

I just met you on a bus, and we would really like to get to know each other, but I've got to get off at the next stop, so you're going to tell me three things about yourself that just define you as a person, three things about yourself that will help me understand who you are, three things that just get to your very essence . 我刚在公交车上见过你, 并且我们真的很想了解对方, 但是我得在下一站下车, 所以你打算告诉我三件 可以定义你这个人的事情, 三件会帮助我 理解你是谁的事情, 三件可以显现出你的本质的事情。
define:v.定义;使明确;规定; essence:n.本质;实质;精髓;香精;
And what I'm wondering is, of those three things, is any one of them surviving some kind of trauma ? 我很好奇的是, 在这三件事中, 是否有一件是 从某种创伤中幸存下来。
Cancer survivor, rape survivor, 癌症幸存者、强奸幸存者、
Cancer:n.癌症;恶性肿瘤; rape:n.强奸罪;强奸案;v.强奸;强暴;
Holocaust survivor, incest survivor. 大屠杀幸存者、乱伦幸存者。
Holocaust:n.大屠杀;毁灭; incest:n.乱伦;近亲通婚;
Ever notice how we tend to identify ourselves by our wounds ? 有没有注意到我们是如何 通过受过的创伤来认同我们自己的?
identify:v.识别:鉴定:确认:发现: wounds:n.(身体上的)伤,伤口; v.使(身体)受伤; (wound的第三人称单数和复数)
And where I have seen this survivor identity have the most consequences is in the cancer community . 我见过的受这种幸存者身份认同 影响最深的 是癌症患者群体。
identity:n.身份;同一性,一致;特性;恒等式; consequences:n.后果,结果;影响(consequence的复数); community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体;
And I've been around this community for a long time, because I've been a hospice and a hospital chaplain for almost 30 years. 我已经处在这个群体中很久了, 因为我已经在一家临终关怀所和医院 做了近30年的牧师。
hospice:n.收容所;旅客招待所;救济院; chaplain:n.牧师;专职教士;
And in 2005, I was working at a big cancer center when I received the news that my mother had breast cancer. 2005年,当我得到 我母亲得了乳腺癌的消息时 我正在一家大的癌症中心工作。
And then five days later, 然后5天之后,
I received the news that I had breast cancer. 我得到消息我也得了乳腺癌。
My mother and I can be competitive — but I was really not trying to compete with her on this one. 我母亲和我可以竞争—— 但是我真的不想在这件事上跟她竞争。
competitive:adj.竞争的;比赛的;求胜心切的; compete:v.竞争;对抗;参加比赛(或竞赛);
And in fact, I thought, well, if you have to have cancer, it's pretty convenient to be working at a place that treats it. 事实上,我当时想, 如果你必须得癌症的话, 那么在一个治疗癌症的地方上班 会给你提供很多便利。
convenient:adj.实用的;便利的;方便的; treats:v.以…态度对待; n.乐事;
But this is what I heard from a lot of outraged people. 但是我听到很多愤怒的人会说,
What? 什么?
You're the chaplain. 你是牧师,
You should be immune . 你应该幸免的。
Like, maybe I should have just gotten off with a warning instead of an actual ticket, because I'm on the force. 就像是说,也许我应该只受到 一点警告而不是真正的得病, 因为毕竟我是一个牧师。
So I did get my treatment at the cancer center where I worked, which was amazingly convenient, and I had chemotherapy and a mastectomy , and a saline implant put in, 我在我工作的癌症中心接受了治疗, 那真的是非常方便。 我做了化疗 以及乳房切除和生理盐水植入手术,
treatment:n.治疗;疗法;对待;处理;讨论; chemotherapy:n.[临床]化学疗法; mastectomy:n.[外科]乳房切除术; saline:adj.盐的;含盐分的;n.盐湖;碱盐泻药; implant:vt.种植;灌输;嵌入;n.[医]植入物;植入管;vi.被移植;
and so before I say another word, let me just say right now, this is the fake one. (Laughter) 因此在我说下一句之前,让我告诉你们 这就是那个假的乳房。(笑声)
I have found that I need to get that out of the way, because I'll see somebody go "Oh, I know it's this one." 我发现我需要不去在意这件事, 因为我会看到别人指指点点地说 :“我知道哪个是假的。”
And then I'll move or I'll gesture and they'll go, "No, it's that one." 然后我会用手势告诉他们 “不是的,另外一个才是假的。”
So now you know. 所以现在你们都知道了。
I learned a lot being a patient , and one of the surprising things was that only a small part of the cancer experience is about medicine. 在生病期间我学到了很多, 其中最令人惊讶的一件事是 医疗只是癌症经历中 很小的一部分。
Most of it is about feelings and faith and losing and finding your identity and discovering strength and flexibility you never even knew you had. 其它大多数的是关于感情和信仰、 失去和寻找你的身份认同 以及发现那些你拥有却从来都不知道的 力量和柔性。
faith:n.信心;信任;宗教信仰; flexibility:n.灵活性;弹性;适应性;
