

Openness . It's a word that denotes opportunity and possibilities. 开放,这个词 代表着机遇和发展潜力。
Openness:n.公开;宽阔;率真; denotes:为...的符号,表示,指示(denote的第三人称单数);
Open-ended , open hearth , open source , open door policy , open bar. (Laughter) 开放式的,开放式壁炉, 开放的资源,门户开放政策, 露天酒吧,(笑声)
Open-ended:adj.开放式的;无限制的;自由回答的;两端未封闭的; hearth:n.灶台;炉边;炉床;壁炉地面; source:n.来源;水源;原始资料; policy:n.政策,方针;保险单;
And everywhere the world is opening up , and it's a good thing. 以及任何正在开放的地方, 这是一件好事。
opening up:n.解禁;开放;供开发;启用;
Why is this happening? 为什么会如此?
The technology revolution is opening the world. 技术革新正在开放这个世界。
Yesterday's Internet was a platform for the presentation of content . 过去,英特网是一个平台 用来发布信息。
platform:n.平台; v.把…放在台上[放在高处; presentation:n.展示;描述,陈述;介绍;赠送; content:n.内容,目录;满足;容量;adj.满意的;vt.使满足;
The Internet of today is a platform for computation . 今日的英特网已经成为了一个计算平台。
The Internet is becoming a giant global computer, and every time you go on it, you upload a video, you do a Google search, you remix something, you're programming this big global computer that we all share. 英特网正在成长壮大成为一个巨大的 全球计算器。你每次上网、 上传视频、在Google上搜索、 重新混排一些材料, 都是在编辑这个大型的全球计算器, 这是大家共享的。
giant:n.巨人;伟人;巨兽;adj.巨大的;特大的 global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; upload:v.上传; Google:谷歌;谷歌搜索引擎; remix:vt.使再混合;再搅拌;重新合成(乐曲等);n.混录版歌曲;
Humanity is building a machine, and this enables us to collaborate in new ways. 人类正在建造一个机器, 这使我们能够用新的方式合作。
Humanity:n.人类;人道;仁慈;人文学科; enables:v.使得; (enable的第三人称单数) collaborate:vi.合作;勾结,通敌;
Collaboration can occur on an astronomical basis. 这种合作是建立在 天文数字的基础上的。
Collaboration:n.合作;勾结;通敌; occur:v.发生;出现;存在于;出现在; astronomical:adj.天文的,天文学的;极大的;
Now a new generation is opening up the world as well. 现在,新的一代也正在打开这个世界。
I started studying kids about 15 years ago, 我从15年前开始研究孩子,
- so actually 20 years ago now -- and I noticed how my own children were effortlessly able to use all this sophisticated technology, and at first I thought, "My children are prodigies !" (Laughter) 事实上大概从二十年前就开始了。 我注意到我自己的孩子们 轻而易举就能应用这些成熟的科技, 一开始,我以为 “我的孩子们是神童!”(笑声)
effortlessly:adv.轻松地;毫不费劲地; sophisticated:adj.复杂的;老练的;见多识广的;水平高的; prodigies:n.奇迹,奇事;奇才;奇观;预兆;
But then I noticed all their friends were like them, so that was a bad theory. 但很快我就意识到他们的朋友也这么厉害, 原来他们没那么神。
So I've started working with a few hundred kids, and I came to the conclusion that this is the first generation to come of age in the digital age, to be bathed in bits. 我已经对上百个孩子进行过研究, 于是我得出结论, 他们是第一代接触 数码时代到来的孩子。 沐浴在电脑数位中,
conclusion:n.结论;结局;推论; first generation:adj.出生在美国的;原件第一代; come of age:达到法定年龄; digital:adj.数字的;手指的;n.数字;键; bathed:adj.沐浴的;淋漓的,湿透的;沉溺的;v.沐浴;(bath的过去分词);
I call them the Net Generation. 我称他们为“网络一代”
I said, these kids are different. 我说过,这些孩子是不同的。
They have no fear of technology, because it's not there. 他们不畏惧科技,因为科技是无形的。
It's like the air. 就像空气一样。
It's sort of like, I have no fear of a refrigerator. 这就有点像我不会惧怕冰箱一样。
And — (Laughter) 而且-(笑声)
And there's no more powerful force to change every institution than the first generation of digital natives . 这第一代“数字原住民”能改变任何一种体制, 没有比他们更为强大的力量了。
institution:n.制度;建立;(社会或宗教等)公共机构;习俗; natives:土著;本地的;本地人;[生物]土著的;土生动植物;
I'm a digital immigrant . 我属于数字移民。
I had to learn the language. 我不得不去学习这种“语言”。
The global economic crisis is opening up the world as well. 全球经济危机也同样在打开这个世界。
