

Illuminat... 照名
Illuminat.... 照名电
What? 干嘛
Illumination ! 照明电影
The year was 1985, and the number-one show on television was... 那是1985年 当时最火爆的节目是…
Evil Bratt. 坏蛋布拉特
The show starred young Balthazar Bratt as a child prodigy and criminal mastermind .. bent on world domination . 本节目由巴尔萨泽.布拉特领衔出演少年天才 也是犯罪天才 决心称霸世界
Balthazar:n.一种大型酒杯; prodigy:n.奇迹,奇事;奇才;奇观;预兆; mastermind:v.策划;n.优秀策划者;才子; domination:n.控制;支配;
There he is! Get him! 他在那 抓住他
I've been a bad boy! 我可是个坏小子
Bratt was the biggest child actor of the 1980s, striking a chord with audiences all over the world. 布拉特是上个世纪八十年代最出名的童星 打动了全球观众的心
There he is! Get him! 他在那 抓住他
But it all came to an end in season three, 但一切都在第三季结束了
When... 因为
I've been a bad boy! 我可是个坏小子
The young star experienced an unexpected growth spurt . - Boy? Boy? 这位年轻的明星进入了青春发育期 - 小男孩 男孩?
unexpected:adj.意外的,想不到的; spurt:v.冲刺;喷出;迸发;n.冲刺;喷射;
The show was canceled. Hollywood rejected him and Bratt quickly plunged into a downward spiral . 节目停播 好莱坞将他拒之门外 布拉特的事业步入低谷 人气直线下降
rejected:adj.被拒的;不合格的;v.拒绝,驳回;(reject的过去式和过去分词) plunged:投入;跳进;使陷入;使投入(plunge的过去式和过去分词); downward:adj.下降的;向下的;adv.同"downwards"; spiral:n.螺旋;旋涡;螺旋形之物;adj.螺旋形的;v.使成螺旋形;vi.盘旋;螺旋形上升;
Starting to actually believed he was the character he played on TV. 他开始相信自己就是电视里的那个角色
What are you looking at? 你看什么
Leading us all to wonder... 让我们不禁好奇
Where is he now? 他现在在哪?
You know what, Clive? 知道吗 克莱夫
Playing a villain on TV was fun, but being one in real life is even better. 在电视上扮演恶人很有趣 但现实生活中作恶会更爽
Heist music! 犯罪音乐响起
Here it comes. 来了
What? Clive! 干嘛 克莱夫
What are you doing? How is that heist music? 你在干嘛?这是犯罪音乐吗?
Sorry, my bad. 抱歉 我的锅
Mommy! 妈妈呀
Stop right... 给我停
Sir, the ship has been boarded by some kind of... monster . 长官 船上混入了某个 怪物
Wait, that's not a monster. 等下 那不是怪物
That's a man wearing shoulder pads . 那只是个穿了垫肩的男人
pads:n.软垫,护垫; v.填充,覆盖,保护; (pad的第三人称单数和复数)
There's only one supervillain whose fashion sense is quite that dated, 只有一位超级大坏蛋的打扮才会那么土气
Balthazar Bratt. 巴尔萨泽.布拉特
Blast it! The Dupont Diamond is on that ship! 糟糕 杜邦钻石还在那船上
Blast:n.爆炸; v.爆破; Dupont:n.杜邦,杜邦公司;
I want every agent in the area on the scene immediately. 派所有附近的特工立刻出发去现场
We're already here! Agents Grucy are closing in fast. 我们已经到了 格鲁西特工马上就到
Yes... wait, wha? What did you call us? 没错 什么 你叫我们什么
Grucy. You know, Gru and Lucy mushed together. 格鲁西 格鲁加露西变成格鲁西
Try it. 你叫叫看
Haha! I like it, but not a lot, 我喜欢 但不太喜欢
I don't like it. 我不喜欢
Stop! 停下
On the ground! 趴下
The jewel! Move! 保护钻石 快行动
Go, go, go! 快 快
Don't move! 不许动
Too late again, Gru.! 你又来晚了 格鲁
Wha? 怎么回事
He's getting away!! 他要逃走了