

I want to start out with quoting Helen Keller, that great woman that we all admire. 我想用海倫凱勒的話 來開始這場演說, 她是位人人都景仰的女性。
And she had a statement that is very profound , and this statement is that science has been able to find cures for many evils, but never the greatest evil of all in human beings, and that evil is apathy . 她說過一句非常深奧的話, 那句話就是, 科學已經能夠 為許多罪惡找到解藥, 但始終無法治療人類的萬惡之首, 也就是冷淡。
statement:n.声明;陈述,叙述;报表,清单; profound:adj.深厚的;意义深远的;渊博的; evil:adj.邪恶的;不幸的;有害的;讨厌的;n.罪恶,邪恶;不幸; apathy:n.冷漠,无兴趣,漠不关心;无感情;
So, we know that apathy really costs us a lot, especially in our democracy . 我們知道,冷淡讓我們 付出很大的代價, 特別是在我們的民主方面。
especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; democracy:n.民主,民主主义;民主政治;
And when we think of why people do not get involved , why they do not become activists, it's often that people are so worn down with their own familial responsibilities, and women especially. 當我們去思考為什麼 大家不願意去涉入, 為什麼大家不成為行動主義者, 答案通常是,大家已經因為 自己的家庭責任而精疲力盡了, 特別是女性。
involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词) familial:adj.家族的;家庭的;遗传的;
You know, women, they have so many inhibitions . 你們知道的, 女性受到好多的禁制。
Many of them have suffered so much trauma in their lives, so many aggressions in their lives. 許多女性在一生中受到巨大的創傷, 一生中遭受好多侵犯行為。
trauma:n.[外科]创伤(由心理创伤造成精神上的异常);外伤; aggressions:n.侵略;进攻;侵犯;侵害;
And so it's very hard for them to realize that they have leadership capacities . 所以,她們很難知道 她們同樣擁有領導能力。
That they can get out there, and they could change the world. 她們其實可以站出來, 可以改變世界。
Another thing that many women -- we think that we have to do everything. 許多女性還有一個狀況—— 我們認為什麼都得由我們來做。
That we are the only ones responsible for our families, and it is so hard for us to delegate and just get others to help us do the duties that we are responsible for. 認為我們得要獨自 扛起我們家庭的責任, 我們很難授權別人來做這些事, 很難讓別人來協助我們 做我們負責的工作。
responsible:adj.负责的,可靠的;有责任的; delegate:n.代表; v.授(权);
We feel embarrassed or we feel guilty . 我們會覺得丟臉或是有罪惡感。
embarrassed:adj.尴尬的;窘迫的;v.使...局促不安;(embarrass的过去分词和过去式) guilty:adj.有罪的;内疚的;
But we know that we have to make this happen, because if not, we will never have time to be able to volunteer to help on these many causes that are now facing us. 但我們知道,我們 必須要做到這一點, 如果不這樣的話,我們就 永遠不會有時間能夠自願 去協助達成我們現在 面對的許多目標。
One of the areas that women can give up a little bit of time and that is in shopping, OK? 女人可以在一個領域中 放棄一點點時間, 那個領域就是購物。
(Laughter) (笑聲)
And especially when we go out there shopping for things that we don't even need. 特別是當我們出門去 購買一堆我們根本不需要的東西。
(Laughter) (笑聲)
You know, you never saw a hearse with a U-Haul behind it. 你們從未見過 U-Haul 跟在靈車的後面 。 (意思是:人死後「萬般帶不去」)
hearse:n.灵车;棺材; U-Haul:n.出租卡车公司名,搬家公司(等于YouHaul);
(Laughter) (笑聲)
We have to live simply, so that others can simply live. 我們得要簡單地過日子 其他人才有日子能過。
And when we think of the kind of inheritance that we want to leave to our children or our grandchildren, think of leaving them a legacy of justice . 當我們去思考有什麼遺產 是我們想要留給孩子、孫子的, 想想看我們可以留給他們 「正義」這項遺產。
inheritance:n.继承;遗传;遗产; legacy:n.遗赠,遗产; justice:n.公平;公正;司法制度;审判;
