

I live in Washington, D.C., but I grew up in Sindhekela, a village in Orissa, in India. 每年就能多出 300 億美元。 但我在「辛西克拉」長大,
My father was a government worker. 我爸是公務員。
My mother could not read or write, but she would say to me, "A king is worshipped only in his own kingdom. A poet is respected everywhere." 我媽不識字, 但她告訴我:「一個國王只受他的子民景仰, 但一名詩人會受眾人愛戴。」
So I wanted to be a poet when I grew up. 所以我長大就想當詩人。
But I almost didn't go to college until an aunt offered financial help. 但我本來上不了大學, 直到一個阿姨資助我的學費。
I went to study in Sambalpur, the largest town in the region , where, already in college, I saw a television for the first time. 我在「桑巴坡」唸書, 那是邦裡的最大城。 那時,已經要上大學的我,生平第一次看電視。
I had dreams of going to the United States for higher studies. 我當時還想去美國進修。
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式)
When the opportunity came, 所以機會一來,
I crossed two oceans, with borrowed money for airfare and only a $20 bill in my pocket. 我就決定跨越兩大洋。 借錢買了機票,口袋只剩一張 20 美元。
In the U.S., I worked in a research center, part-time, while taking graduate classes in economics. 到了美國,我在研究中心打工, 同時攻讀經濟研究所。
And with the little I earned, I would finance myself and then I would send money home to my brother and my father. 雖然賺得不多, 但扣掉自己的開銷, 我還寄錢回家給爸爸、弟弟。
My story is not unique . 我不是特例。
There are millions of people who migrate each year. 每年有幾百萬的移工
With the help of the family, they cross oceans, they cross deserts, they cross rivers, they cross mountains. 靠著家人幫忙,橫渡海洋、 穿越沙漠、渡過溪流、翻過高山。
They risk their lives to realize a dream, and that dream is as simple as having a decent job somewhere so they can send money home and help the family, which has helped them before. 他們用生命實現夢想, 一個單純卑微的夢: 找份正當的工作,然後寄錢回家、 幫忙分擔,報答家人之前的幫忙。
There are 232 million international migrants in the world. 全球有 2 億 3200 萬的移民。
These are people who live in a country other than their country of birth. 他們住在出生地之外的陌生國度。
If there was a country made up of only international migrants, that would be larger, in population,than Brazil . 如果把所有移民 聚在一起變成一個國家, 它的人口會比巴西還多。
made up of:由…组成,由…构成; Brazil:n.巴西(拉丁美洲国家);
That would be larger, in its size of the economy , than France. 就經濟規模來說,比法國還大。
Some 180 million of them, from poor countries, send money home regularly . 其中 1 億 8000 萬的弱勢國移民 會固定寄錢回家鄉。
Those sums of money are called remittances . 我們統稱這些錢為「僑匯」。
sums:n.算术题;总数;全部;v.归纳;总计;(sum的第三人称单数和复数) remittances:n.[金融]汇款;侨汇(remittance的复数);
Here is a fact that might surprise you: 413 billion dollars, 413 billion dollars was the amount of remittances sent last year by migrants to developing countries. 告訴你驚人的事實: 4130 億美元 是去年發展中國家移民 寄回家的僑匯金額。
Migrants from developing countries, money sent to developing countries — 413 billion dollars. 發展中國家的移工 把錢寄回發展中國家, 這金額高達 4130 億美元。
That's a remarkable number because that is three times the size of the total of development aid money. 會說「高達」是因為, 這是已開發國家給予的 發展援助的三倍。
And yet, you and I, my colleagues in Washington, we endlessly debate and discuss about development aid, while we ignore remittances as small change . 但是你和我, 還有我在華盛頓的同事, 以往不斷地辯證、 討論發展援助, 卻忽略僑匯帶來的改變。
colleagues:n.同事;同行(colleague的复数); endlessly:adv.不断地;无穷尽地; debate:n.辩论;争论;考虑;v.辩论;争论;考虑; ignore:v.驳回诉讼;忽视;不理睬; small change:n.小面额硬币;(非正式)无关紧要的人(或事);
True, people send 200 dollars per month, on average. But, repeated month after month,by millions of people, these sums of money add up to rivers of foreign currency . 沒錯,每人平均每個月只寄 200 美元, 但幾百萬人、月復一月地寄 累積成一筆可觀的外匯。
