

Yeah, so a couple of years ago I was turning 60, and I don't like being 60. 是的,两三年前我正进入六十岁, 可是,我不喜欢六十岁。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And I started grappling with this existential angst of what little I had done with my life. 于是我开始纠结, 纠结于, 生命里缺乏成就的存在的焦虑感。
grappling:v.扭打;搏斗;努力设法解决;(grapple的现在分词) existential:adj.存在主义的;有关存在的;存在判断的; angst:n.焦虑;担心;
It wasn't the resume of breaking this record here, it was more like, who had I become? 这可不是关乎履历 或者是破纪录 而主要是,我变成了什么样的人?
How had I spent my valuable time? 我是怎样利用珍贵的时间的?
How could this have gone by like lightning ? 怎么可能这么快就过了? 好像闪电一般。
And I couldn't forgive myself for the countless , countless hours 我无法原谅自己 花了无数个小时
forgive:v.原谅;免除(债务,义务等); countless:adj.无数的;数不尽的;
I had lost in negative thought -- all the time I had spent beating myself up for losing my marriage and not stopping the sexual abuse when I was a kid and career moves and this and this and this. 迷失在 负面的想法里, 一直以来,我深陷在 对失去的婚姻, 对小时候没有被自己阻止的性虐待, 对职业转换, 这样和那样的自责中
negative:adj.[数]负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的;n.否定;负数;[摄]底片;v.否定;拒绝; sexual:adj.性的;性别的;有性的; abuse:n.滥用;虐待;辱骂;弊端;恶习,陋习;v.滥用;虐待;辱骂; career:n.职业;事业;生涯;经历;
Just why, why didn't I do it better? Why? Why? Why? 为什么?为什么我就不能做得更好一些?为什么?为什么?为什么?
And then my mother died at 82. 然后,我妈妈在八十二岁时去世了。
And so I starting thinking, not only am I not happy with the past, now I'm getting choked with, "I've only got 22 years left." 于是我开始想, 我不仅仅是对自己的过去不满意, 而且对于自己 只剩下22年的时间也耿耿于怀。
choked:adj.堵塞的; v.使窒息; (choke的过去分词和过去式)
What am I going to do with this short amount of time that's just fleeting ? 在如此短暂, 几乎是一闪而过的这些时日里,我又将做些什么呢?
And I'm not in the present whatsoever . 我并没有活在当下。
And I decided the remedy to all this malaise was going to be for me to chase an elevated dream, an extreme dream, something that would require other conviction and unwavering passion , something that would make me be my best self in every aspect of my life, every minute of every day, because the dream was so big that I couldn't get there without that kind of behavior and that kind of conviction. 我于是决定,治疗所有这些毛病的方法 就是 让我自己 去追求一个更高远的梦想, 一个挑战极限的梦想, 一件需要用 百分百的决心 和不可动摇的热忱去做的事, 能够让我 做最好的自己, 在人生的每一个方面, 每天的每一分钟里,做最好的自己,这样的一件事。 因为这个梦想太大了, 如果没有那样的行动和决心, 它将无法达成。
remedy:vt.补救;治疗;纠正;n.补救;治疗;赔偿; malaise:n.不舒服;心神不安; elevated:adj.提高的;高尚的;欢欣的;v.提高;振奋;提拔;(elevate的过去分词和过去式) extreme:adj.极端的;极度的;偏激的;尽头的;n.极端;末端;最大程度;极端的事物; conviction:n.判罪;定罪;坚定的看法(或信念);坚信;肯定; unwavering:adj.坚定的;不动摇的; passion:n.激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒; aspect:n.方面;层面;外观;方位;
And I decided, it was an old dream that was lingering , that was from so many years ago, three decades ago -- the only kind of world-class swim 于是我决定, 它将是一个长久以来萦绕在我心头的一个梦想。 那是很多年前, 三十年前, 在我二十多岁时,
lingering:adj.拖延的; v.继续存留; (linger的现在分词) world-class:n.世界级;adj.世界级的;
I had tried and failed at back in my 20's -- was going from Cuba to Florida. 唯一的一次我尝试了又失败的世界级游泳比赛, 从古巴到佛罗里达。
It was deep in my imagination . 我一直想象着自己去做这件事。
No one's ever done it without a shark cage. 没有人在不用防鲨笼的情况下做到过。
It's daunting . 这的确让人害怕。
It's more than a hundred miles across a difficult passage of ocean. 超过一百多英里的艰难海路,
It's probably, at my speed, at my age -- for anybody's speed at anybody's age -- going to take 60, maybe 70, hours of continuous swimming, never getting out on the boat. 也许以我的速度,在我的年龄- 或者以任何人的速度、任何年龄- 都需要不间断地游上60, 也许70个小时, 而且中间不上船。