It's about realizing that the most important things in life are not things at all, but relationships, and it's about laughing in the face of uncertainty 它是关于意识到 生命中最重要的事情 不是其它的,而是人际关系, 它是关于笑着面对不确定性
in the face of:面对; uncertainty:n.不确定,不可靠;
and learning that the way to get out of almost anything is to say, "I have cancer." 以及学到逃避任何事情的方法 就是说:”我有癌症。“
So the other thing I learned was that 所以我学到的另外一件事就是
I don't have to take on "cancer survivor" 我不需要将“癌症幸存者”
as my identity, but, boy, are there powerful forces pushing me to do just that. 作为我的身份标识, 但是,男孩,有很强大的力量 促使我那样做。
Now, don't, please, misunderstand me. 请不要误解我。
Cancer organizations and the drive for early screening and cancer awareness and cancer research have normalized cancer, and this is a wonderful thing. 癌症组织、 对早期筛查的推动 以及对癌症的认识和研究 已经将癌症规范化了, 这是一件很了不起的事。
organizations:n.组织,构造,有机体(organization的复数);组织机构; awareness:n.意识,认识;明白,知道; normalized:adj.标准化的; v.使规范化(normalize的过去分词);
We can now talk about cancer without whispering. 我们现在不再需要 悄悄地谈论癌症。
We can talk about cancer and we can support one another. 我们可以公开地谈论癌症并互相支持。
But sometimes, it feels like people go a little overboard and they start telling us how we're going to feel. 但有时,它让人感觉到 有些人有点热心得过头了, 他们开始告诉我们接下来我们将有什么感觉。
So about a week after my surgery , we had a houseguest . 大约在我做完手术一个星期后, 家里来了一位客人。
surgery:n.外科;外科手术;手术室;诊疗室; houseguest:n.在家过夜或暂住的来客;
That was probably our first mistake. 那可能是我们的第一个错误。
And keep in mind that at this point in my life 请记住 那时我已经
keep in mind:记住;
I had been a chaplain for over 20 years, and issues like dying and death and the meaning of life, these are all things I'd been yakking about forever. 做了超过20年的牧师了, 像临终和死亡 以及生命的意义之类的事情, 是我一直都在唠叨的。
issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数) yakking:n.牦牛;喋喋不休;
So at dinner that night, our houseguest proceeds to stretch his arms up over his head, and say, "You know, Deb, now you're really going to learn what's important. 所以在那天的晚餐上, 我们的客人开始伸展他的双臂, 并且说,“你知道吗,黛布, 你现在真的要去学习什么是重要的。
proceeds:v.继续做;行进;前往;(proceed的第三人称单数) stretch:v.伸展;延伸;伸出;舒展;n.伸展;弹性;舒展;一片;adj.有弹力的;
Yes, you are going to make some big changes in your life, and now you're going to start thinking about your death. 是的,你要在你的生命中 做一些大的改变, 你要开始思考死亡。
Yep, this cancer is your wakeup call." 没错,这场癌症是对你的警告。“
Now, these are golden words coming from someone who is speaking about their own experience, but when someone is telling you how you are going to feel, it's instant crap . 这些都是 某个人从他自己的经历出发 所总结的金石良言, 但是当这个人是在告诉你 你接下来将有什么样的感觉时, 这些都是即时垃圾。
instant:n.瞬间; adj.立即的; conj.同"assoonas"; crap:n.废话;废物;屎;拉屎;vi.掷骰子;拉屎;
The only reason I did not kill him with my bare hands was because I could not lift my right arm. 那晚我没用我的赤手空拳 将他杀掉的唯一理由 就是我不能举起我的右手。
But I did say a really bad word to him, followed by a regular word, that — made my husband say, "She's on narcotics ." 但是我真的对他说了一个很不好的字眼, 夹杂在正常的句子中,那个词—— 使得我丈夫赶紧打圆场:“她刚用了麻醉药。”
(Laughter) (笑声)
And then after my treatment, it just felt like everyone was telling me what my experience was going to mean. 然后治疗过后,感觉好像 每一个人都在跟我说我的经历将对我意味着什么。
'"Oh, this means you're going to be doing the walk." “哦,这意味着你要多散散步。“
'"Oh, this means you're coming to the luncheon ." “哦,这意味着你要去吃午餐了。“
'"This means you're going to be wearing the pink ribbon and the pink t-shirt and the headband and the earrings and the bracelet and the panties ." “哦,这意味着你要打 粉红色的丝带和穿粉红色的T恤 以及粉红色的头巾、耳环、 手镯和内裤。“
ribbon:n.丝带; v.用丝带装饰; headband:n.头巾;头饰带; bracelet:n.手镯; panties:n.女式短裤;
Panties. No, seriously, google it. 内裤,不,严肃的说,谷歌一下它。
(Laughter) (笑声)
How is that raising awareness? 这个怎么可能提高人们对癌症的意识?
