

Hawa Abdi: Many people -- 20 years for Somalia -- Hawa Abdi:索马里这20年来,很多人——
[were] fighting. 一直在打仗。
So there was no job, no food. 所以那里没有工作,没有食物。
Children, most of them, became very malnourished , like this. 很多的孩子, 都变得像这样,非常的营养不良。
Deqo Mohamed: So as you know, always in a civil war, the ones affected most [are] the women and children. Deqo Mohamed: 所以,你知道, 往往在内战中, 最受影响的是妇女和儿童。
So our patients are women and children. 所以我们的病人都是妇女和儿童。
And they are in our backyard . 他们都在我们的院子里。
It's our home. We welcome them. 这是我们的家,我们很欢迎他们。
That's the camp that we have in now 90,000 people, where 75 percent of them are women and children. 这就是我们现在拥有的营地。 9万人在里面, 有75%都是妇女和儿童。
Pat Mitchell: And this is your hospital. This is the inside. Pat Mitchell:这就是你们的医院。这是内部。
HA: We are doing C-sections and different operations because people need some help. HA:我们在这里进行剖腹产以及其他不同的手术 因为人们需要帮助。
There is no government to protect them. 政府不会来保护他们。
DM: Every morning we have about 400 patients, maybe more or less . DM:每天早晨我们就有400个左右的病人, 或者多一点或者少一点。
more or less:或多或少;
But sometimes we are only five doctors and 16 nurses, and we are physically getting exhausted to see all of them. 但有时我们只有5名医生 和16个护士, 要把他们全部都看完,这真的让我们感到筋疲力尽。
exhausted:adj.筋疲力尽的; v.使筋疲力尽; (exhaust的过去分词和过去式)
But we take the severe ones, and we reschedule the other ones the next day. 所以我们先看那些严重的病人, 然后再重新安排其他病人到第二天。
severe:adj.极为恶劣的;十分严重的;严厉的;苛刻的; reschedule:v.将…改期;重新安排;推迟还款;
It is very tough. 这非常的艰难。
And as you can see , it's the women who are carrying the children; it's the women who come into the hospitals; it's the women [are] building the houses. 你可以看到,是妇女带着孩子, 是妇女来到医院, 是妇女搭建的这些房子。
as you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的;
That's their house. 这是她们的家。
And we have a school. This is our bright -- we opened [in the] last two years [an] elementary school where we have 850 children, and the majority are women and girls. 我们还有一个学校。这是我们的光明—— 前年我们开办了一个小学 我们有850个孩子, 其中大部分都是妇女和女孩儿。
elementary school:小学; majority:n.大部分:大多数:多数票:成年人:
(Applause) (掌声)
PM: And the doctors have some very big rules about who can get treated at the clinic . PM:医生们有一些非常严格的规定 关于谁可以在诊所接受治疗。
treated:v.以…态度对待;把…看作;(treat的过去分词和过去式) clinic:n.诊所;临床实习;(医院的)门诊部;门诊时间;
Would you explain the rules for admission ? 你可以解释一下进入诊所的规定吗?
HA: The people who are coming to us, we are welcoming. HA:来找我们的人, 我们都欢迎。
We are sharing with them whatever we have. 我们和他们分享 我们拥有的一切。
But there are only two rules. 但是只有两个规定。
First rule: there is no clan distinguished and political division in Somali society. 第一: 在索马里社会没有种族歧视 和政治分裂。
clan:n.家族;庞大的家族;宗派;帮派; distinguished:adj.尊贵的; v.区分; division:n.师;分配;分开;分歧;
[Whomever] makes those things we throw out . 谁要是搞这些东西,就把他轰出去。
throw out:v.扔掉;伸出;说出;否决;突出;
The second: no man can beat his wife. 第二: 男人不允许打他的妻子。
If he beat, we will put [him] in jail , and we will call the eldest people. 如果他打了, 我们会把他扔进监狱, 而且我们会告诉我们的最年长者。
jail:n.监狱;监牢;拘留所;v.监禁;下狱; eldest:adj.最年长的;年事最高的(old的最高级);n.最年长者;
Until they identify this case, we'll never release him. 除非他们受理这案情, 否则我们不会放了他。
identify:v.识别:鉴定:确认:发现: release:v.释放;发射;让与;允许发表;n.释放;发布;让与;
That's our two rules. 这是我们的两个规定。
(Applause) (掌声)
The other thing that I have realized, that the woman is the most strong person all over the world. 我还明白了一件事情, 女人是世界上 最强的人。