And I started to train. 我开始训练了。
I hadn't swum for 31 years, not a stroke . 我已经31年没有游泳了,手都没有划一下。
And I had kept in good shape, but swimming's a whole different animal. 虽然我身材仍然保持得不错,不过这跟游泳完全是两码事。
As a matter of fact , this picture is supposed to be me during training. 其实, 这张照片拍的是训练中的我,
As a matter of fact:事实上; supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式)
It's a smiling face. 这是一张笑脸。
And when you're training for this sport, you are not smiling. 可是,当你进行这样的训练时,你是没法笑出来的。
(Laughter) (笑声)
It's an arduous , difficult sport, and I don't remember smiling at any time during this sport. 这是一项艰苦、艰难的运动, 我可不记得我笑过, 我不记得有在训练中的任何一刻笑过。
As I said , I respect other sports, and I compare this sport sometimes to cycling and to mountain climbing and other of the expedition type events, but this is a sensory deprivation , a physical duress . 我说过,我尊重其他的运动, 我有时候把这项运动 跟骑车和登山 或者其他的探险运动相比, 可这项运动是知觉的剥夺, 是肢体的强迫。
As I said:正如我所说的 compare:v.比较;对比;n.比较; expedition:n.远征;探险队;迅速; sensory:adj.感觉的;知觉的;传递感觉的; deprivation:n.剥夺;损失;免职;匮乏;贫困; physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查; duress:n.强迫;监禁;
And when I started in with the eight hours and the 10 hours and the 12 hours and the 14 hours and the 15 hours and the 24-hour swims, 当我开始 六个小时,十个小时,十二个小时, 然后十四个小时,十五个小时,二十四个小时地游泳的时候,
I knew I had it, because I was making it through these. 我知道我能行。 因为这些我一步步都做到了。
And when I said I'm going to go out and do a 15-hour swim, and we're coming into the dock after a long day and it's now night, and we come in and it's 14 hours and 58 minutes and I can touch the dock and we're done, the trainer says, "That's great. 我说我要出去游十五个小时, 当我们经过了漫长的一天回到码头时, 已经是晚上了。 我们回来的时候已经游了十四个小时五十八分钟, 到了码头我们就算是完成了。 教练说:“非常好。
It's 14 hours 58 minutes. Who cares the last two minutes?" 14小时58分钟。那两分钟管它呢。”
I say, "No, it's got to be 15 hours," 我说:“不行,一定要满15个小时。”
and I swim another minute out and another minute back to make the 15 hours. 我又游出去一分钟,游回来一分钟, 这样加起来总共15个小时。
And I put together an expedition. 我组织了这一次探险,
put together:..放在一起;组合;装配;
It's not that I didn't have help, but honestly, I sort of led, I was the team leader. 倒不是说我没有其他的帮助, 而是,实际上,我基本上是整个团队的领导。
And to get the government permissions, you read in the paper, you think it's easy to get into Cuba everyday? 要得到政府的批准, 你在报纸上可以读到, 你以为古巴是那么容易每天可以随便进去的吗?
Try going in with an armada like we had of 50 people and five boats and CNN's crew, etc. 带着像我们这样的一支舰队, 包括50个人和5艘船, CNN采访队伍等,去试一下。
The navigation is difficult. 导航也困难。
There's a big river called the Gulf Stream that runs across and it's not going in the direction you are. 途中会遇到一条“大河”,叫做墨西哥湾暖流, 途中会遇到一条“大河”,叫做墨西哥湾暖流, 它去的不是你要去的方向,
Gulf Stream:n.墨西哥湾流;
It's going to the east and you'd like to go north. 它向东流而你则要向北。
It's tricky . 这就棘手了。
And there's dehydration . 然后还有脱水,
And there's hypothermia . 体温过低,
And there are sharks. 还有鲨鱼,
And there are all kinds of problems. 以及各种各样的问题。
And I gathered together, honestly, the world's leading experts in every possible way. 我集结了实际上是 各个方面的世界级专家。
And a month ago, the 23rd of September, 一个月前, 也就是九月二十三号,
I stood on that shore and I looked across to that long, long faraway horizon and I asked myself, do you have it? 我站在海岸上, 放眼望着 那遥远的地平线 我对自己说, 你已经准备好了吗?
faraway:adj.遥远的;恍惚的; horizon:n.地平线;(欲望、知识或兴趣的)范围;
Are your shoulders ready? 你的肩膀准备好了吗
And they were. They were prepared. 是的,它们都准备好了。
No stone left unturned . 该准备的已经都准备了。
Was the mind ready? 思想准备好了吗?