Only my husband should be seeing my panties. 只有我丈夫可以看到我的内裤。
(Laughter) (笑声)
He's pretty aware of cancer already. 他已经对癌症有很清楚的认识了。
It was at that point where I felt like, oh my God, this is just taking over my life. 这就是那时我的感受,哦,天啦, 我的生命就被这些东西接管了。
And that's when I told myself, claim your experience. 那时我告诉自己,定义你的经历。
Don't let it claim you. 不要让它定义你。
We all know that the way to cope with trauma, with loss, with any life-changing experience, is to find meaning. 我们都知道 应付创伤、失败 或者任何能改变人生的经历的方法 就是找到意义。
cope:v.处理;n.大圆衣; life-changing:改变人生的;
But here's the thing: 但是事实是这样的:
No one can tell us what our experience means. 没有人能告诉我们 那些我们经历过的事情意味着什么。
We have to decide what it means. 我们必须确定它的意义。
And it doesn't have to be some gigantic , extroverted meaning. 并且它不一定非得是什么巨大的、 外向性的意义。
gigantic:adj.巨大的,庞大的; extroverted:adj.性格外向的;外向性的;喜社交的;
We don't all have to start a foundation or an organization or write a book or make a documentary. 我们也不必都去创建一个基金会 或者什么组织之类的,不必都去写一本书 或拍一部纪录片什么的。
Meaning can be quiet and introverted . 意义可以是安静 和含蓄的。
Maybe we make one small decision about our lives that can bring about big change. 也许我们做的一个关于我们生活的一个小决定 就可以带来大的改变。
Many years ago, I had a patient, just a wonderful young man who was loved by the staff, and so it was something of a shock to us to realize that he had no friends. 很多年前,我有一个病人, 一个非常不错的年青人, 他深受我们员工的喜爱, 因此当得知他没有一个朋友时 我很震惊。
He lived by himself, he would come in for chemotherapy by himself, he would receive his treatment, and then he'd walk home alone. 他一个人住, 他独自过来化疗, 接受完治疗 又独自一个走回家。
come in for:受到;接受;得到;
And I even asked him. I said, "Hey, how come you never bring a friend with you?" 我甚至问过他,我说,“嘿, 你怎么从来没有带朋友一起来过?“
And he said, "I don't really have any friends." 他说,“我真的没有任何朋友。”
But he had tons of friends on the infusion floor. 但是他在输液层却有很多的朋友。
We all loved him, and people were going in and out of his room all the time. 我们都很喜欢他,他的房间一直人来人往。
So at his last chemo, we sang him the song and we put the crown on his head and we blew the bubbles , and then I asked him, I said, "So what are you going to do now?" 在他最后一次化疗时, 我们为他唱歌 我们给他带上花环并给他吹泡泡, 然后我问他,我说, “你现在打算怎么做?”
crown:王冠 bubbles:n.泡; v.起泡; (bubble的第三人称单数和复数)
And he answered, "Make friends." 他回答道, “交朋友。”
And he did. 并且他那样做了。
He started volunteering and he made friends there, and he began going to a church and he made friends there, and at Christmas he invited my husband and me to a party in his apartment, and the place was filled with his friends. 他开始做义工并且在那里交了一些朋友, 他开始去教堂并且在那里交了一些朋友, 圣诞节时他邀请我和我丈夫去他的公寓参加了一个聚会, 房间里满满的都是他的朋友。
Claim your experience. 定义你的经历。
Don't let it claim you. 不要让它定义你。
He decided that the meaning of his experience was to know the joy of friendship, and then learn to make friends. 他确定他的癌症经历的意义 就是懂得了友谊的乐趣, 然后学会了交朋友。
So what about you? 那么你呢?
