

I was raised by lesbians in the mountains, and I sort of came like a forest gnome to New York City a while back. 啲树脂就好似放大镜噉 我最初嚟到纽约嗰阵
lesbians:n.女同性恋者;(lesbian的复数) gnome:n.土地神;格言;箴言;linux下的桌面环境;
(Laughter) (笑声)
Really messed with my head, but I'll get into that later. 嗰时头脑超混乱
I'll start with when I was eight years old. 我会由我八岁嗰时讲起
I took a wood box, and I buried a dollar bill, a pen and a fork inside this box in Colorado . 我喺科罗拉多嗰阵拎咗个木盒 放咗一蚊美金、一枝笔同一只叉喺个盒入面
And I thought some strange humanoids or aliens in 500 years would find this box and learn about the way our species exchanged ideas, maybe how we ate our spaghetti . 我谂 500 年后会有某种人猿类动物 从中知道我哋呢个物种点样交换谂法 或者知道我哋点样食意粉
humanoids:adj.像人的;n.类人动物(humanoid的复数) species:n.[生物]物种;种类; spaghetti:n.意大利式细面条;
I really didn't know. 其实我都唔系好清楚自己做乜
Anyway, this is kind of funny, because here I am, 30 years later, and I'm still making boxes. 总言之,呢个谂法都几得意 因为三十年后嘅我仲整紧呢嗰盒
Now, at some point I was in Hawaii -- 我之前喺夏威夷嘅时候
I like to hike and surf and do all that weird stuff , and I was making a collage for my ma. 锺意行山、滑浪等等奇怪嘅活动 我嗰时仲砌紧一幅嘢俾我阿妈
hike:v.做徒步旅行; n.徒步旅行; (价格、花费等的)大幅度提高; surf:v.冲浪;进行冲浪运动;(互联网上)浏览;n.激浪;拍岸浪花; weird:adj.奇怪的;奇异的;离奇的;n.命运;宿命;命运女神; stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本: collage:n.抽象拚贴画(用报纸,布,压平的花等碎片拼合而成的); vt.把…创作成拼贴画,拼贴;
And I took a dictionary and I ripped it up, and I made it into a sort of Agnes Martin grid , and I poured resin all over it and a bee got stuck. 我撕烂咗本字典 将啲碎纸砌到好似 然后喺上面倒满树脂
grid:n.网格;格子,栅格;输电网; poured:v.使(液体)连续流出;倾倒;倒出;喷发;(pour的过去分词和过去式) resin:n.树脂;松香;vt.涂树脂;用树脂处理;
Now, she's afraid of bees and she's allergic to them, so I poured more resin on the canvas , thinking I could hide it or something. 因为我妈咪怕蜜蜂,而且会敏感 所以我唯有倒多啲树脂落去
allergic:adj.对…过敏的;对…极讨厌的; canvas:n.帆布;(帆布)画布;油画;vt.用帆布覆盖;
Instead, the opposite happened: 点知,事与愿违
It sort of created a magnification , like a magnifying glass , on the dictionary text. 啲树脂就好似放大镜噉 将上面嘅野,包括蜜蜂,都放大咗
magnification:n.放大;放大率;放大的复制品; magnifying glass:n.放大镜;
So what did I do? I built more boxes. 噉我点收科?
This time, I started putting electronics , frogs, strange bottles I'd find in the street -- anything I could find -- because I was always finding things my whole life, and trying to make relationships and tell stories between these objects. 今次,我将电子零件青蛙、街上执番嚟嘅樽 任何我搵到嘅嘢摆入去 因为我嘅人生一直都喺度寻寻觅觅 尝试令唔同嘅物件之间有一个关系
So I started drawing around the objects, and I realized: Holy moly , I can draw in space! 于是我开始对住啲嘢画呀画 然后我发现
I can make free-floating lines, like the way you would draw around a dead body at a crime scene. 我可以画出浮喺空中嘅线条 就好似喺案发现场围住个尸体画线噉
So I took the objects out, and I created my own taxonomy of invented specimens . 于是我拎件嘢出嚟 画咗啲我想像出嚟嘅嘢
taxonomy:n.分类学;分类法; specimens:n.[试验]试样,[图情]样本(specimen的复数);
First, botanical -- which you can kind of get a sense of. 首先系植物
Then I made some weird insects and creatures . 然后又画咗啲奇怪嘅昆虫同生物
It was really fun; I was just drawing on the layers of resin. 喺一层层嘅树脂上面画画真系好好玩
And it was cool, because I was actually starting to have shows and stuff, 而且仲好正添!
