

We are all trapped inside our own heads, and our beliefs and our understandings about the world are limited by that perspective , which means we tell ourselves stories. 我们都被困在 自己的思维里, 我们对这个世界的信仰和理解 都被这个角度限制了, 于是我们只好自圆其说。
trapped:adj.受困的;受限制的;v.使落入险境;使陷入困境;(trap的过去分词和过去式) limited:adj.有限的; n.高级快车; v.限制; (limit的过去分词和过去式) perspective:n.观点;远景;透视图;adj.透视的;
Right? So here we are in this infinite data source . 对吧?现在我们身处 无限信息源的时代,
infinite:adj.无限的,无穷的; n.无限; source:n.来源;水源;原始资料;
There's an infinite number of things that we could think about, but we edit and delete. 我们可以思考的事情也很多, 但我们会编辑和删除。
We choose what to think about, what to pay attention to . 我们选择思考哪些,关注哪些。
pay attention to:注意
We make up a story ... 我们会编个故事…
to make sense of what's going on, and we all get it wrong. 让所有的事情变得合情合理。 但我们都错了。
make sense of:搞清…的意思;
Because we're all trying to navigate with our own skewed compasses , and we all have our own baggage , but the stories themselves are utterly convincing . 因为我们都倾向于 带着有色眼睛看问题, 我们都有自己的包袱, 但故事本身是完全令人信服的。
navigate:vt.驾驶,操纵;使通过;航行于;vi.航行,航空; skewed:adj.歪斜的;曲解的; compasses:n.[测]圆规;罗盘(compass的复数);v.围绕;环行(compass的三单形式); baggage:n.行李;[交]辎重(军队的); utterly:adv.完全地;绝对地;全然地;彻底地,十足地; convincing:adj.令人信服的; v.使确信; (convince的现在分词)
And we all do this, and a lot of the stories that we live by aren't even our own. 但我们都这么干, 并且我们赖以生存的很多 故事都不是自己的。
The first ones we inherit at a young age from our parents, who of course have their own skewed beliefs, their own frustrations , their own unlived lives. 当然他们有自己的偏见, 他们自己的挫折,他们自己 未能实现的生活。
inherit:v.继承;接替(责任等);继任; frustrations:n.沮丧;受阻;阻止;挫败;(frustration的复数) unlived:v.宣告...无效;抹除[忘却](过去的生活经历)(unlive的过去式及过去分词)
And for better or worse, we take all that onboard , and then we go out into the world thinking maybe we have to be successful to be loved; or that we always have to put other people's needs first; or that we have some big terrible secret we couldn't possible tell people. 不管是好是坏,我们都带上它们, 向世界出发, 认为可能我们必须成功才能被爱。 或者我们必须优先照顾别人的需求; 又或者,我们都有些不可能 告诉别人的糟糕秘密。
And it's just fiction, it's just stories, and we'd worry a lot less about what other people think of us if we realized how seldom they do. 这些全是幻想,这些只是故事, 如果我们意识到别人很少这样想, 我们就不会那么担心 别人对我们的看法了。
(Laughter) (笑声)
So I feel that magic is a great analogy for how we edit reality and form a story and then mistake that story for the truth, and I've had a 20-year career in the UK staging big psychological experiments on TV, and now that's on Netflix . 我觉得魔术是一个很好的类比, 就我们如何编辑现实和构建故事 并且以假乱真而言, 我在英国做了20年的 电视心理实验, 现在这个实验也登上了在Netflix。
analogy:n.类比;类推;类似; career:n.职业;事业;生涯;经历; psychological:adj.心理的;心理学的;精神上的; Netflix:n.网飞公司(出租DVD;在线观看电影的网站。);
I also have a stage show. 我也有舞台表演。
I've got my first Broadway show actually coming up, called "Secret." 我的第一部百老汇舞台剧 《秘密》就要上演了。
Just throwing that out there. No pressure. 就是告诉大家一声,别紧张。
(Laughter) (笑声)
That should be this year. 应该就在今年。
And I try to do something new with mentalism , mentalism , which is the dubious art of getting inside your head. 我尝试着用心灵主义做一些新的东西, 这是一种进入你大脑 的可疑的艺术。
