

Think about your day for a second. 花点时间回想你的一天
You woke up, felt fresh air on your face as you walked out the door, encountered new colleagues and had great discussions, and felt in awe when you found something new. 你清晨醒来,走出房门的时候感受到清风拂过你的脸颊 巧遇新的同事,与其谈天说地 当你发现新事物时则心怀敬畏
encountered:v.遭遇,遇到;偶然碰到;意外地遇见;(encounter的过去分词和过去式) colleagues:n.同事;同行(colleague的复数); awe:vt.使敬畏;使畏怯;n.敬畏;
But I bet there's something you didn't think about today -- something so close to home that you probably don't think about it very often at all. 但我确定今天会有些你没有想到的事情-- 一些如此贴近生活的 但你可能完全忽略的事情。
bet:n.打赌;赌注;预计;估计;v.下赌注(于);用…打赌;敢说;八成儿; close to home:触及痛处;
And that's that all the sensations , feelings, decisions and actions are mediated by the computer in your head called the brain. 其中包含的所有的感知能力,感情 决策和行动 都直接受控于在你头部的电脑 叫做大脑的部分。
sensations:n.感觉;轰动;感动; mediated:vt.仲裁,调停;调解(mediate的过去式及过去分词形式);
Now the brain may not look like much from the outside -- a couple pounds of pinkish-gray flesh , amorphous -- but the last hundred years of neuroscience have allowed us to zoom in on the brain, and to see the intricacy of what lies within. 大脑看可不像外表看起来那样-- 只是几磅桃灰色的肉块, 非结晶的固体-- 但是经过上百年积淀的神经学 让我们能进一步的研究大脑, 并了解大脑的错综复杂。
flesh:n.肉;肉体;v.喂肉给…;发胖; amorphous:adj.无定形的;无组织的;[物]非晶形的; neuroscience:n.神经系统科学(指神经病学,神经化学等); intricacy:n.错综,复杂;难以理解;
And they've told us that this brain is an incredibly complicated circuit made out of hundreds of billions of cells called neurons. 研究告诉我们大脑 是由上千亿个神经元细胞 组成的难以想象的复杂电路
incredibly:adv.难以置信地;非常地; complicated:adj.复杂的;难懂的;v.使复杂化;(complicate的过去分词和过去式) circuit:n.环行路线;电路;线路;巡回赛;v.巡回;周游;
Now unlike a human-designed computer, where there's a fairly small number of different parts -- we know how they work, because we humans designed them -- 不同于人类设计的电脑 那种由较少的不同元件组成的-- 我们了解它们如何工作,因为是我们人类设计出了它们--
the brain is made out of thousands of different kinds of cells, maybe tens of thousands. 大脑由上千种不同的细胞组成 也许是上万种
They come in different shapes; they're made out of different molecules . 它们分化成不同的形状;它们分泌出不同分子;
And they project and connect to different brain regions , and they also change different ways in different disease states. 它们延伸并连接大脑的不同地区。 它们对于不同的疾病也表现出不同的方式。
Let's make it concrete . 说的具体一点
There's a class of cells, a fairly small cell, an inhibitory cell, that quiets its neighbors. 有一种细胞, 一种较小的,抑制性细胞,能够抑制周围细胞。
It's one of the cells that seems to be atrophied in disorders like schizophrenia . 这是一种其萎缩能导致类似神经分裂症状的细胞
atrophied:adj.萎缩的;衰退的;v.萎缩(atrophy的过去分词);使衰退; disorders:n.无秩序,混乱; v.[电子]扰乱(disorder的单三形式); schizophrenia:n.[内科]精神分裂症;
It's called the basket cell. 这叫做篮细胞
And this cell is one of the thousands of kinds of cell that we are learning about. 它是我们正在研究的成千上万种细胞 中的一种
New ones are being discovered everyday. 每天都会有发现新型的细胞。
As just a second example: these pyramidal cells, large cells, they can span a significant fraction of the brain. 第二个例子: 这些锥体细胞,大型的细胞 他们分布在大脑的很多部位
pyramidal:adj.锥体的;金字塔形的;角锥状的;n.三角骨; span:n.持续时间; v.持续; significant:adj.重大的;有效的;有意义的;值得注意的;意味深长的;n.象征;有意义的事物; fraction:n.分数;小部分;小数;少量;
They're excitatory. 它们易受刺激。
And these are some of the cells that might be overactive in disorders such as epilepsy . 其中的一部分细胞 可能会因过度的活动而导致疾病类似癫症。
overactive:adj.过于活跃的;活跃得不正常的; epilepsy:n.[内科]癫痫,癫痫症;
Every one of these cells is an incredible electrical device . 这些细胞中每一个 都是一个神奇的电子元件
incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的; electrical:adj.有关电的;电气科学的; device:n.装置;策略;图案;
They receive input from thousands of upstream partners and compute their own electrical outputs , which then, if they pass a certain threshold , will go to thousands of downstream partners. 它们从上游细胞接收信息 然后编辑出它们自己的输出信息, 然后,如果这些信息通过了特定的界限, 就会传递到下游上千个细胞那里。
input:n.投入; v.把(数据等)输入计算机; upstream:adv.逆流地;向上游;adj.向上游的;逆流而上的;n.上游部门; compute:vt.计算;估算;用计算机计算;vi.计算;估算;推断;n.计算;估计;推断; outputs:n.[计]输出; v.生产; threshold:n.入口;门槛;开始;极限;临界值; downstream:adv.下游地;顺流而下;adj.下游的;顺流的;
And this process , which takes just a millisecond or so, happens thousands of times a minute in every one of your 100 billion cells, as long as you live and think and feel. 这个仅仅会花费一毫秒左右的时间的过程 在你身上的每个1万亿个细胞中 每分钟发生上千次, 只要你活着 思考着感受着。
process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; millisecond:n.毫秒; as long as:conj.只要;长达;如果;既然;
So how are we going to figure out what this circuit does? 我们将如何解释这些回路的运作呢?
