

Now Lifetime's about to present the highly anticipated season premier Lifetime电视台即将为您献上 备受期待的新季首播
highly:adv.高度地;非常;非常赞许地; anticipated:adj.预期的; v.预期; (anticipate的过去式和过去分词) premier:adj.第一的;最初的;n.总理,首相;
Of "Drop dead diva ," 《美女上错身》
with special guest star Paula Abdul. 特邀客串嘉宾宝拉.阿巴杜
special guest star:特邀演员;
Do I look like a 24-year-old blond model? 我看上去像24岁的金发靓模吗
Is that a trick question? 这是脑筋急转弯吗
Last season... 上季中
I call it the toe tap/booty bounce . 我管这叫做 垫步 甩臀
toe:n.脚趾;鞋头;v.用脚趾踩;用脚尖踢; bounce:v.反弹;反射;(使)弹起;n.弹跳;跳动;弹性;
...Heaven brought gorgeous model Deb back as Jane, 靓模黛比天堂一行 摇身变成了简
A superbusy lawyer. 一位超级繁忙的律师
Do you even own a mirror? 你也不照照你这副尊荣
You're my guardian angel ? 你是我的守护天使
guardian angel:n.守护天使;
Yeah, I'm afraid so. 没错 恐怕是的
Okay, make me skinny and hot. 很好 快把我变得苗条又火辣
I'm an angel, not a wizard . 我是天使 不是巫师
Ever since Deb died, I feel like she's not really gone. 黛比去世后 我感觉她从未真正离我而去
I want my old life back. 我想过回我原来的生活
I am not a morning person. 我不是个喜欢早起的人
I don't like schedules or meetings or windows that don't open. 我不喜欢工作日程或者会议 或是封闭的窗户
Ask me something. - Um... 快问我点什么 -呃
What's the square root of 113? 113的平方根是多少
square root:平方根;
It's a prime number . Trick question! 113是质数 此题无解
prime number:n.素数;
Are you okay? - I'm smart! 你没事吧 -我好聪明啊
Yeah, you are. 没错 你确实聪明
Just when things were starting to look up, life got even more complicated . 当一切终于渐入佳境时 生活却变得愈发复杂
This whole case is a scam . 这整件案子就是个骗局
You will say nothing because you're not allowed to. 你得保持缄默 因为你不能泄密
Who says? 谁说的
The california state bar. 加州律师公会
Attorney/client privilege . 律师/委托人保密特权条例
My career is over if I pursue this. 如果继续执着下去 我的事业就断送了
career:n.职业;事业;生涯;经历; pursue:v.继续;从事;追赶;纠缠;
It was so much easier when I wasn't as smart. 我没这么聪明的时候 生活轻松多了
Maybe it's time I left old Jane's life behind and concentrated on me - new Jane. 也许是时候抛开曾经那个简的生活了 把注意力集中在我身上 一个全新的简
concentrated:adj.决心要做的; v.集中(注意力); (concentrate的过去式和过去分词)
I was thinking we could take a weekend. 我在想我们可以去共渡周末
And you would be...? 你是...
Jane's husband. 简的丈夫
Tonight... 今晚...
Why didn't you tell me about my husband? 为什么不告诉我我丈夫的事
I can't risk being disbarred before my case reaches a verdict . 我不能在此案裁决前就被吊销律师资格
disbarred:v.取消律师资格;禁止;(disbar的过去式和过去分词) verdict:n.结论;裁定;
Well, I guess you better fight that disbarment . 那你就该为保住律师资格而战
This place wouldn't be the same without you. 这里没有你就不一样了
The season premier of Lifetime and its series Drop Dead Diva starting right now. Lifetime剧集《美女上错身》新季首播 现在开始
How much longer on the fries? We got customers. 薯条还要炸多久 还有客人等着呢
Excuse me. - Grayson! 你好 -格雷森
Uh, what are you doing here? 你来这儿干嘛呀
Ordering lunch. What are you doing here? 买午餐啊 你在这儿又是干嘛
Well... 这个
You work at hot dog on a stick? 你在 即叫即炸热狗棒 工作