mentalism:n.心灵主义;唯心主义; dubious:adj.可疑的;暧昧的;无把握的;半信半疑的;
So there was a heyday for this kind of stage mind-reading , which was the 1930s. 在20世纪30年代,这种舞台读心术 达到了全盛时期。
heyday:n.全盛期;int.嘿!(表喜悦或惊奇等); mind-reading:读心症;
That's why I'm dressed like this, in my most un-TED-like garb . 这就是我穿成这样的原因, 穿着我最不像TED的衣服。
And there was an act, an act known as the Oracle Act. 有一种表演,叫做神谕表演。
And in the Oracle Act, members of the audience, as I know you have done, would write down secret questions, the sort of questions you might ask a psychic , seal that question into an envelope , 在神谕表演中,现场观众—— 我知道你们做过的—— 会写下私密问题, 那种你会问通灵者的问题, 把那个问题封到信封里,
psychic:adj.精神的;心灵的;灵魂的;超自然的;n.灵媒;巫师; envelope:n.信封,封皮;包膜;[天]包层;包迹;
and on the outside of the envelope they would write their initials and then roughly where they sat in the audience. 在信封的外面会写他们的首字母, 还有他们在观众席中的大概位置。
initials:n.首字母;缩写;姓名中的大写字母(initial的复数); roughly:adv.粗糙地;概略地;
And then the Oracle, the mind reader, would take an envelope one at a time , he wouldn't open it, but he would attempt to divine what question was sealed inside. 然后神谕者,心灵读者, 会一次拿起一个信封, 不打开, 但他会尝试猜测里面 藏的是什么问题。
one at a time:每次一个;一次一个; attempt:n.企图,试图;攻击;v.企图,试图;尝试; divine:adj.神圣的;非凡的;天赐的;极好的;v.占卜;预言;用占卜勘探;n.牧师;神学家;
And if he got that right, he would try and answer the question for the person too. 如果他猜对了, 他也会尝试为提问的人 回答这个问题。
And the act spread like wildfire . 这类表演像野火一样蔓延开来。
It's a testament , I think, to the seductive appeal of some powerful figure offering you easy, simple answers to life's complex and subtle questions and anxieties. 我认为,这是一个证据,证明了 一些有权威的人为你提供 简单答案,来解答生活中 复杂而微妙的问题和焦虑 的诱惑魅力。
testament:n.[法]遗嘱;圣约;确实的证明; seductive:adj.有魅力的;性感的;引人注意的; appeal:n.上诉;吸引力;申诉;魅力;v.上诉;呼吁;申诉;恳求; complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施; subtle:adj.微妙的;精细的;敏感的;狡猾的;稀薄的;
So thank you all of you that wrote questions. 谢谢所有写了问题的人。
I haven't seen these. I know somebody's guarding them. 我没看过。我知道有人负责看管。
Thank you so much. 非常感谢。
I will take those now. Thank you all of you that did this. 现在可以交给我了。 谢谢大家配合。
I should say, probably, a couple of things before I start. 在开始之前,我得说几件事情。
In absolute honesty, first of all I can't see through these envelopes . 坦白说, 首先我不能透视这些信封。
first of all:adv.首先; see through:adj.透明的;穿透的; envelopes:n.信封(envelope的复数);
They are sealed. They are thick black envelopes. 它们是密封的,是厚厚的黑色信封。
You'll know if you wrote one. I can't see through them. 如果你写了一个,你会知道, 我看不透他们。
Secondly, importantly, I don't know any of you and nobody is playing along. 其次,同样重要的是, 我不认识你们, 也没人配合我。
That's not what this is. 游戏不是这样玩的。
Thirdly ... 第三…
I don't believe for a second that I have any special psychological gifts, let alone any psychic ones. 我不相信我有任何特殊的心理天赋, 更别说任何通灵技能了。
let alone:更不必说;听任;不打扰;
So let's begin. 让我们开始吧。
Nope. 不。
(Laughter) (笑声)
OK, this -- 好的,这个——
Oh, nice. 不错哦。
OK, this one's interesting. There's a couple here. 好的,这个有意思。 这里有几个。
I will start with maybe this one. 我也许会从这个开始。
This one's interesting, because the writing undulates .
