

Many believe driving is an activity solely reserved for those who can see. 很多人认为开车是一件 仅仅那些能看见的人才能做的事情。
solely:adv.单独地,唯一地; reserved:adj.内向的; v.预订,预约; (reserve的过去分词和过去式)
A blind person driving a vehicle safely and independently was thought to be an impossible task, until now. 盲人想单独的安全的驾驶一辆车 直到现在,也被认为是一件不可能的任务。
vehicle:n.[车辆]车辆;工具;交通工具;运载工具;传播媒介;媒介物; independently:adv.独立地;自立地;
Hello, my name is Dennis Hong, and we're bringing freedom and independence to the blind by building a vehicle for the visually impaired . 大家好,我叫丹尼斯·洪, 我们为了盲人的自由和独立 制造了一辆针对视觉障碍有问题的人们而设计的汽车。
independence:n.独立;独立性;自恃心;独立不羁的精神; visually:adv.形象化地;外表上;看得见地; impaired:adj.受损的;v.损害(impair的过去式和过去分词);
So before I talk about this car for the blind, let me briefly tell you about another project that I worked on called the DARPA Urban Challenge. 在我讲述这辆盲人用的车之前, 让我简略的说一下我曾经做过的另外一个项目 叫做美国国防部高级研究计划局城市挑战赛。
briefly:adv.简要地;简短地;暂时地; Urban:adj.城市的;都市的;城镇的;都市音乐的;
Now this was about building a robotic car that can drive itself. 这是关于制造一辆能自己驾驶的 机械车。
You press start, nobody touches anything, and it can reach its destination fully autonomously . 你按下开始键,不再碰任何东西, 它也能完全自动的到达它的目的地。
So in 2007, our team won half a million dollars by placing third place in this competition . 在2007年的挑战赛上,我们团队赢得了50万美元 获得比赛的第三名。
So about that time, the National Federation of the Blind, or NFB, challenged the research committee about who can develop a car that lets a blind person drive safely and independently. 大概那个时候, 全国盲人协会,或盲协, 对设计团队提出了挑战 关于谁能设计出一辆 能让盲人独立安全驾驶的汽车。
Federation:n.联合;联邦;联盟;联邦政府; committee:n.委员会;
We decided to give it a try, because we thought, "Hey, how hard could it be?" 我们觉得要尝试一下, 因为我们觉得,哎,这个会难到哪里去呢。
We have already an autonomous vehicle. 我们已经有了辆自动的汽车。
We just put a blind person in it and we're done, right? 我们只要让盲人做到里面开车,那不就完事啦,对吧?
(Laughter) (笑声)
We couldn't have been more wrong. 但是我们错的不靠谱了。
What NFB wanted was not a vehicle that can drive a blind person around, but a vehicle where a blind person can make active decisions and drive. 盲协想要的 不是一辆能载着盲人乱逛的车, 而是一辆盲人能主动做出选择并驾驭的一辆车。
So we had to throw everything out the window and start from scratch . 所以我们不得不放弃我们原有的所有东西 从头开始做起。
start from scratch:从头开始;白手起家;从起跑线开始;
So to test this crazy idea, we developed a small dune buggy prototype vehicle to test the feasibility . 为了测试这个疯狂的想法, 我们设计出了一个小型沙地车的原型车 来测试其可行性。
dune buggy:na.沙滩车; prototype:n.原型;雏形;最初形态; feasibility:n.可行性;可能性;
And in the summer of 2009, we invited dozens of blind youth from all over the country and gave them a chance to take it for a spin . 在2009年暑期, 我们邀请了全国很多盲人青年 并给他们次机会用这车来兜风。
It was an absolutely amazing experience. 这绝对是一个炫酷的体验。
But the problem with this car was it was designed to only be driven in a very controlled environment, in a flat, closed-off parking lot -- even the lanes defined by red traffic cones . 但是这车的问题在于 它的设计只能让盲人在很有限的环境下驾驶, 像一个封闭的停车场-- 甚至能在用红色交通锥搭成的小路上行驶。
parking lot:n.停车场; lanes:n.线路,跑道(lane复数形式); defined:adj.有定义的,确定的; v.使明确; cones:n.视锥细胞(cone的复数);锥形体;v.使成锥形;使成斜角(cone的三单形式);
So with this success, we decided to take the next big step, to develop a real car that can be driven on real roads. 所以有了这次成功, 我们决定进行重要的下一步, 制造一辆能在真正马路上行驶的真正的车。
So how does it work? 那它怎么运作的呢?