This is a legacy that they can not only imitate , but they can be proud of for the rest of their lives. 這項遺產不只是讓他們可以仿效, 他們也可以在餘生為此感到自豪。
If we leave them a lot of material goods, all they're going to do is fight, and they're going to hate each other. 如果我們留給他們很多實體的物品, 他們只會做一件事:打鬥, 且他們將會痛恨彼此。
Just remember that, when we think about what we're doing. 當我們思考我們該做什麼時, 別忘了這點。
The other thing that we have to do to liberate our women, eventually , so that we can do the kind of volunteer work that we need to do to change this world, is we have to have a different kind of an education for our young women. 若最終要解放女性, 還有一件事是我們得做的, 這樣我們才能去做我們 必須要做的自願性工作, 來改變這個世界, 這件事就是要提供 年輕女性一種不同的教育。
liberate:v.解放;使自由;使摆脱约束(或限制); eventually:adv.最后,终于;
Unfortunately , in our societies around the world, women are taught to be victims. 不幸的是,在全世界的社會中, 女人都被教導成為受害者。
Women are not taught that they are going to have to defend themselves, that they're going to have to support themselves and they have to protect themselves. 女人並沒有被教導 要學會保衛自己, 沒有被教導要學會支持自己, 及要學會保護自己。
Because, you know, when we actually look at the animal kingdom, and we see who are the most ferocious , the male or the female ? 因為,你們知道的, 當我們真的去看動物王國, 我們看到最兇殘的 都是雄性或雌性?
ferocious:adj.残忍的;惊人的; female:adj.女性的;雌性的;柔弱的,柔和的;n.女人;[动]雌性动物;
We know it's the female, right? 我們都知道是雌性,對吧?
So something went wrong with us at the top of that animal kingdom as women. 所以,在動物王國最上層的 人類女性應該是出了什麼問題。
(Laughter) (笑聲)
So I want to give you an example of how I found my voice. 我想要舉個例子,跟各位說明 我如何找到我的聲音。
And I was very fortunate in that, when I was 25 years old, 我是很幸運的,當時我二十五歲,
I met a gentleman named Fred Ross Sr., who organized a chapter of a group called the Community Service Organization in my hometown of Stockton, California. 我遇到了一位男士, 叫做大佛萊德羅斯, 他組織了「社區服務組織」 這個團體的一個分會, 位在我的家鄉,加州的史塔克頓。
organized:adj.有组织的; v.组织; (organize的过去分词和过去式) Community Service:n.社区服务(自愿或因受法庭惩罚的无偿劳动); Organization:n.组织;机构;体制;团体;
This was a grassroots organization, and I was recruited to be a volunteer. 它是一個草根組織, 我被招募成為該組織的志工。
grassroots:adj.基层的;草根的;乡村的;n.草根;基础; recruited:v.招聘,雇佣;招募;(recruit的过去分词和过去式)
So, one day, while we were sitting in the office, a farm worker comes in. 有一天,當我們坐在辦公室裡, 有一位農工走進來。
And he's paralyzed , he can hardly walk, he has a crutch . 他癱瘓了,他幾乎無法走路, 他帶著一根拐杖。
paralyzed:adj.瘫痪的;麻痹的;v.使麻痹;使无力;使失去勇气(paralyze的过去分词); crutch:n.拐杖;支柱;依靠;胯部;v.用拐杖支撑;支持;
And he needs help. 他需要協助。
He needs someone to help him go down to the welfare office and make an application . 他需要有人協助他去福利辦公室, 去做一項申請。
welfare:n.福祉;(政府给予的)福利; application:n.应用;申请;应用程序;敷用;
So, I volunteered to do that. 所以,我自願做這件事。
But when I got to the welfare office, they would not let me make an application for this gentleman. 但,當我到了福利辦公室, 他們不讓我代替這位男士申請。
So I didn't know what to do, I was at a loss . 我不知道該如何是好,我很茫然。
at a loss:亏本地;困惑不解;
So I went back to the office, and I told Mr. Ross, "They won't let me make an application." 所以,我回到辦公室, 告訴羅斯先生此事: 「他們不讓我申請。」
And he said to me, very sternly , "You go right back down to that welfare office, and you demand to see a supervisor . 他非常堅決地對我說: 「你再回去福利辦公室, 要求見主管。