undulates:v.(水面,风中的麦田等)波动; adj.波状的; (undulate的第三人称单数)
There's a sort of an up and down thing, which normally -- not always -- normally means that the person doesn't know the answer to the question themselves, so it's normally a question about the future, right? 有上下波动的过程, 这通常——并非总是——通常意味着 这个人自己也不知道答案, 所以这通常是关于未来的问题,
That sort of suggests uncertainty . 暗示着不确定性。
So I would say it's a lady, age-wise it's a little difficult to tell from this minimal handwriting, but I would expect maybe 30s, maybe 40s, but let's find out. 我会说这是一位女士, 年龄嘛,很难从这点书写上区分出来, 但我估计也许是30多岁, 或者40多岁,让我们看看吧。
It says -- and a question about the future -- it says, "JN, center." 一个关于未来的问题—— 写着:“JN,中间。”
So it's going to be somebody in this big central section here. 所以应该是坐在 这大一片中心区域的人。
If you think this is you, if you wrote one, could you make a fuss ? 如果你认为是你, 如果这是你写的, 能挥挥手吗?
fuss:n.大惊小怪; v.瞎忙一气; (为小事)烦恼;
It's a bit difficult for me to see in the center. 在中间我有点看不清。
Hi, give us a wave. 嗨,给我们打个招呼。
So J ... 所以是 J …
Jane? Jessica? 简?杰西卡?
Jessica: Yes. 杰西卡:对。
Derren Brown: Which one? Jessica: Jessica. 德伦布朗(DB):哪个对? 杰西卡:杰西卡。
DB: Thank you. Just a guess. Little murmur of approval , thank you? DB:谢谢。只是一个猜测。 算是默认我猜对了,谢谢你。
murmur:n.低语; vi.低声说; vt.低声说; approval:n.批准;认可;赞成;
(Laughter) (笑声)
I'll take it. 谢谢大家。
Alright, so Jessica, I won't ask your age, but is it a question essentially about the future? 好的,杰西卡, 我不会问你的年龄, 但这是个关于未来的问题对吗?
Jessica: Mhm? DB: Yes? 杰西卡:嗯。 DB:对吗?
Jessica: Yes. DB: Yes. OK. 杰西卡:对。 DB:好的。
Alright. So what did we ask? What did Jessica ask about the future? 好的。那么我们问的是什么? 杰西卡问的关于未来的问题是什么?
So am I OK with late-30s, early-40s? 我可以猜你40岁左右吗?
Jessica: I'll take it. I'm taking it. 杰西卡:我认。我认。
(Laughter) (笑声)
DB: OK, so it's important, because we ask different questions depending how old we are. DB:好的,这很重要, 因为我们提的问题 取决于我们的年纪。
Just say, "I'll take it" again. 再说一遍“我认。”
Jessica: I'll take it. 杰西卡:我认。
DB: Virginia ? You're from Virginia ? Jessica: Yes, I am. DB:弗吉尼亚?你来自弗吉尼亚州? 杰西卡:是的,我是。
DB: Yeah. So -- DB:是的。所以——
(Laughter) (笑声)
I think this is a lady, 我认为这位女士——
I think this is a lady who wants to leave Virginia. 我认为这位女士 想离开弗吉尼亚州。
I think you're looking at plans, it's whether or not things are going to come together to get out. 我想你正在计划, 关键在于计划是否能够顺利实施。
whether or not:是否…;
Just show me your hands. 给我看一下你的手。
Other sides so I can see fingernails ? 另一边,可以让我看到指甲吗?
OK, I think you have a farm and it's whether or not you're going to sell your farm and get out of Virginia? 好的,我想你有一个农场, 并且你在考虑是否出售你的农场 并离开弗吉尼亚州?
Is this right? 我说得对吗?
Jessica: Absolutely , that's the question. 杰西卡:当然,这就是问题所在。
DB: Alright. Great. Thank you. It's a great question!
What was the actual question? What did you put? 那么问题是什么? 你写了什么问题?
Jessica: "Will I sell the farm in Virginia?" 杰西卡:“我会卖掉 弗吉尼亚的农场吗?“
DB: Will you sell the farm? DB:你会卖农场吗?
Alright, so look, it's a great question if you are pretending to be psychic, because it's about the future, which means I can give you a yes or no on this. 好的,这是一个很好的问题, 如果你假装是个通灵者, 因为它是关于未来的, 这意味着我可以给你 肯定或否定的答案。
It means nothing. You have no way of verifying it. 它没有意义,你无法验证它。
And a dangerous thing to do -- and if I say yes or no, it'll just stick in the back of your mind, and it can't not start to affect decisions you make. 并且这是一件危险的事—— 如果我说是或否,它只会 停留在你的脑海里,
So a dangerous thing to do. However --
(Laughter) (笑声)
Yes, I think you will sell the farm, because I think you're the sort of person that in the nicest way will get what you want. 是的,我想你会卖掉农场, 因为我认为你是会 通过最好的方式得到你所想的那种人。
I think when there are things you want, you tend to focus on them at the expense of other things that you know you probably should be focusing on more, would you agree? 我想当有你想要的东西时, 你倾向于专注于它们, 并牺牲其他东西, 你知道你应该关注更多事情, 你同意吗?