Well, it's a rather complex system, but let me try to explain it, maybe simplify it. 嗯,这是个相对复杂的系统, 但是让我来解释一下,来简化一下。
complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施; simplify:vt.简化;使单纯;使简易;
So we have three steps. 我们有三个阶段。
We have perception , computation and non-visual interfaces . 我们有感应阶段,计算阶段 和非视觉界面。
perception:n.感知;知觉;看法;洞察力; computation:n.估计,计算; interfaces:n.分界面; v.把界面缝合; (interface的复数)
Now obviously the driver cannot see, so the system needs to perceive the environment and gather information for the driver. 驾驶员明显是看不见的, 所以系统必须能感知周围环境 并为驾驶员收集数据。
For that, we use an initial measurement unit. 这点,我们使用初始计量元件。
initial:adj.最初的; n.(名字的)首字母; v.用姓名的首字母作标记(或签名)于; measurement:n.测量;度量;长度;
So it measures acceleration , angular acceleration -- like a human ear, inner ear . 它测量加速度,角加速度-- 就像人耳,内耳。
acceleration:n.加速,促进;[物]加速度; angular:adj.[生物]有角的;生硬的,笨拙的;瘦削的; inner ear:n.内耳;
We fuse that information with a GPS unit to get an estimate of the location of the car. 我把这信息和全球定位系统结合在一起 来预测车辆所处的位置。
fuse:n.保险丝;导火线;v.(使)融合,熔断;熔接; estimate:v.估计;估算;估价;n.估价;(对大小、数量、成本等的)估计;估计的成本; location:n.地方;地点;位置;定位
We also use two cameras to detect the lanes of the road. 我们还用两个摄像头来探测行车的路径。
And we also use three laser range finders . 我们还用三个激光测距仪。
The lasers scan the environment to detect obstacles -- a car approaching from the front, the back and also any obstacles that run into the roads, any obstacles around the vehicle. 激光扫描环境来探测障碍物-- 从前方,后方靠经的车辆 同时还有闯进路上的任何障碍物, 在车辆周围的任何障碍物。
obstacles:n.障碍;障碍物;阻碍;(obstacle的复数形式) approaching:v.靠近,接近;接洽;建议;要求;(approach的现在分词)
So all this vast amount of information is then fed into the computer, and the computer can do two things. 所有海量的信息接着汇总到电脑中, 电脑会做两件事。
One is, first of all , process this information to have an understanding of the environment -- these are the lanes of the road, there's the obstacles -- and convey this information to the driver. 首先的,一件事是处理信息 来了解周围环境-- 哪些是行车路径,哪些是障碍物-- 并转化这些信息给驾驶者。
first of all:adv.首先; process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; convey:vt.传达;运输;让与;
The system is also smart enough to figure out the safest way to operate the car. 这系统也是十分智能化 能算出最安全的行车路径。
So we can also generate instructions on how to operate the controls of the vehicle. 我们也能发出指令 关于如何操作车辆的运行程序。
But the problem is this: How do we convey this information and instructions to a person who cannot see fast enough and accurate enough so he can drive? 但是问题是:我们怎么才能把 信息和指令 够快又够准确地传输 给盲人来确保他能驾驶?