sternly:adv.严厉地;坚决地; supervisor:n.监督人,[管理]管理人;检查员;
And you demand that they let him make an application." 然後要求他們必須讓他申請。」
And I thought, "Wow, I can do that?" 我心想:「哇,能這樣啊?」
(Laughter) (笑聲)
So I thought about it, and I kind of overcame my anxieties and my fears. 所以,我想了一下, 算是克服了我的焦慮和恐懼。
I went down to the welfare office and I demanded to see the supervisor. 我前往福利辦公室,要求見主管。
Sure enough, he came out, and they had to let Mr. Ruiz make an application for welfare. 當然,他出來了, 而他們得要讓魯茲先生 完成福利的申請。
And he got his disability for himself and his family. 他為自己和他的家人 取得了殘障福利。
But that taught me a lesson. 但那教了我一課。
That taught me that I had a voice. 那教了我:我也有聲音。
Well, Mr. Ross also taught many of us many other things, including Cesar Chavez and many other volunteers . 羅斯先生也教了我們很多人 很多其他的事,包括凱薩查維茲, 以及許多其他志工。
Cesar:n.恺撒,古罗马帝王; Chavez:n.查韦斯(委内瑞拉总统); volunteers:n.志愿者; v.自愿做; (volunteer的第三人称单数和复数)
And he taught us not only that we can make demands of people, especially our public officials. 他教我們,我們不僅 可以對別人提出要求, 特別是對我們的政府官員。
only that:只是;要不是;
And this is something we should always keep in mind : every public official -- guess what -- they work for us. 我們應該永遠牢記這件事: 每一位政府官員—— 你猜如何——他們為我們工作。
keep in mind:记住; official:adj.官方的;正式的;公务的;n.官员;公务员;高级职员;
Because we pay their salaries with out taxes. 因為我們繳稅來支付他們的薪水。
And they are actually our servants . 他們其實是我們的公僕。
Some of them turn out to be leaders, but not all of them. 他們當中有些人後來成了領袖, 但並非所有人。
(Laughter) (笑聲)
Once in a while we get a leader out of there. 偶爾,他們之中會出一位領袖。
Once in a while:偶尔;有时;
The other thing that Mr. Ross taught us is that voting is extremely important. 羅斯先生還教了我們另一件事, 投票是非常重要的。
And not just voting, but going out there and getting other people to vote. 不只是投票, 還要採取行動,讓其他人去投票。
Going door to door. 挨家挨戶拜訪。
Phone banking, talking to voters, because many voters have a lot of doubts and they don't know how to vote. 電話銀行,和選舉人談話, 因為許多選舉人有許多疑惑, 且他們不知道要如何投票。
And unfortunately, we know that in many countries people are not allowed to vote because we have voter suppression in other countries, like we do here in the United States of America . 不幸的是, 我們知道,在許多國家, 人民不被允許投票, 因為在其他國家會打壓選舉人, 就像我們美國這裡所做的一樣。
voter:n.选举人,投票人;有投票权者; suppression:n.抑制;镇压;[植]压抑; United States of America:un.美利坚合众国;
But the thing is, if we can get out there as individuals and talk to people, so we can remove their apathy and make sure that they can vote. 但,重點是,如果我們能夠 以個人的身分採取行動, 和大家交談,來消除他們的冷淡, 確保他們去投票。
So, I want to give you an example of a woman in our foundation , the Dolores Huerta Foundation, and just to show you that sometimes people have power, but they don't know it. 讓我舉個例子, 我們的基金會有一名女子, Dolores Huerta 基金會, 這個例子可以讓各位看到, 有時人們本來就擁有力量, 只是他們不知道。
foundation:n.基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立; Huerta:两熟区;灌溉冲积平原;
But once they find it, they do miraculous things. 但一旦他們找到了這股力量, 他們就能做到驚人的事。
So, Leticia Prado is an immigrant from Mexico, only has a sixth-grade education and speaks very limited English. 所以,拉蒂夏普拉多 是來自墨西哥的移民, 只有六年級的教育程度, 能說的英文也很有限。