at the expense of:以…为代价;由…支付费用;
Educated, you spent a few years in -- 受过教育,你花了几年时间——
Say yes again, the word "yes" quickly? Jessica: Yes. 能快速说一下“是”这个词吗? 杰西卡:对。
DB: No? Jessica: No. DB:再说一下“不是“? 杰西卡:不。
DB: California? Berkeley? A bit of a guess, but ... DB:加州?伯克利?猜测一下,但......
Jessica: I went to Berkeley, yes. Stop doing this! 杰西卡:我去过伯克利, 是的。别再这样做了!
DB: So it's a yes. DB:所以这是肯定的。
Oh, and you've been to India recently as well. 哦,你最近也去过印度。
There's just a tiny, tiny little thing going on there. Yes? No? 在那里发生了一些小事情, 对吗?还是没有?
Jessica: Yes, I just got back from India. 杰西卡:是的,我刚从印度回来。
DB: It's a yes from me, I just don't want to say it like it's written in the stars because it isn't, and you need to take responsibility for it. DB:我想应该是这样, 我不想让你觉得我在占卜, 你应该对自己的行为负责。
DB: Have a seat. Thank you. Let's do another one. DB:请坐。 谢谢。我们再来试一次。
(Applause) (掌声)
AH, also in the center? AH. AH,还在中心区域?
This will be a man, a little older, maybe late 40s, I would say from this. 这是位男士,年纪稍大, 也许快50岁了。
AH, center, stand up for me if you think this is you. AH,坐在中间,如果你认为 这是你,请站起来。
stand up for:支持,坚持;拥护;
AH. Hi, let's get a microphone to this guy. AH,嗨,请把麦克风给他。
Quick as we can, on camera would be amazing. 我们加快速度,镜头赶紧跟上。
Oh, look at that! Freeze. Don't move. Don't move. 哦,看那个!停住, 别动,别动。
Keep absolutely still. 保持不动。
Are you standing? Where are you? 你站着吗?你在哪?
Man: I am standing. I'm not that short. 男子:我站着,我没那么矮。
DB: OK. DB:好的。
Alright, now you changed that. 好的,你动了。
There was just something you did as you got up. 你起来时做了点事情。
Yes or no, have you put something on here -- you're not doing it now, but you did it as you stood up -- to do with your left or your left leg or your left foot, yes or no? 你是不是把什么东西放在这儿了—— 不是现在,是你站起来的时候—— 在你的左边,左腿或者 左脚的位置,是或否?
Man: Yes. 男子:是的。
DB: Alright. He was giving us a nice clear signal as he stood up. DB:好的。他站起来时给了 我们一个清晰的信号。
Put your weight on your left-hand side and say "yes." 把身体重心移到左边,说“是的”。
Man: Yes. 男子:是的。
DB: Take your hand out of that pocket, put your weight on the other side , change hands with the mic and say "yes" again. DB:把你的手从口袋里拿出来, 把重心放在另一边, 男子:是的。
on the other side:另一面;在另一边; change hands:[贸易]转手;(钱等被)花掉;
Man: Yes. DB:你左边
DB: You have a dislocation in the big toe on your left-hand side? DB:你左边 的大脚趾脱臼了?
dislocation:n.转位;混乱;[医]脱臼; toe:n.脚趾;鞋头;v.用脚趾踩;用脚尖踢;
Man: Yes. 男子:是的。
DB: Thank you so much. Great. Good one! Take a seat. Take a seat. DB:非常感谢你,坐下吧。
Can I get the microphone? I'm going to change microphone for this. 我可以要个麦克风吗? 我想换个麦克风。
Can I grab a mic up? Thank you.
Thank you so much. That would be great there. 非常感谢,那会很棒。
I'm going to change mic because, hopefully you can now still hear me? 我要换个麦克风因为, 你现在还能听到我的声音吧?
So I'm going to blindfold myself. 我要蒙上自己的眼睛。
And I'm doing this now so I don't have the clues as you stand up. 我现在这样做,你们站起来 我就不会看到任何线索了。
I can't see where you put your hands. 我看不到你把手放在哪里。
I can't see how you respond to what I'm saying. 我看不到你对我说的话做出的反应。
I can't see what the people next to you are doing either. 我也看不到你旁边的人在做什么。
If they know the answers to the question, that's always very helpful.