So for this, we developed many different types of non-visual user interface technology . 为此,我们设计了很多种不同的 非视觉用户界面技术。
So starting from a three-dimensional ping sound system, a vibrating vest , a click wheel with voice commands, a leg strip , even a shoe that applies pressure to the foot. 最初的三维平音响系统, 震动背心, 声控齿轮,腿带, 甚至给脚施压的鞋子。
three-dimensional:adj.三维的;立体的;真实的; ping:发出撞击声 vibrating:v.(使)振动,颤动,摆动(vibrate的现在分词) vest:n.背心,汗衫;v.赋与; wheel:车轮,转动 strip:n.带; v.夺; adj.脱衣舞的; applies:v.适用;申请;运用;专心;(apply的第三人称单数)
But today we're going to talk about three of these non-visual user interfaces. 但是今天我们讲的是关于 其中三样非视觉用户界面技术。
Now the first interface is called a DriveGrip. 第一个界面叫做驾驶手柄。
So these are a pair of gloves, and it has vibrating elements on the knuckle part so you can convey instructions about how to steer -- the direction and the intensity . 这是一对手套, 在指节部它有震动元件, 以此你能传输如何行驶的指令-- 方向和幅度。
elements:n.要素;基本部分;少量;一群;(element的复数) knuckle:n.指节;指关节;(猪等动物的)肘,蹄;v.用指关节打(压,碰,擦); steer:v.引导;控制;操纵;驾驶(船、汽车等);n.建议;劝告;忠告;阉公牛; intensity:n.强度;强烈;[电子]亮度;紧张;
Another device is called SpeedStrip. 另外一个设备叫做速度震带。
So this is a chair -- as a matter of fact , it's actually a massage chair. 这个车椅--实际上,这是个按摩椅。
as a matter of fact:事实上; massage:v.按摩;推拿;用…揉擦(皮肤,头发等);美化(事实);n.按摩;
We gut it out, and we rearrange the vibrating elements in different patterns, and we actuate them to convey information about the speed, and also instructions how to use the gas and the brake pedal . 我们把它拆出来,我们重组不同模式的震动元件。 我们让它们来传输速度的信息, 同时也有如何使用油门和刹车的指示。
gut:n.勇气;肠道;内脏;v.损毁内部;取出…的内脏;adj.非理性的;本能的 rearrange:v.重新排列;重新整理; actuate:vt.开动(机器等);促使,驱使;激励(人等); pedal:v.踩踏板;骑车;n.踏板;脚蹬子;adj.脚的;脚踏的;
So over here, you can see how the computer understands the environment, and because you cannot see the vibration , we actually put red LED's on the driver so that you can see what's happening. 在这里,你能看到 电脑如何理解周围环境。 因为你无法看出震动, 我们实际在驾驶员身上安装了红色发光二极管,所以他能看到什么正在发生。
This is the sensory data, and that data is transferred to the devices through the computer. 这是感应的数据, 这数据从感应器被传输到电脑里。
sensory:adj.感觉的;知觉的;传递感觉的; transferred:v.(使)转移,搬迁;(使)调动;(transfer的过去分词和过去式) devices:n.[机][计]设备;[机]装置;[电子]器件(device的复数);
So these two devices, DriveGrip and SpeedStrip, are very effective . 所以这两种设备,驾驶手柄和速度震带, 是很有效的。
But the problem is these are instructional cue devices. 但是问题是 这些是指令暗示装置。
instructional:adj.教学的;指导的,教育的; cue:n.暗示;提示;信号;(戏剧的)提示;v.给(某人)暗示(或提示);
So this is not really freedom, right? 所以这不是真正意义上的自由,对吧?
