

I would like to show you how architecture has helped to change the life of my community and has opened opportunities to hope. 我想向大家展示 建筑是如何帮助我们 改善了家乡人们的生活 并且打开了希望之窗
architecture:n.建筑学;建筑风格;建筑式样;架构; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体;
I am a native of Burkina Faso. 我是土生土长的布基纳法索人
According to the World Bank , Burkina Faso is one of the poorest countries in the world, but what does it look like to grow up in a place like that? 据世界银行的分析称, 布基纳法索 是世界上最贫困的国家之一 那么生长于这样的环境 是怎样的感觉呢?
According to:根据,据说; World Bank:n.世界银行(向处于困境需要资助的成员国贷款的国际机构);
I am an example of that. 我本人就是一个例子
I was born in a little village called Gando. 我出生在一个叫甘多的村庄
In Gando, there was no electricity , no access to clean drinking water , and no school. 甘多那时没有电 没有清洁的饮用水, 也没有学校
electricity:n.电力;电流;强烈的紧张情绪; drinking water:n.饮用水;
But my father wanted me to learn how to read and write. 然而我的父亲希望我 去学习读书和写字
For this reason, I had to leave my family when I was seven and to stay in a city far away from my village with no contact with my family. 因此,我不得不离开我的家人 在我7岁的时候, 移居到城市 远离我的村庄 无法和我的家人联络
In this place I sat in a class like that with more than 150 other kids, and for six years. 在这个城市 我坐在这样的教室里 和超过150个孩子 共同度过了6年
In this time, it just happened to me to come to school to realize that my classmate died. 在这期间,某天我去上学 发现我的一名同班同学去世了
Today, not so much has changed. 今天,一切都没有怎么改变
There is still no electricity in my village. 我们村仍然没有电力供应
People still are dying in Burkina Faso, and access to clean drinking water is still a big problem. 布基纳法索的人们仍在不断死去 如何得到清洁的饮用水 仍然是个很大的问题
I had luck. I was lucky, because this is a fact of life when you grow up in a place like that. 我很幸运。我很幸运因为 如果你生长在那样的地方 这就是生命的现实
But I was lucky. 但是我很幸运
I had a scholarship . 我有奖学金
I could go to Germany to study. 我能够去德国留学
So now, I suppose , 所以现在,我想
I don't need to explain to you how great a privilege it is for me to be standing before you today. 我不需要向你们解释 今天我能站在你们面前, 是多么的荣幸
From Gando, my home village in Burkina Faso, to Berlin in Germany to become an architect is a big, big step. 从我居住的布基纳法索的村庄甘多 到德国的柏林,成为一名建筑师 这是一个巨大的跨越
But what to do with this privilege? 但是,我还能多做些什么呢?
Since I was a student, I wanted to open up better opportunities to other kids in Gando. 从我还是一名学生起,我就希望 为更多甘多的孩子创造更好的机会
I just wanted to use my skills and build a school. 我想用我的技能来修建一所学校
But how do you do it when you're still a student and you don't have money? 但是,当你还只是个学生, 并且没有钱,这要如何实现呢?
Oh yes, I started to make drawings and asked for money. 恩,是的,我开始设计图纸 并且筹集资金
Fundraising was not an easy task. 筹款并不是件容易的事
I even asked my classmates to spend less money on coffee and cigarettes, but to sponsor my school project. 我甚至建议我的同班同学 少花点钱在咖啡和香烟上 而把钱用来支援我的学校项目
sponsor:n.赞助商; v.主办;
In real wonder, two years later, 两年之后奇迹出现了
I was able to collect 50,000 U.S. dollars. 我筹集到5万美元
When I came home to Gando to bring the good news, my people were over the moon, but when they realized that I was planning to use clay , they were shocked. 当我回到甘多的家 带去了这个好消息 大家欣喜若狂 但是当他们知道了 我打算用黏土建造学校的时候 他们震惊了
'"A clay building is not able to stand a rainy season, and Francis wants us to use it and build a school. “粘土建筑是无法支撑过雨季的 可是弗朗西斯希望我们用粘土来建一所学校
Is this the reason why he spent so much time in Europe studying instead of working in the field with us?" 难道这就是他花了那么长时间 在欧洲学习 而不是和我们一起,在田间劳作的原因吗?”
