

Excuse me, sir, is there a commode ? 请问 附近有洗手间吗
Justin! 贾斯汀
Quick, honey, take my picture. I got the pyramid in my hand. 亲爱的 快给我照相 金字塔就在我头顶
Justin, you get back here right now! 贾斯汀 快给我回来
No, stop! 站住
No, no! Stop him! - Go back! Don't climb! 别跑 拦住他 -回来 别爬上去
Wait, wait. 等等
Hold on. Easy, little boy. 站稳 别害怕 小朋友
Okay, stop, child! Stop right there. No! 好了 站住 孩子 就站在那里 别动
No, no, no! There he goes. 不不不 他掉下去了
Justin! 贾斯汀
I've got him! I've got him! 我接住他了 我接住他了
Outrage in Egypt tonight as it was discovered that the great pyramid of Giza had been stolen and replaced by a giant inflatable replica . 今夜埃及全民皆怒 大家发现 宏伟的吉萨金字塔被盗 就地由巨型充气模型取代
Outrage:n.愤怒,愤慨;暴行;侮辱;vt.凌辱,强奸;对…施暴行;激起愤怒; giant:n.巨人;伟人;巨兽;adj.巨大的;特大的 inflatable:adj.膨胀的,可充气的;得意的; replica:n.复制品,复制物;
There is panic throughout the globe as countries and citizens try to protect their beloved landmarks . 这在全球范围内引起了巨大恐慌 各国人民都争相保护本国著名地标建筑
panic:adj.恐慌的;n.惊恐;恐慌;惶恐不安;v.惊慌失措; throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及; beloved:adj.心爱的;挚爱的;n.心爱的人;亲爱的教友; landmarks:n.地标,[航]陆标;标志(landmark复数形式);
Law enforcement still has no leads, leaving everyone to wonder, which of the world's villains is responsible for this heinous crime? 警方至今对此案仍毫无头绪 众人纷纷猜测 究竟是哪个邪恶之徒 犯下这等十恶不赦之罪
enforcement:n.执行,实施;强制; villains:n.恶棍;反派角色(villain的复数); responsible:adj.负责的,可靠的;有责任的; heinous:adj.可憎的;极凶恶的;
And where will he strike next? 他的下一个目标会是什么
I'm having a bad, bad day 今天一天都倒霉
It's about time that I get my way steamrolling whatever I see 是该开始为所欲为 见啥拿啥不客气
Freeze ray! Freeze ray! Freeze ray! 冰冻射线 定住 定住
I'm having a bad, bad day 今天一天都倒霉
If you take it personal , that's okay 随你咋想 我无所谓
Watch, this is so fun to see 看啊 世界多滑稽
Despicable me 我就是卑鄙
Morning, Gru! 格鲁 早上好
How you doing? 过得如何
Hello, Fred. 弗雷德 你好
FYI, your dog has been leaving little bombs all over my yard, and I don't appreciate it. 告诉你 你的狗在我的院子里随地便溺 这让我很不爽
Sorry. You know dogs. They go wherever they want to go. 抱歉 狗狗嘛 总是到处乱跑
Unless they're dead. 死狗就不会乱跑了
I'm joking! 玩笑话
Although, it is true. Anyway, have a good one. 但这是事实 祝你愉快
Okay. Yeah. 好的 好
Steamrolling whatever I see 见啥拿啥不客气
Despicable me 我就是卑鄙
I'm having a bad, bad day 今天一天都倒霉
If you take it personal, that's okay 随你咋想 我无所谓
Despicable me 我就是卑鄙
You've got to be pulling on my leg! 就没有一刻清闲
Hello! 你好
Cookies for sale. 买曲奇吗
Go away. I'm not home. 走开 家里没人
Yes, you are. I heard you. 你在家 我听到你说话了
No, you didn't. 不 你听错了
This is a recording. 是答录机的声音
No, it isn't. - Yes, it is. 不对 不是 -是的 就是
Watch this. Leave a message, beep. 听着 请在 哔 声后留言
Goodbye, recorded message. 再见 答录机先生
Agnes, come on. 阿格妮丝 走吧