The computer tells you how to drive -- turn left, turn right, speed up, stop. 电脑告诉你如何驾驶-- 左转,右转,加速,刹车。
We call this the "backseat-driver problem." 我把这叫做副驾驶问题。
So we're moving away from the instructional cue devices, and we're now focusing more on the informational devices. 所以我们正避免指令暗示装置, 并更关注于 信息装置。
A good example for this informational non-visual user interface is called AirPix. 这种非视觉信息界面的一个典型例子是 叫做空图。
So think of it as a monitor for the blind. 把这个看成盲人的显示器。
So it's a small tablet , has many holes in it, and compressed air comes out, so it can actually draw images . 这是个小桌面,有很多孔在上面, 压缩空气从中排除, 以此它就能描述成图片。
tablet:n.碑;药片;写字板;小块; compressed:adj.(空气或气体)压缩的; v.(被)压紧; (compress的过去式和过去分词) images:n.印象;声誉;形象;画像;雕像;(image的第三人称单数和复数)
So even though you are blind, you can put your hand over it, you can see the lanes of the road and obstacles. 所以即使你是盲人,你把手放在它上面, 你也能感应到行径路线和障碍物。
Actually, you can also change the frequency of the air coming out and possibly the temperature. 实际上,你还能改变空气中释放出的频率 有可能还有温度。
So it's actually a multi-dimensional user interface. 这实际就是一个多维的用户界面。
So here you can see the left camera, the right camera from the vehicle and how the computer interprets that and sends that information to the AirPix. 这里,你能看到左,右两边的摄像头 以及电脑如何解析并传送这些信息给空图。
For this, we're showing a simulator , a blind person driving using the AirPix. 就这样,我们正展示一个模拟程序, 一个盲人正在用空图驾驶。
This simulator was also very useful for training the blind drivers and also quickly testing different types of ideas for different types of non-visual user interfaces. 这个程序在依据不同种类的非视觉用户界面方面对于训练盲人驾驶者 和快速地测试不同的理论 有很大的帮助。
So basically that's how it works. 这就是基本上它如何运作的。
So just a month ago, on January 29th, we unveiled this vehicle for the very first time to the public at the world-famous Daytona International Speedway during the Rolex 24 racing event. 就在一个月前 1月29日, 我们第一次把此车向大众公布 在世界著名的代托纳国际赛道 举办劳力士24小时赛车活动期间。
unveiled:adj.裸露的;公布于众的;v.公开(unveile的过去分词);原形毕露; world-famous:adj.举世闻名的; Speedway:n.高速公路;(摩托车或汽车的)赛车跑道;机器脚踏车的竞赛场; Rolex:n.劳力士手表(瑞士手表品牌);
We also had some surprises. Let's take a look. 我们也收获了一些惊喜。一睹为快吧。
(Music) (音乐)
(Video) Announcer : This is an historic day in January. (录像)播音员:这是个历史性的一天。
Announcer:n.[广播]广播员;宣告者; historic:adj.有历史意义的;历史上著名的;
He's coming up to the grandstand , fellow Federationists. 他转向主看台,伙计们。
(Cheering) (欢呼)
(Honking) (汽车喇叭声)
There's the grandstand now. 现在他到主看台了。
And he's [unclear] following that van that's out in front of him. 他跟随着前方的那辆货车。
Well there comes the first box. 那第一个箱子出现了。
Now let's see if Mark avoids it. 让我们看看马克能不能躲开它。
He does. He passes it on the right. 他做到了。他从右侧穿过了它。
Third box is out. The fourth box is out. 第三个箱子出现了。第四个箱子出现了。
And he's perfectly making his way between the two. 他完美地从中间穿了过去。
He's closing in on the van to make the moving pass. 他接近货车 准备超车过去。
Well this is what it's all about, this kind of dynamic display of audacity and ingenuity . 这就是它的全部, 这种大胆而独创的激情的表演。
dynamic:n.动力; adj.充满活力的; display:n.显示;炫耀;vt.显示;表现;陈列;vi.[动]作炫耀行为;adj.展览的;陈列用的; audacity:n.大胆;厚颜无耻; ingenuity:n.心灵手巧,独创性;精巧;精巧的装置;
He's approaching the end of the run, makes his way between the barrels that are set up there. 他接近最后的终点了, 从那设障的塑料桶中间穿过成功抵达。
barrels:n.机筒; v.把…装桶;
(Honking) (汽车喇叭声)
(Applause) (掌声)
Dennis Hong: I'm so happy for you. 丹尼斯·洪:我为你感到高兴。
Mark's going to give me a ride back to the hotel. 马克等会儿会开车送我回旅馆的。
Mark Riccobono: Yes. 马克·里科博诺:没错。
(Applause) (掌声)
DH: So since we started this project, we've been getting hundreds of letters, emails, phone calls from people from all around the world. 丹尼斯·洪:自此我们开始这个项目, 我们已经收到了 来自全世界的人们的上百封来信,邮件,电话。
Letters thanking us, but sometimes you also get funny letters like this one: "Now I understand why there is Braille on a drive-up ATM machine." 有的信感谢我们,但是有时候你也会收到些有趣的信比如这个: “现在我知道为什么布莱叶点字法(盲人用点字法)会使用在自动取款机上了。”
Braille:vt.用盲字印;n.布莱叶(法国盲人教育家);盲人用点字法; drive-up:adj.专为车上设计的;
(Laughter) (笑声)
But sometimes -- 但是有时--
(Laughter) (笑声)
But sometimes I also do get -- 但是有时我也会收到--
I wouldn't call it hate mail -- but letters of really strong concern : "Dr. Hong, are you insane , trying to put blind people on the road? 我不觉得它是带有攻击性的信-- 而是些十分强烈关注的信: “洪博士,你疯了吗, 试着让盲人开车上路?
