

You know, we wake up in the morning, you get dressed, put on your shoes, you head out into the world. 我们每天早上醒来 着装打扮,穿上鞋
You plan on coming back, getting undressed , going to bed, waking up, doing it again, and that anticipation , that rhythm , helps give us a structure to how we organize ourselves and our lives, and gives it a measure of predictability . 盘算着回到家来,脱下衣服 给了我们一个框架 来管理我们自己和自己的生活
undressed:adj.赤裸;一丝不挂;v.(给…)脱衣服;(undress的过去分词和过去式) anticipation:n.希望;预感;先发制人;预支; rhythm:n.节奏;韵律; structure:n.结构;构造;建筑物;vt.组织;构成;建造; organize:v.组织;安排;处理;分配;管理; predictability:n.可预测性;可预言;
Living in New York City, as I do, it's almost as if, with so many people doing so many things at the same time in such close quarters, it's almost like life is dealing you extra hands out of that deck . 多发给你一手牌
at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时; extra:adj.额外的:n.额外的事物:adv.额外:另外: deck:n.甲板;舱面;层面;一副(为52张);v.装饰;打扮;布置;用力击倒;
You're never, there's just, juxtapositions are possible that just aren't, you don't think they're going to happen. 你从不认为它们可能发生
And you never think you're going to be the guy who's walking down the street and, because you choose to go down one side or the other, the rest of your life is changed forever. 走在街上 只是因为选择了某一边走
And one night, I'm riding the uptown local train.
I get on. I tend to be a little bit vigilant when I get on the subway. 我试着提高了点警觉 当我在地铁里的时候
I'm not one of the people zoning out with headphones or a book. 或者看书
And I get on the car, and I look, and I notice this couple, college-aged, student-looking kids, a guy and a girl, and they're sitting next to each other, and she's got her leg draped over his knee, 两人都是大学生模样 一个男生和一个女生,并排坐在一起 女生把一条腿架在男生的膝盖上
and they're doing -- they have this little contraption , and they're tying these knots , and they're doing it with one hand, they're doing it left-handed and right-handed very quickly, and then she'll hand the thing to him and he'll do it. 他们在摆弄一个小玩意 而且只用一只手 迅速地换用左手和右手 女生做完又拿给男生做
contraption:n.奇妙的装置;精巧的设计; knots:n.发髻:节子:节疤:v.把…打成结(knot的第三人称单数和复数) left-handed:adj.左撇的;用左手的;笨拙的; right-handed:adj.用右手的,惯用右手的;向右转的;
I've never seen anything like this. 这是我从没见过的景象
It's almost like they're practicing magic tricks . 他们就像在变魔术一样
magic tricks:n.魔术;
And at the next stop, a guy gets on the car, and he has this sort of visiting professor look to him. 在之后的一站,一个男人上了车 他打扮的像个访问教授
He's got the overstuffed leather satchel and the rectangular file case and a laptop bag and the tweed jacket with the leather patches , and — (Laughter) — he looks at them, and then 拿着一个塞得鼓鼓的皮包
overstuffed:adj.填塞很多的; v.装填过度; (overstuff的过去式和过去分词) leather:n.皮革;皮革制品;v.用皮革包盖;抽打;adj.皮的;皮革制的; satchel:n.书包;小背包; rectangular:adj.矩形的;成直角的; laptop:n.便携式电脑;笔记本电脑; tweed:n.花呢;花呢服装; patches:n.斑点;小块;补丁;眼罩;v.打补丁;缝补;修补;(patch的第三人称单数和复数)
in a blink of an eye, he kneels down in front of them, and he starts to say, "You know, listen, here's how you can do it. Look, if you do this -- " and he takes the laces out of their hand, and instantly, he starts tying these knots, and even better than they were doing it, remarkably . 然后说道 “你们知道吗,听我说,你们可以这么做。看着
blink:vt.眨眼;使…闪烁;vi.眨眼;闪烁;n.眨眼;瞬间;闪光; kneels:vi.跪下,跪; laces:n.网眼织物; v.由带子系紧; (lace的第三人称单数和复数) remarkably:adv.非常;极为;格外;出乎意料地
And it turns out they are medical students on their way to a lecture about the latest suturing techniques , and he's the guy giving the lecture. 原来这对情侣是医学院的学生 而那个男人正是那位讲者
lecture:n.演讲;讲座;讲课;谴责;v.开讲座;讲授;讲课;指责;告诫 suturing:v.缝合;(suture的现在分词) techniques:n.技巧;技艺;工艺;技术;(technique的复数)
(Laughter) (笑声)
So he starts to tell them, and he's like, "No, this is very important here. You know, when you're needing these knots, it's going to be, you know, everything's “不,这里非常重要。你们得知道 在打结的时候 你们要知道