My people build all the time with clay, but they don't see any innovation with mud. 我们的村民一直以来使用粘土搭建建筑 但他们从来没见对粘土进行创新改造
So I had to convince everybody. 所以我需要说服每个人
I started to speak with the community, and I could convince everybody, and we could start to work. 我开始和社区的人们沟通 说服每个人 然后我们就可以开始工作了
And the women, the men, everybody from the village, was part of this building process . 女人,男人 村里的每个人 都参与了建造过程
I was allowed to use even traditional techniques . 我使用了传统的方法
traditional:传统的,惯例的, techniques:n.技巧;技艺;工艺;技术;(technique的复数)
So clay floor for example, the young men come and stand like that, beating, hours for hours, and then their mothers came, and they are beating in this position, for hours, giving water and beating. 以粘土地面为例, 年轻的男子这样站着 捶打上好几个小时 然后他们的母亲加入进来 她们用这个姿势捶打 几个小时,不时地加水再捶打
And then the polishers come. 接着负责抛光的人们来了
They start polishing it with a stone for hours. 他们花费数个小时, 用石块给地面抛光
And then you have this result, very fine, like a baby bottom. 然后你会看到完成品 非常光滑,就像婴儿的屁股
(Laughter) (笑声)
It's not photoshopped. (Laughter) 它可没有修过图 (笑声)
This is the school, built with the community. 这就是社区居民们建造的学校
The walls are totally made out of compressed clay blocks from Gando. 墙壁完全是由 甘多当地压缩的粘土块制成
compressed:adj.(空气或气体)压缩的; v.(被)压紧; (compress的过去式和过去分词)
The roof structure is made with cheap steel bars normally hiding inside concrete . 屋顶结构是 用廉价的钢条制成 通常隐藏在混凝土内部
structure:n.结构;构造;建筑物;vt.组织;构成;建造; normally:adv.正常地;通常地,一般地; concrete:n.混凝土;adj.混凝土制的;确实的,具体的;vt.用混凝土覆盖
And the classroom, the ceiling is made out of both of them used together. 教室的天花板是由 上述两种材料共同制成的
In this school, there was a simple idea: to create comfort in a classroom. 在这所学校, 一个简单的概念就是 让教室是个舒适的地方
Don't forget, it can be 45 degrees in Burkina Faso, so with simple ventilation , 别忘了,学校在布基纳法索, 最热的时候有45 度 因此需配有简单的通风系统
I wanted to make the classroom good for teaching and learning. 我想让教室 适合教学和学习
And this is the project today, 12 years old, still in best condition. 今天,这个项目 经过12年 , 仍处于其最佳状态
And the kids, they love it. 孩子们非常喜爱它
And for me and my community, this project was a huge success. 对我和村民们来说 这项目是一个巨大的成功
It has opened up opportunities to do more projects in Gando. 它为我们在甘多做更多的项目 创造了更多机会
So I could do a lot of projects, and here I am going to share with you only three of them. 所以我做了很多项目 我想在这里与你们分享 其中的 3 个
I am going to:我将要做什么事情
The first one is the school extension , of course. 第一个当然是学校的扩建
How do you explain drawings and engineering to people who are neither able to read nor write? 你要如何向不识字 也不会写字的人们 解释图纸和工程?
I started to build a prototype like that. 我开始制作一个模型
The innovation was to build a clay vault . 创新之处是建造一个粘土拱顶
So then, I jumped on the top like that, with my team, and it works. 然后,我跳上了顶部 和我的团队一起跳,拱顶能够支撑(我们的重量)
The community is looking. It still works. 村民们一直看着它。它仍然坚固不倒
So we can build. (Laughter) 这样一来,我们就可以开工了(笑声)
And we kept building, and that is the result. 我们不断地搭建,这就是成品
The kids are happy, and they love it. 孩子们都很高兴,他们很喜欢它
The community is very proud. We made it. 村民们非常自豪。我们做到了
And even animals, like these donkeys , love our buildings. 甚至动物,像这些驴 也喜爱我们的建筑
(Laughter) (笑声)
The next project is the library in Gando. 我要介绍的下一个项目 是甘多的图书馆
And see now, we tried to introduce different ideas in our buildings, but we often don't have so much material. 现在,我们试着去 为我们的建筑加入更多不同的概念 但我们往往没有太多的材料
Something we have in Gando are clay pots. 在冈多,我们有很多陶土罐
We wanted to use them to create openings. 我们想用陶土罐来制造一些通风口
So we just bring them like you can see to the building site . 所以我们把它们带到建筑工地 就像你看到的这样
building site:n.建筑工地;
we start cutting them, and then we place them on top of the roof before we pour the concrete, and you have this result. 我们切割这些罐子 然后将其放在屋顶上 在我们浇筑混凝土之前 就成了这样
pour:v.倒; n.流出; (已熔金属的)一次浇注量;
The openings are letting the hot air out and light in. 通气口让热空气排出去 让光线穿透进来
Very simple. 非常简单
My most recent project in Gando is a high school project. 我最新进行的项目 是甘多一所高中的建造
I would like to share with you this. 我想与你们分享
The innovation in this project is to cast mud like you cast concrete. 这一项目中的创新之处在于 用浇筑混凝土的方式 来浇筑泥巴
How do you cast mud? 要如何浇筑泥巴呢?