So India, last year, received 72 billion dollars, larger than its IT exports . 像印度去年,就收到 720 億美元僑匯,比其 IT 產業的出口還要多。
In Egypt remittances are three times the size of revenues from the Suez Canal. 在埃及,僑匯相當於 蘇伊士運河的 3 倍收入。
In Tajikistan, remittances are 42 percent of GDP. 在塔吉克,僑匯佔 GDP 的 42%。
And in poorer countries, smaller countries, fragile countries, conflict-afflicted countries, remittances are a lifeline , as in Somalia or in Haiti . 在更窮的、更小、更脆弱、 受戰亂摧殘的國家,僑匯是命脈, 像是索馬利亞或海地。
fragile:adj.脆的;易碎的; lifeline:n.生命线;救生索; Haiti:n.海地;
No wonder these flows have huge impacts on economies and on poor people. 怪不得這股錢潮 對經濟和窮人有這麼大的影響。
impacts:n.影响; v.有影响,有作用; economies:n.经济;经济结构;节约;(economy的复数)
Remittances, unlike private investment money, they don't flow back at the first sign of trouble in the country. 僑匯和私人投資不一樣, 它不會因為國家發生問題 就停止流入;
They actually act like an insurance . 反而比較像保險。
When the family is in trouble, facing hardship , facing hard times, remittances increase, they act like an insurance. 如果家裡有困難, 碰到瓶頸、遇到難關, 僑匯還會增加,像保險一樣;
Migrants send more money then. 移民寄更多錢回家。
Unlike development aid money, that must go through official agencies , through governments, remittances directly reach the poor, reach the family, and often with business advice. 跟發展援助不一樣, 它不必透過公家單位、政府。 僑匯直接送到窮人手中、 送到家戶手中, 通常移工還教家人怎麼運用。
official:adj.官方的;正式的;公务的;n.官员;公务员;高级职员; agencies:n.代理;代理处(agency的复数); directly:adv.直接地;立即;马上;正好地;坦率地;conj.一…就;
So in Nepal, the share of poor people was 42 percent in 1995, the share of poor people in the population. 在尼泊爾, 是窮人在總人口的比例。 是窮人在總人口的比例。
By 2005, a decade later, at a time of political crisis , economic crisis , the share of poor people went down to 31 percent. 10 年後的 2005 年, 當政治、經濟危機四起, 窮人比例降到 31%。
crisis:n.危机;危险期;决定性时刻;adj.危机的;用于处理危机的; economic:adj.经济的,经济上的;经济学的;
That decline in poverty , most of it, about half of it, is believed to be because of remittances from India,another poor country. 貧窮比例下降,很大一部份, 至少一半以上歸功於 來自印度或其他地方的僑匯。
decline:v.下降;衰退;减少;谢绝;n.下降; poverty:n.贫困;困难;缺少;低劣;
In El Salvador , the school dropout rate among children is lower in families that receive remittances. 在薩爾瓦多,收到僑匯的家庭,學童輟學率比較低。
Salvador:n.萨尔瓦多(巴西东部港市); dropout:n.退学学生;脱落;信号失落;
In Mexico and Sri Lanka, the birth weight of children is higher among families that receive remittances. 在墨西哥和斯里蘭卡, 收到僑匯的家庭, 嬰兒出生體重比較高。
Remittances are dollars wrapped with care. 僑匯飽含著關懷。
Migrants send money home for food, for buying necessities, for building houses, for funding education, for funding healthcare for the elderly , for business investments for friends and family. 移工想讓家人買食物、 買生活必需品、蓋房子, 讓小孩子受教育、 讓老人家看醫生、 投資家人朋友做生意。
funding:n.基金;资金;提供资金;v.为…提供资金;拨款给;(fund的现在分词) healthcare:n.医疗保健;健康护理,健康服务;卫生保健; elderly:adj.上了年纪的;过了中年的;稍老的; investments:n.[经]投资,投资的财产;投资学;(investment的复数)
Migrants send even more money home for special occasions like a surgery or a wedding. And migrants also send money, perhaps far too many times, for unexpected funerals that they cannot attend. 移工會為特殊情況寄更多錢回家, 例如手術或婚禮。 移工還會在更多時候, 為突如其來的葬禮寄錢回家, 彌補他們缺席的遺憾。
surgery:n.外科;外科手术;手术室;诊疗室; unexpected:adj.意外的,想不到的; funerals:n.葬礼;丧礼;出殡;(funeral的复数)
Much as these flows do all that good, there are barriers to these flows of remittances, these 400 billion dollars of remittances. 僑匯能帶來以上的效益, 但僑匯還是會受到限制, 限制這 4000 億美元的流動。