I won't have those advantages , but strangely , this frees me up, and I want this to free you up as well, so if you didn't write a question but you wish that you had done, you can still take part. 我不再有这些优势, 但奇怪的是, 这让我感到解脱了, 我希望这也能让你们放松些, 所以,如果你没有写下问题, 但是你希望你有写, 你仍然可以参加。
advantages:n.有利条件; v.有利于; strangely:adv.奇怪地;奇妙地;不可思议地;
The point of writing the question is only that it just kind of gets a nice, clear, succinct wording in your head. 写这个问题的重点在于 在你头脑中形成一个明显, 清晰,简洁的词。
only that:只是;要不是; succinct:adj.简洁的;简明的;紧身的;
So if you can just find a question in your head, make it clear and succinct, just send it to me, and I'll try and do this now without anything written down. 所以,如果你能找到 你头脑中的一个问题, 让它清晰,简短,把它发给我, 我现在试试在没有写出来的情况下做。
So just start to form questions but send me your name as well. 开始想一个问题吧, 也请告诉我你的名字。
'"My name is," whatever that last guy was, and "what's strange about my feet," or whatever the question was. “我的名字是,” 无论最后一个人是谁, 和“我的脚有什么奇怪的,” 或者任何问题。
So name and question. 名字和问题。
There is somebody already, I'm guessing you're quite near the front, because your name is quite clear. 已经有人准备好了,我猜你离前面很近, 因为你的名字很清楚。
Feels like you're in the center at the front. 感觉你也在前排中间区域。
OK, let me just ... Allan? 好的,让我......艾伦?
Feels like there's an Allan. 感觉你的名字是艾伦。
And you're going to be quite near the front, vaguely central, I think. 你非常靠近前面,大概在中心地带。
Feels like it's coming from right there. 我感觉信息来自那里。
There's like a man, maybe early 60s, something like that. 有位男士,也许是60岁出头。
Allan: Yes. 艾伦:是的。
DB: You've got a mic? Great, thank you. DB:你有麦克风?太好了,谢谢。
Allan, just say "stop" when I get to you so that I know where you are, where to face. 艾伦,当我找到你时,就说“停下” 这样我就知道你在哪, 我应该面朝哪里。
Allan: Stop. 艾伦:停下来。
DB: You a Capricorn? Allan: Yes. DB:你是摩羯座? 艾伦:是的。
DB: So Allan has something in his head. DB:艾伦脑子里有些东西。
Now, did you hear it, hear the reserve in his voice? 你们听到他声音中的含蓄了吗?
reserve:n.储备,储存; vt.储备; vi.预订;
It's going to be something really tricky . 这是一件非常棘手的事情。
I think with you ... Just say "yes" again for me?
Allan: Yes. 艾伦:是的。
DB: It's going to be either -- no it's not. DB:它将是—— 不,这不对。
It's access, it's a password or access to something. 它是访问权限,是密码 或获取某些东西的事情。
Have you got something, just yes or no, with a password in your head? 你脑海中的东西, 只说是或否,是密码吗?
Allan: Yes. 艾伦:是的。
DB: A computer password, that sort of thing? DB:计算机密码,那类的事情?
Allan: Yes. 艾伦:是的。
DB: Excellent! DB:太棒了!
(Laughter) (笑声)
In that case, I'm going to finish on this one. Let me --- 在这种情况下,我要完成 这一个。让我来…
If I get this right, they're all going to know what it is, and millions of people potentially . 如果我说对了, 他们都知道它是什么, 还有数百万人也可能知道。
You will change it, won't you? 你会换个密码的,对吗?
Allan: Of course. 艾伦:当然。
(Laughter) (笑声)
DB: Just say "of course" again? Allan: Of course. DB:再说一次“当然”? 艾伦:当然。
DB: Alright. If it's a word -- I imagine it's a word, right -- just see the password written in front of you, big clear block capital letters, and as you look at it, think for me of a letter somewhere in the middle, don't say it out loud, just get a letter in your head that's in the middle. DB:好的。如果是一个字 , 我想这是一个词,对吧 ? 只看写在你面前的密码, 大而清晰的大写字母, 当你看着它时, 为我想一个中间的字母, 不要大声说出来。 就取一个在你脑海中间的字母。
Have you got one? Allan: Yeah. 想好了吗? 艾伦:是的。
DB: OK, stick with that for me. DB:好的,多想一会儿。
Ah, you changed it, OK. 啊,你改变了,好的。
You changed your mind there. 你改变了主意。
I think you settled on a -- 我想你定在了——
settled:adj.稳定的; v.结束; (settle的过去分词和过去式)
I think that's a "B", yes? 我认为那是“B”,是吗?