economic:adj.经济的,经济上的;经济学的; crisis:n.危机;危险期;决定性时刻;adj.危机的;用于处理危机的;
Our opaque institutions from the Industrial Age, everything from old models of the corporation , government, media , Wall Street , are in various stages of being stalled or frozen or in atrophy or even failing, and this is now creating a burning platform in the world. 从工业时代的不透明体制, 所有旧的公司体制, 到政府,媒体,华尔街, 都处于停滞或冻结 甚至是萎缩或彻底失败的各个阶段, 这样的危机正在全球范围创建一个“燃烧的平台”。
opaque:adj.不透明的;不传热的;迟钝的;n.不透明物;vt.使不透明;使不反光; institutions:n.机构;慈善机构;风俗习惯,制度;(institution的复数) Industrial:adj.工业的,产业的; n.工业股票; corporation:n.法人;(大)公司;法人团体;市政委员会; media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉; Wall Street:n.华尔街(美国纽约金融中心和证券交易所所在地); stalled:失速的; atrophy:n.萎缩,萎缩症;发育停止;vi.萎缩;虚脱;
I mean, think about Wall Street. 我的意思是,想象一下华尔街。
The core modus operandi of Wall Street almost brought down global capitalism . 其核心运作模式几乎 让全球资本市场濒临崩溃。
core:n.核心;要点;果心;[计]磁心;vt.挖...的核; modus operandi:n.工作方法; capitalism:n.资本主义;
Now, you know the idea of a burning platform, that you're somewhere where the costs of staying where you are become greater than the costs of moving to something different, perhaps something radically different. 现在,你们了解了“燃烧的平台”这一概念, 在这里,原地不动保持现状的成本 比改变现状所需的成本要高, 也许是彻底地改变。
And we need to change and open up all of our institutions. 我们需要改革 开放我们所有的体制。
So this technology push, a demographic kick from a new generation and a demand pull from a new economic global environment is causing the world to open up. 这种技术推动, 源于新一代的民主改革, 来自新全球经济环境的 一种需求 正在促进全世界的开放进程。
Now, I think, in fact, we're at a turning point in human history, where we can finally now rebuild many of the institutions of the Industrial Age around a new set of principles . 现在,我认为,事实上 我们正处在人类历史的一个转折点, 现在,我们终于能够重建 许多工业时代的体制, 制定一系列的新准则。
turning point:转折点; finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; principles:n.原则;主义;本质;政策;(principle的复数)
Now, what is openness? 如今,什么才是开放?
Well, as it turns out, openness has a number of different meanings, and for each there's a corresponding principle for the transformation of civilization . 事实上,开放 有许多不同的含义, 对于每一种含义,都有对应的原则 与文明的 转变相呼应。
corresponding:adj.符合的; v.相一致; (correspond的现在分词) transformation:n.转变;(用于南非)民主改革; civilization:n.文明;文明社会;文明世界;(特定时期和地区的)社会文明;
The first is collaboration. 第一种是合作。
Now, this is openness in the sense of the boundaries of organizations becoming more porous and fluid and open. 这种开放是组织机构边界概念上的开放, 组织机构应更为透明,灵活 和开放。
boundaries:n.边界;分界线;(boundary的复数) organizations:n.组织,构造,有机体(organization的复数);组织机构; porous:adj.多孔渗水的;能渗透的;有气孔的; fluid:adj.流动的;流畅的;不固定的;n.流体;液体;
The guy in the picture here, 这个照片里的家伙,
I'll tell you his story. 我要说一下他的故事。
His name is Rob McEwen. 他叫Rob McEwen。
I'd like to say, "I have this think tank , we scour the world for amazing case studies." 我想说“我有一个智囊团,我们寻遍全世界 就为了这些惊人的案例。”
think tank:智囊团、思想库; scour:vi.冲刷; vt.擦亮,洗涤; n.擦,冲刷; (畜类等的)腹泻;
The reason I know this story is because he's my neighbor. (Laughter) 但我知道这个故事的原因是 他是我的邻居。(笑声)
He actually moved across the street from us, and he held a cocktail party to meet the neighbors, and he says, "You're Don Tapscott. 实际上,他搬去了我们街对面, 并且办了一个鸡尾酒会 结识邻居,他说“你就是Don Tapscott阿。
cocktail party:n.鸡尾酒会;
I've read some of your books." 我读过你几本书。”
I said, "Great. What do you do?" 我答道,“不错阿。那你是做什么的?”
