

Three weeks, and we're still no close to cracking this. 3周了 还是一点头绪都没有
Right! Bring him in! 好吧 把他带过来
Yes, sir. 是的 长官
This is the best party ever! 这是有史以来最棒的生日派对
Oh, no! 不好了
A dragon is approaching ! 有条龙正在逼近
dragon:n.龙;悍妇;母夜叉; approaching:v.靠近,接近;接洽;建议;要求;(approach的现在分词)
Fear not, for here come the valiant knights to save us! 别怕 英勇的骑士要来救我们了
valiant:adj.英勇的,勇敢的;n.勇士;勇敢的人; knights:n.骑兵,骑士(knight的复数);v.授以爵位(knight的第三人称单数);
What do you mean she's not coming? 你说她不会来是什么意思
I have a backyard full of these little girls who are counting on the visit from the Fairy Princess ! 我后院一大群小女孩 都指望着能看见仙女呢
backyard:n.后院;后庭; Fairy:n.仙子;adj.美丽的;优雅的;妖精(一样)的; Princess:n.王妃;(除女王或王后外的)王室女成员;(尤指)公主;王公贵族夫人;
I do not want a refund ! I want the Fairy Princess! 我不要退款 我要的是仙女
Please, please, I'm begging you! 求你了 求你了 救人一命
You know what? I hope you can't sleep at night, you crusher of little girls' dreams! 我咒你晚上睡不着觉 因为你粉碎了小女孩的梦想
Oh, oh, when's the Fairy Princess coming? 仙女什么时候来
Any minute now! 马上就来
Stall them! 拖住她们
okay, okay. 好了 好了
Alright, that's enough of the magic show! 魔术表演到此为止
Wait, did you hear that? 等一下 你们听到了吗
It sounded like the twinkling sounds of magical fairy dust. 听上去像是魔法仙尘的声音
It's the Fairy Princess, 是仙女
She's coming! 她要来了
It is I, GruTinkerbell! 我是格鲁花仙子
The most magical Fairy Princess of all! 是最神奇的仙女
I am here to wish Princess Agnes, 今天我在这祝愿艾格妮丝小公主
A very happy birthday! 生日快乐
How come you're so fat? 仙女怎么这么胖
Because my house is made of candy! 因为 我住在糖果屋里
And sometimes, I eat instead of facing my problems! 烦心的时候我就会吃糖果逃避现实
How come you have... 仙女怎么会...
Okay, time for cake! 好了 去吃蛋糕吧
Thank you, GruTinkerbell! 谢谢你 格鲁花仙子
You're the best Fairy Princess ever! 你是有史以来最棒的仙女
You are welcome, little girl! 不客气 小女孩
I know it's really you, Gru. 我知道是你 格鲁
I'm just pretending for the other kids. 我在装给其他小朋友看呢
Hey there, Gru, Mister Life of the party! 你好 格鲁 派对狂人先生
Hello, Jillian! 你好 吉莉安
So, I'm gonna go out on a limb here, but my friend Natalie , is recently single, and... 我知道这样说有点唐突 我朋友娜塔莉最近恢复了单身...
go out on a limb:爬高枝;担风险;冒险; Natalie:n.纳塔莉;[女名]女子名; recently:adv.最近;新近;
No, no, no! Get off the limb, right now! 不不不 连门都没有
No limb. 没门
Come on! She's a riot ! 拜托 她很会玩的
She sings karaoke , she has a lot of free time, looks aren't that important to her! 爱唱卡拉OK 有大把时间 对长相的要求也不高
Look, Jill, it's not happening. 吉尔 这不可能
Seriously, I'm fine. 说真的 我自己很好
Okay, fine, forget Natalie. 好吧 不说娜塔莉了
How about my cousin Linda? 我表妹琳达怎样
Oh, I know someone whose husband just died... 我知道有个女的刚死了老公...
I'm sorry, I did not see you there. 抱歉 没看到你在那里
Or there. 还是没看到
Kyle, Kyle, 凯尔 凯尔