

A shadowy world that hides more than half the animals on our planet. 一个暗影重重的世界 那里藏着地球上超过一半的动物
Until now, cameras only offered a glimpse into their lives. 在过去的镜头中 我们只能匆匆一瞥动物的生活
But with next-generation technology , we can see the night as clear as day. 但凭借新一代科技 我们眼中的夜晚和白天一样清晰
With cameras a hundred times more sensitive than the human eye. . . 有了比人类眼睛敏感100倍的摄像机
we can now capture the beauty of night. . . 我们终于能够捕捉到夜晚的美
in color. 以全真色彩
Alien landscapes . 怪谲的自然风光
landscapes:n.风景; v.从事庭园设计;
Strange creatures brought to life by the darkness. 在黑夜里活跃的奇特生物
Unseen behaviors. 前所未见的行为
Now we can follow the lives of animals in Earth's last true wilderness . 现在我们能追踪动物的生活 前往地球最后的荒野
Another day draws to a close across Kenya's Maasai Mara . 在肯尼亚的马赛马拉 又一天结束了
A last refuge for Africa's lions. 非洲狮的最后一处栖息之所
The grasslands here are home to three generations of a small family. 这里的草原栖居着 这个三代同堂的狮子小家庭
Six adolescents . 六只处于青春期的狮子
A pride male. 一只雄狮
And one devoted mother. 和一位尽心竭力的母亲
devoted:adj.专心致志; v.献身; (devote的过去分词和过去式)
The lioness . 母狮
She has three new cubs . 它有三只新诞生的幼崽
cubs:n.(美)小熊; v.(野兽)生仔; adj.没经验的; (cub的复数)
At ten weeks old, her youngsters are too small to defend themselves. . . 幼崽只有十周大 还无法保护自己
but big enough to get into trouble. 但已经开始惹麻烦了
The coming weeks will test this mother more than ever. 接下来的几周对于这位母亲而言 会是前所未有的考验
Only around one in three cubs make it through their first year. 三只幼崽中只有一只左右能存活过一周岁
By day, the lioness must rest. 白天 母狮子必须休息
Because as the sun sets. . . 因为一旦太阳落山
her work begins. 它的工作就开始了
Lions are largely nocturnal . . . 狮子主要在夜间行动
largely:adv.主要地;大部分;大量地; nocturnal:adj.夜的;夜曲的;夜间发生的;
living out 80% of their lives after dark. 80%的活动是在天黑后进行的
We've never been able to tell the full story of a lioness and her family at night. 过去我们一直无法全面地了解 母狮和它的家庭在夜晚如何生活
But for the first time, low-light cameras can see their moonlit world. . . 但史上第一次 低光度摄像机能够展现 它们在月光下的世界
low-light:微光; moonlit:adj.月光照耀的;
in color. 以全真色彩
This astonishing new way of seeing the night offers a whole new understanding of lion family life. 这一捕捉夜晚景象的全新方式令人惊艳 为理解狮群生活提供全新视角
At the start of the night, one important member of the family is absent . 夜幕刚落下时 家庭中的一位重要成员不见了
The pride male is out on patrol . 雄狮要四处巡逻
His job is to protect his 40-square-kilometer territory from rival lions. 它的职责是守卫40平方公里的领地 驱赶敌对的狮子
territory:n.领土,领域;范围;地域;版图; rival:v.与…相匹敌;比得上;adj.竞争的;n.竞争对手;
His roar is a warning call that travels further at night when the air is cool. 它的吼声是一种警告 在夜晚天气凉爽时 这个声音能够传到很远的地方
Bellowing at over a hundred decibels . . . 它以超过100分贝的声音吼叫
Bellowing:吼叫;吼叫声;低嚎;风箱; decibels:n.[声]分贝(声音强度单位,decibel的复数);
he can be heard eight kilometers away. 8公里外都能听见它的声音
It's clearly exhausting work. 这份工作显然很消磨精力
But he gives it everything he's got. . . 但它不遗余力
to keep his family safe in the darkness. 只为了让家人在黑暗中不受侵害
Protected by the male, the lioness's first job of the night is to feed her cubs. 在雄狮的保护下 母狮在夜晚的第一个职责是喂幼崽
At ten weeks old, cubs are entirely dependent on milk from their mother and can each drink up to a liter a night. 十周大的幼崽 完全依赖母乳为生 每天晚上最多能喝1升
dependent on:依赖于;依靠; liter:n.(计量)公升(容量单位)
Once she's fed them. . . 喂饱幼崽后