And he says, "Well I used to be a banker and now I'm a gold miner ." 他回答:“嗯,我以前是个银行家 现在我是一黄金开采商。”
And he tells me this amazing story. 于是,他就向我诉说了这个神奇的故事。
He takes over this gold mine , and his geologists can't tell him where the gold is. 他接手了一个金矿,但他的地质学家们 查不出哪里有金子。
gold mine:金矿,金山; geologists:n.[地质]地质学家(geologist的复数形式);
He gives them more money for geological data, they come back, they can't tell him where to go into production. 为了得到地质资料,他给了地质学家更多的报酬, 然而他们回来,依然无法告诉他 哪个方位适合投产。
After a few years, he's so frustrated he's ready to give up, but he has an epiphany one day. 几年后,他十分沮丧,决定要 放弃,但有一天他突发奇想,
frustrated:adj.失意的,挫败的;泄气的;v.挫败;阻挠;(frustrate的过去式和过去分词) epiphany:对事物真谛的顿悟;
He wonders, "If my geologists don't know where the gold is, maybe somebody else does." 他想:“如果我的地质学家们不知道金子在哪里, 也许其他人会知道呢。”
So he does a "radical" thing. 所以他做了一件疯狂的事情。
He takes his geological data, he publishes it and he holds a contest on the Internet called the Goldcorp Challenge. 他把手头的地质资料 发布在网上,并发起了一个竞赛 名为“黄金公司挑战赛”。
It's basically half a million dollars in prize money for anybody who can tell me, do I have any gold, and if so, where is it? (Laughter) 基本上奖金就是50万美金 只要那个人可以告诉我,到底我有没有金子, 如果有的话,在哪儿能找到?(笑声)
He gets submissions from all around the world. 他得到了来自全球各地的答复。
They use techniques that he's never heard of, and for his half a million dollars in prize money, 大家利用各种他闻所未闻的科技手段。 为了他的50万美元奖金,
Rob McEwen finds 3.4 billion dollars worth of gold. Rob McEwen发现了价值34亿美金的金矿。
The market value of his company goes from 90 million to 10 billion dollars, and I can tell you, because he's my neighbor, he's a happy camper . (Laughter) 他的公司市值 从9千万跃升至100亿美元。 我可以告诉你们,因为他是我的邻居, 他是一个快乐的家伙。(笑声)
market value:n.市值;市场价值; happy camper:快乐的人;乐天派;
You know, conventional wisdom says talent is inside, right? 大家知道,传统智慧告诉我们天赋是内在的,不是么?
conventional:adj.符合习俗的,传统的;常见的;惯例的; wisdom:n.智慧;明智;才智;学问;
Your most precious asset goes out the elevator every night. 你最为珍贵的财产每天都在悄然而逝。
precious:adj.宝贵的;珍贵的;矫揉造作的; asset:n.资产;优点;有用的东西;有利条件;财产;有价值的人或物; elevator:n.电梯;升降机;升降舵;起卸机;
He viewed talent differently. 他用不同的眼光看待天赋。
He wondered, who are their peers ? 他想知道,谁是他们的同伙?
He should have fired his geology department, but he didn't. 他早应该炒了那些地质学家,但他没有这么做。
You know, some of the best submissions didn't come from geologists. 你们知道么,有些网络上的回复 并不是来自地质学家。
They came from computer scientists, engineers. 而是来自电脑科学家,工程师。
The winner was a computer graphics company that built a three dimensional model of the mine where you can helicopter underground and see where the gold is. 赢家是一家计算机图形公司 他们建立了矿山的三维模型 能在地下进行搜索 哪里有金矿。
graphics:n.[测]制图学;制图法;图表算法; dimensional:adj.空间的;尺寸的;
He helped us understand that social media's becoming social production. 他帮助我们了解了社会媒体正在成为 社会生产力。
It's not about hooking up online. 这不只是挂在网上,
This is a new means of production in the making. 而是一种正在形成的新生产模式。
And this Ideagora that he created, an open market , agora , for uniquely qualified minds, was part of a change, a profound change in the deep structure and architecture of our organizations, 这个他建立的“思想市场”,一个开放的市场,集市 是为那些唯一有资格的头脑准备的, 这是变革的一部分,是我们的组织深层结构和 设计的一种深刻变化,
open market:n.公开市场;自由市场; agora:n.市场;集会; uniquely:adv.独特地;珍奇地; qualified:adj.有资格的; v.合格; (qualify的过去分词和过去式) profound:adj.深厚的;意义深远的;渊博的; deep structure:n.深层结构; architecture:n.建筑学;建筑风格;建筑式样;架构;
and how we sort of orchestrate capability to innovate , to create goods and services, to engage with the rest of the world, in terms of government, how we create public value. 以及我们如何编排革新, 创造物品和服务, 与世界上的其他人协作的能力, 在政府方面,我们如何创造公共价值。
orchestrate:v.编配(或创作管弦乐曲);精心安排;策划;密谋; capability:n.才能,能力;性能,容量; innovate:vi.创新;改革;革新;vt.改变;创立;创始;引人; engage:v.吸引,占用;使参加;雇佣;使订婚;预定;
