

The family is one of the most powerful forces in nature. 家族是自然界当中最强的一股力量
Family life is full of wonder... 家族生活充满神奇
Beauty... 美好
...and drama . 以及戏剧化
For the past four years, we've been following some of the most celebrated and endangered species on Earth. 在过去四年间我们追踪拍摄了 地球上最出名也是最濒危的物种
endangered:v.使遭危险;危及;危害;(endanger的过去分词和过去式) species:n.[生物]物种;种类;
We followed their fortunes from here on the plains of Zimbabwe , to the jungles of India... 我们追踪它们的生活 从津巴布韦平原 到印度的从林
fortunes:n.命运,机遇(fortune复数形式); v.给…以大宗财富(fortune的第三人称单数形式); Zimbabwe:n.津巴布韦(国家名,位于非洲);
From the edge of the Sahara... 从撒哈拉沙漠的边界
...to the frozen wastes of Antarctica. 到南极的冻土荒原
We join each family at a crucial moment in their lives when they are battling against the odds . 我们走进这些家族 参与它们生命中的关键时刻 当它们直面危机 争夺生存权
crucial:adj.重要的;决定性的;定局的;决断的; odds:n.几率;胜算;不平等;差别;
Fighting for survival against the elements ... 抵御天灾对抗天敌和对手时
survival:n.幸存,残存;幸存者,残存物; elements:n.要素;基本部分;少量;一群;(element的复数)
...and against rivals . 我们就在它们身边
We've got closer, and filmed in greater length, and in more detail, than we've ever tried to do before. 我们靠近它们 用超过以往的拍摄技术 拍下更长的镜头 拍下更多的细节
In our modern world, ensuring the survival of the next generation is becoming ever more difficult. 在现代社会 要确保物种幸存 延续到下一代 远比以前更难
For these families to win against the odds will be their greatest challenge. 对于家族而言 在危机中求生 将成为它们最大的挑战
This is Dynasties . 欢迎收看《王朝》
Senegal, West Africa. 西非 塞内加尔
Home to a remarkable troupe of chimpanzees . 这里居住着一群数量可观的黑猩猩
remarkable:adj.卓越的;非凡的;值得注意的; troupe:n.剧团;一班;一团;vi.巡回演出; chimpanzees:n.[脊椎]黑猩猩(chimpanzee的复数);
It gets so hot and dry here, it's the very limit of where they can survive. 由于常年气候干热 它们的生存空间 相当有限
This territory is ruled by one strong and determined leader... 这片领地的黑猩猩首领既强壮 又有决断力
territory:n.领土,领域;范围;地域;版图; determined:adj.决定了的:v.决定;(determine的过去分词和过去式)
...an alpha male known as David. 这头雄性黑猩猩首领名叫戴维
alpha male:n.老大(某一群体中最有权力的男子或雄性动物);
His rule gets him the best of everything. 它的统治地位让它坐拥最好的一切
But, he can trust no-one. 但它无法相信任何人
He's surrounded by rivals prepared to kill him for his crown . 它的身边环伺着对手 伺机行刺 篡权夺位
This is a story of power, politics and the fight for survival. 它的故事关乎权力 政治 以及生存权的争斗
David's torn ears are testament to the many battles he's fought and won to protect his status and his family. 戴维残破的耳朵 记录看过往的战绩 它屡战屡胜 保住了地位 也保护了家族
testament:n.[法]遗嘱;圣约;确实的证明; status:n.地位;状态;情形;重要身份;
He has ruled over his troupe for three years. 它统领族群已有三年
Leaders here don't usually hold power for much longer than this. 这里的黑猩猩首领很少能够统治得比它更久
And now, as the dry season begins, David's rivals are gathering again. 如今旱季来临 戴维的对头再度聚首
Successful alpha males normally have many allies to support them. 优秀的雄性首领 通常有许多盟友给予支持
normally:adv.正常地;通常地,一般地; allies:n.盟友,支持者:v.与…结盟(ally的第三人称单数和复数)
But David is alone. 戴维却是独来独往
He has never been more vulnerable . 它在这种时候尤其易受攻击
In the dry season, these huge mounds of earth are magnets for all 32 chimps in the group. 旱季到来时 这些大块的土堆 吸引了群体中全部32头黑猩猩
mounds:n.小丘;小山岗;一堆;许多;大量;(mound的复数) magnets:n.磁铁;磁石;吸铁石;有吸引力的人(或地方、事物);(magnet的复数) chimps:n.(非洲的)黑猩猩;
The mounds are full of food, rich in fat and protein ... 土堆里藏着食物 饱含脂肪与蛋白质
... termites . 白蚁
These chimps have learned to use grass stems as tools to fish out the insects. 黑猩猩懂得使用草棍 充当工具来钓虫子
stems:n.花草的茎或梗; v.阻止; (stem的第三人称单数和复数)
As leader, David gets his pick of the feeding spots. 作为首领戴维 得到了最佳觅食点
But he is wary , as he must feed alongside old enemies. 但它很警觉 周围都是它的老对头
He knows two particularly ambitious rivals. 它有两个野心勃勃的对手
particularly:adv.特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地; ambitious:adj.野心勃勃的;有雄心的;热望的;炫耀的;
David's toes begin to twitch , a nervous tic he can't conceal . 戴维的脚趾开始抽搐 它无法掩饰自己的紧张
toes:n.脚趾;足尖部;有…脚趾的;v.用脚尖走;(toe的第三人称单数和复数) twitch:n.抽搐;抽动;痉挛;阵痛;vi.抽搐;抽动;阵痛;vt.使抽动;攫取;猛拉; conceal:vt.隐藏;隐瞒;
This is Jumkin, who has long-sought the top spot. 这是大金 它觊觎老大的位置已经很久了
And this, Luthor... 这是户瑟
...a tempestuous younger male with an aggressive streak . 一头暴躁的年轻雄性 具有强烈的攻击性
tempestuous:adj.有暴风雨的;暴乱的;剧烈的; aggressive:adj.侵略性的;好斗的;有进取心的;有闯劲的; streak:n.条纹,线条;倾向;v.飞跑,疾驶;加上条纹;
The troupe is together for the first time in months and jostling for good feeding spots can easily lead to clashes . 几个月以来第一次 全族聚在一起 抢占更好的觅食点 很容易导致争端
jostling:v.(在人群中)挤,推,撞,搡;(jostle的现在分词) clashes:n.打架,冲突; v.打斗;
It's vital that David keeps order, and defuses the situation. 因此戴维要维持秩序 缓和局面 这是关键
vital:adj.至关重要的;生死攸关的;有活力的; defuses:vt.平息;去掉…的雷管;使除去危险性;