

I was one of those kids that, every time I got in the car, [00:13]
I basically had to roll down the window. [00:16]
It was usually too hot, too stuffy or just too smelly , and my father would not let us use the air conditioner . [00:19]
stuffy:adj.闷热的;古板的;不通气的; smelly:adj.有臭味的,发臭的; air conditioner:n.空调;
He said that it would overheat the engine. [00:26]
And you might remember, some of you, how the cars were back then, and it was a common problem of overheating . [00:28]
But it was also the signal that capped the use, or overuse , of energy-consuming devices . [00:34]
capped:v.给…戴帽; adj.包过的; overuse:n.过度使用;vt.把…使用过度; devices:n.[机][计]设备;[机]装置;[电子]器件(device的复数);
Things have changed now. We have cars that we take across country. [00:43]
We blast the air conditioning the entire way, and we never experience overheating. [00:46]
blast:n.爆炸; v.爆破; air conditioning:n.空调系统;空气调节;
So there's no more signal for us to tell us to stop. [00:50]
Great, right? Well, we have similar problems in buildings. [00:53]
In the past, before air conditioning, we had thick walls. [00:59]
The thick walls are great for insulation . It keeps the interior very cool during the summertime , and warm during the wintertime , and the small windows were also very good because it limited the amount of temperature transfer between the interior and exterior . [01:03]
insulation:n.绝缘;隔离,孤立; interior:n.内部;内陆;内地;里面;adj.内部的;里面的; summertime:n.夏季; wintertime:n.冬季; limited:adj.有限的; n.高级快车; v.限制; (limit的过去分词和过去式) transfer:n.转移;调任;调离;[体]转会球员;v.调任;调走;转学;转移; exterior:n.外观;外表;adj.外面的;外部的;外表的;户外的;
Then in about the 1930s, with the advent of plate glass , rolled steel and mass production, we were able to make floor-to-ceiling windows and unobstructed views, and with that came the irreversible reliance on mechanical air conditioning to cool our solar-heated spaces. [01:16]
advent:n.到来;出现;基督降临;基督降临节; plate glass:n.平板玻璃; mass:n.块,团; adj.群众的,民众的; v.聚集起来,聚集; floor-to-ceiling:adj.从地板到天花板的; unobstructed:adj.没有障碍的;畅通无阻的; irreversible:adj.不可逆的;不能取消的;不能翻转的; reliance:n.信赖;信心;受信赖的人或物; mechanical:adj.机械的;力学的;呆板的;无意识的;手工操作的;
Over time, the buildings got taller and bigger, our engineering even better, so that the mechanical systems were massive . They require a huge amount of energy. [01:37]
engineering:n.工程;工程学;v.密谋策划;设计制造;改变…的基因;(engineer的现在分词) massive:adj.大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的;
They give off a lot of heat into the atmosphere , and for some of you may understand the heat island effect in cities, where the urban areas are much more warm than the adjacent rural areas, [01:47]
atmosphere:n.大气;气氛;气压;风格; urban:adj.城市的;都市的;城镇的;都市音乐的; adjacent:adj.邻近的,毗连的; rural:adj.农村的,乡下的;田园的,有乡村风味的;
but we also have problems that, when we lose power, we can't open a window here, and so the buildings are uninhabitable and have to be made vacant until that air conditioning system can start up again. [01:59]
uninhabitable:adj.不适宜居住的; vacant:adj.空虚的;空闲的;茫然的;
Even worse, with our intention of trying to make buildings move towards a net-zero energy state, we can't do it just by making mechanical systems more and more efficient . [02:12]
intention:n.意图;目的;意向;愈合; efficient:adj.有效率的;有能力的;生效的;
We need to look for something else, and we've gotten ourselves a little bit into a rut . [02:23]
So what do we do here? How do we pull ourselves and dig us out of this hole that we've dug? [02:27]
If we look at biology , and many of you probably don't know, [02:34]
I was a biology major before I went into architecture , the human skin is the organ that naturally regulates the temperature in the body, and it's a fantastic thing. [02:37]
architecture:n.建筑学;建筑风格;建筑式样;架构; organ:n.[生物]器官;机构;风琴;管风琴;嗓音; naturally:adv.自然地;自然而然地;轻而易举;天生地;大方地; regulates:控制;管理; fantastic:奇异的,空想的
That's the first line of defense for the body. [02:48]
It has pores , it has sweat glands , it has all these things that work together very dynamically and very efficiently , and so what I propose is that our building skins should be more similar to human skin, [02:51]
pores:n.[陶瓷]气孔;毛穴(pore的复数);v.注视;熟读;沉思(pore的第三人称单数); glands:n.腺体(gland的复数);气封; dynamically:adv.动态地;充满活力地;不断变化地; efficiently:adv.有效地;效率高地(efficient的副词形式); propose:v.建议;提议;求婚;打算;