Openness is about collaboration. 开放在于协作。
Now secondly, openness is about transparency . 那么第二点,开放是关于透明化。
This is different. Here, we're talking about the communication of pertinent information to stakeholders of organizations: employees, customers, business partners, shareholders , and so on. 这一点是不同的。我们谈论的是 对与组织利益相关者的关联信息传递: 员工,客户,生意伙伴,股东, 等等。
pertinent:adj.相关的,相干的;中肯的;切题的; stakeholders:n.利益相关者;赌款保存人(stakeholder的复数); shareholders:n.[金融]股东,投资者;股民(shareholder的复数);
And everywhere, our institutions are becoming naked . 全球的组织机构都在趋于透明化。
People are all bent out of shape about WikiLeaks , but that's just the tip of the iceberg . 大家对于维基解密大为恼火, 但这只是冰山一角。
bent out of shape:气坏了;大发雷霆; WikiLeaks:维基解密; tip of the iceberg:冰山一角;事物的表面部分;
You see, people at their fingertips now, everybody, not just Julian Assange, have these powerful tools for finding out what's going on, scrutinizing , informing others, and even organizing collective responses . 你们看,现在大家只要动动手指,每个人, 不仅仅是Julian Assange(维基解密创始人), 拥有这些强大的工具去获知正在发生的事件, 省查,告知他人, 甚至组织群体回复。
fingertips:n.指尖;(fingertip的复数) scrutinizing:检查; informing:v.知会;通知;通告;了解;熟悉;对…有影响(inform的现在分词) organizing:v.组织;安排;处理;分配;管理;(organize的现在分词) collective:adj.集体的;共同的;集合的;集体主义的;n.集团;集合体;集合名词; responses:n.回答,答复;反应;响应;(response的复数)
Institutions are becoming naked, and if you're going to be naked, well, there's some corollaries that flow from that. 组织机构正在变得裸露化, 如果你将要以裸体示人, 那么,会有一些必然结果由此产生。
I mean, one is, fitness is no longer optional . (Laughter) 我是说,其中之一。 健美不再是备选项。(笑声)
fitness:n.健康;适当;适合性; optional:adj.可选择的,随意的;n.选修科目;
You know? Or if you're going to be naked, you'd better get buff . 你们知道么?或者,如果你将要以裸体示人,你最好晒成浅黄色。
buff:n.浅黄色; vt.有软皮摩擦;
Now, by buff I mean, you need to have good value, because value is evidenced like never before. 我所说的晒成浅黄色,意思是你们需要拥有优良的价值, 因为价值从没像现在这样暴露于人前。
You say you have good products. 你说你有好产品,
They'd better be good. 这些产品最好真的是好产品。
But you also need to have values. 但你还需要价值。
You need to have integrity as part of your bones and your DNA as an organization, because if you don't, you'll be unable to build trust, and trust is a sine qua non of this new network world. 你需要诚信作为你骨骼的一部分 你的DNA作为一种组织, 因为如果你没有,你将无法建立起信任感, 信任感是这个全新的网络世界中必不可少的。
integrity:n.完整;正直;诚实;廉正; sine qua non:n.必要条件;
So this is good. It's not bad. 这样很好,并不坏。
Sunlight is the best disinfectant . 阳光是最好的杀菌剂。
Sunlight:n.日光; disinfectant:n.消毒剂;adj.消毒的;
And we need a lot of sunlight in this troubled world. 在这个乱七八糟的世界,我们需要大量的阳光。
Now, the third meaning and corresponding principle of openness is about sharing. 那么,开放的第三个含义和对应原则 就是关于分享。
Now this is different than transparency. 这与透明化截然不同。
different than:不同于;
Transparency is about the communication of information. 透明化是关于信息的传递。
Sharing is about giving up assets , intellectual property . 分享则是关于放弃财产,知识产权。
assets:n.资产;宝贵的人材;(一项)财物;资产;(asset的名词复数) intellectual property:知识产权;
And there are all kinds of famous stories about this. 关于这一点,有各种闻名的案例。
IBM gave away 400 million dollars of software to the Linux movement, and that gave them a multi-billion dollar payoff . IBM转让4亿美元的软件 给Linux,这给了IBM 数十亿美金的收益。
Linux:n.Linux操作系统(一种类似于UNIX的计算机操作系统); payoff:n.报酬;结果;发工资;结算;adj.支付的;决定性的;产生结果的;
Now, conventional wisdom says, "Well, hey, our intellectual property belongs to us, and if someone tries to infringe it, we're going to get out our lawyers and we're going to sue them." 如今,传统智慧宣扬: “嘿,我们的知识产权属于我们, 如果谁企图侵犯的话,我们就找 律师告他们。“
infringe:vt.侵犯;违反;破坏;vi.侵犯;侵害; sue:v.控告;提起诉讼;(尤指在法庭上)提出请求;
Well, it didn't work so well for the record labels , did it? 好吧,但这好像在唱片标签上不太奏效,不是么?