Ideally , we could go through the circuit and turn these different kinds of cell on and off and see whether we could figure out which ones contribute to certain functions and which ones go wrong in certain pathologies . 主观上,我们能刺激这些回路 把不同种细胞反复刺激 看我们是否能了解 哪种细胞作用于特定的功用 哪种细胞出错会引起特定的病理
Ideally:adv.理想地;观念上地; contribute to:有助于;捐献; pathologies:n.病理学(复数pathologies);
If we could activate cells, we could see what powers they can unleash , what they can initiate and sustain . 如果我们能激活细胞,我们就能了解它们能释放哪种能量 他们是如何启动和维持的.
activate:vt.刺激;使活动;使活泼;使产生放射性;vi.激活;有活力; unleash:vt.发泄;突然释放;使爆发; initiate:vt.开始,创始; n.开始; adj.新加入的; sustain:v.支持;支撑;遭受;证实;
If we could turn them off, then we could try and figure out what they're necessary for. 如果我们能把它们全部切断 我们就可能弄清楚它们的必要性。
And that's a story I'm going to tell you about today. 这就是今天我要告诉大家的故事。
And honestly, where we've gone through over the last 11 years, through an attempt to find ways of turning circuits and cells and parts and pathways of the brain on and off, both to understand the science and also to confront some of the issues that face us all as humans. 老实说, 我们试图寻找方法 来控制大脑中的回路,细胞,部分的组织还有 它的传输途径 这不仅是对科学的探索, 也是直面人类所面临的 一些问题。
attempt:n.企图,试图;攻击;v.企图,试图;尝试; circuits:n.环行路线;电路;线路;巡回赛;v.巡回;周游;(circuit的第三人称单数和复数) pathways:n.小路;小径(pathway的复数); confront:v.直面;无法回避;降临于;处理;对抗; issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数)
Now before I tell you about the technology , the bad news is that a significant fraction of us in this room, if we live long enough, will encounter, perhaps, a brain disorder. 在我告诉大家这项技术之前 坏消息是我们之间的绝大数人 如果你们活的够久远的话 将会面临,也许,脑部疾病
Already, a billion people have had some kind of brain disorder that incapacitates them, and the numbers don't do it justice though. 如今,10亿人 已经患有某些脑部疾病 阻碍它们生活 虽然这数字无法准确的表现出其严重性
incapacitates:vt.使无能力;使不能;使不适于; justice:n.公平;公正;司法制度;审判;
These disorders -- schizophrenia, Alzheimer's, depression , addiction -- they not only steal our time to live, they change who we are. 这些疾病--精神分裂症,老年痴呆症 抑郁症,成瘾症-- 它们不仅榨取我们的生命,而且篡改我们生存的意义
depression:n.沮丧;洼地;不景气;忧愁; addiction:n.瘾;嗜好;入迷;
They take our identity and change our emotions and change who we are as people. 它剥夺了我们的性格也改变了我们的情感-- 更改变了我们做人的本质
identity:n.身份;同一性,一致;特性;恒等式; emotions:n.强烈的感情;激情;情感;(emotion的复数)
Now in the 20th century, there was some hope that was generated through the development of pharmaceuticals for treating brain disorders, and while many drugs have been developed that can alleviate symptoms of brain disorders, practically none of them can be considered to be cured. 如今在20世纪, 通过治疗脑部疾病的 制药业的发展浮现出的一些希望 同时很多药物被研发出 能减缓脑部疾病的症状 实际上没有那种病被认为是能被治愈的
generated:v.产生;引起;(generate的过去式和过去分词) pharmaceuticals:n.药物(pharmaceutical的复数); treating:v.以…态度对待;把…看作;处理;讨论;(treat的现在分词) alleviate:v.减轻,缓和; symptoms:n.症状;征候;征兆;(symptom的复数) practically:adv.实际地;几乎;事实上;
And part of that's because we're bathing the brain in the chemical . 其中一部分是因为,我们大脑浸泡在化学物质当中
bathing:n.游泳,畅游;v.给…洗澡;洗澡;(bath的现在分词) chemical:n.化学制品,化学药品;adj.化学的;
This elaborate circuit made out of thousands of different kinds of cell is being bathed in a substance . 这复杂的回路 由上千种不同类型的细胞组成 正浸泡在液体当中
elaborate:adj.精心制作的;详尽的;煞费苦心的;v.精心制作;详细描述;变复杂; bathed:adj.沐浴的;淋漓的,湿透的;沉溺的;v.沐浴;(bath的过去分词); substance:n.物质;实质;主旨;物品;
That's also why, perhaps, most of the drugs, and not all, on the market can present some kind of serious side effect too. 这也是为什么,市面上大部分的药物,不全都 会引起某些严重的副作用。
on the market:上市;出售的; side effect:n.副作用;附带后果;
Now some people have gotten some solace from electrical stimulators that are implanted in the brain. 如今有些人通过在大脑植入电击器 来改善某些疾病。
solace:n.安慰;慰藉;安慰之物;vt.安慰;抚慰;使快乐; stimulators:n.刺激物,[电子]激励器; implanted:植入的;
And for Parkinson's disease, 对于帕金森症
Cochlear implants , these have indeed been able to bring some kind of remedy to people with certain kinds of disorder. 耳蜗移植电击器 的确能够 带给患有一些特殊疾病的患者 一些治疗效果
Cochlear:adj.耳蜗的; implants:n.移植物;埋植剂(implant的复数);v.灌输(implant的第三人称单数); remedy:vt.补救;治疗;纠正;n.补救;治疗;赔偿;
But electricity also will go in all directions -- the path of least resistance , which is where that phrase, in part, comes from. 但是电流还是会往四散开去-- 找软柿子捏(从阻碍最小的地方通过) 这也是这句谚语的,部分的,出处
electricity:n.电力;电流;强烈的紧张情绪; resistance:n.电阻;抵抗;阻力;抗力;
And it also will affect normal circuits as well as the abnormal ones that you want to fix. 电流不仅作用在我们需要修复的细胞还会影响到那些正常的回路
as well as:也;和…一样;不但…而且; abnormal:adj.反常的,不规则的;变态的;
So again, we're sent back to the idea of ultra-precise control. 再一次,我们绕回到了 超精确控制的问题上
Could we dial-in information precisely where we want it to go? 我们是否能把信息精确的传输到我们想要地方?