Because the last 20 years, the Somali woman has stood up. 在过去的20年里, 索马里的女人站了起来。
They were the leaders, and we are the leaders of our community and the hope of our future generations. 她们是领导者, 而且我们是我们 社区的领导者 而且是我们下一代的希望。
We are not just the helpless and the victims of the civil war. 我们不是弱者 也不是内战的受害者。
We can reconcile . 我们可以调和内战。
We can do everything. 我们可以做一切事情。
(Applause) (掌声)
DM: As my mother said, we are the future hope, and the men are only killing in Somalia. DM:正如我妈妈说的,我们是未来的希望, 在索马里男人只会互相残杀。
So we came up with these two rules. 所以我们在9万人的营中
In a camp with 90,000 people, you have to come up with some rules or there is going to be some fights. 定了这两条规定。 你得制定一些规定,不然就会有争斗。
come up with:提出;想出;赶上;
So there is no clan division, and no man can beat his wife. 所以那里没有种族分裂 而且男人不允许打妻子。
And we have a little storage room where we converted a jail. 并且我们有一个小储物间 我们把它改造成了监狱。
storage room:[建]储藏室;行李仓,库房; converted:adj.修改的;改变信仰的;v.转变;改变信仰(convert的过去式和过去分词形式);
So if you beat your wife, you're going to be there. 如果你打了你的妻子,你就会被关在那里。
(Applause) (掌声)
So empowering the women and giving the opportunity -- we are there for them. They are not alone for this. 所以赋予妇女权利,给她们机会 -- 我们在那里帮助她们; 她们并不是独自承受这些。
PM: You're running a medical clinic. PM: 你们开了一家诊所,
It brought much, much needed medical care to people who wouldn't get it. 给那些需要帮助的人们 带去了很多的医疗护理。
You're also running a civil society. 你们同时创办了一个民间社会
You've created your own rules, in which women and children are getting a different sense of security. 并建立了自己的规定, 在那里妇女和儿童都 获得了不一样的安全感。
Talk to me about your decision, Dr. Abdi, and your decision, Dr. Mohamed, to work together -- for you to become a doctor and to work with your mother in these circumstances . 跟我讲讲关于你的决定,Abdi医生 还有你的决定,穆罕默德医生 让你们在一起工作 -- 使你(穆罕默德)成为一名医生 并在这样的环境下和你的母亲一起工作。
HA: My age -- because I was born in 1947 -- we were having, at that time, government, law and order. HA: 我的年龄—— 因为我出生在1947年—— 那时候我们还有 政府,法律和纪律。
But one day, I went to the hospital -- my mother was sick -- and I saw the hospital, how they [were] treating the doctors, how they [are] committed to help the sick people. 但有一天,我去了医院—— 我的母亲病了—— 我在医院里看到,医生是怎样去治疗的, 他们是怎样医治 去帮助那些病人的。
treating:v.以…态度对待;把…看作;处理;讨论;(treat的现在分词) committed:adj.坚信的; v.做出错事; (commit的过去分词和过去式)
I admired them, and I decided to become a doctor. 我很敬佩他们, 于是我决定成为一名医生。
My mother died, unfortunately , when I was 12 years [old]. 不幸的是,当我12岁的时候, 我的母亲去世了。
Then my father allowed me to proceed [with] my hope. 于是我的父亲答应了我 去追寻我的梦想。
My mother died in [a] gynecology complication , so I decided to become a gynecology specialist. 我的母亲是死于 妇科并发症, 所以我决定成为一名 妇科病的专家。
gynecology:n.妇科学,妇科医学; complication:n.并发症;复杂;复杂化;混乱;
That's why I became a doctor. 这便是为什么我成为了一名医生。
So Dr. Deqo has to explain. Deqo(穆罕默德)医生也要解释一下。
DM: For me, my mother was preparing [me] when I was a child to become a doctor, but I really didn't want to. DM: 而我呢,我的母亲在我小时候就打算 把我培养成一名医生,但是我真的不喜欢。
Maybe I should become an historian, or maybe a reporter. 也许我应该成为一名历史学家 或者一名记者。
I loved it, but it didn't work. 我非常喜欢,但是这样是不行的。
When the war broke out -- civil war -- 当内战爆发的时候,
I saw how my mother was helping and how she really needed the help, and how the care is essential to the woman to be a woman doctor in Somalia and help the women and children. 我看到我母亲是如何工作的 也看到她真的是非常的需要帮助。 对于妇女来说医保是那样的重要, 在索马里成为一名女医生 并帮助那里的妇女和儿童。