Foremost among them is the exorbitant cost of sending money home. 其中最主要的, 是昂貴的寄送費用。
Foremost:adj.最重要的;最先的;adv.首先;居于首位地; exorbitant:adj.(要价等)过高的;(性格等)过分的;不在法律范围之内的;
Money transfer companies structure their fees to milk the poor. 轉匯公司訂出高價 去壓榨窮人。
transfer:n.转移;调任;调离;[体]转会球员;v.调任;调走;转学;转移; structure:n.结构;构造;建筑物;vt.组织;构成;建造;
They will say, "Up to 500 dollars if you want to send, we will charge you 30 dollars fixed." 他們會說:「交易低於 500 美元, 如果要寄的話,固定收 30 美元。」
If you are poor and if you have only 200 dollars to send, you have to pay that $30 fee. 如果你就是窮,只有 200 美元要寄, 你就要付 30 塊的手續費。
The global average cost of sending money is eight percent. 全球平均的轉匯費用是 8%。
That means you send 100 dollars, the family on the other side receives only 92 dollars. 也就是如果你寄 100 塊, 遠鄉的家人只會收到 92 塊。
on the other side:另一面;在另一边;
To send money to Africa, the cost is even higher:12 percent. 如果是寄到非洲, 收費更高,12%。
To send money within Africa, the cost is even higher: over 20 percent. 非洲國家間互寄 收費還要再高, 達 20% 以上。
For example, sending money from Benin to Nigeria. 比如說從貝南寄到奈及利亞。
And then there is the case of Venezuela , where, because of exchange controls, you send 100 dollars and you are lucky if the family on the other side receives even 10 dollars. 如果是委內瑞拉, 因為外幣交易管制, 寄 100 塊然後夠幸運的話, 你的家人可能還能收到 10 塊。
Venezuela:n.委内瑞拉; exchange:n.交换;交流;交易所;兑换;v.交换;交易;兑换;
Of course, nobody sends money to Venezuela through the official channel. 理所當然,沒人用官方管道 寄錢到委內瑞拉。
It all goes in suitcases . 都是偷偷裝皮箱運進去。
Whereever costs are high, money goes underground. 只要官方收費高, 大家就走後門。
And what is worse, many developing countries actually have a blanket ban on sending money out of the country. 更糟的是, 很多開發中國家其實 明文禁止私自匯錢到國外。
Many rich nations also have a blanket ban on sending money to specific countries. 很多富裕國家也明文禁止 把錢匯到特定國家。
So, is it that there are no options , no better options , cheaper options , to send money? 所以真的別無選擇嗎? 沒有更好、更便宜的方式轉匯?
options:n.选择; v.得到或获准进行选择; (option的三单形式)
There are. 有。
M-Pesa in Kenya enables people to send money and receive money at a fixed cost of only 60 cents per transaction . 肯亞的 M-Pesa 公司讓大家 無論匯出或匯入, 每筆交易固定收 60 分。
enables:v.使得; (enable的第三人称单数) transaction:n.处理;业务;办理;
U.S. Fed started a program with Mexico to enable money service businesses to send money to Mexico for a fixed cost of only 67 cents per transaction. 美國聯準會和墨西哥合作, 讓貨幣服務企業 轉匯到墨西哥可以用 每筆交易固定收 67 分的費用。
And yet, these faster, cheaper, better options can't be applied internationally because of the fear of money laundering , even though there is little data to support any connection, any significant connection between money laundering and these small remittance transactions . 然而,這些更快、更便宜、更好的方式, 還是沒辦法普及到全球。 因為難免有洗錢的嫌疑。 儘管沒什麼資料可以證明, 任何關聯、顯著的關聯, 說明洗錢和這些小額僑匯有關。
applied:adj.应用的;实用的;v.应用;使用;申请,请求;(apply的过去分词和过去式) internationally:adv.国际性地;在国际间; laundering:v.洗熨(衣物);洗钱;(launder的现在分词) significant:adj.重大的;有效的;有意义的;值得注意的;意味深长的;n.象征;有意义的事物; transactions:n.处理,[图情]会报;汇报(transaction复数);
Many international banks now are wary of hosting bank accounts of money service businesses, especially those serving Somalia. 現在很多跨國銀行 留意到貨幣服務戶頭這塊業務, 特別是在索馬利亞。
wary:adj.谨慎的;机警的;惟恐的;考虑周到的; hosting:v.主办,主持;主持;做东;(host的现在分词) especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分;
Somalia, a country where the per capita income is only 250 dollars per year. 索馬利亞的人均收入 是每年 250 美元。一年才 250 美元喔!
