

By aBU 20170214 奇异博士
Master Kaecilius. 卡西利亚斯法师
That ritual will bring you only sorrow. 那个法事只会让你懊悔
Hypocrite ! 虚伪
Challenge round, Billy. 挑战关卡 比利
Come on, Billy. You've got to be messing with me. 拜托 比利 开玩笑呢
No, doctor. 没有 医生
Feels So Good, Chuck Mangione, 1977. 《如此美好》 恰克.曼吉欧尼 1977年
Honestly, Billy, you said this one would be hard. 真是的 比利 你还说这个会很难呢
It's 1978. - No, Billy, while Feels So Good may have charted in 1978, the album was released in December, 1977. 是1978年 -不 比利 《如此美好》虽然是1978年登上榜单的 但专辑是1977年12月发行的
No, no. Wikipedia says it's a 19... - Check again. 不 维基上说是197... -再看看
Where do you store all this useless information? 这些无用的信息你都储存在哪啊
Useless? The man charted a top ten hit with a Flugelhorn. 无用 他单靠粗管短号就能上前十热曲榜
Status , Billy? - 1977. 怎么样 比利 -1977年
Please. I hate you. 拜托 我恨你
'"Feels so good", doesn't it? 如此美好 是吧
I... I've got this, Stephen. 我来吧 斯蒂芬
You've done your bit. Go ahead, we'll close up. 你该做的做完了 去吧 我们来缝合
What is it? - GSW. 怎么了 -枪伤
It's amazing you kept him alive. 你居然还能保住他的命
Apneic , failed the brain stem test... 呼吸暂停 脑干测试
and the apnea reflex test. 和呼吸暂停反射测试均无反应
apnea:n.[医]窒息,[临床]呼吸暂停; reflex:n.反射;反映;映像;回复;习惯性思维;adj.反射的;反省的;反作用的;优角的;
I think I found the problem, Dr. Palmer . 我好像发现问题所在了 帕尔默医生
You left a bullet in his head. 你把一颗子弹留在了他的脑子里
Thanks. It's impinging on the medulla . 谢谢 它撞到了髓质
impinging:n.冲击;碰撞;v.冲击,撞击(impinge的现在分词形式); medulla:n.髓质;的缩写;
I needed a specialist. Nic diagnose brain death . 我需要专家意见 尼克已经判了脑死亡
diagnose:vt.诊断;断定;vi.诊断;判断; brain death:n.脑死亡(脑功能永久丧失,尽管心脏仍然跳动);
Something about that doesn't feel right to me. 但我就是觉得不对劲
We have to run. 我们得跑了
Dr. West! What are you doing? 韦斯特医生 你在做什么
Organ harvest. He's a donor . 器官采集 他是捐献者
Organ:n.[生物]器官;机构;风琴;管风琴;嗓音; donor:n.捐赠者;供者;赠送人;adj.捐献的;经人工授精出生的;
Slow down. I did not agree to that. 别急 我可没同意
I don't need you to. We've already called brain death. 我不需要你同意 我们已经判定脑死亡了
Prematurely . 话说早了
We need to get him prepped for sub-occipital craniotomy . 得为他准备进行枕下开颅手术
prepped:v.把…准备好;预备;为(患者)做手术准备;(prep的过去分词和过去式) craniotomy:n.[妇产]穿颅术;颅骨切开术;
Not gonna let you operate on a dead man. 我不会让你给死人开刀的
What do you see? 你看到了什么
A bullet? - A perfect bullet. 一颗子弹 -一颗完好的子弹
It's been hardened . 子弹加固过
You harden a bullet by alloying lead with antimony . 子弹加固是用铅锑合金
A toxic metal. 有毒金属
And that's leeched directly into the cerebral spinal fluid . 而且子弹直接接触脑脊液
leeched:v.榨取他人利益;吸取(leech的过去分词); directly:adv.直接地;立即;马上;正好地;坦率地;conj.一…就; cerebral:adj.大脑的,脑的; spinal:adj.脊髓的;脊柱的;针的;脊骨的;尖刺的;n.脊椎麻醉; fluid:adj.流动的;流畅的;不固定的;n.流体;液体;
Rapid-onset central nervous system shutdown . 立刻造成中枢神经系统停摆
central nervous system:n.中枢神经系统; shutdown:n.关机;停工;关门;停播;
We got to go. 我们得走了
The patient's not dead, but he's dying. 病人没死 但他要死了
Still want to harvest his organs ? 还要采集他的器官吗
I'll assist you. 我来协助你
No! Dr. Palmer will assist me. 不用 帕尔默医生会协助我的
Thank you. 谢谢
Image guidance, stat. 影像引导 立刻
We don't have time for that. 没那个时间了
You can't do it freehand . 你不能直接用手做
I can and I will. 我能 我就要这么做
This isn't a time for showing off, Strange. 这不是炫耀的时候 斯特兰奇