So when I started in neuroscience 11 years ago, 当11年前我开始研究神经科学
I had trained as an electrical engineer and a physicist , and the first thing I thought about was, if these neurons are electrical devices , all we need to do is to find some way of driving those electrical changes at a distance . 我受训成为一个电学工程师和物理学家 而且第一件我想到的事 如果这些神经元是电子元件 所有我们要做的是找到某些方法 在一定距离控制电流的变化
physicist:n.物理学家;物理学研究者; devices:n.[机][计]设备;[机]装置;[电子]器件(device的复数); at a distance:在远处;有相当距离;
If we could turn on the electricity in one cell, but not its neighbors, that would give us the tool we need to activate and shut down these different cells, figure out what they do and how they contribute to the networks in which they're embedded . 如果我们能刺激单独一个细胞 而不牵涉它周边 那就我们就有了能激活和关闭各种不同细胞的工具 了解它们的作用和他们如何作用 在它们位于的脑部网络
And also it would allow us to have the ultra-precise control we need in order to fix the circuit computations that have gone awry . 同样这给了我们需要的超精确控制 来修复出错 的回路
computations:n.[数]计算;计算指令(computation的复数形式); awry:adj.错误的;扭曲的;adv.歪曲地;歪斜地;错误地;
Now how are we going to do that? 如今我们将怎么做呢?
Well there are many molecules that exist in nature, which are able to convert light into electricity. 自然中有很多分子 能够把光转化为电流
convert:v.转换; n.改变宗教(或信仰、观点)的人;
You can think of them as little proteins that are like solar cells. 你可以把它们看做小蛋白质 像太阳能细胞
If we can install these molecules in neurons somehow , then these neurons would become electrically drivable with light. 如果我们能用某种方法把这些分子注入到神经元中 这些神经元就能转型成光控的电子元件
install:v.安装;设置;安置;建立(程序); somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地; electrically:adv.电力地;有关电地; drivable:adj.可驱使的,可行驶的;
And their neighbors, which don't have the molecule, would not. 那些周边的细胞,那些没有接受分子的,就不会转型
There's one other magic trick you need to make this all happen, and that's the ability to get light into the brain. 另外还有一个你需要知道的小窍门, 就是把光注入脑中。
And to do that -- the brain doesn't feel pain -- you can put -- taking advantage of all the effort that's gone into the Internet and communications and so on -- optical fibers connected to lasers 这么做--大脑不会感知到痛苦--你能-- 充分利用脑中 类似互联网和沟通的功能-- 把光纤连接到激光束中
advantage:n.有利条件:优势:优点: optical:adj.光学的;眼睛的,视觉的; fibers:n.纤维(fiber的复数);
that you can use to activate, in animal models for example, in pre-clinical studies, these neurons and to see what they do. 以此来激活,比如说动物的细胞 在潜伏期的研究中 要了解这些神经元的功用
So how do we do this? 那我们应该怎么做呢?
Around 2004, in collaboration with Gerhard Nagel and Karl Deisseroth, this vision came to fruition . 大概在2004年 在与格哈德·内格尔和卡尔·戴斯洛合作的时候 假想得到了最终的成功
collaboration:n.合作;勾结;通敌; Nagel:n.纳高(德国拍卖行); vision:n.视力;美景;幻象;想象力;v.想象;显现;梦见; fruition:n.完成,成就;结果实;
There's a certain alga that swims in the wild, and it needs to navigate towards light in order to photosynthesize optimally . 自然界中有一种特定的海藻 它就有趋光性 来达到最理想的光合效果
alga:n.水藻; navigate:vt.驾驶,操纵;使通过;航行于;vi.航行,航空; photosynthesize:vi.起光合作用;光能合成;vt.通过光合作用产生; optimally:adv.最佳;最适宜;
And it senses light with a little eye-spot, which works not unlike how our eye works. 它用一个小眼点来感知光线 但其工作原理和人眼大相径庭
In its membrane , or its boundary , it contains little proteins that indeed can convert light into electricity. 在它的细胞膜,或者它的边界 含有少量的蛋白质 能把光转化为电流
membrane:n.膜;薄膜;羊皮纸; boundary:n.边界;范围;分界线;
So these molecules are called channelrhodopsins. 这些分子被叫做槽型视紫质(TRB)
And each of these proteins acts just like that solar cell that I told you about. 这种蛋白质就像我告诉过你们的太阳能细胞那样运作
solar cell:光电管;
When blue light hits it, it opens up a little hole and allows charged particles to enter the eye-spot, and that allows this eye-spot to have an electrical signal just like a solar cell charging up a battery . 当蓝光照射时,它会打开一个小口 允许带点的微粒进入眼点中 这样眼点就有了电信号 就像是用太阳能细胞给电池充电一般
particles:n.微粒,粒子;粒子系统;碎木料(particle的复数形式); battery:n.[电]电池,蓄电池;n.[法]殴打;n.[军]炮台,炮位;
So what we need to do is to take these molecules and somehow install them in neurons. 我们需要做的就是提取这些分子 然后用某种方法注入到神经元中
And because it's a protein, it's encoded for in the DNA of this organism . 同时因为这是蛋白质 由生物的DNA编码而成
encoded:adj.[计]编码的;v.把…编码(encode的过去分词); organism:n.生物;有机体;有机组织;(尤指)微生物;
So all we've got to do is take that DNA, put it into a gene therapy vector , like a virus, and put it into neurons. 所以我们所要做的就是提取DNA 注入到基因载体上,比如病毒 然后把病毒注入到神经元中
gene therapy:n.基因疗法;基因治疗; vector:n.矢量;带菌者;航线;vt.用无线电导航;
So it turned out that this was a very productive time in gene therapy, and lots of viruses were coming along. 结果证明基因载体是一个很直接的方法 病毒长驱直入