Allan: No. 艾伦:不是。
I didn't. 我想的不是“B”。
DB: Then it's an "I"? Allan: Correct. DB:那么就是“I”? 艾伦:正确。
DB: But you had a B. Allan: Yes. DB:但你有个B。 艾伦:是的。
DB: Yeah, he changed his mind. He changed his mind. DB:是的,他改变了主意。 他改变了主意。
(Laughter) (笑声)
So see it written there. 我看到它写在那里。
Just keep saying it to yourself in your head. 继续在你的头脑里说。
Oh, you play drums, don't you. 哦,你打鼓对吗?
Allan: I do. 艾伦:没错。
DB: Just get that out of your head, get that out of your head, just focus on this one thing for me. DB:别再想这些了, 别再想这些了,
(Laughter) (笑声)
My job is to sell you a story, right? 我的工作是卖给你一个故事,是吧?
I try and do this to all of you, to get you to pay attention to one thing that I want you to find important, ignore other things that I want you to ignore, and then join up those narrative dots 我努力为你们做这个,让你们关注在 我想让你们觉得重要的事情, 忽略其他我希望你忽略的事情, 然后把这些故事点连接起来,
ignore:v.驳回诉讼;忽视;不理睬; narrative:n.叙述;故事;讲述;adj.叙事的,叙述的;叙事体的;
to tell yourself a certain story about what I'm doing, and this only works because we are story-forming creatures , which means we do this every day. 告诉自己我在做什么, 这起作用是因为我们是讲故事的生物, 我们每天都这样做。
We go out into this complex and subtle world full of a complex and subtle people like you and me, Allan, and we reduce them to these neat characters that fit whatever story we're telling ourselves, and we say, "She's insecure ," "He's arrogant ," "They can't be trusted." 我们进入这个复杂而微妙的世界。 充满了像你,我,艾伦 这样复杂和微妙的人, 我们把他们缩减成这些简洁的角色, 套在任何我们讲的故事上, 我们说,“她不安全”, “他很傲慢”,“他们不可信”。
neat:adj.整洁的;整齐的;有序的;有条理的; insecure:adj.不安全的;不稳定的;不牢靠的; arrogant:adj.自大的,傲慢的;
And these are just stories like the story that I can somehow read your mind. 诸如此类这些都是 我读懂你心思的故事。
You're thinking of selling your company as well, aren't you, at the moment. 你在考虑卖掉你的公司,对吗?
Allan: Correct. 艾伦:正确。
DB: Which is something to do with skin? DB:是不是跟皮肤相关的?
Allan: Yes. 艾伦:是的。
DB: Skin care or something like this. DB: 皮肤护理之类。
Allan: Uh, yes. 艾伦:是的。
DB: And I think the reason why I love doing this is that it reminds me at least to try and be more alive and alert to the complexity and the subtlety of what's real, 是它至少提醒了我, 要对真实世界的复杂性
reminds:v.提醒;使想起;(remind的第三人称单数) alert:n.警报; adj.警觉的; v.向…报警; complexity:n.复杂性;难以理解的局势 subtlety:n.微妙;敏锐;精明;
that there's always other stuff going on that we don't know about, and it means we can get less stuck, we can be kinder to people because we can recognize there's always fear behind their stress, so we don't need to meet it as defensively , 总有一些我们不知道 的事情正在发生, 因为我们可以识别出在 不安背后总是存在恐惧, 所以我们不需要防守,
stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本: recognize:v.认识;认出;辨别出;承认;意识到; defensively:adv.防御地;守势地;
and we can start to see the stories for what they are and recognize that life isn't all about us. 认识到生活不只是关于我们自己。
Oh! 哦!
Your password, where are you? Where are you? Where is he? 你的密码,你在哪里? 你在哪里?他在哪里?
Allan: Right here. 艾伦:这里。
DB: Stand up for me. Your password is "ariboy." DB:站起来,你的密码是“ariboy”。
A-r-i-b-o-y? Is that right? Allan: That's correct. A-R-I-B-O-Y? 对不对? 艾伦:对的。
DB: Then thank you so much. Thank you very much indeed. DB:非常感谢你,真心谢谢你。
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (鼓掌)