per capita:adj.每人的;人均的;
Monthly remittances, on average, to Somalia is larger than that amount. 每個月匯入的平均僑匯 遠遠超過那個數字。
Remittances are the lifeblood of Somalia. 僑匯是索馬利亞的命脈。
And yet, this is an example of the right hand giving a lot of aid, while the left hand is cutting the lifeblood to that economy, through regulations . 但這就是一個例子: 人前說要幫助他們, 人後卻用管制的大刀, 切斷經濟活動的動脈。
Then there is the case of poor people from villages, like me. 或是像我這種鄉下來的窮人,
In the villages, the only place where you can get money is through the post office . 在小村子, 能領到錢的地方只有郵局。
post office:邮局
Most of the governments in the world have allowed their post offices to have exclusive partnerships with money transfer companies. 世界上大多數政府, 都會允許郵局 和轉匯公司有專屬合作關係。
exclusive:adj.独有的;排外的;专一的;n.独家新闻;独家经营的项目;排外者; partnerships:n.伙伴关系;合伙;(partnership的复数)
So, if I have to send money to my father in the village, I must send money through that particular money transfer company, even if the cost is high. 所以若我想寄錢給鄉下的爸爸, 我只能去找那間轉匯公司, 就算它收費很高。
I cannot go to a cheaper option. 我沒得選。
This has to go. 這必須要改變。
So, what can international organizations and social entrepreneurs do to reduce the cost of sending money home? 所以國際組織和 社會企業要怎麼做, 才能改善這個現象呢?
organizations:n.组织,构造,有机体(organization的复数);组织机构; entrepreneurs:n.企业家;(entrepreneur的复数)
First, relax regulations on small remittances under 1,000 dollars. 首先,放鬆千元以下的小額僑匯管制。
Governments should recognize that small remittances are not money laundering. 政府應該要認知到 小額僑匯不是洗錢。
Second, governments should abolish exclusive partnerships between their post office and the money transfer company. 其次,政府應該要取消 郵局和特定業者的壟斷合作。
For that matter, between the post office and any national banking system that has a large network that serves the poor. 如此一來, 郵局和其他大銀行的合作網路 才更能服務貧窮人口。
In fact, they should promote competition , open up the partnership so that we will bring down costs like we did, like they did, in the telecommunications industry. 事實上,應該增加競爭, 創造更多合作可能, 才能讓成本下降, 就像現在的電信業服務。
promote:v.促进;推动;促销;提升;晋升; competition:n.竞争;比赛,竞赛; bring down:降低;打倒,打死;击落; telecommunications:n.电信;电讯;
You have seen what has happened there. 大家都親身體驗到了。
Third, large nonprofit philanthropic organizations should create a remittance platform on a nonprofit basis. 第三點,大型非營利慈善機構 應該在非營利的基礎上, 設立僑匯平台。
nonprofit:adj.非赢利的;不以赢利为目的的; philanthropic:adj.博爱的;仁慈的; platform:n.平台; v.把…放在台上[放在高处;
They should create a nonprofit remittance platform to serve the money transfer companies so that they can send money at a low cost, while complying with all the complex regulations all over the world. 創立非營利的僑匯平台, 幫忙轉匯公司。 才能以較低的費用提供服務, 同時也符合各國間複雜的規定。
complying:v.遵从;服从;顺从;(comply的现在分词) complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施;
The development community should set a goal of reducing remittance costs to one percent from the current eight percent. 已開發國家也應該 設立減少轉匯費用的目標: 從現在的 8% 到 1%。
If we reduce costs to one percent, that would release a saving of 30 billion dollars per year. 如果能降到 1%, 每年就能多出 300 億美元。
Thirty billion dollars, that's larger than the entire bilateral aid budget going to Africa per year. 300 億美元比他們每年 給非洲的雙邊援助還要多。
