

I think what you people do is heroic . 我觉得你们的所作所为实在太高尚
You wash clothes you can't afford . 洗着你们买不起的衣服
You polish silver you will never dine with. 擦着你们永远用不起的餐具
polish:n.磨光,擦亮;擦亮剂;优雅,精良;v.磨光,使发亮;使完美;改进;adj.波兰的; silver:n.银; v.给…镀(或包)银; adj.银色的; dine:v.进餐;用饭;
You mop floors for people who don't bother to learn your last name , and still, you dare to dream of a better life. 给不屑记你们姓氏的人 拖地板 但你们依旧敢于幻想更好的生活
bother:v.烦扰,打扰;使…不安;操心,麻烦;n.麻烦;烦恼; last name:n.姓;姓氏;
I am in awe of your determination to succeed in this great country of ours. 我很敬畏你们妄图在我们这个伟大的国家 有所作为的决心
awe:vt.使敬畏;使畏怯;n.敬畏; determination:n.测定;确定;决心;计算;
That said... 即便如此
If you don't stop screwing my husband, 如果你还来勾引我老公
I'm going to have you deported . 我就把你驱逐出境
Comprende? 明白吗
Good. 很好
Adrian? 艾德里安
Is there something you'd like to say to Flora ? 你有什么想和芙罗拉说的吗
I'm sorry that I allowed myself to be seduced . 我很抱歉放任自己受人引诱
Repeatedly . 一而再再而三
Obviously, from this moment forward, when I ask you to do the windows, you will do them. 显然 从今往后 我让你擦窗户 你就得擦
Oh, Evelyn, how are you? 伊芙琳 你怎么样
Not great. I just found out my maid has "feelings" 不太好 我刚发现我的女佣对我丈夫
for my husband. 暗生情意
It's nuts, right? 太疯狂了 对吧
I mean, why would anyone fall in love with Adrian? 怎么会有人爱上艾德里安呢
fall in love with:爱上......;与......相爱;
You have to forgive my wife. She is drunk. 你得原谅我妻子 她喝醉了
And evil . 还很刻薄
I think we're just about done here, and we should be out of your way in a few minutes. 我觉得我们差不多完事了 我们一会儿就离开你家
Uh... I don't understand. What do you mean, you're done? 我没懂 什么叫完事了
Well, we collected all the evidence , and we have a suspect in custody . 我们收集了所有证据 拘留了一名嫌犯
evidence:n.证据,证明;迹象;明显;v.证明; suspect:n.犯罪嫌疑人;v.怀疑;不信任;adj.可疑的; custody:n.保管;监护;拘留;抚养权;
But all this blood on the furniture , and the carpeting ... 但家具上的这些血迹 还有地毯
furniture:n.家具;设备;储藏物; carpeting:n.毛毯,[纺]地毯;地毯料;v.铺以地毯(carpet的现在分词);
Don't worry, ma'am. We have photos of everything. 别担心 夫人 我们都拍照了
All right, people. Pack it up . Let's get going. 好了 各位 收拾一下 咱们走吧
Pack it up:停止;停止吵闹;
I don't care about photos! 我不关心什么照片
I don't care about evidence! 我也不关心证据
My maid was murdered! 我的女佣被谋杀了
Ma'am? 夫人
Well, who is going to clean all this up? 谁要来清理这些呢
Dios todopoderoso... 万能的上帝啊
Y escucha a sus oraciones. 聆听你们的祷告
Escucha a tu gente... 聆听您的子民
Dios todopoderoso..." 万能的上帝啊
We have to go to the Police. 我们得去找警察
Are you crazy? 你疯了吗
They need to know the truth about Flora. 他们需要知道芙罗拉死亡的真相
Why? They already arrested someone. 为什么 他们已经逮捕了嫌犯
Well, maybe he didn't do it. Maybe Flora was killed, 'cause of what she was doing. 也许他并没犯罪 也许芙罗拉被害 是因为她的所作所为
If we go to the cops , they'll ask why we did nothing to stop her. 如果我们去找警察 他们会质问我们为何不制止她
Mami's right. We could get in trouble. 妈咪说得对 我们可能会惹上麻烦
I wish she never told us. 我真希望她没告诉过咱们