I mean, they took — They had a technology disruption , and rather than taking a business model innovation to correspond to that, they took and sought a legal solution 我的意思是,他们垄断了-造成了一种技术中断, 他们没有进行商业模式上的革新 去回应之,反而诉诸法律手段以求解决问题。
disruption:n.破坏,毁坏;分裂,瓦解; innovation:n.创新,革新;新方法; sought:v.seek(寻求、寻找)的过去式和过去分词形式; legal:adj.法律的;合法的;法定的; solution:n.解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答;
and the industry that brought you Elvis and the Beatles is now suing children and is in danger of collapse . 曾经带给我们猫王和披头士的行业 现在正在起诉孩子们 而且面临破产。
Beatles:n.披头士合唱(摇滚乐队); suing:v.控告:提起诉讼:(sue的现在分词) collapse:vi.倒塌;瓦解;暴跌;vt.使倒塌,使崩溃;使萎陷;折叠;n.倒塌;失败;衰竭;
So we need to think differently about intellectual property. 因此,我们需要从不同的角度来考虑知识产权了。
I'll give you an example. 举个例子。
The pharmaceutical industry is in deep trouble. 医药行业正深陷困境。
First of all , there aren't a lot of big inventions in the pipeline , and this is a big problem for human health, and the pharmaceutical industry has got a bigger problem, that they're about to fall off something called the patent cliff . 首先,这个行业现在没有大的突破创新 在生产线上。这对于人类健康是个大问题, 然而,医药行业还有一个更大的问题, 它们正要跌落, 从我们所说的”专利悬崖“。
First of all:adv.首先; in the pipeline:在准备中;在酝酿中;在进行中; patent:vt.授予专利; adj.专利的; n.专利权; cliff:n.悬崖;绝壁;
Do you know about this? 你们了解这一点吗?
They're going to lose 20 to 35 percent of their revenue in the next 12 months. 他们将损失百分之20到35的收入 在未来的12个月里。
And what are you going to do, like, cut back on paper clips or something? No. 那么,你们要怎么做? 像是,削减开支还是什么其它的招?不。
clips:n.夹子; v.夹住;
We need to reinvent the whole model of scientific research. 我们需要的是革新整个科学研究模式。
reinvent:v.以新形象示人;以新形式出现; scientific:adj.科学的,系统的;
The pharmaceutical industry needs to place assets in a commons. They need to start sharing precompetitive research. 医药行业需要把共享他们的资产 他们需要开始分享竞争前的研究成果。
They need to start sharing clinical trial data, and in doing so, create a rising tide that could lift all boats, not just for the industry but for humanity. 他们需要开始共享 临床实验数据, 这么做,能在整个行业创造一个上升趋势, 这不仅仅是为了这个行业,而是 为了全人类。
clinical:adj.临床的;诊所的; tide:n.潮汐; v.顺应潮水航行;
Now, the fourth meaning of openness, and corresponding principle, is about empowerment . 接下来,是开放的 第4个含义 和相对应的原则,即权力。
And I'm not talking about the motherhood sense here. 我不是要在这里讨论母性意识。
Knowledge and intelligence is power, and as it becomes more distributed , there's a concomitant distribution and decentralization and disaggregation of power that's underway in the world today. 知识和智慧就是力量, 由于它变得越来越分散,就会有 伴随分布 和权力下放及分类 这是目前全世界正在面临的局面。
intelligence:n.智力;智慧;才智;(尤指关于敌国的)情报; distributed:adj.分布的;分散的;v.分发;分配;使分布(distribute的过去分词和过去式) concomitant:adj.相伴的;共存的;附随的;n.伴随物; distribution:n.分布;分配;分发;分销; decentralization:n.分散;非集权化;(人口、工业等的)疏散; underway:adj.进行中的;起步的;航行中的;n.[公路]水底通道;
The open world is bringing freedom. 开放的世界将带来自由。
Now, take the Arab Spring. 比如说,”阿拉伯之春“。
The debate about the role of social media and social change has been settled . 关于社会媒体角色和 社会变革的争议被解决了。
debate:n.辩论;争论;考虑;v.辩论;争论;考虑; settled:adj.稳定的; v.结束; (settle的过去分词和过去式)
You know, one word: Tunisia . 你们知道的,一个词:突尼斯。
And then it ended up having a whole bunch of other words too. 然后最终演变出一大串其它词。
But in the Tunisian revolution, the new media didn't cause the revolution; it was caused by injustice . 但在突尼斯革命中, 新媒体没有引发革命; 是不公正引发了革命。
Social media didn't create the revolution; it was created by a new generation of young people who wanted jobs and hope and who didn't want to be treated as subjects anymore. 社会媒体没有引发革命; 革命是由新一代的年轻人创造的 他们需要工作和希望 他们不想再被当作研究对象。
But just as the Internet drops transaction and collaboration costs in business and government, it also drops the cost of dissent , of rebellion , and even insurrection in ways that people didn't understand. 但是,正当英特网为商业和政府降低 交易和协作的成本的同时, 它也拉低了叛乱,逆反, 甚至是暴动的成本 以一种让人难以理解的方式。
transaction:n.处理;业务;办理; dissent:vi.不同意;不信奉国教;n.异议;(大写)不信奉国教; rebellion:n.谋反;叛乱;反叛;反抗;叛逆; insurrection:n.暴动;叛乱;
You know, during the Tunisian revolution, snipers associated with the regime were killing unarmed students in the street. 你们知道,在突尼斯革命中, 与政府勾结的狙击手杀害了 街上手无寸铁的学生。
snipers:n.狙击手(sniper的复数); associated:adj.有关联的; v.联想; (associate的过去分词和过去式) regime:n.政权,政体;社会制度;管理体制; unarmed:adj.不带武器的;非武装的;不使用武器的;徒手的
So the students would take their mobile devices , take a picture, triangulate the location , send that picture to friendly military units, who'd come in and take out the snipers. 因此学生们用他们的移动设备, 拍下照片,三角定位, 并把照片寄给友好盟军, 让他们来消灭那些狙击手。
mobile:n.手机;汽车;移动电话;adj.活跃的;可动的; devices:n.[机][计]设备;[机]装置;[电子]器件(device的复数); triangulate:vt.把…分成三角形; adj.由三角形组成的; location:n.地方;地点;位置;定位 military:adj.军事的;军人的;适于战争的;n.军队;军人;
You think that social media is about hooking up online? 你们还以为社会媒体仅仅意味着挂在网上吗?