You know, you're swimming with the fogged goggles , you're swimming at 60 strokes a minute, so you're never really focused on anything, you don't see well. 要知道,你是透过模糊的泳镜游泳, 你的速度是一分钟60划, 所以根本没法聚焦,看不清楚。
goggles:n.护目镜;风镜;游泳镜;v.瞪大眼睛看;(goggle的第三人称单数和复数) strokes:n.中风; v.轻抚; (stroke的第三人称单数和复数)
You've got tight bathing caps over your ears trying to keep the heat of the head, because it's where the hypothermia starts, and so you don't hear very well. 浴帽紧紧地盖着你的两个耳朵, 这是为了给头部保暖, 因为体温过低都是从头部开始, 所以你也听不清楚。
You're really left alone with your own thoughts. 你就这样孤独地只有跟自己的想法在一起。
And I had all kinds of counting systems ready there in English, followed by German, followed by Spanish, followed by French. 我有各种各样的数数方法, 有英文的,德文的, 还有西班牙文的,法文的。
You save the French for last. 法文的得留到最后才用。
And I had songs, I had a playlist in my head -- not through headphones , in my own head -- of 65 songs. 我还有歌,播放曲目都在我这儿, 不在耳机里,在我自己的脑子里- 一共65首曲子。
playlist:n.播放列表;演出剧目表; headphones:n.[电讯]耳机;听筒;[电子]头戴式受话器;(headphone的复数)
And I couldn't wait to get into the dark in the middle of the night, because that's when Neil Young comes out. 我迫不及待地想要进入漆黑的深夜, 因为那是尼尔扬出来的时候。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And it's odd , isn't it? 很奇怪,是不是?
You'd think you'd be singing Leonard Cohen's " Hallelujah " 在这壮观的大洋里,你可能以为这时应该唱伦纳德科恩的“哈里路亚”,
out in the majesty of the ocean, not songs about heroin addiction in New York City. 在这壮观的大洋里,你可能以为这时应该唱伦纳德科恩的“哈里路亚”, 而不是在纽约染上毒瘾这样的歌。
majesty:n.威严;最高权威,王权;雄伟;权威; heroin:n.[药][毒物]海洛因,吗啡; addiction:n.瘾;嗜好;入迷;
But no, for some reason 可是并非如此,不知怎么的,
I couldn't wait to get into the dark of the night and be singing, 我就是特别期待进入漆黑的夜, 然后唱起,
? "A heard you knocking at my cellar door ? ?”我听到你敲着我地窖的门,?
? I love you baby and I want some more ? ?我爱你宝贝,我还要更多,?
? Ooh, ooh, the damage done ? ?哦,哦,伤害已经造成“?
(Applause) (掌声)
The night before I started, 我在启程的前一夜
I finished Stephen Hawking's "The Grand Design." 看完了史蒂文·霍金的《大设计》,
And I couldn't wait to trip the mind fantastic . 我迫不及待地想要 开始这神奇的精神之旅。
About the 50th hour, 在第五十个小时的时候,
I was going to start thinking about the edge of the universe. 我开始思考宇宙的边缘。
Is there an edge? 宇宙真的有边缘吗?
Is this an envelope we're living inside of, or no, does it go onto infinity in both time and space? 我们是不是住在一个有边界的时空里, 或者,它是不是在时空上无限延伸的呢?
envelope:n.信封,封皮;包膜;[天]包层;包迹; infinity:n.无穷;无限大;无限距;
And there's nothing like swimming for 50 hours in the ocean that gets you thinking about things like this. 没有任何事情比在大洋里游五十个小时 更让你能够思考这些事情。
I couldn't wait to prove the athlete I am, that nobody else in the world can do this swim. 我迫不及待地想要证明自己是个独一无一二的运动员, 这个世界上没有其他人能够像我这样游泳,
And I knew I could do it. 而且我知道我能行。
And when I jumped into that water, 于是我跳进水里,
I yelled in my mother's French, "Courage!" 用和我妈妈一样口音的法语高喊着,”勇气!”