Prado:n.上流社会散步场;高级住宅区的林荫大道(尤指西语地区); immigrant:n.(外来)移民;外侨;adj.侨民的; limited:adj.有限的; n.高级快车; v.限制; (limit的过去分词和过去式)
But she was very concerned because the children at the middle school in their town called Weedpatch -- this is in California, Central Valley -- they couldn't go out and play in the schoolyard , because the air quality is so bad in the southern part of Kern County , California in our United States of America. 但她非常擔心, 因為在他們的小鎮 威德帕奇的中學學生—— 這是加州的中央谷地—— 他們不能出去到校園運動場玩耍, 因為空氣品質太差了, 在美國加州克恩郡的南方地區。
concerned:adj.有关的;关心的;v.关心;与…有关;(concern的过去时和过去分词) middle school:n.初中;(英国为9到13岁儿童所设的)中间学校; schoolyard:n.校园;运动场; air quality:n.空气质量; Kern:vi.使铅字上下突出;将…做平;n.仁,核;颗粒;(铅字面之)上下的突出部分; County:n.郡,县;
So she and her husband went out there, and they passed a bond issue to build a brand new , state-of-the-art gymnasium for the kids at their middle school. 她和她先生站出來, 他們通過了一項債券發行, 來建立全新的先進體育館, 供他們的中學的學生使用。
issue:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;发行; brand new:adj.崭新的;最近获得的; state-of-the-art:adj.最先进的;已经发展的;达到最高水准的; gymnasium:n.体育馆;健身房;
That was a big success. 那是個大成功。
Then she heard a rumor that the principal was going to end the breakfast program for the farm worker children, because the principal thought it was just too much paperwork . 然後,她聽到謠言, 聽說校長打算要終止 因為校長認為文書作業太繁重了。
rumor:n.谣言;传闻;v.谣传;传说; principal:adj.主要的;资本的;n.首长;校长;资本;当事人; paperwork:n.文书工作;
So, Leticia got herself elected to the school board. 所以拉蒂夏競選並被選為 學校董事會成員。
And they kept the breakfast program, and she got rid of the principal. 他們保住了早餐方案, 還擺脫掉了那位校長。
(Laughter) (笑聲)
(Applause) (掌聲)
So there were other rumors about some corruption in the local water district. 還有其他的謠言, 提到當地的水管區有貪腐的現象。
rumors:n.谣传,流言(rumor的复数);v.谣传(rumor的第三人称单数); corruption:n.贪污,腐败;堕落;
So, Leticia got herself elected to the water district. 所以,拉蒂夏又到 水管區參選並當選。
Then she looked into all of the finances of the water district and found there was 250,000 dollars missing from their bank account . 她調查了水管區的所有財務, 發現他們的銀行帳戶中 有二十五萬美金不見了。
bank account:n.银行账户;
So, Leticia called in the grand jury , and several arrests have been made. 所以,拉蒂夏打電話給大陪審團, 逮捕了好幾個人。
grand jury:n.(美国)大陪审团;
And this is just an example of a woman who never went to high school, never went to college, but she found her power. 在這個例子中的這位女子, 但她找到了她的力量。
And in addition , she has recruited other people in the community to also run for public office, and guess what -- they've all gotten themselves elected. 此外,她也招募了社區中的其他人, 請他們也去競選, 猜猜如何——他們全都當選了。
So, I take that Leticia really embodies something that Coretta Scott King said. 所以,我認為拉蒂夏真的實現了 科麗塔史考特金恩說的話。
And I want to share this with you. Coretta Scott King said, "We will never have peace in the world until women take power." 我想和各位分享, 科麗塔史考特金恩說: 「在女人掌權之前, 世界永遠不會和平。」
(Applause) (掌聲)
Now, I have amended that statement to say that we will never have peace in the world until feminists take power. 我把她的話做了點修改: 在女權主義者掌權之前, 世界永遠不會和平。
amended:v.修正,修订(法律文件、声明等);(amend的过去分词和过去式) feminists:n.女权运动者(feminist的复数);
(Laughter) (笑聲)
Because we know there is a difference, right? 我們知道這兩者有差別,對吧?