bilateral:adj.双边的;有两边的; budget:n.预算,预算费;v.安排,预定;把…编入预算;adj.廉价的;
That is larger than, or almost similar to, the total aid budget of the United States government, the largest donor on the planet. 至少相等甚至超過 全球最大的金援國, 美國政府的援助預算。
Actually, the savings would be larger than that 30 billion because remittance channels are also used for aid, trade and investment purposes. 事實上不只多 300 億, 因為僑匯的管道 也會用做援助、貿易和投資用途。
Another major impediment to the flow of remittances reaching the family is the large and exorbitant and illegal cost of recruitment , fees that migrants pay, migrant workers pay to laborers who found them the job. 另一個影響 僑匯送達家戶的主要障礙, 是為數眾多、高昂、非法的 仲介代辦費, 移工會付錢給仲介, 讓他們幫忙介紹工作。
impediment:n.口吃;妨碍;阻止; illegal:adj.不合法的;非法的;n.非法移民;非法劳工; recruitment:n.补充;征募新兵; laborers:n.劳动者(laborer的复数);工人;
I was in Dubai a few years ago. 我幾年前在杜拜,
I visited a camp for workers. 探視一個移工營。
It was 8 in the evening, dark, hot, humid . 晚上 8 點,裡面又暗又熱又濕。
Workers were coming back from their grueling day of work, and I struck a conversation with a Bangladeshi construction worker. 工人們才剛卸下 一整天工作的勞頓。 我和一個孟加拉來的 建築工人聊天。
grueling:adj.累人的;紧张的;使极度疲劳的; construction:n.建设;建筑物;解释;造句;
He was preoccupied that he is sending money home, he has been sending money home for a few months now, and the money is mostly going to the recruitment agent , to the labor agent who found him that job. 他來工作就打算要寄錢回家。 他已經一連寄好幾個月了, 然後大部分的錢 都付給帶他來杜拜和 幫他找工作的仲介。
preoccupied:adj.心事重重; v.使日夜思考; (preoccupy的过去分词和过去式) agent:n.代理人,代理商;药剂;特工;v由…作中介;由…代理;adj.代理的;
And in my mind, I could picture the wife waiting for the monthly remittance. 我腦海中可以想像, 他每個月等著錢的妻子。
The remittance arrives. 當錢寄到家,
She takes the money and hands it over to the recruitment agent, while the children are looking on. 她拿著領到的錢交給仲介, 然後孩子在旁邊目睹一切。
This has to stop. 這必須停止。
It is not only construction workers from Bangladesh, it is all the workers. There are millions of migrant workers who suffer from this problem. 不只是孟加拉來的建築工人, 是對所有工人。 有數百萬的移工正面臨這種處境。
A construction worker from Bangladesh, on an average , pays about 4,000 dollars in recruitment fees for a job that gives him only 2,000 dollars per year in income. 孟加拉來的建築工人, 每人平均要付 4000 美元仲介費, 但他一年只賺 2000 美元。
on an average:平均而言;一般说来;作为平均数;
That means that for the two years or three years of his life, he is basically sending money to pay for the recruitment fees. 意思就是生命中有兩三年, 基本上就是寄錢回家, 直接付給仲介。
The family doesn't get to see any of it. 家人連錢的影子都看不到。
It is not only Dubai, it is the dark underbelly of every major city in the world. 不只在杜拜,這是全球各大都市 不能明說的苦。
It is not only Bangladeshi construction workers, it is workers from all over the world. 不專屬孟加拉建築工人, 是全球移工共同的難題。
It is not only men. 也不只是男人。
Women are especially vulnerable to recruitment malpractices . 女性更容易受仲介歪風迫害。
vulnerable:adj.易受攻击的,易受…的攻击;易受伤害的;有弱点的; malpractices:n.玩忽职守;不法行为;治疗不当;
One of the most exciting and newest thing happening in the area of remittances is how to mobilize , through innovation , diaspora saving and diaspora giving. 僑匯領域一個最鼓舞人心、 最新的發展, 是如何用創新科技, 動員僑民儲蓄和捐贈。