I was making some money, I could take my girlfriend for dinner, and like, go to Sizzler . 我开始有收入 可以带女朋友出街食晚饭
It was some good shit, man. 正到要嗌出嚟啦!
(Laughter) (笑声)
At some point, I got up to the human form, life-size resin sculptures with drawings of humans inside the layers. 画画下,我开始画咗个人形 画咗个真人咁高嘅树脂雕塑
life-size:adj.与实物大小一样的;与真人实物一样大小的; sculptures:n.[建]雕塑(sculpture的复数); v.雕刻;
This was great, except for one thing : 呢样嘢系好玩,但系有一个问题
for one thing:首先;一则;
I was going to die. 我会就快死
I didn't know what to do, because the resin was going to kill me. 我唔知点算好,因为树脂会杀死我
And I went to bed every night thinking about it. 晚晚我瞓觉之前都喺度谂点样先好
So I tried using glass. 于是我试下用玻璃
I started drawing on the layers of glass, almost like if you drew on a window, then you put another window, and another window, and you had all these windows together that made a three-dimensional composition . 喺每一层玻璃上面画画 就好似你喺一块窗上面画完 然后再放另一块,层层迭咁 形成一个立体嘅作品
three-dimensional:adj.三维的;立体的;真实的; composition:n.成分;作文;构成;创作;
And this really worked, because I could stop using the resin. 于是今次真系得咗
So I did this for years, which culminated in a very large work, which I call "The Triptych ." 就系噉我画窗玻璃画咗几年 加加埋埋成为咗一件大形作品
culminated:vi.到绝顶;达到高潮;达到顶点;vt.使结束;使达到高潮; Triptych:n.三幅一联;三张相联;
'"The Triptych" was largely inspired by Hieronymus Bosch's "[The] Garden of Earthly Delights ," 三联画灵感主要嚟自 耶罗尼米斯 · 博斯嘅《人间乐园》
largely:adv.主要地;大部分;大量地; inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式) Earthly:adj.地球的;尘世的;可能的; Delights:n.高兴; v.使高兴; (delight的第三人称单数和复数)
which is a painting in the [Museo del] Prado in Spain. 呢幅画而家挂喺西班牙嘅普拉多博物馆入面
Do you guys know this painting? 你哋知唔知我讲紧边幅画?
Good, it's a cool painting. 好画。呢幅画好嘢嚟!
It's kind of ahead of its time, they say. 啲人话嗰时嚟讲好新潮架!