going to be happening at the same time, it's going to be -- you're going to have all this information coming at you, there's going to be organs getting in the way , it's going to be slippery , and 什么都有可能发生,很可能会-- ”挡路“的病人器官 病人体内很滑 还有
organs:n.[生物]器官;机构;风琴(organ的复数); in the way:妨碍;挡道; slippery:adj.滑的;狡猾的;不稳定的;
it's just very important that you be able to do these beyond second nature , each hand, left hand, right hand, you have to be able to do them without seeing your fingers." 无论是左手还是右手
second nature:n.第二天性;习性;
And at that moment, when I heard that,
I just got catapulted out of the subway car into a night when I had been getting a ride in an ambulance from the sidewalk where I had been stabbed to the trauma room of St. Vincent's Hospital in Manhattan, and what had happened was a gang had come in from Brooklyn. 那晚我躺在救护车里 刚刚在人行道上被捅了几刀
catapulted:n.弹弓; vt.用弹弓射; vi.用弹射器弹射; ambulance:n.救护车; sidewalk:n.人行道; stabbed:v.刺,戳,捅;(stab的过去分词和过去式) trauma:n.[外科]创伤(由心理创伤造成精神上的异常);外伤; gang:n.一群; v.(英)去;
As part of an initiation for three of their members, they had to kill somebody, and I happened to be the guy walking down Bleecker Street that night, and they jumped on me without a word. 为了替三个新加入的成员举行入伙仪式 他们不由分说就袭击了我
One of the very lucky things, when I was at Notre Dame , I was on the boxing team, so I put my hands up right away , instinctively . 幸运的是
Dame:n.夫人;年长妇女; right away:立刻; instinctively:adv.本能地;
The guy on the right had a knife with a 10-inch blade , and he went in under my elbow , and it went up and cut my inferior vena cava . 我右手边的一个家伙拿着一柄25公分长的刀 从我手肘下方攻过来
blade:n.叶片;刀片,刀锋;剑; elbow:n.肘;弯头;肘状物;v.用肘推;挤进;讨价还价; inferior:adj.较差的; n.不如别人的人; vena cava:n.腔静脉;
If you know anything about anatomy , that's not a good thing to get cut, and everything, of course, on the way up, and then — I still had my hands up — he pulled it out and went for my neck, and sunk it in up to the hilt in my neck, and I got one straight right punch and knocked the middle guy out. 如果你们懂一点解剖 与此同时,当然,袭击还在进行 他拔出刀刃来刺我的脖子
anatomy:n.解剖;解剖学;剖析;解析; hilt:n.刀把,柄; punch:n.冲床; v.拳打; (用打孔器等)打孔;
The other guy was still working on me, collapsing my other lung, and I managed to, by hitting that guy, to get a minute. 想刺穿我另一边的肺
collapsing:v.倒塌,坍塌; (collapse的现在分词)
I ran down the street and collapsed , and the ambulance guys intubated me on the sidewalk and let the trauma room know they had an incoming . 我沿街一直跑直到倒下 救护人员在人行道上帮我插管
collapsed:v.倒塌,坍塌;倒下,昏倒;坐下;(collapse的过去分词和过去式) intubated:v.把管子插进;(intubate的过去分词和过去式) incoming:n.进来;收入;adj.新当选的;新任的;
And one of the side effects of having major massive blood loss is you get tunnel vision , so I remember being on the stretcher and having a little nickel-sized cone of vision, and I was moving my head around and we got to St. Vincent's, and we're racing down this hallway, and I see the lights going, and it's a peculiar effect of memories like that. 大量失血 你的视野变得狭窄 我们到达了圣文森医院
massive:adj.大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的; tunnel vision:n.视野收缩;一孔之见;井蛙之见; stretcher:n.担架;延伸器; cone:n.圆锥体,圆锥形;[植]球果;v.使成锥形; peculiar:adj.特殊的;独特的;奇怪的;罕见的;n.特权;特有财产;
They don't really go to the usual place that memories go. 不像一般的记忆
They kind of have this vault where they're stored in high-def, and George Lucas did all the sound effects. (Laughter) 这些记忆的影像部分以超高分辨率存储
So sometimes, remembering them, it's like, it's not like any other kind of memories. 有时候,回忆当时 浮现的那些记忆跟一般的记忆完全不同
And I get into the trauma room, and they're waiting for me, and the lights are there, and I'd been able to breathe a little more now, because the blood has left, had been filling up my lungs and I was having a very hard time breathing, but now it's kind of gone into the stretcher. 我被送到清创室 之前因为血流到肺里 我很难呼吸
And I said, "Is there anything I can do to help?"