For these kids, it was a military tool to defend unarmed people from murderers. 对这些孩子来说,这是一种军事工具 使手无寸铁的平民免遭杀戮。
It was a tool of self-defense . 这是一种自我防卫的工具。
You know, as we speak today, young people are being killed in Syria , and up until three months ago, if you were injured on the street, an ambulance would pick you up, 你们知道,正如我们今天说到的,年轻人 在叙利亚被杀害, 直到3个月前, 如果你在街上受伤, 救护车会来接你,
Syria:n.叙利亚共和国; injured:adj.受伤的:委屈的: v.伤害,使受伤: n.伤员; ambulance:n.救护车;
take you to the hospital, you'd go in, say, with a broken leg, and you'd come out with a bullet in your head. 带你去医院,你走进去,也许,跛着脚, 你出来时可能就是脑袋中抢。
come out with:说出;发表;出版;供应,把…投入市场; bullet:n.子弹;只选某党全部候选人的投票;豆子;vi.射出;迅速行进;
So these 20-somethings created an alternative health care system, where what they did is they used Twitter and basic publicly available tools that when someone's injured, a car would show up, it would pick them up, 因此,这些年轻人创造了 一种可选的医疗系统, 他们利用Twitter和基本的 公共工具,当有人受伤时, 一辆车会出现,把他们接走,
alternative:adj.供选择的;选择性的;交替的;n.二中择一;供替代的选择; health care:n.卫生保健;
take them to a makeshift medical clinic, where you'd get medical treatment , as opposed to being executed . 带他们到一个临时搭建的医疗诊所,在那里 能得到正常的医治。
makeshift:n.权宜之计;凑合;临时措施;将就;adj.临时的;权宜之计的;凑合的; treatment:n.治疗;疗法;对待;处理;讨论; opposed:adj.强烈反对; v.反对(计划、政策等); (oppose的过去分词和过去式) executed:v.(尤指依法)处决,处死;实行;执行;实施;(execute的过去分词和过去式)
So this is a time of great change. 因此,这是一个巨大变革的时代。
Now, it's not without its problems. 但也不能说不存在任何问题。
Up until two years ago, all revolutions in human history had a leadership, and when the old regime fell, the leadership and the organization would take power. 直到2年前, 人类历史上所有革命都有领袖, 当旧体制消亡,领袖 和新的组织就能掌权。
Well, these wiki revolutions happen so fast they create a vacuum , and politics abhors a vacuum , and unsavory forces can fill that, typically the old regime, or extremists , or fundamentalist forces. 这些维基革命发生的如此之快 他们创建了一个真空环境 然而政治痛恨真空, 令人厌恶的力量能够填补之, 典型的旧体制, 或极端主义者,或原教旨主义势力。
vacuum:n.真空; adj.真空的; v.用真空吸尘器清扫; politics:n.政治;钩心斗角;政治观点;v.(贬)从事政治活动;(politic的第三人称单数) abhors:vt.痛恨,憎恶; unsavory:adj.难吃的;没有香味的;令人讨厌的; typically:adv.代表性地;作为特色地; extremists:n.极端主义者;极端分子;过激分子;(extremist的复数) fundamentalist:n.基要主义者;信奉正统派基督教的人;adj.基要主义的;
You can see this playing out today in Egypt. 你们能看到今天的埃及就是这出戏码。
But that doesn't matter, because this is moving forward. 但这无关紧要, 因为它正在前进。
The train has left the station. The cat is out of the bag . 火车离开了车站。猫蹦出了袋子。
The cat is out of the bag:秘密既然已经泄漏;
The horse is out of the barn . Help me out here, okay? 马跑出了马厩。帮帮我,好吗?