So, "The Triptych." I'll walk you through this piece. 而家等我同你哋讲解下我呢个三联画作品
It weighs 24,000 pounds.It's 18 feet long. 佢有 24,000 磅重、18 呎长
It's double-sided , so it's 36 feet of composition. 双面嘅,所以其实系 36 呎长
It's kind of weird. 有啲骑呢嘅
Well, that's the blood fountain . 呢个系血噴泉
(Laughter) (笑声)
To the left, you have Jesus and the locusts . 左边可以见到耶稣同蝗虫
Jesus:int.上帝啊:天哪:n.耶稣:耶稣基督: locusts:n.[植保]蝗虫;[林]洋槐(locust的复数);
There's a cave where all these animal-headed creatures travel between two worlds. 呢度有个山窿 俾呢啲个头系动物头嘅生物
They go from the representational world, to this analog-mesh underworld , where they're hiding. 佢哋会由表象世界 走到一个仪表式嘅网状地下世界匿埋
representational:adj.代表的;具象派的; underworld:n.黑社会;地狱;下层社会;尘世;
This is where the animal-headed creatures are by the lighthouse , and they're all about to commit mass suicide into the ocean. 呢啲生物系喺灯塔隔离 准备大规模跳海自杀
lighthouse:n.灯塔; commit:v.犯(罪等);干(坏事等);[法]提(审);判处; mass:n.块,团; adj.群众的,民众的; v.聚集起来,聚集; suicide:n.自杀;自杀行为;自杀者;adj.自杀的;v.自杀;vi.自杀;
The ocean is made up of thousands of elements . 个海有过千种唔同嘅完素
made up of:由…组成,由…构成; elements:n.要素;基本部分;少量;一群;(element的复数)
This is a bird god tied up to a battleship . 呢只鸟神被绑喺战船上面
(Laughter) (笑声)
Billy Graham is in the ocean; the Horizon from the oil spill; Waldo; Osama Bin Laden's shelter -- there's all kinds of weird stuff that you can find if you look really hard, in the ocean. 葛培理喺个海度 地平线嗰度系一达油污 你肯俾心机去睇个海嘅话 你可以搵到好多骑呢嘅嘢
Anyway, this is a lady creature. 呢个系一只雌性物物
She's coming out of the ocean, and she's spitting oil into one hand and she has clouds coming out of her other hand. 佢由个海度出嚟 另一只手就有啲云走出嚟
Her hands are like scales , and she has the mythological reference of the Earth and cosmos in balance. 佢对手就好似天平噉 就好似神话描述噉平衡住地球同宇宙
scales:n.规模范围; v.攀登; (scale的第三人称单数和复数) mythological:adj.神话的;神话学的;虚构的; reference:n.参考,提及;参考书目;证明书;v.引用; cosmos:n.宇宙;和谐;秩序;大波斯菊;
So that's one side of "The Triptych." 所以幅画嘅呢一面
It's a little narrative thing. 系比较有故事性
That's her hand that she's spitting into. 佢吐油落只手度
And then, when you go to the other side, she has like a trunk, like a bird's beak , and she's spitting clouds out of her trunk. 而当你去睇幅画嘅另一面 佢有一个好似象鼻或者鸟咀噉嘅嘢 会吐出一旧旧云
Then she has an 18-foot-long serpent's tail that connects "The Triptych." 佢仲有一条 18 尺长嘅蛇尾连住幅画
Anyway, her tail catches on fire from the back of the volcano . 但佢条尾俾火山烧着咗
(Laughter) (笑声)
I don't know why that happened. 我都唔系好知点解会系噉
(Laughter) (笑声)
That happens, you know. 但你知啦,都发生咗
Her tail terminates in a cycloptic eyeball , made out of 1986 terrorist cards. 佢条尾最后有一个旋风形嘅眼球 系由 1986 年恐怖分子游戏卡所整成
terminates:vt.使终止;使结束;解雇;vi.结束,终止;结果;adj.结束的; eyeball:n.眼球;眼珠;v.瞪着;逼视;盯住
Have you guys seen those? 你哋有冇见过?