So this turned out to be very simple to do. 证实了操作的简易性
And early in the morning one day in the summer of 2004, we gave it a try, and it worked on the first try. 在2004年夏天的一个早晨 我们实物操作了一番,第一次尝试有了起效
You take this DNA and you put it into a neuron . 你提取出DNA并注入到神经元中
The neuron uses its natural protein-making machinery to fabricate these little light-sensitive proteins and install them all over the cell, like putting solar panels on a roof, and the next thing you know, you have a neuron which can be activated with light. 神经元用它自身的蛋白质合成器 来组装出这些小型的光敏蛋白质 并使其分不到细胞各处 就像在顶层架设太阳能板 接下去 你就有了个光敏的神经元
machinery:n.机械;机器;机构;机械装置; fabricate:vt.制造;伪造;装配; light-sensitive:adj.光敏的; panels:n.面板(panel的复数); v.嵌镶(panel的第三人称单数形式); activated:v.使活动;激活;使活化;(activate的过去式和过去分词)
So this is very powerful. 这是个很有效的工具
One of the tricks you have to do is to figure out how to deliver these genes to the cells that you want and not all the other neighbors. 你要做的步骤 就是设法把这些基因注入到你需要的细胞内 而不是其他周边的细胞
And you can do that; you can tweak the viruses so they hit just some cells and not others. 你可以完成;你能转变这些病毒 让它们只针对一些细胞而涉及到其他细胞
And there's other genetic tricks you can play in order to get light-activated cells. 还有其他基因方式能 得到这种光敏细胞
This field has now come to be known as optogenetics. 如今这领域叫做光遗传学
And just as one example of the kind of thing you can do, you can take a complex network, use one of these viruses to deliver the gene just to one kind of cell in this dense network. 举个例子来说明你要做的, 你可以在一个复杂的网络系统 利用一种病毒来传递这种基因 在密集的细胞区域只针对一种细胞
complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施; dense:adj.稠密的;浓厚的;愚钝的;
And then when you shine light on the entire network, just that cell type will be activated. 接着当你照射整个区域的时候 只有那些特定的细胞被激活
So for example, lets sort of consider that basket cell I told you about earlier -- the one that's atrophied in schizophrenia and the one that is inhibitory. 比如说,用篮细胞来做例子会更简单一点 就是那种萎缩导致精神分裂 有抑制作用的细胞
If we can deliver that gene to these cells -- and they're not going to be altered by the expression of the gene, of course -- and then flash blue light over the entire brain network, just these cells are going to be driven. 如果我们能把基因注入到这些细胞中-- 而且他们不会引起基因的表现型有所改变-- 接着用蓝光照射整个脑组织 只有蓝细胞会被激活
altered:adj.改变了的:v.(使)改变,更改,改动:(alter的过去分词和过去式) expression:n.表现,表示,表达; flash:n.闪光; v.闪光; adj.庞大的;
And when the light turns off, these cells go back to normal, so they don't seem to be averse against that. 而当无光线的时候,这些细胞就变回普通的细胞 没有产生不良的后果
Not only can you use this to study what these cells do, what their power is in computing in the brain, but you can also use this to try to figure out -- 不仅你能了解到这些细胞的功用 在大脑运作中它们的能效 而且你也能尝试解决--
well maybe we could jazz up the activity of these cells, if indeed they're atrophied. 也许我们可以激活这些细胞的活性, 如果它们真的萎缩的话。
jazz up:v.使活泼;
Now I want to tell you a couple of short stories about how we're using this, both at the scientific , clinical and pre-clinical levels. 现在我想告诉你一些小故事 关于我们怎么利用这技术的, 在科学,临床阶段和临床前阶段的研究。
scientific:adj.科学的,系统的; clinical:adj.临床的;诊所的;
One of the questions we've confronted is, what are the signals in the brain that mediate the sensation of reward ? 在我们遭遇到的问题中有一个 是,大脑用什么样的信号来代表奖励的感觉呢?
confronted:v.使…无法回避;降临于;处理;面对;对抗;(confront的过去分词和过去式) reward:n.[劳经]报酬;报答;酬谢;v.[劳经]奖励;奖赏;
Because if you could find those, those would be some of the signals that could drive learning. 因为如果我们找到的话 那能够驱使细胞学习的信号
The brain will do more of whatever got that reward. 大脑就会为了奖励竭尽全力
And also these are signals that go awry in disorders such as addiction. 同时也是这些出错的信号引起疾病类似成瘾症
So if we could figure out what cells they are, we could maybe find new targets for which drugs could be designed or screened against, or maybe places where electrodes could be put in for people who have very severe disability . 如果我们能够知道是哪些细胞的话 我们可能就有新的靶细胞 来专门设计或者挑选药物来对抗疾病 或者找到植入电击器的位置 来帮助那些有着严重残疾的病人
electrodes:n.[电]电极(electrode的复数);电焊条; severe:adj.极为恶劣的;十分严重的;严厉的;苛刻的; disability:n.残疾;无能;无资格;不利条件;
So to do that, we came up with a very simple paradigm in collaboration with the Fiorella group, where one side of this little box, if the animal goes there, the animal gets a pulse of light in order to make different cells in the brain sensitive to light. 为了做到这些,我们想出了一个简单的例子 在菲奥雷拉集团的协助下 在盒子的一边 如果动物经过这里,就会被光波照射到 来区别不同细胞对光的感应能力.