And I started swimming, and, oh my God, it was glassy . 然后我开始游了。 天哪,水可真清。
And we knew it, all 50 people on the boat, this was it, this was our time. 而且我们知道,船上的50个人都知道, 我们知道, 这是我们的时刻。
And I reminded myself a couple hours in, you know, the sport is sort of a microcosm of life itself. 过了一两个小时,我提醒自己, 你知道,这项运动犹如生活的缩影,
reminded:v.提醒;使想起;(remind的过去分词和过去式) microcosm:n.微观世界;小宇宙;作为宇宙缩影的人类;缩图(等于microcosmos);
First of all , you're going to hit obstacles . 首先,你将会遇到障碍。
First of all:adv.首先; obstacles:n.障碍;障碍物;阻碍;(obstacle的复数形式)
And even though you're feeling great at any one moment, don't take it for granted , be ready, because there's going to be pain, there's going to be suffering. 即使你在任何时候都感觉很好, 不要掉以轻心,做好准备, 因为将会有痛苦,你将会受苦,
take it for granted:认为理所当然;想当然;
It's not going to feel this good all the way across. 不会让你从头到尾都感觉良好。
And I was thinking of the hypothermia and maybe some shoulder pain and all the other things -- the vomiting that comes from being in the saltwater . 我想着可能会体温过低, 还有可能的肩膀疼痛, 还有所有的其他事情- 因为浸泡在海水里而呕吐。
vomiting:v.呕吐(vomit的现在分词); saltwater:adj.盐水的;海产的;
You're immersed in the liquid. 你整个儿浸在水里,
immersed:adj.沉入的; v.浸没; (immerse的过去分词和过去式)
Your body doesn't like the saltwater. 你的身体不习惯海水。
After a couple of days, three days, you tend to rebel in a lot of physical ways. 几天之后,三天之后, 你的身体 开始反抗。
But no, two hours in, wham -- never in my life ... 但是,开始后的两个小时, 哇!这可从来没发生过......
I knew there were Portuguese men o' war, all kinds of moon jellies , all kinds of things, but the box jellyfish from the southern oceans is not supposed to be in these waters. 我知道那里有僧帽水母(又名葡萄牙战舰), 各式各样的海月水母,还有其他各种各样的水母。 但是南部洋域的盒水母 是不应该出现在这里的。
Portuguese:adj.葡萄牙的;葡萄牙人的;葡萄牙语的;n.葡萄牙人;葡萄牙语; jellies:n.果胶;凝胶剂(jelly复数); jellyfish:n.水母;[无脊椎]海蜇;软弱无能的人;
And I was on fire -- excruciating , excruciating pain. (被蛰了以后)我身上像着了火- 无法忍受,无法忍受的痛。
I don't know if you can still see the red line here and up the arm. 我不知道你们还能不能看到, 这条红色的线从这里一直到手臂上。
Evidently , a piece this big of tentacle has a hundred-thousand little barbs on it and each barb is not just stinging your skin, it's sending a venom . 一条巨大的盒水母的触角, 上面有千百个小倒钩, 每个倒钩不仅蜇你的皮肤, 而且还会注射毒液
Evidently:adv.显然,明显地;清楚地; tentacle:n.触手,[动]触须,[动]触角; barbs:n.[昆]倒刺;冷嘲热讽(barb的复数形式); stinging:v.刺;蜇;叮;(使)感觉刺痛;激怒;使不安;(sting的现在分词) venom:n.毒液;恶意;vt.使有毒;放毒;
The most venomous animal that lives in the ocean is the box jellyfish. 海洋生物中最毒的 就是这盒水母
And every one of those barbs is sending that venom into this central nervous system . 而且每一个倒钩 把毒液传到中枢神经系统。
central nervous system:n.中枢神经系统;
So first I feel like boiling hot oil, 所以一开始我觉得全身好像
I've been dipped in. 浸在沸油里
And I'm yelling out, "Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! 我大叫起来:“火!火!火!火!
Help me! Somebody help me!" 帮我!快来帮我!”
And the next thing is paralysis . 接下来就是麻痹。
I feel it in the back and then I feel it in the chest up here, and I can't breathe. 首先是背部,接下来就是自胸部向上, 我无法呼吸,
And now I'm not swimming with a nice long stroke, 现在我已经不是在优雅舒展地划水了,
I'm sort of crabbing it this way. 我好像蟹一样地这样游着。
Then come convulsions . 接着就是抽搐。
Young man on our boat is an EMT. He dives in to try to help me. 我们船上的一个年轻人是急救员,他跳进水里来救我。