They were made in the 1980's, they're like baseball cards of terrorists. 八十年代嘅嘢嚟就好似恐怖份子嘅棒球明星卡噉
Way ahead of their time. 佢哋嗰时系新潮
That will bring you to my latest project. 而家带你哋睇下我最新嘅作品
I'm in the middle of two projects: 我而家其实做紧两个计划
One's called "Psychogeographies." 一个叫做「心灵地图」
It's about a six-year project to make 100 of these humans. 呢个计划大约为期六年
Each one is an archive of our culture, through our ripped-up media and matter, whether it's encyclopedias or dictionaries or magazines. 每个人形都纪录住我哋嘅文化 人形由唔同出版刊物嘅纸碎砌成 可以系百科全书、字典或者杂志
archive:n.档案馆;档案文件; media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉; encyclopedias:n.百科全书(encyclopaedia的复数);
But each one acts as a sort of an archive in the shape of a human, and they travel in groups of 20, 4, or 12 at a time. 每一件作品都砌成人形去纪录我哋嘅世界 啲作品系一组组噉去郁
They're like cells -- they come together, they divide. 佢哋就好似细胞咁
And you kind of walk through them. It's taking me years. 当你就噉行过喺佢哋
Each one is basically a 3,000-pound microscope slide with a human stuck inside. 每一个基本上系一个重 3,000 磅嘅显微镜片 裏面有一个人系度
basically:adv.主要地,基本上; microscope:n.显微镜;
This one has a little cave in his chest. 呢个人心口度有一个窿
That's his head; there's the chest, you can kind of see the beginning. 呢个系佢个头,呢个系个胸
I'm going to go down the body for you: 而家等我俾你哋睇下佢身体落啲嘅地方
There's a waterfall coming out of his chest, covering his penis -- or not-penis, or whatever it is, a kind of androgynous thing. 呢度有一个瀑布由佢心口流出嚟 遮住佢下体 因为佢系雌雄同体
waterfall:n.瀑布;瀑布似的东西; penis:n.阴茎; androgynous:adj.[动][植]雌雄同体的;[动][植]雌雄同花的;
I'll take you quickly through these works, because I can't explain them for too long. 等我好快噉介绍一下其他作品 因为我唔可以花太多时间解释
There are the layers, you can kind of see it. 你可以睇得出佢哋都系一层层噉嘅
That's a body getting split in half. 呢个人形嘅身体断开两截
This one has two heads, and it's communicating between the two heads. 呢个人有两个头 两个头喺度沟通紧
You can see the pills coming out, going into one head from this weird statue . 你可以睇到有啲丸仔飞出嚟 飞到呢个奇怪人形嘅其中一个头度
pills:n.药丸; v.起球; (pill的第三人称单数和复数) statue:n.雕像;塑像;铸像;v.用雕像装饰;
There's a little forest scene inside the chest cavity . 佢心口嗰度有个树林
Can you see that? 睇唔睇到呀?
Anyway, this talk's all about these boxes, like the boxes we're in. 呢个演讲嘅主题就系呢啲盒 就好似我哋身处嘅盒一样
This box we're in, the solar system is a box. 我哋身处喺太阳系其实都好似一个盒
solar system:[天]太阳系;
This brings you to my latest box. 等我介绍我最后一个盒
It's a brick box. It's called Pioneer Works. 呢个盒用砖砌成
(Cheers) (欢呼声)
Inside of this box is a physicist , a neuroscientist , a painter, a musician, a writer, a radio station, a museum, a school, a publishing arm to disseminate all the content we make there into the world; a garden. 呢个盒入面有一名物理学家 一名神经学家、一名画家、一名音乐家 一名作家、一间电台、一座博物馆 一间学校,同埋一间出版社 裏面仲有个花园
physicist:n.物理学家;物理学研究者; neuroscientist:n.神经系统科学家; disseminate:vt.宣传,传播;散布;vi.散布;广为传播; content:n.内容,目录;满足;容量;adj.满意的;vt.使满足;
We shake this box up, and all these people kind of start hitting each other like particles . 我哋摇下个盒 将入面嘅人好似粒子咁撞嚟撞去
And I think that's the way you change the world. 我谂呢个就系改变世界嘅方法
You redefine your insides and the box that you're living in. 重新定义自己同埋我哋系裏面生活梗嘅呢个盒
And you come together to realize that we're all in this together, that this delusion of difference -- this idea of countries, of borders, of religion -- doesn't work. 就会发现同明白到 我哋之间嘅差异只不过系错误嘅睇法 国家、国界、宗教都系冇意义嘅
We're all really made up of the same stuff, in the same box. 我哋其实都系喺同一个盒入面由同一种物质所造成
And if we don't start exchanging that stuff sweetly and nicely , we're all going to die real soon. 如果我哋唔肯好好声气噉去互相交换我哋所拥有嘅嘢 我哋好快就会一齐死架嘞!
sweetly:adv.甜美地;温柔地;惬意地;讨人喜欢地; nicely:adv.细致地;有吸引力;令人满意;令人愉快;adj.强健的;
Thank you very much. 好多谢大家!
(Applause) (全场鼓掌)