paradigm:n.范例;词形变化表; pulse:n.脉冲;脉搏;脉率;强劲的音乐节拍;v.搏动;跳动;震动;洋溢着;
So if these cells can mediate reward, the animal should go there more and more. 那如果这些细胞是识别为被奖励的 那动物就会多次的经过那里
And so that's what happens. 这就是大致的经过
This animal's going to go to the right-hand side and poke his nose there, and he gets a flash of blue light every time he does that. 动物会向右转并用鼻子顶那块地方 每次它做这个动作就会有一道蓝光照射
right-hand:adj.得力的;右手的,用右手的; poke:v.刺,捅;戳;伸出;刺探;闲荡;n.戳;刺;袋子;懒汉;
And he'll do that hundreds and hundreds of times. 那它就会为此重复千上百次
These are the dopamine neurons, which some of you may have heard about, in some of the pleasure centers in the brain. 这些是多巴胺神经元 你们中的一些可能可能听说过它在大脑的快感中枢某处
Now we've shown that a brief activation of these is enough, indeed, to drive learning. 现在我们所展示的简短的步骤 就足够,确定的,来诱导学习行为
Now we can generalize the idea. 如今我们概括出大致的观点
Instead of one point in the brain, we can devise devices that span the brain, that can deliver light into three-dimensional patterns -- arrays of optical fibers, each coupled to its own independent miniature light source . 不是大脑中的某一点 我们可以发明一些能够桥接大脑的设备 来把光照射成三维的模式-- 利用光纤的巧妙排列 每个光纤都有自身独立的微型光源.
devise:v.设计; n.[法]遗赠财产的遗嘱(或其中的条款); three-dimensional:adj.三维的;立体的;真实的; independent:adj.独立的; n.无党派议员(或候选人等); miniature:adj.微型的,小规模的;n.缩图;微型画;微型图画绘画术;vt.是…的缩影; source:n.来源;水源;原始资料;
And then we can try to do things in vivo that have only been done to-date in a dish -- like high-throughput screening throughout the entire brain for the signals that can cause certain things to happen. 接着我们在生物体上试验 测试那些已经在培养皿中完成的实验-- 就像是给整个大脑做了高速的扫描一般 来确定特定的信号会触发哪些特定的事情
vivo:v.活泼地; adj.生动的; high-throughput:高通量; throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及;
Or that could be good clinical targets for treating brain disorders. 或者它们会成为临床上很好的 治疗脑部疾病的新目标
And one story I want to tell you about is how can we find targets for treating post-traumatic stress disorder -- a form of uncontrolled anxiety and fear. 另外一件我想说的事是 我们如何寻找靶细胞来治疗创伤后应激障碍-- 这是一种不受控制的焦虑恐慌的症候群
post-traumatic stress disorder:n.创伤后精神紧张性障碍; uncontrolled:adj.不受控制的; anxiety:n.焦虑;渴望;挂念;令人焦虑的事;
And one of the things that we did was to adopt a very classical model of fear. 我们要做的一件事 接受一个经典的恐怖模式
adopt:v.采取;接受;收养;正式通过; classical:adj.古典的;经典的;传统的;第一流的;n.古典音乐;
This goes back to the Pavlovian days. 那就回到了巴甫洛夫的时代
It's called Pavlovian fear conditioning -- where a tone ends with a brief shock. 也被称作巴甫洛夫恐惧条件反射 在响声后的短暂电击
The shock isn't painful , but it's a little annoying . 电极并不疼痛,但是有点烦人
painful:adj.痛苦的;疼痛的;令人不快的; annoying:adj.烦人的;使生气的;使烦恼的;v.使生气;打扰;骚扰;(annoy的现在分词)
And over time -- in this case, a mouse, which is a good animal model, commonly used in such experiments -- the animal learns to fear the tone. 久而久之--这里的例子,老鼠 是一个很好的动物典型,在试验中广泛使用-- 动物学会去害怕响声
The animal will react by freezing, sort of like a deer in the headlights . 会表现出呆滞的反应 有点像鹿被车灯照射后的反应一样
react:v.起反应;回应;(对食物等)有不良反应,过敏;起化学反应; headlights:n.(车辆的)前灯,前灯的光束;(headlight的复数)
Now the question is, what targets in the brain can we find that allow us to overcome this fear? 如今的问题是,大脑中哪些目标位置 能让我们克服这种恐惧?
So what we do is we play that tone again after it's been associated with fear. 我们所做的就是再一次播放那 当已经和恐惧联系起来的响声
associated:adj.有关联的; v.联想; (associate的过去分词和过去式)
But we activate targets in the brain, different ones, using that optical fiber array I told you about in the previous slide, in order to try and figure out which targets can cause the brain to overcome that memory of fear. 但是我们激活大脑中的靶细胞,每次不同的位置 利用光纤阵列来演示出之前那样的图片 来尝试找出能让大脑克服 恐惧记忆的靶细胞
array:n.数组,阵列;排列,列阵;大批,一系列;衣服;v.排列,部署;打扮; previous:adj.以前的;早先的;过早的;adv.在先;在…以前;
And so this brief video shows you one of these targets that we're working on now. 这简短的录像 展示给大家一些我们正在研究的几个靶细胞
This is an area in the prefrontal cortex , a region where we can use cognition to try to overcome aversive emotional states. 这是前额皮层的一部分 一块能让我们用感知来尝试克服厌恶情绪的区域
prefrontal:adj.[解剖]前额的;额叶前部的;n.[解剖]额前骨; cortex:n.[解剖]皮质;树皮;果皮; cognition:n.认识;知识;认识能力; emotional:adj.情绪的;易激动的;感动人的;
And the animal's going to hear a tone -- and a flash of light occurred there. 动物将听到同样的响声--以及一束光线
There's no audio on this, but you can see the animal's freezing. 光线不伴随声音,但是你也能看到动物呆滞的反应
This tone used to mean bad news. 这声响意味着坏的消息
And there's a little clock in the lower left-hand corner, so you can see the animal is about two minutes into this. 在左下角有个小型的闹钟 你能看到老鼠用了大约两分钟僵立在那里
And now this next clip is just eight minutes later. 下一个片段 是八分钟之后
And the same tone is going to play, and the light is going to flash again. 同样的响声,和相同的光线再一次的出现