and by doing so can be much more dynamic, responsive and differentiated , depending on where it is. [03:04]
responsive:adj.响应的;应答的;回答的; differentiated:adj.分化型;已分化的;可区分的;v.使有差别(differentiate的过去分词);
And this gets me back to my research. [03:11]
What I proposed first doing is looking at a different material palette to do that. [03:13]
proposed:adj.建议的;推荐的;v.提议;建议;计划;求婚;(propose的过去分词和过去式) palette:n.调色板;颜料;
I presently , or currently , work with smart materials, and a smart thermo-bimetal. [03:18]
presently:adv.(美)目前;不久; currently:adv.当前;一般地;
First of all , I guess we call it smart because it requires no controls and it requires no energy, and that's a very big deal for architecture. [03:23]
First of all:adv.首先;
What it is, it's a lamination of two different metals together. [03:31]
You can see that here by the different reflection on this side. [03:34]
And because it has two different coefficients of expansion , when heated, one side will expand faster than the other and result in a curling action. [03:38]
coefficients:n.[数]系数(coefficient的复数形式); expansion:n.扩张;膨胀;扩展;扩大; expand:v.扩张;使膨胀;详述;发展;张开,展开; curling:n.冰壶,冰上溜石游戏;v.卷;(使)拳曲,鬈曲;(使)成拳曲状;(curl的现在分词)
So in early prototypes I built these surfaces to try to see how the curl would react to temperature and possibly allow air to ventilate through the system, [03:48]
prototypes:n.原型;技术原型;雏型; react:v.起反应;回应;(对食物等)有不良反应,过敏;起化学反应; ventilate:vt.使通风;给…装通风设备;宣布;
and in other prototypes did surfaces where the multiplicity of having these strips together can try to make bigger movement happen when also heated, and currently have this installation at the Materials & Applications gallery in Silver Lake, close by, and it's there until August, if you want to see it. [03:59]
multiplicity:n.多样性;[物]多重性; strips:n.条(strip的复数); v.剥夺(stirp的三单形式); installation:n.安装;设施;设置;安装的设备(或机器); gallery:n.画廊;走廊;旁听席;地道;v.在…修建走廊;挖地道; Silver:n.银; v.给…镀(或包)银; adj.银色的;
It's called " Bloom ," and the surface is made completely out of thermo-bimetal, and its intention is to make this canopy that does two things. One, it's a sun-shading device, so that [04:17]
Bloom:v.盛开;开花;繁殖;繁盛;n.水华;风华正茂;霜;青春; canopy:n.天篷;华盖;遮篷;苍穹;vt.用天蓬遮盖;遮盖;
when the sun hits the surface, it constricts the amount of sun passing through, and in other areas, it's a ventilating system, so that hot, trapped air underneath can actually move through and out when necessary. [04:27]
constricts:vt.压缩;束紧; ventilating:n.通风;vt.使通风(ventilate的现在分词); trapped:adj.受困的;受限制的;v.使落入险境;使陷入困境;(trap的过去分词和过去式) underneath:prep.在…的下面;在…的支配下;n.下面;底部;adj.下面的;底层的;
You can see here in this time-lapse video that the sun, as it moves across the surface, as well as the shade , each of the tiles moves individually . [04:41]
time-lapse:adj.延时的;定时的; as well as:也;和…一样;不但…而且; shade:n.阴凉处;色度;灯罩;背阴;v.给…遮挡(光线);加灯罩;把…涂暗;画阴影; tiles:n.[建]瓷砖(tile的复数形式);v.铺砖(tile的第三人称单数形式); individually:adv.个别地,单独地;
Keep in mind , with the digital technology that we have today, this thing was made out of about 14,000 pieces and there's no two pieces alike at all. Every single one is different. [04:50]
Keep in mind:记住; digital:adj.数字的;手指的;n.数字;键; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语;
And the great thing with that is the fact that we can calibrate each one to be very, very specific to its location , to the angle of the sun, and also how the thing actually curls . [05:00]
calibrate:vt.校正;调整;测定口径; specific:adj.特殊的,特定的;明确的;详细的;[药]具有特效的;n.特性;细节;特效药; location:n.地方;地点;位置;定位 curls:n.卷发(curl的复数);v.弄卷(curl的第三人称单数形式);
So this kind of proof of concept project has a lot of implications to actual future application in architecture, and in this case, here you see a house, that's for a developer in China, and it's actually a four-story glass box. [05:12]
proof:n.证据;证实;adj.能抵御;可防护; implications:n.蕴涵式;暗指,暗示;含蓄,含意;卷入(implication的复数); application:n.应用;申请;应用程序;敷用;
It's still with that glass box because we still want that visual access, but now it's sheathed with this thermo-bimetal layer , it's a screen that goes around it, and that layer can actually open and close as that sun moves around on that surface. [05:28]
visual:adj.视觉的,视力的;栩栩如生的; sheathed:adj.覆盖的; v.使入鞘; layer:n.层,层次; vt.把…分层堆放; vi.形成或分成层次;
