

Quick question- did you hear me knocking 20 minutes ago? 迅速问个问题 20分钟前你听见了我敲门吗
Yeah, but I was doing my thing. 听到了 但我在忙我的事
Oh, okay. 好吧
Well, Lila was downstairs doing her thing in the bathroom. 莱拉在楼下 在卫生间里忙她的事
Lila:n.淡紫色,紫色; downstairs:adv.在楼下;往楼下;adj.楼下的;n.楼下(尤指地面的一层);
So... 所以
I was forced to take a shit in this coffee can in the garage . 我被迫在车库里的 这个咖啡罐里拉了屎
Just wanted you to know. - Okay. 只是想告诉你一声 -好吧
While I may or may not have taken a shit in this coffee can, the point is well-made . 我也许有 也许没有在这个咖啡罐里拉屎 但我很好地阐明了我的观点
Equal time in the bathroom. 大家用卫生间的时间应该一样多
All right. - Please. 好 -拜托了
Happy birthday! - You're late, but you haven't missed shit. 生日快乐 -你迟到了 但你什么都没错过
Hey, turn the music up, for Christ's sake ! 看在老天的分上 把音乐声调大点
Turn it up! 调大点
Birthday girl. 小寿星
So gorgeous ! 真美
Robert! - Diane. 罗伯特 -黛安
Happy birthday. 生日快乐
Nick! Excuse me. 尼克 借过
He's invited a bunch of cocks I don't even know. 他邀请了一群我不认识的混球
a bunch of:一群;一束;一堆;
I wanna fucking kill myself. 我都想自杀了
Turn the music up. Come on! 把音乐声调大点 拜托
Frances. - Hello. 弗朗西丝 -你好
I'd offer you some wine, but I think Diane's already sucked most of it up. 我本想给你倒点酒 但我觉得黛安已经快喝完了
Come on, I'll get you a real drink. 来吧 给你倒杯酒
Yes, that's very funny. 真好笑
Let me tell you something. 我跟你说件事
Mm-hmm. - Vision , we're good. 好 -视力很好
The vision, 20-20 right here. - Mm. 视力5.0 -嗯
The problem is the financing. 问题是资金
Hey, Dallas , I saw your ex's new lady at the CVS yesterday. 达拉斯 我昨天在便利店看见了 你前任的新女友
Good news for you is she has really packed on the pounds. 好消息是 她真的胖了很多
Boy, he was mis-sold those goods. 天啊 他真是亏大了
She's five months pregnant . - I forgot. 她怀孕五个月了 -我忘了
Speaking of new loves, uh, who was the gentleman bending your ear over there? 说到新爱人 那位跟你说悄悄话的先生是谁啊
Oh, that human loaf of bread? 那个人形长面包吗
Oh, that's Malcolm. 那是马尔科姆
He's a hedge fund friend of Nick's. 他是尼克对冲基金的朋友
hedge fund:对冲基金;
He lost his wife last year. Poor guy. 去年丧妻了 真可怜
Oh, gee, I didn't know. 天啊 我不知道
He only told me 50 fucking times. 他只跟我说了50遍
So when does the whole empathy thing kick in for you? 你什么时候开始有同理心了
I did take the liberty of seating him next to you tonight at dinner, so who knows how this evening will end? 我的确冒昧 今晚安排他坐你旁边了 谁知道今夜会如何结束呢
take the liberty of:冒昧行事;
I think it just did. 我觉得刚结束了
Fuck it. 去他的
To Malcolm and his dead wife. 敬马尔科姆和他去世的妻子
I think her name was Alice. 她好像叫爱丽丝