Not only that, but if we want to define what is a feminist -- a person who stands up for reproductive rights, for immigrants' rights, for the environment, for LGBT rights and also for labor unions and working people. 不只如此,如果我們要 定義女權主義者—— 一個人願意站出來,支持生育權、 支持移民者的權利、支持環境, 支持 LGBT 的權利, 還有勞工工會以及勞動階級。
define:v.定义;使明确;规定; reproductive:adj.生殖的;再生的;复制的;
(Applause) (掌聲)
Which also means that men can also be feminists. 意思就是,男性也可以 是女權主義者。
(Applause) (掌聲)
So when we think of feminization , we should also think of how can we feminize the policies , and not only of our major countries, the wealthy countries like the United States, but all over the world, our domestic and foreign policy . 當我們思考「女性化」時, 我們應該也要想想我們如何 能夠將政策給女性化, 不只是大國, 富有的國家如美國, 而是全世界, 我們的國內和外交政策。
feminization:n.男性女性化;[牧]雌性化;雌化; feminize:vt.使…女性化;具有女性风度;vi.女性化;雌性化; policies:n.政策;方针;原则;为人之道;保险单(policy的复数) domestic:n.佣人;家佣;家庭纠纷;家庭矛盾;adj.本国的;国内的;家用的;家庭的; policy:n.政策,方针;保险单;
And one of the things that we can do to stop wars and to have peace is to make sure that the wealthiest countries in the world also help the developing countries. 若要阻止戰爭、追求和平, 我們能做的事之一 就是要確保世界上最富有的國家 也能協助開發中國家。
Now, we did this in the past. 我們在過去會這麼做。
After World War II, when Japan and Germany were devastated after the war, 在第二次大戰之後, 戰後日本和德國飽受蹂躪,
devastated:adj.不安的,混乱的,震惊的; v.彻底破坏; (devastate的过去分词和过去式)
United States of America gave many tax dollars to those two countries, so that they can rebuild their economies and rebuild their corporations . 美國把稅收的很大一部分 給了這兩個國家, 讓它們能夠重建經濟,重建企業。
economies:n.经济;经济结构;节约;(economy的复数) corporations:n.[贸易]公司,[经]企业(corporation的复数形式);
And we can do that again. 我們可以再做一次這種事。
And if we can think about how we can help these other countries. 如果我們能夠想想, 我們能如何協助其他國家。
And I want to give an example of issues that we are facing in the United States of America, for instance . 我想要舉個例子, 關於我們在美國所面臨的議題。 舉例來說。
issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数) instance:n.实例;情况;建议;v.举...为例;
We know that right now we have a lot of refugees from Central America that are at the border of the United States. 我們知道現在有許多 來自中美的難民, 待在美國的邊境。
refugees:n.避难者;逃亡者;难民;(refugee的复数) Central America:n.中美洲(包括危地马拉、伯利兹、洪都拉斯、萨尔瓦多、尼加拉瓜、哥斯达黎加以及巴拿马);
Why do people leave their homes, their beautiful homes that we go to as tourists? 人們為什麼要離開自己美麗的家? 我們還會去那些地方觀光呢。
Because they don't have opportunities there. 因為他們在那裡沒有機會。
And then we think, "Hm, bananas." 接著,我們想:「嗯,香蕉。」
How many jillions of bananas do we consume in the United States every single day? 在美國,我們每天會消費多少香蕉?
And throughout the world. 全世界呢?
Now, do the people in Central America get the profits from the bananas that we consume? 中美的人 是否有從我們消費的香蕉獲利?
profits:n.利润; v.获益; (profit的第三人称单数和复数)
No, they don't. 並沒有。
The profits go to corporations from the United States of America. 利潤到了美國企業的手上。
And we think that this is wrong. 我們認為那是不對的。
Now, if the people in Central America were to be able to get some of that money that we pay for bananas, then they wouldn't have to leave their homes. 如果中美的人能夠取得 一些我們買香蕉的錢, 他們就不用離開家園了。
They wouldn't have to come as asylum seekers to the borders of the United States of America. 他們就不用像尋求政治避難者一樣 來到美國的邊境了。
asylum:n.庇护;收容所,救济院; seekers:n.探求者;搜查人;
And then maybe, many children would not have to be separated from their parents. 也許,那時候,許多孩子 也不用和父母分離。
Now, we know that there are countries in the world that actually have free education and have free health care for all of the people in their country. 我們知道,世界上有些國家 真的提供免費的教育和健康照護, 全國的國民都可享用。
health care:n.卫生保健;
And that country is Cuba. 那個國家就是古巴。
Cuba has health care for every one of their citizens, and they have a free college education for every one of their citizens. 古巴的所有公民都享有健康照護, 所有的公民也都能免費讀大學。
They're 11 million citizens. 他們有一千一百萬名公民。
Now, we think, if a poor country like Cuba can have these kind of resources , and we know that they're a poor country, then why can't some of the other wealthier countries, like the United States of America, do the same? 我們可以想想, 如果像古巴這麼貧窮的國家 都能有這樣的資源, 且我們知道他們是個貧窮的國家, 那麼,為什麼其他更富有的國家, 像是美國, 為什麼不能?
resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数);
I think that we can make that happen. 我認為我們可以實現它。
(Applause) (掌聲)
But we know it's not going to happen until we, the people of the United States of America, and people throughout the world, start making sure that they get public officials elected to their governments 但我們知道,它不會成真, 除非我們,美國人民, 以及全世界的人民, 開始確保他們選出的政府官員
that really care about the constituents , they care about people, they will commit to make sure that the resources that they have are going to be used for their citizens, and not to be used for war. 真正在乎憲法,在乎人民, 他們會承諾要確保他們擁有的資源 會被用在公民身上, 而不是用在打仗上。
constituents:n.构成要素;选民;成分;(constituent的复数) commit:v.犯(罪等);干(坏事等);[法]提(审);判处;
So, how do we make this happen? 我們要如何讓它成真?
We have to get rid of the apathy, we have to get more people involved. 我們得要擺脫冷淡, 我們得要讓更多人參與。
We know that if we can't have a democracy in the United States, we can't have democracies throughout the world, unless people participate . 我們知道,在美國若要擁有民主, 在全世界若要擁有民主, 就需要人民參與。
democracies:民主; participate:v.参加;参与;
So it is imperative that all of us get out there and we say, "Get rid of the apathy, get off of the sidewalk , come and join the march for peace and justice, let's make Coretta Scott's vision a reality, to have peace in the world." 所以,極重要的就是, 我們所有人都要站出來,說: 「擺脫冷淡,別再站在人行道上, 一起走上街加入遊行, 爭取和平和正義, 咱們來實現科麗塔史考特的遠景, 達成世界和平。」
imperative:adj.重要紧急的; n.重要紧急的事; sidewalk:n.人行道; vision:n.视力;美景;幻象;想象力;v.想象;显现;梦见;
We recently had midterm elections in the United States of America. 最近,美國期中選舉剛舉行。
recently:adv.最近;新近; midterm:adj.期中的;中间的;n.期中考试;
And what did we see? 我們看見了什麼?
We saw that so many more women, young people, people of color, LGBT folks, were all elected to public office. 我們看到有更多更多的女性、 年輕人、有色人種、LGBT 族群, 都選上了公職。
And we know this happened -- why? 我們知道這發生了——為什麼?
Because so many women were on the march. 因為有好多女性去遊行。
We had the Women's March in the United States. 在美國,我們有女性遊行。
They had the Women's Marches all over the world. 在全世界都有女性遊行。
And so we now see that we have this potential . 現在我們可以看到, 我們有這種潛力。
We have this potential to get rid of the apathy. 我們有潛力可以擺脫冷淡。
And if we get everyone involved, get everyone committed , then, I think, we can make Coretta Scott's vision come true. 如果我們能讓人人參與, 讓人人投入, 那麼,我想,我們就能 實現科麗塔史考特的遠景。
committed:adj.坚信的; v.做出错事; (commit的过去分词和过去式)
So, I want to just remind everybody, throughout the world, one of the things is, we have power, poor people have power, every citizen has power. 我只是想提醒大家, 在全世界,很重要的事之一就是 我們有力量, 窮人有力量, 每位公民都有力量。
But in order to achieve the peace that we all yearn for, then we've all got to get involved. 但若要達成我們大家渴望的和平, 我們所有人都得要參與。
So, what do we say? 所以我們要說什麼?
Can we do it? 我們能做到嗎?我們說: 「是的,我們能!」
We say, "Yes, we can!"
And in Spanish, we say, "Sí, se puede." 用西班牙,我們說: 「Sí, se puede.」
Thank you very much. 非常謝謝。
(Applause) (掌聲)