(Laughter) The toothpaste is out of the tube. (笑声)牙膏被挤出来了。
I mean, we're not putting this one back. 我的意思是,我们不是在倒退。
The open world is bringing empowerment and freedom. 开放的世界将带来权力与自由。
I think, at the end of these four days, that you'll come to conclude that the arc of history is a positive one, and it's towards openness. 我认为,在4天之后 你们就能得出结论历史之方向 是积极的,是朝着开放发展的。
conclude:v.断定:得出结论:终止:达成:缔结(协定) positive:adj.积极的;[数]正的,[医][化学]阳性的;确定的;n.正数;[摄]正片;
If you go back a few hundred years, all around the world it was a very closed society. 如果你们回顾几百年前, 全世界曾是一个十分封闭的社会。
It was agrarian , and the means of production and political system was called feudalism , and knowledge was concentrated in the church and the nobility . 那时处于土地改革,生产资料 和政治体制被称为封建主义,知识 集中在教会和贵族手中。
agrarian:adj.土地的;耕地的;有关土地的; feudalism:n.封建主义;封建制度; concentrated:adj.决心要做的; v.集中(注意力); (concentrate的过去式和过去分词) nobility:n.贵族;高贵;高尚;
People didn't know about things. 人们很无知。
There was no concept of progress. 没有进步的概念。
You were born, you lived your life and you died. 你出生,生活然后死去。
But then Johannes Gutenberg came along with his great invention, and, over time, the society opened up. 然后Johannes Gutenberg 带着他的伟大发明到来, 渐渐地,社会变得开放起来。
People started to learn about things, and when they did, the institutions of feudal society appeared to be stalled, or frozen, or failing. 人们开始学习。当他们学习时, 封建社会体制趋向 停滞,冻结或消亡。
It didn't make sense for the church to be responsible for medicine when people had knowledge. 对于交谈来说掌握医药已没有任何意义 当人们拥有知识了之后。
make sense:有意义;讲得通;言之有理; responsible:adj.负责的,可靠的;有责任的;
So we saw the Protestant Reformation . 因此我们看到了新教改革。
Protestant:adj.抗议的;持异议的;n.抗议者;持异议者; Reformation:n.革新;改善;
Martin Luther called the printing press "God's highest act of grace ." Martin Luther称之为”印刷机“ ”上帝最大的恩赐。“
printing press:n.印刷机; grace:n.优雅;恩惠;魅力;慈悲;v.使优美;
The creation of a corporation, science, the university, eventually the Industrial Revolution , and it was all good. 公司,科学,大学的创立 最终迎来了工业革命, 所有这些都是正面的。
creation:n.创造,创作;创作物,产物; eventually:adv.最后,终于; Industrial Revolution:n.工业革命;
But it came with a cost. 但都需要付出一定的代价。
And now, once again, the technology genie is out of the bottle, but this time it's different. 现在,再一次的,科技天才 正在踊跃而出,但这次不太一样。
The printing press gave us access to the written word. ”印刷机“给了我们接触书面文字的机会。
The Internet enables each of us to be a producer. 英特网让我们每个人都能成为生产商。
The printing press gave us access to recorded knowledge. ”印刷机“使我们能够接触记录的知识。
The Internet gives us access, not just to information and knowledge, but to the intelligence contained in the crania of other people on a global basis. 英特网使我们接触的, 不仅仅是信息和知识,还有 人们脑中包含的智慧 在全球范围内。
To me, this is not an information age, it's an age of networked intelligence. 对我来说,这不是一个信息时代, 这是一个网络智能时代。
It's an age of vast promise, an age of collaboration, where the boundaries of our organizations are changing, of transparency, where sunlight is disinfecting civilization, an age of sharing and understanding the new power of the commons, and it's an age of empowerment and of freedom. 这是一个广阔诺言的时代, 一个合作的时代, 我们的组织边界在变化, 一个透明化的时代,阳光 涤荡着人类文明, 这是一个分享和理解 共同的新权力的时代, 一个权力和 自由的时代。
Now, what I'd like to do is, to close, to share with you some research that I've been doing. 现在,我想做的是, 总结,与你们分享 某个我做过的研究。
I've tried to study all kinds of organizations to understand what the future might look like, but I've been studying nature recently . 我研究过各种组织 为了了解未来会是怎么样, 但最近我开始研究自然。
You know, bees come in swarms and fish come in schools. 你们知道的,蜜蜂和 鱼儿都喜成群结队。
Starlings , in the area around Edinburgh , in the moors of England, come in something called a murmuration , and the murmuration refers to the murmuring of the wings of th e birds, and thro ughout the day the starlings are out over a 20-mile radius sort of doing their starling thing. 椋鸟,在爱丁堡周围的地区, 在英格兰的旷野上, 传来某种淙淙的声音, 是翅膀扇动的淙淙声 一整天过去,椋鸟 飞过了20英里半径 自得其乐。