In addition to that, it can also screen areas for privacy , so that it can differentiate from some of the public areas in the space during different times of day. [05:42]
In addition to:除…之外; privacy:n.隐私;秘密;隐居;隐居处;
And what it basically implies is that, in houses now, we don't need drapes or shutters or blinds anymore because we can sheath the building with these things, as well as control the amount of air conditioning you need inside that building. [05:52]
implies:v.意味着(imply的第三人称单数);蕴含;暗指; drapes:n.窗帘;褶裥;洞巾(drape的复数);v.披在…上;使呈褶状(drape的三单形式); shutters:n.百叶门窗,[建]百叶窗(shutter的复数形式);
I'm also looking at trying to develop some building components for the market, and so here you see a pretty typical double-glazed window panel , and in that panel , [06:06]
components:n.部件;组件;成份(component复数); typical:adj.典型的;特有的;象征性的; panel:n.镶板;仪表盘;钣金;(衣服上的)镶条;v.镶板(用木或玻璃板等镶嵌或装饰);
between those two pieces of glass, that double-glazing , [06:17]
I'm trying to work on making a thermo-bimetal pattern system so that when the sun hits that outside layer and heats that interior cavity , that thermo-bimetal [06:20]
will begin to curl, and what actually will happen then is it'll start to block out the sun in certain areas of the building, and totally, if necessary. [06:31]
block out:封闭;概略画出;
And so you can imagine, even in this application, that in a high-rise building where the panel systems go from floor to floor up to 30, 40 floors, the entire surface could be differentiated at different times of day depending on how that sun moves across and hits that surface. [06:40]
high-rise:adj.高楼的;超高层的;n.高楼;大厦; at different times:在不同的时间;在不同的时代;
And these are some later studies that I'm working on right now that are on the boards, where you can see, in the bottom right-hand corner, with the red, it's actually [06:58]
smaller pieces of thermometal, and it's actually going to, we're trying to make it move like cilia or eyelashes . [07:06]
cilia:n.纤毛;睫毛; eyelashes:n.睫;睫毛;(eyelash的复数)
This last project is also of components. [07:14]
The influence -- and if you have noticed, one of my spheres of influence is biology -- is from a grasshopper . [07:16]
influence:n.影响;势力;感化;有影响的人或事;v.影响;改变; spheres:n.[数]球体(sphere的复数); v.把…放在球体内(sphere的第三人称单数形式); grasshopper:蝗虫
And grasshoppers have a different kind of breathing system. [07:24]
grasshoppers:n.草蜢; v.像蚱蜢似地跳;
They breathe through holes in their sides called spiracles, and they bring the air through and it moves through their system to cool them down, and so in this project, I'm trying to look at how we can [07:26]
consider that in architecture too, how we can bring air through holes in the sides of a building. [07:36]
And so you see here some early studies of blocks, where those holes are actually coming through, and this is before the thermo-bimetal is applied , and this is after the bimetal is applied. Sorry, it's a little hard to see, but on the surfaces, you can see these red arrows. [07:41]
applied:adj.应用的;实用的;v.应用;使用;申请,请求;(apply的过去分词和过去式) bimetal:n.双金属材料;双金属器件;adj.二金属的;复本位制的(等于bimetallic);
On the left, it's when it's cold and the thermo-bimetal is flat so it will constrict air from passing through the blocks, and on the right, the thermo-bimetal curls [07:56]
and allows that air to pass through , so those are two different components that I'm working on, and again, it's a completely different thing, because you can imagine [08:05]
pass through:穿过;经历;经验;遭受;
that air could potentially be coming through the walls instead of opening windows. [08:13]
So I want to leave you with one last impression about the project, or this kind of work and using smart materials. [08:19]
When you're tired of opening and closing those blinds day after day , when you're on vacation and there's no one there on the weekends to be turning off and on the controls, or when there's a power outage , and you have no electricity to rely on, these thermo-bimetals will still be working tirelessly , efficiently and endlessly . Thank you. (Applause) [08:26]
day after day:日复一日; off and on:断断续续地,时不时地; power outage:n.供电中断;停电(的一段时间); electricity:n.电力;电流;强烈的紧张情绪; rely:vi.依靠;信赖; tirelessly:adv.不知疲倦地;不屈不挠地; endlessly:adv.不断地;无穷尽地;
(Applause) [08:49]