:“珍惜你所拥有。”
? You must know someone like him ? 你一定认识像他一样的人
? He was tall and strong and lean ? 他又高又壮,身材修长。
? With a body like a greyhound ? 拥有猎犬一般的身体
? And a mind so sharp and keen ? 头脑灵活而敏锐
sharp:锋利的,尖的 keen:adj.敏锐的,敏捷的;渴望的;强烈的;热心的;锐利的;n.痛哭,挽歌;
? But his heart, just like laurel ? 但是他的心灵,就像月桂树
? grew twisted around itself ? 扭曲地成长
twisted:adj.扭曲的; v.使弯曲,使扭曲; (twist的过去分词和过去式)
? Till almost everything he did ? 直到他的所作所为
? brought pain to someone else ? 伤害了别人
? It's not just what you're born with ? 才发现这并不是你与生俱来的特质
? It's what you choose to bear ? 而是你后天的选择
? It's not how big your share is ? 这无关于你的分享有多丰厚
? It's how much you can share ? 而是在于你能分享多少
? It's not the fights you dreamed of ? 这也不是你所梦想的奋斗
? It's those you really fought ? 而是你现实中真正的奋斗
? It's not what you've been given ? 这更不是在于你获得了什么
? It's what you do with what you've got ? 而是你该如何珍惜你所拥有
? What's the use of two strong legs ? 强健的双腿作用是什么
? if you only run away? ? 如果你只是用来逃避?
? And what's the use of the finest voice ? 独有优美的声线又有何用
? If you have nothing good to say ? 如果你没什么金玉良言可说
? What's the use of strength and muscle ? 力量和肌肉何用呢?
? if you only push and shove ? 如果你是用来推搡别人
? And what's the use of two good ears ? 一对健康的耳朵有何用?
? if you can't hear those you love ? 如果你听不见你所挚爱的人的言语
? What's the use of two strong legs ? 强健的双腿有何用
? if you only run away ? 如果你只是用来逃避
? And what's the use of the finest voice ? 独有优美的声线又有何用
? If you have nothing good to say ? 如果你没什么金玉良言可说
? What's the use of strength and muscle ? 力量和肌肉何用呢?
? if you only push and shove ? 如果你是用来推搡被人
? And what's the use of two good ears ? 一对健康的耳朵有何用?
? if you can't hear those you love ? 如果你听不见你所挚爱的人的言语
? Between those who use their neighbors ? 在利用他人的人
? and those who use the cane ? 和自力更生的人之间
? Between those in constant power ? 在拥有持久权利的人
? and those in constant pain ? 和长期遭受苦难的人之间
? Between those who run to glory ? 在追逐荣誉的人
? and those who cannot run ? 和无法奔跑的人之间
? Tell me which ones are the cripples ? 告诉我,谁才是真正的瘸子
cripples:v.使残废; n.残疾人; (cripple的第三人称单数和复数)
? and which ones touch the sun ? 而谁将沐浴阳光
? Which ones touch the sun ? 谁将沐浴阳光
? Which ones touch the sun ? 谁将沐浴阳光
(Applause) 鼓掌