and — (Laughter) — the nurse kind of had a hysterical laugh, and 然后……(笑声)
I'm turning my head trying to see everybody, and I had this weird memory of being in college and raising, raising money for the flood victims of Bangladesh, and then I look over and my anesthesiologist is clamping the mask on me, and I think, "He looks Bangladeshi," — (Laughter) — and I just have those two facts, and I just think, "This could work somehow ." (Laughter) 我转着脑袋试图看清在场的每一个人 奇怪的是,那时候我居然回想起 看到麻醉师帮我把氧气面罩戴上 我居然在想 我得知这两件事,就觉得 这能成(笑声)
weird:adj.奇怪的;奇异的;离奇的;n.命运;宿命;命运女神; anesthesiologist:n.麻醉学者(医师); clamping:n.钳位;v.夹住(clamp的现在分词); somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地;
And then I go out, and they work on me for the rest of the night, and I needed about 40 units of blood to keep me there while they did their work, and the surgeon took out about a third of my intestines , my cecum , organs I didn't know that I had, and he later told me one of the last things he did 手术中 医生取出了我三分之一的肠子
surgeon:n.外科医生; intestines:n.[解剖]肠(intestine的复数);内脏;下水; cecum:n.[解剖]盲肠(等于caecum);
while he was in there was to remove my appendix for me, which I thought was great, you know, just a little tidy thing there at the end. (Laughter) 就是取掉了我的阑尾 终于有点完整的东西了(笑声)
appendix:n.附录;阑尾;附加物; tidy:adj.整齐的:整洁的:v.使整洁:
And I came to in the morning.
Out of anesthetic , he had let them know that he wanted to be there, and he had given me about a two percent chance of living. 医生告诉大家 他要呆在病房里 他给了我2%的生存机会
So he was there when I woke up, and it was, waking up was like breaking through the ice into a frozen lake of pain. 我醒过来时他在身边 那天醒来
It was that enveloping , and there was only one spot that didn't hurt worse than anything I'd ever felt, and it was my instep , and he was holding the arch of my foot and rubbing the instep with his thumb. 是我的脚背
enveloping:n.包络;v.包封;遮盖(envelop的ing形式); instep:n.脚背;背部;脚背形的东西; arch:n.拱;拱门;足背;拱形;v.成弓形;呈拱形覆盖;adj.调皮的;淘气的 rubbing:v.擦;磨;搓;(使)相互摩擦;摩擦;(rub的现在分词)
And I looked up, and he's like, "Good to see you," “太好了,你醒了”
and I was trying to remember what had happened and trying to get my head around everything, and the pain was just overwhelming , and he said, "You know, we didn't cut your hair. I thought 他说“我们没有剪掉你的头发。
overwhelming:adj.势不可挡的; v.压倒; (overwhelm的现在分词)
you might have gotten strength from your hair like Samson , and you're going to need all the strength you can get." 我觉得你能像参孙大力士一样从头发中获得力量
And in those days, my hair was down to my waist , 那时我的头发长及腰间
I drove a motorcycle, I was unmarried , 我飙摩托车,未婚
I owned a bar, so those were different times. (Laughter) 开酒吧,那个时代不一样嘛(笑声)
I had three days of life support , and everybody was expecting, due to just the massive amount of what they had had to do that I wasn't going to make it, so it was three days of 我会挺不过去
life support:adj.保障生命的,维持生命的;
everybody was either waiting for me to die or poop, and — (Laughter) — when I finally pooped , then that somehow, surgically speaking, that's like you crossed some good line, and, um — (Laughter) — on that day, the surgeon came in and whipped the sheet off of me. 所有人都在关心我 死或者拉屎 当我终于能大便了 (笑声) 那一天,医生进门来