And I thought, maybe I can be a reporter and doctor gynecologist . 然后我想也许我可以成为一个妇科医生兼记者。
(Laughter) (笑声)
So I went to Russia, and my mother also, 于是我和我的母亲在苏联时期
[during the] time of [the] Soviet Union. 去了俄国。
So some of our character, maybe we will come with a strong Soviet background of training. 所以我们的一些性格 可能会带有一些强烈的苏联训练的感觉。
So that's how I decided [to do] the same. 这就是我如何做了这同样的决定。
My sister was different. 我的妹妹不太一样,
She's here. She's also a doctor. 她也在这里,她也是一名医生。
She graduated in Russia also. 她也是在苏联毕业。
(Applause) (掌声)
And to go back and to work with our mother is just what we saw in the civil war -- when I was 16, and my sister was 11, when the civil war broke out. 后来回来和我们的母亲一起工作 我们正好恰逢内战 -- 当内战爆发时 我16岁,而我妹妹只有11岁。
So it was the need and the people we saw in the early '90s -- that's what made us go back and work for them. 在90年代初期 我们看到了需要,看到了的那些人, 使我们回来 去帮助他们。
PM: So what is the biggest challenge working, mother and daughter, in such dangerous and sometimes scary situations? PM: 那么母女在一起 在如此危险 甚至有时让人毛骨耸然的环境下工作, 最大的挑战是什么?
HA: Yes, I was working in a tough situation, very dangerous. HA: 是的,我在一个非常艰苦的环境中工作, 非常的危险。
And when I saw the people who needed me, 当我看到需要我的人的时候,
I was staying with them to help, because I [could] do something for them. 我留下来帮助他们, 因为我可以为他们做一些事情。
Most people fled abroad . 很多人飞到了国外。
fled:v.迅速离开;逃避,逃跑;(flee的过去分词和过去式) abroad:adv.在国外;到海外;adj.往国外的;n.海外;异国;
But I remained with those people, and I was trying to do something -- 但是我和这些人留在一起, 我努力地做着一些事--
[any] little thing I [could] do. 一些我可以做到的小事。
I succeeded in my place. 我在我的本职上获得了成功。
Now my place is 90,000 people who are respecting each other, who are not fighting. 现在在我们的地方有9万人, 大家互相尊敬, 没有打斗。
But we try to stand on our feet, to do something, little things, we can for our people. 我们努力靠自己 为大家做一些事,一些力所能及的小事。
And I'm thankful for my daughters. 我非常感谢我的两位女儿,
When they come to me, they help me to treat the people, to help. 当她们来到我身边时, 她们帮助我来治疗那些人, 帮忙等。
They do everything for them. 她们什么活儿都做。
They have done what I desire to do for them. 她们完成了我的期望。
PM: What's the best part of working with your mother, and the most challenging part for you? PM: 和你妈妈在一起工作 最棒的地方是什么? 还有对你来说最有挑战的事情是什么?
DM: She's very tough; it's most challenging. DM: 她太严格,这是最有挑战性的地方。.
She always expects us to do more. 她总是希望我们做的更多。
And really when you think [you] cannot do it, she will push you, and I can do it. 当你真的觉得做不来的时候, 她会督促你,然后她去做。
That's the best part. 这是最棒的地方。
She shows us, trains us how to do and how to be better [people] 她教我们怎样做, 怎样成为一个好人,
and how to do long hours in surgery -- 300 patients per day, 10, 20 surgeries , and still you have to manage the camp -- that's how she trains us. 如何做长时间的手术—— 一天300个病人, 10到20个手术, 然后还要管理营地, 这就是她如何训练我们的。
surgery:n.外科;外科手术;手术室;诊疗室; surgeries:n.外科手术(surgery复数);
It is not like beautiful offices here, 20 patients, you're tired. 可不像这里的办公室, 就诊20个病人,然后你累了。
You see 300 patients, 20 surgeries and 90,000 people to manage. 我们要看300个病人,做20个手术, 还有9万个人要去管理。
PM: But you do it for good reasons. PM: 但是你们这样做是如此有意义。
(Applause) (掌声)
Wait. Wait. 等一下,等一下
HA: Thank you. HA: 谢谢
DM: Thank you. DM: 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)
HA: Thank you very much. DM: Thank you very much. HA:非常感谢。(DM:非常感谢。)