We start making a lot of mortars , like you can see, and when everything is ready, when you know what is the best recipe and the best form, you start working with the community. 我们开始制造大量的灰浆, 正如你们所见 当一切都准备就绪 当你找到了最好的配方 和最佳的形态 就可以开始和村民们一同工作了
mortars:n.混凝土;研钵;臼(mortar的复数);v.用灰泥涂抹(mortar的三单形式); recipe:n.食谱;方法;诀窍;烹饪法;
And sometimes I can leave. 有时我可以离开
They will do it themselves. 他们能够自己完成
I came to speak to you like that. 就像我来到这里发表演说
Another factor in Gando is rain. 冈多的另一个气候因素是雨
When the rains come, we hurry up to protect our fragile walls against the rain. 当大雨来临 我们急着去保护我们易碎的墙 不被雨淋
Don't confound with Christo and Jeanne-Claude. 不要和克劳德夫妇的艺术混淆
It is simply how we protect our walls. 这只是我们保护墙的方式
(Laughter) (笑声)
The rain in Burkina comes very fast, and after that, you have floods everywhere in the country. 布基纳法索的雨来势汹汹 大雨之后就会有洪水 整个国家都是这样
But for us, the rain is good. 但对我们来说,雨是好事
It brings sand and gravel to the river we need to use to build. 它让河流堆满砂和碎石 正是我们需要的建筑材料
We just wait for the rain to go. 我们只要等到大雨过后
We take the sand, we mix it with clay, and we keep building. 收集沙子,和粘土混合 然后继续建造
That is it. 就是这样
The Gando project was always connected to training the people, because I just wanted, one day when I fall down and die, that at least one person from Gando keeps doing this work. 冈多的项目自始至终都在培训村民的技能 因为我只是希望某一天, 如果我倒地死亡 甘多至少有一个人 能继续这项工作
But you will be surprised. I'm still alive. 但你们感到惊讶的是,我还活着
(Laughter) (笑声)
And my people now can use their skills to earn money themselves. 村民们现在可以用他们的技能 来赚钱
Usually, for a young man from Gando to earn money, you have to leave the country to the city, sometimes leave the country and some never come back, making the community weaker. 通常情况下,如果一个甘多的 年轻男子想赚钱 他就必须背井离乡到城市去 有时他们离开了家乡 就再也没有回来 这使社群关系变得松散
But now they can stay in the country and work on different building sites and earn money to feed their family. 但现在他们可以留在村庄 在不同的建筑工地工作 赚钱来养活他们的家人
There's a new quality in this work. 这项工作中有了新的性质
Yes, you know it. 是的,你知道这点
I have won a lot of awards through this work. 通过这些项目, 我赢得了许多奖项
For sure, it has opened opportunities. 肯定的是,它创造了一些机会
I have become myself known. 也为我带来了名声
But the reason why I do what I do is my community. 但是我做这些事的动机 是为了我的家乡
When I was a kid, 当我还是个孩子的时候
I was going to school, 我去城里上学
I was coming back every holiday to Gando. 每个假期我都会回到甘多
By the end of every holidays, 到每个假期结束的时候
I had to say goodbye to the community, going from one compound to another one. 我不得不和村里的人们告别 挨家挨户地去告别
compound:v.合成; adj.混合; n.大院;
All women in Gando will open their clothes like that and give me the last penny. 甘多所有的妇女都会像这样打开她们的口袋 把身上仅有的一枚硬币给我
In my culture, this is a symbol of deep affection. 在我的文化里, 这象征着感情的深厚
As a seven-year-old guy, I was impressed . 作为一个七岁的男孩, 这是印象深刻的
impressed:adj.印象深刻; v.使钦佩; (impress的过去分词和过去式)
I just asked my mother one day, "Why do all these women love me so much?" 一天我问我的母亲 为什么所有这些妇女都这么爱我?
(Laughter) (笑声)
She just answered, "They are contributing to pay for your education hoping that you will be successful and one day come back and help improve the quality of life of the community." 她回答说 她们想要为你的教育支出作点贡献 希望你学有所成 某一天会回到村里 帮助改善社区的生活质量。”
contributing:v.捐献,捐赠(尤指款或物);捐助;增加;增进;(contribute的现在分词) improve:v.改进;改善;
I hope now that I was able to make my community proud through this work, and I hope I was able to prove you the power of community, and to show you that architecture can be inspiring for communities to shape their own future. 希望现在我值得村民们 为我感到骄傲 通过这些项目 我希望能够证明 社群的力量 并告诉你们 建筑可以激励村民们 去建造属于自己的未来
inspiring:adj.鼓舞人心的;灌输的;v.鼓舞;激发;使感悟;(inspire的现在分词) communities:n.社区;社会;团体;共有(community的复数)
Merci beaucoup . (Applause) 非常感谢(掌声)
Merci:int.谢谢(法语); beaucoup:非常多的;
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 谢谢。谢谢。谢谢。谢谢。
Thank you. Thank you. (Applause) 谢谢。谢谢。(掌声)