concern:v.涉及,关系到;使担心;n.关系;关心;关心的事; insane:adj.疯狂的;精神病的;极愚蠢的;
You must be out of your mind ." 你肯定是疯了。”
out of your mind:脑子有病;发疯;
But this vehicle is a prototype vehicle, and it's not going to be on the road until it's proven as safe as, or safer than, today's vehicle. 但是这车是一个模型车, 它也不会上路 除非它被证明和如今的汽车一样驾驶安全,或者更安全而言。
And I truly believe that this can happen. 我真地坚信这会发生。
But still, will the society, would they accept such a radical idea? 但是,社会是否, 它们是否能接受这个激进的想法呢?
How are we going to handle insurance ? 我们将如何来处理保险呢?
handle:n.[建]把手;柄;手感;口实;v.处理;操作;运用;买卖;触摸; insurance:n.保险;保险业;保险费;保费;adj.胜券在握的;
How are we going to issue driver's licenses ? 我们将如何签发驾照呢?
issue:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;发行; licenses:n.许可(license的复数);授权;v.允许(license的三单形式);
There's many of these different kinds of hurdles besides technology challenges that we need to address before this becomes a reality. 在技术挑战的背后还有很多各种不同的障碍 在其真正成为现实前我们需要去解决。
hurdles:n.障碍;跨栏;跨栏跑;障碍赛跑(hurdle的复数); besides:adv.此外;而且;prep.除…之外;
Of course, the main goal of this project is to develop a car for the blind. 当然,这个项目的主要目的 是设计一辆盲人驾驶的车。
But potentially more important than this is the tremendous value of the spin-off technology that can come from this project. 但是潜在的比这更重要的 是这个项目中的副产品中 蕴含的巨大价值。
potentially:adv.可能地,潜在地; tremendous:adj.极大的,巨大的;惊人的;极好的; spin-off:n.副产品;资产分派,让产易股;
The sensors that are used can see through the dark, the fog and rain. 能用来透视黑暗,雨雾的 传感器。
sensors:n.[自]传感器,感应器;感测器(sensor的复数); see through:adj.透明的;穿透的;
And together with this new type of interfaces, we can use these technologies and apply them to safer cars for sighted people. 以及这新种类的界面, 我们能利用这些技术 让它们为可视人群提供更安全的车辆。
technologies:n.技术;科技(technology的复数); apply:v.申请;涂,敷;应用;适用;请求;
Or for the blind, everyday home appliances -- in the educational setting, in the office setting. 或者为了盲人,每天生活上的家用装置-- 教育设施,办公设施应用服务。
appliances:n.(家用)电器,器具;(appliance的复数) educational:adj.教育的;有关教育的;有教育意义的
Just imagine, in a classroom a teacher writes on the blackboard and a blind student can see what's written and read using these non-visual interfaces. 想象下,在课堂上老师在黑板上写笔记 盲人学生也能用这些非视觉界面 来了解和阅读老师所写的东西。
This is priceless . 这是极其珍贵的。
So today, the things I've showed you today, is just the beginning. 今天,我所展示给大家的,只是一个开始。
Thank you very much. 非常感谢。
(Applause) (掌声)