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; pooped:adj.疲惫不堪;筋疲力尽;v.拉屎;大便;使筋疲力尽;(poop的过去分词和过去式) surgically:adv.如外科手术般地; whipped:v.鞭打;鞭策;除去,抽出(whip的过去分词和过去式) sheet:n.薄板;床单;纸张;报纸;v.覆盖;展开;给…铺床单;铺开;adj.片状的;
He had three or four friends with him, and he does that, and they all look, and there was no infection , and they bend over me and they're poking and prodding , 他做了这个手势,其他人都看过来 发现我身上没有感染 他们弯下腰来,戳戳这里,按按那里
infection:n.感染;传染;(身体某部位的)感染;传染病; poking:v.捅;推;戳;探;露出;伸出;探出;(poke的现在分词) prodding:n.催促;督促;鼓励;激励;v.戳;杵;捅;催促;鼓动;(prod的现在分词)
and they're like, "There's no hematomas , blah blah, look at the color," and they're talking amongst themselves and I'm, like, this restored automobile that he's just going, "Yeah, I did that." (Laughter) 说道“没有血肿…… 看看这颜色”,他们径自谈论着
hematomas:n.[病理]血肿(hematoma的复数); blah:n.废话;空话;瞎说;int.废话; amongst:prep.在…之中;在…当中(等于among); restored:adj.精力充沛的;精力恢复的;v.修复;恢复健康;(restore的过去分词和过去式) automobile:n.汽车;v.开汽车;坐汽车;adj.自动的;
And it was just, it was amazing, because these guys are high-fiving him over how good I turned out, you know? (Laughter) 这可真是…… 这可太神奇了,他们和我的医生击掌 庆祝我的康复(笑声)
And it's my zipper, and I've still got the staples in and everything.
And later on, when I got out and the flashbacks and the nightmares were giving me a hard time, 后来 经常有记忆闪回 做噩梦,搞得我十分痛苦
flashbacks:n.倒叙(flashback的复数形式);(痛苦的往事的)重现;急转; nightmares:n.噩梦;梦魇;极其糟糕的情况;(nightmare的复数)
I went back to him and I was sort of asking him, you know, what am I gonna do? 我又找到那位医生 问他 我接下来怎么办
And I think, kind of, as a surgeon, he basically said, "Kid, I saved your life.
Like, now you can do whatever you want, like, you gotta get on with that. 你要适应这一切。
get on with:v.在…获得成功,于…友好相处;继续干;
It's like I gave you a new car and you're complaining about not finding parking. 你却在抱怨停车难。
Like, just, go out, and, you know, do your best. 别想太多,努力生活吧。
But you're alive. That's what it's about." 你活着,这是最重要的”
And then I hear, "Bing-bong," and the subway doors are closing, and my stop is next, and I look at these kids, and I go, I think to myself, "I'm going to lift my shirt up and show them," — (Laughter) — 这时我听见“bing-bong”一声,车厢门关上了 “我要把衬衫撩起来
and then I think, "No, this is the New York City subway, that's going to lead to other things." (Laughter) 我转而又想,“不行,这可是纽约地铁,
And so I just think, they got their lecture to go to.
I step off, I'm standing on the platform , and I feel my index finger in the first scar that I ever got, from my umbilical cord , and then around that, is traced the last scar that I got from my surgeon, and I think that, that chance encounter with those kids on the street with their knives led me to my surgical team, and their training and their skill and, always, a little bit of luck pushed back against chaos . 我下了车,站在站台上 伸出食指 抚上 我的第一道伤疤 从肚脐这儿 绕过这儿 来到最后一道伤疤 是那位医生的杰作 让我遇到了 他们的严格训练 逆转了乾坤
platform:n.平台; v.把…放在台上[放在高处; index finger:n.食指; umbilical cord:n.脐带; traced:v.发现;追踪;追究;描绘;记述;(trace的过去分词和过去式) encounter:v.遭遇,邂逅;遇到;n.遭遇,偶然碰见; chaos:n.混沌,混乱;
Thank you. (Applause) 谢谢(掌声)
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. Very lucky to be here. Thank you. (Applause)