Okay, there it goes. Right now. 好,开始了,就现在
And now you can see, just 10 minutes into the experiment, that we've equipped the brain by photoactivating this area to overcome the expression of this fear memory. 正如你所见,只用了10分钟的实验 我们就用光激活了大脑的这部分区域 来克服恐惧记忆 的表现行为
Now over the last couple of years, we've gone back to the tree of life because we wanted to find ways to turn circuits in the brain off. 近几年里,我们正回溯本源 因为我们想找到控制大脑的方法
If we could do that, this could be extremely powerful. 如果我们能够控制的话,那就可能是极具影响的
If you can delete cells just for a few milliseconds or seconds, you can figure out what necessary role they play in the circuits in which they're embedded. 如果让细胞失效就算几毫秒或者几秒的话 就能了解到它们所在位置的脑电路 所扮演的本质的角色
And we've now surveyed organisms from all over the tree of life -- every kingdom of life except for animals, we see slightly differently. 如今我们已经调查了生物界所有的生物-- 所有生物除了动物,我们并没有发现太大的差异。
surveyed:v.调查,俯视(survey的过去式和过去分词形式);考察,调研; organisms:n.[生物]生物体(organism的复数);[生物]有机体; slightly:adv.些微地,轻微地;纤细地;
And we found all sorts of molecules, they're called halorhodopsins or archaerhodopsins, that respond to green and yellow light. 我们发现了各种各样的分子,被命名为感光紫红蛋白或者远古感光蛋白 会对绿色和黄色光线作出反应
And they do the opposite thing of the molecule I told you about before with the blue light activator channelrhodopsin. 它们的反应是与之前我所提到的蓝光 活性槽型视紫质的反应恰恰相反
Let's give an example of where we think this is going to go. 举个例子来说明具体的情况
Consider, for example, a condition like epilepsy, where the brain is overactive. 比如说癫痫这个症状 起因是大脑过度活跃
Now if drugs fail in epileptic treatment , one of the strategies is to remove part of the brain. 如果癫痫药物治疗失败 其他一种方法就是移除那部分大脑
epileptic:n.癫痫患者;adj.癫痫的,癫痫性的; treatment:n.治疗;疗法;对待;处理;讨论; strategies:n.策略;行动计划;部署;战略;(strategy的复数)
But that's obviously irreversible , and there could be side effects. 但是这显然是不可逆的过程,而且会引起副作用
What if we could just turn off that brain for a brief amount of time, until the seizure dies away, and cause the brain to be restored to its initial state -- sort of like a dynamical system that's being coaxed down into a stable state. 那如果我们让那部分大脑休眠一会儿 知道症状全部消失 再让大脑恢复到原来的阶段-- 就好像把一个活跃的系统诱骗到一个稳定的系统一样
What if:如果…怎么办? seizure:n.没收;夺取;捕获;(疾病的)突然发作; restored:adj.精力充沛的;精力恢复的;v.修复;恢复健康;(restore的过去分词和过去式) initial:adj.最初的; n.(名字的)首字母; v.用姓名的首字母作标记(或签名)于; dynamical:adj.充满活力的;活跃的;精力充沛的;不断变化的; coaxed:vt.哄;哄诱;慢慢将…弄好;vi.哄骗;劝诱; stable:n.马厩;牛棚;adj.稳定的;牢固的;坚定的;vi.被关在马厩;赶入马房;
So this animation just tries to explain this concept where we made these cells sensitive to being turned off with light, and we beam light in, and just for the time it takes to shut down a seizure, we're hoping to be able to turn it off. 这动画只是为了解释 我们能利用光源来控制脑细胞这个概念 当我们用光照射时 照射的时间也仅仅是能够刚好让症状消除 我们希望实验能够成功
animation:n.活泼,生气;激励;卡通片绘制; beam:n.光线; v.发射(电波);
And so we don't have data to show you on this front, but we're very excited about this. 暂时我们还没有这方面的实验数据展示给大家 但是我们对此充满期待
Now I want to close on one story, which we think is another possibility -- which is that maybe these molecules, if you can do ultra-precise control, can be used in the brain itself to make a new kind of prosthetic , an optical prosthetic. 现在我想用一个故事来结束我的演讲 我们认为此技术能有其他用途--- 如果能超精确控制这些感光蛋白 能够在脑中 形成一个新型的假肢,光学的价值
I already told you that electrical stimulators are not uncommon . 我曾说过,电击器并不普遍
Seventy-five thousand people have Parkinson's deep-brain stimulators implanted. 如今只有75000位帕金森病人植入了脑部电击器
Maybe 100,000 people have Cochlear implants, which allow them to hear. 大约10万人在耳蜗中植入电击器 通过这样来恢复他们的听觉
There's another thing, which is you've got to get these genes into cells. 另一件事,就是你要让这些基因细胞移植入细胞中
And new hope in gene therapy has been developed because viruses like the adeno-associated virus, which probably most of us around this room have, and it doesn't have any symptoms, which have been used in hundreds of patients to deliver genes into the brain or the body. 基因治疗的新希望也就此诞生了 因为像腺类病毒这类病毒 可能我们大多数都有携带 但它不会引发任何症状 它已经在上百名病人体内应用治疗 来转送基因进入大脑或者身体内
And so far, there have not been serious adverse events associated with the virus. 目前为止,还有没有因为此病毒 而引起任何严重不良反应的报告
There's one last elephant in the room , the proteins themselves, which come from algae and bacteria and fungi , and all over the tree of life. 还有最后一点要重视的大隐患,就是蛋白质其本身 那些来自于藻类,细菌以及真菌 以及来自生物界的各种蛋白质
elephant in the room:房间里的大象,形容明明存在的问题却被人刻意回避; algae:n.[植]藻类;[植]海藻; bacteria:n.[微]细菌; fungi:n.真菌;菌类;蘑菇(fungus的复数);
Most of us don't have fungi or algae in our brains, so what is our brain going to do if we put that in? 我们大多数脑子没有真菌或者藻类的存在 那如果我们把它们放入脑中会怎么样呢?
