

Did that kill it? 杀死它了吗?
No. 没有
That's how we kill it. 我们要那样杀它
The Book of Vishanti! 维山帝之书
We can't let it take your power. Get to the book. 不能让它夺走你的能力 快去拿书
How do we get across? 要怎么过去?
Hold on! 抓紧
No, no, no! 不…
It's too strong. 它威力太强了
I can't hold it. 我撑不住
I'm so sorry. 很抱歉
This is the only way. 这是唯一的办法
What're you doing? 你在做什么?
I can't let that thing take your power. 我不能让那怪物夺走你的能力
You can't control it. 你控制不了它
But I can. 但我可以
But we're friends. 我们是朋友
You're killing me. 你会杀死我
I know. 我知道
But in the grand calculus of the Multiverse ... 但在多重宇宙的庞大计算里
calculus:n.[病理]结石;微积分学; Multiverse:n.多元宇宙;
your sacrifice is worth more than your... 你牺牲的价值超过你的…
Excuse me. May I? 借过
Thanks. 谢谢
Doctor Strange. 斯特兰奇医师
Doctor West. 韦斯特医师
Haven't seen you in a while. 有一阵子没见了
Yeah, I was a little preoccupied being dust there for five years, so... 我五年都在当尘埃 所以...
preoccupied:adj.心事重重; v.使日夜思考; (preoccupy的过去分词和过去式)
So were a lot of us. 很多人也是
While I was gone... 我不在的时候…
thank you for asking... 谢谢关心
I lost both my cats... 我失去了两只猫
and my brother. 和我弟弟
I'm very sorry. 很遗憾
Thank you. 谢谢
I guess what keeps me up at night is wondering... 晚上睡不着时我常在想
did it have to happen that way? 非得那样惨烈不可吗?
Was there any other path? 有没有别的路可行?
No. 没有
No, I made the only play we had. 我用了仅有的方法
Well, of course you did. 那当然
The best surgeon and the best superhero. 一流外科医师又是最棒的超级英雄
But you still didn't get the girl. 但你还是没掳获佳人芳心
Glass of red, please. 麻烦一杯红酒
Oh, allow me, miss. 我来效劳 小姐
Little too on the nose ? 太没创意了?
on the nose:准确;
What? For you, at my wedding? 你 在我婚礼上?
Nah. I think it was perfect. 不 我觉得很完美
Congratulations. 恭喜
Thank you. 谢谢
There's Charlie. 查理来了
I have to introduce you because he's kind of... 介绍你认识 因为他…
It's embarrassing , but he's a big fan, so... 有点丢脸 他是铁粉
embarrassing:adj.令人尴尬的; v.使尴尬; (embarrass的现在分词)
Hey, Christine. 克里斯汀
I should've... 我应该…