mobilize:v.动员;动员;调动;组织;鼓动;调用; innovation:n.创新,革新;新方法; diaspora:n.离散的犹太人;犹太人的离散;
Migrants send money home, but they also save a large amount of money where they live. 移工要寄錢回家, 但他們也會在 自己工作的地點儲蓄。
Annually , migrant savings are estimated to be 500 billion dollars. 每年移工的儲蓄, 估計有 5000 億美元。
Annually:adv.每年;一年一次; estimated:adj.估计的;预计的;估算的;
Most of that money is parked in bank deposits that give you zero percent interest rate. 但大多都存在 幾乎零利率的戶頭。
deposits:n.[金融]存款; v.[地质]沉积(deposit的单三形式);
If a country were to come and offer a three percent or four percent interest rate, and then say that the money would be used for building schools, roads, airports , train systems in the country of origin , a lot 如果有個國家決定 提供 3% 到 4% 的利率, 然後把錢用在投資他們母國 蓋學校、鋪路、建機場、修鐵路, 很多移工一定會
airports:n.[航]机场;[航]航空港(airport的复数形式); origin:n.起源;起因;源头;出身;
of migrants would be interested in parting with their money because it's not only financial gains that give them an opportunity to stay engaged with their country's development. 樂於貢獻自己的一分力, 因為他們貢獻的 不只是錢, 還幫助了家鄉的發展。
engaged:adj.已订婚的; v.吸引住; (engage的过去分词和过去式)
Remittance channels can be used to sell these bonds to migrants because when they come on a monthly basis to send remittances, that's when you can actually sell it to them. 僑匯的管道還可以 販售債券給移工。 因為他們每個月 都會來匯錢, 所以剛好可以推銷給他們。
You can also do the same for mobilizing diaspora giving. 同時也可以宣傳僑民捐獻。
I would love to invest in a bullet train system in India and I would love to contribute to efforts to fight malaria in my village. 我很想投資印度的 子彈列車系統, 我也很想在故鄉的 瘧疾防治上盡一份心力。
bullet train:n.[交]子弹头列车;高速火车; contribute to:有助于;捐献; malaria:n.[内科]疟疾;瘴气;
Remittances are a great way of sharing prosperity between places in a targeted way that benefits those who need them most. 僑匯是一個好方法, 讓兩地之間共享繁榮; 藉由針對性的協助 幫助最需要的人。
Remittances empower people. 僑匯給人力量。
We must do all we can to make remittances and recruitment safer and cheaper. 我們要盡力讓僑匯和仲介, 更安全、成本更低。
And it can be done. 我相信這可行。
As for myself, I have been away from India for two decades now. 拿我來說, 我離開印度有 20 年了。
My wife is a Venezuelan . 我妻子是委內瑞拉人。
My children are Americans. 我的孩子是美國人。
Increasingly , I feel like a global citizen. 我逐漸覺得我就是全球公民。
And yet, I am growing nostalgic about my country of birth. 但是我對家鄉的思念 更加濃烈。
I want to be in India and in the U.S. at the same time . 我好想同時在印度又在美國。
at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时;
My parents are not there anymore. 我父母已經不在了。
My brothers and sisters have moved on. 我的手足也都過得不錯。
There is no real urgency for me to send money home. 我沒有迫切需要寄錢回家。
And yet, from time to time , 然而我三不五時,
from time to time:不时,有时;
I send money home to friends, to relatives , to the village, to be there, to stay engaged — that's part of my identity . 還是會寄一點給朋友、 給親戚、給我的村莊。 就像我還是那裡的一份子, 這是我認同的一部分。
relatives:n.亲戚;亲属;同类事物;(relative的复数) identity:n.身份;同一性,一致;特性;恒等式;
And, I'm still striving to be a poet for the hardworking migrants and their struggle to break free of the cycle of poverty. 當然我還是想當詩人, 寫下那些辛苦的移工, 想擺脫代代貧困的掙扎。
Thank you. 謝謝。
(Applause) (掌聲)