Are the cells going to tolerate it? Will the immune system react? 我们大脑是否会排斥它?免疫系统是否会反应?
tolerate:v.容忍;忍受;容许;包容; immune system:n.免疫系统;
In its early days -- these have not been done on humans yet -- but we're working on a variety of studies to try and examine this, and so far we haven't seen overt reactions of any severity to these molecules or to the illumination of the brain with light. 早期的时候--我们并没有在人体里做实验-- 但是我们做了其他各种研究 来评估这方法 目前为止,我们还没有因这些分子或者 因光照大脑 而产生的严重不良反应
early days:初期;为时尚早;前期; variety:n.多样;种类;杂耍;变化,多样化; overt:adj.明显的;公然的;蓄意的; reactions:n.反应;回应;抗拒;生理反应;副作用(reaction的复数) severity:n.严重;严格;猛烈; illumination:n.照明;[光]照度;启发;灯饰(需用复数);阐明;
So it's early days, to be upfront , but we're excited about it. 这还是初步的研究,就算如此,我们很激动
I wanted to close with one story, which we think could potentially be a clinical application . 我想用一个故事来结束我的演讲 我们认为这有可能 成为一种临床的疗法
potentially:adv.可能地,潜在地; application:n.应用;申请;应用程序;敷用;
Now there are many forms of blindness where the photoreceptors, our light sensors that are in the back of our eye, are gone. 失明有很多种类 大多关于 我们的眼球内部的光受体的损害。
And the retina , of course, is a complex structure . 我们的视网膜是个很复杂的结构
retina:n.[解剖]视网膜; structure:n.结构;构造;建筑物;vt.组织;构成;建造;
Now let's zoom in on it here, so we can see it in more detail. 我们来放大,仔细研究一下
The photoreceptor cells are shown here at the top, and then the signals that are detected by the photoreceptors are transformed by various computations 照片中的感光受体在顶部 被感光受体接收到的光信号 经过各种转化
photoreceptor:n.[生理]光感受器;[生理][动]感光器; detected:v.发现;查明;侦察出;(detect的过去分词和过去式) transformed:v.使改变形态;使改变外观(或性质);(transform的过去分词和过去式)
until finally that layer of cells at the bottom, the ganglion cells, relay the information to the brain, where we see that as perception . 最终从上而下,从神经节细胞 传输信息到大脑出 以此来获得视觉
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; layer:n.层,层次; vt.把…分层堆放; vi.形成或分成层次; ganglion:n.[组织]神经节;[医]腱鞘囊肿; relay:n.接力赛; v.转发(信息、消息等); perception:n.感知;知觉;看法;洞察力;
In many forms of blindness, like retinitis pigmentosa , or macular degeneration , the photoreceptor cells have atrophied or been destroyed. 很多种类的失明,比如色素性视网膜炎 或者黄斑部变性 感光细胞是萎缩或者有损伤的
retinitis:n.[眼科]视网膜炎; pigmentosa:n.眼点;色点(植); macular:adj.有斑点的;有污点的; degeneration:n.退化;[医]变性;堕落;恶化;
Now how could you repair this? 那我们如何才能修复呢?
It's not even clear that a drug could cause this to be restored, because there's nothing for the drug to bind to. 还没有证据证明药物可以对治疗这些疾病 因为还没有针对的特效药
On the other hand , light can still get into the eye. 但是,光还是能进入眼球的
On the other hand:另一方面;
The eye is still transparent and you can get light in. 眼球还是通透的,你也能看到光线能够进入
So what if we could just take these channelrhodopsins and other molecules and install them on some of these other spare cells and convert them into little cameras. 所以,如果我们能把这些单细胞感光紫红质蛋白和其他分子 注入到那些正常的细胞中 把它们转化为一台台小的摄像机
And because there's so many of these cells in the eye, potentially, they could be very high-resolution cameras. 因为眼球内部有很多细胞 有可能,他们会成为高清的相机
So this is some work that we're doing. 这就是我们所在做的
It's being led by one of our collaborators , 我们合作人之一
Alan Horsager at USC, and being sought to be commercialized by a start-up company Eos Neuroscience, which is funded by the NIH. 艾伦·霍斯葛 也正在美国卫生研究所的资助下将其技术 商业化运作
sought:v.seek(寻求、寻找)的过去式和过去分词形式; commercialized:adj.商业化的;v.使商品化;靠…赚钱(commercialize的过去分词); start-up:n.启动;adj.起动阶段的;开始阶段的(异体字startup); funded:adj.提供资金的;v.提供资金;积存;提供资金偿付的本息;(fund的过去式);
And what you see here is a mouse trying to solve a maze . 现在你所看到的是一个走迷宫的老鼠
It's a six-arm maze. And there's a bit of water in the maze to motivate the mouse to move, or he'll just sit there. 这是六臂的迷宫,迷宫中有些许水 来刺激老鼠移动,否则它只会呆在某处
And the goal, of course, of this maze is to get out of the water and go to a little platform that's under the lit top port. 当然,这迷宫的目的 是为了让水流入一个 顶光源的平台
platform:n.平台; v.把…放在台上[放在高处;
Now mice are smart, so this mouse solves the maze eventually , but he does a brute-force search. 老鼠很聪明,最终走出了这迷宫 但是这是靠蛮力解决的
eventually:adv.最后,终于; brute-force:n.强力攻击;蛮力;
He's swimming down every avenue until he finally gets to the platform. 它游过了每条分支最终才找到了平台
So he's not using vision to do it. 所以它没有利用视觉来解决这问题
These different mice are different mutations that recapitulate different kinds of blindness that affect humans. 这些老鼠有着不一样的突变基因 各自代表着人类不用种类的失明症状
mutations:n.[遗]突变;变化;转变(mutation的复数形式); recapitulate:vi.概括;重述要点;摘要;vt.概括;重述要点;摘要;
And so we're being careful in trying to look at these different models so we come up with a generalized approach . 所以我们有很小心的探索不同种类的失明情况下 找出一个普遍的解决方法
come up with:提出;想出;赶上; generalized:adj.广义的,普遍的; v.推广(generalize的过去分词); approach:n.方法;路径;v.接近;建议;着手处理;
So how are we going to solve this? 那我们如何解决呢?