Starlings:n.[鸟]椋鸟;桥墩尖端分水桩;欧掠鸟(starling的复数); Edinburgh:n.爱丁堡(英国城市名); moors:n.荒野;[地理]沼泽;系泊(moor的复数);v.使停泊;被系住(moor的三单形式); murmuration:发出低沉连续的抱怨声;
And at night they come together and they create one of the most spectacular things in all of nature, and it's called a murmuration. 到了晚上,它们聚在一起 创造出最壮观的一幕 在大自然中, 就被称为淙淙声。
And scientists that have studied this have said they've never seen an accident. 对此作过研究的科学家曾说过 他们从未见过有意外发生。
Now, this thing has a function. 现在,这件事有了一种功能性。
It protects the birds. 它能保护鸟儿。
You can see on the right here, there's a predator being chased away by the collective power of the birds, and apparently this is a frightening thing if you're a predator of starlings. 你们能看到就在这里, 有一个猎手被鸟群的力量驱赶, 很显然,这是一件可怕的事情 如果你是一个猎鸟者的话。
predator:n.[动]捕食者;[动]食肉动物;掠夺者; apparently:adv.显然地;似乎,表面上; frightening:adj.可怕的;骇人的;引起恐惧的;v.使惊吓;使惊恐(frighten的现在分词)
And there's leadership, but there's no one leader. 这其中也存在领袖, 但不仅仅是一个领导者。
Now, is this some kind of fanciful analogy , or could we actually learn something from this? 那么,这是不是某种奇特的比喻呢? 或者,我们是否能从中学到什么?
fanciful:adj.想像的;稀奇的; analogy:n.类比;类推;类似;
Well, the murmuration functions to record a number of principles, and they're basically the principles that 这种淙淙声记述了 一系列的原则, 基本上就是
I have described to you today. 我今天阐述的原则。
This is a huge collaboration. 这是一种广博的协作。
It's an openness, it's a sharing of all kinds of information, not just about location and trajectory and danger and so on, but about food sources . 是开放,是分享 各种信息,而不仅仅是地点 路线和危险等,而是食物的来源。
trajectory:n.[物]轨道,轨线;[航][军]弹道; sources:n.来源;出处;起源;根源;原因;v.(从…)获得(source的第三人称单数和复数)
And there's a real sense of interdependence , that the individual birds somehow understand that their interests are in the interest of the collective. 这里就存在一种真正的相互依存感, 鸟群个体不知为何就能够理解 它们个体的利益是依托于群体利益的。
interdependence:n.互相依赖; individual:n.个人;有个性的人;adj.单独的;个别的; somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地; in the interest of:adv.为了;为了...的利益;
Perhaps like we should understand that business can't succeed in a world that's failing. 也许就像我们理解的那样 商业是无法成功的 如果整个市场濒临崩溃的话。
Well, I look at this thing, and I get a lot of hope. 我看了这个之后 忽然感觉充满了希望。
Think about the kids today in the Arab Spring, and you see something like this that's underway. 想象一下今天“阿拉伯之春”的孩子们, 你就会看到类似的事情即将来到。
And imagine, just consider this idea, if you would: 想象一下,如果你可以的话:
What if we could connect ourselves in this world through a vast network of air and glass? 如果在这个世界上,我们能够连接我们自己 借助一个巨大的空气和玻璃网络,那会是如何呢?
What if:如果…怎么办?
Could we go beyond just sharing information and knowledge? 我们能否超越仅仅分享信息和知识这个层面呢?
Could we start to share our intelligence? 我们能否开始分享我们的智慧呢?
Could we create some kind of collective intelligence that goes beyond an individual or a group or a team to create, perhaps, some kind of consciousness on a global basis? 我们能否创造某种 集体智慧 超越个体,群体或团队 创造,也许是某种意识 在全球范围内?
Well, if we could do this, we could attack some big problems in the world. 如果我们真的能做到,我们就可以解决世界上一些重大问题。
And I look at this thing, and, I don't know, I get a lot of hope that maybe this smaller, networked, open world that our kids inherit might be a better one, and that this new age of networked intelligence could be an age of promise fulfilled and of peril unrequited . 我反观这一点, 我也不知道,但我忽然就充满了希望,也许这个 更小的,联网的,开放的世界 我们的孩子们继承的世界,也许会更好, 这个网络智慧的新时代可能是 一个兑现承诺的 和危机重重的时代。
inherit:v.继承;接替(责任等);继任; fulfilled:adj.感到满足的; v.实现; (fulfill的过去式和过去分词) peril:n.危险;冒险;vt.危及;置…于险境; unrequited:adj.无回报的;无报酬的;
Let's do this. Thank you. 让我们行动起来。谢谢!
(Applause) (掌声)