We're going to do exactly what we outlined in the previous slide. 我们就完全按照之前片子里讲的那样
We're going to take these blue light photosensors and install them on a layer of cells in the middle of the retina in the back of the eye and convert them into a camera -- 把蓝光感光蛋白 注入到眼球最后方的视网膜的 一层细胞上 把它们转化为一台台相机
just like installing solar cells all over those neurons to make them light sensitive. 就好像这些神经元上布满了太阳能细胞一样 让它们接受光信号
Light is converted to electricity on them. 并把光信号转化为电信号
So this mouse was blind a couple weeks before this experiment and received one dose of this photosensitive molecule in a virus. 这老鼠实验前几周就瞎了 只接受过一次携带有感光受体分子的病毒注射
dose:n.剂量;一剂,一服;v.服药;给药;给…服药; photosensitive:adj.[电子]光敏的;感光性的;
And now you can see, the animal can indeed avoid walls and go to this little platform and make cognitive use of its eyes again. 你现在可以看到,老鼠能够避开墙壁 找到有亮光的平台 视觉得到了恢复
And to point out the power of this: these animals are able to get to that platform just as fast as animals that have seen their entire lives. 为了指出其中的意义: 这些动物走到平台的时间 和那些没有瞎的东西用时是一样的
So this pre-clinical study, I think, bodes hope for the kinds of things we're hoping to do in the future. 虽然还处于临床前阶段 但是我认为这是个好兆头 未来我们希望我们能够成功
To close, I want to point out that we're also exploring new business models for this new field of neurotechnology. 最后,我想指出我们正研究的一种 针对神经科学这新领域的商业模式
We're developing these tools, but we share them freely with hundreds of groups all over the world, so people can study and try to treat different disorders. 我们发明了这些工具 但是我们愿意和全世界的人共同分享 这样人们才能进一步研究并尝试治疗其他各种疾病
And our hope is that, by figuring out brain circuits at a level of abstraction that lets us repair them and engineer them, we can take some of these intractable disorders that I told you about earlier, practically none of which are cured, and in the 21st century make them history. 我们希望,通过了解大脑的神经网络 通过某种程度的手术,能让我们修复并设计神经网络 我们会继续研究我之前讲过的几种疾病 特别是那几种从未被治愈过的 他们在21世纪将会成为历史
abstraction:n.抽象;出神;心神专注;提取;分离; intractable:adj.棘手的;难治的;倔强的;不听话的;
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)
Juan Enriquez: So some of the stuff is a little dense. Juan Enriquez(JE):您的演讲有些深奥啊。
(Laughter) (笑声)
But the implications of being able to control seizures or epilepsy with light instead of drugs, and being able to target those specifically is a first step. 但是利用光 来控制癫痫或者抽搐 而不是用药物 还要能够精确地控制靶细胞 是第一步。
implications:n.蕴涵式;暗指,暗示;含蓄,含意;卷入(implication的复数); seizures:n.癫痫,痉挛;发作(seizure的复数); specifically:adv.特别地;明确地;
The second thing that I think I heard you say is you can now control the brain in two colors, like an on/off switch. 据我所听到的,第二步 是用两种色彩的光来控制大脑 就好像开关一样
Ed Boyden: That's right. 艾德·博伊登(EB):没错.
JE: Which makes every impulse going through the brain a binary code. JE:这让每个大脑中的神经冲动变成二进制的代码
impulse:n.冲动;[电子]脉冲;刺激;神经冲动;推动力;v.推动; binary:adj.[数]二进制的;二元的,二态的;
EB: Right, yeah. EB:是的
So with blue light, we can drive information, and it's in the form of a one. 当蓝灯亮起时,我们能传输信息。就类似于代码1
And by turning things off, it's more or less a zero. 等光关闭了,就类似代码0
more or less:或多或少;
So our hope is to eventually build brain coprocessors that work with the brain so we can augment functions in people with disabilities . 我们的希望是最终建造一个大脑协同处理器 来和大脑一起运作 以此来帮助那些有残疾的人
augment:vi.增加;增大;vt.增加;增大;n.增加;增大; disabilities:n.残疾(disability的复数);身心障碍者;
JE: And in theory, that means that, as a mouse feels, smells, hears, touches, you can model it out as a string of ones and zeros. 那就是理论上,这代表着 老鼠的感觉,嗅觉 听觉和触觉 你都能把它整合到一串0和1
string:n.字符串; v.悬挂; adj.由弦乐器组成的;
EB: Sure, yeah. We're hoping to use this as a way of testing what neural codes can drive certain behaviors and certain thoughts and certain feelings, and use that to understand more about the brain. EB:的确是这样的。我们希望通过这种测试 来确定哪种神经代码代表着哪种行为举止 或者是想法或者感受 通过这样来更多的了解大脑
JE: Does that mean that some day you could download memories and maybe upload them? JE:这是不是意味着某天你能下载记忆 或者上传记忆呢?
EB: Well that's something we're starting to work on very hard. EB:我们着手的某些工作是很复杂的
We're now working on some work where we're trying to tile the brain with recording elements too. 我们还在继续的研究 我们也在尝试去标记下这个大脑记录数据
tile:n.地砖;瓦片;(棋盘游戏的)棋子;v.铺瓦;铺地砖;贴瓷砖;平铺显示; elements:n.要素;基本部分;少量;一群;(element的复数)
So we can record information and then drive information back in -- sort of computing what the brain needs in order to augment its information processing . 我们就能记录信息,并把信息传输回大脑-- 类似于了解什么是大脑所需的 来增强它的信息处理效率.
JE: Well, that might change a couple things. Thank you. (EB: Thank you.) JE: 嗯,这会改变我的世界的。谢谢! (EB: 谢谢.)
(Applause) (掌声)