How are you going to find meaning in your crappy experience? 你将如何在糟糕的经历中 找到意义?
It could be a recent one, or it could be one that you've been carrying around for a really long time. 可能是最近的一次经历, 或者是已经伴随了你 很长时间的一段经历。
It's never too late to change what it means, because meaning is dynamic . 对于改变它的意义来说永远不会嫌迟, 因为意义是动态的。
dynamic:n.动力; adj.充满活力的;
What it means today may not be what it means a year from now, or 10 years from now. 它今天所代表的意思 可能跟1年后 或者10年后已经不一样了。
It's never too late to become someone other than simply a survivor. 成为其他类型的人 而不仅仅是幸存者是永远也不嫌迟的。
Hear how static that word sounds? 这个词听起来是多么的静止。
static:adj.静止的; n.[物]静电(干扰);
Survivor. 幸存者。
No movement, no growth. 没有运动,也没有成长。
Claim your experience. 定义你的经历。
Don't let it claim you, because if you do, 不要让它定义你,因为如果你被它定义了,
I believe you will become trapped , you will not grow, you will not evolve . 我相信你会陷入困境, 你不会再成长,也不会再发展。
trapped:adj.受困的;受限制的;v.使落入险境;使陷入困境;(trap的过去分词和过去式) evolve:v.(使)逐渐形成;进化;进化形成;
But of course, sometimes it's not outside pressures that cause us to take on that identity of survivor. 当然,有时候并不是外部的压力 导致我们为自己贴上幸存者的标识。
Sometimes we just like the perks . 而是因为有时我们喜欢这种特权享受。
perks:n.特权; v.打扮;
Sometimes there's a payoff . 有时候会因此得利。
But then we get stuck. 但是之后我们会陷入困境。
Now, one of the first things I learned as a chaplain intern was the three C's of the chaplain's job: 在作为一个牧师实习生时 我首先学到的就是关于 牧师工作的3C:
intern:n.实习医生; v.(战争期间或由于政治原因未经审讯)拘留;
Comfort, clarify and, when necessary, confront or challenge. 安慰(Comfort)、解释(clarify)以及必要的时候对抗( confront) 或者说挑战( challenge)。
clarify:v.澄清;阐明;得到澄清;得到净化; confront:v.直面;无法回避;降临于;处理;对抗;
Now, we all pretty much love the comforting and the clarifying . 我们都很喜欢安慰 和解释。
The confronting , not so much. 而对于对抗,可能态度就不一样了。
One of the other things that I loved about being a chaplain was seeing patients a year, or even several years after their treatment, because it was just really cool to see how they had changed and how their lives had evolved and what had happened to them. 作为一名牧师 另外一件我喜欢的事情就是 去见那些结束治疗一年后 甚至几年后的病人,因为 亲眼看着他们如何改变、 他们的生活如何进步 以及他们身体发生了什么是一件很酷的事情。
patients:n.接受治疗者,病人;(patient的复数) evolved:v.(使)逐渐形成;进化;进化形成;(evolve的过去分词和过去式)
So I was thrilled one day to get a page down into the lobby of the clinic from a patient who I had seen the year before, and she was there with her two adult daughters, who I also knew, for her one year follow-up exam. 所以当有一天 我在诊所的大堂 看到一个一年前见过的病人时非常兴奋, 她跟她的两个已成年的女儿在那儿, 我知道她是结束治疗一年后来做复查的。
thrilled:adj.非常兴奋; v.使非常兴奋; (thrill的过去分词和过去式) lobby:n.大堂;门厅;民众接待厅;游说;v.游说(从政者或政府); clinic:n.诊所;临床实习;(医院的)门诊部;门诊时间; follow-up:adj.后续的;增补的;n.随访;跟进;后续行动;
So I got down to the lobby, and they were ecstatic because she had just gotten all of her test results back and she was NED: No Evidence of Disease . 我走进了大堂,她们当时正欣喜若狂, 因为她刚拿到了检查结果, 结果是无疾病征兆(NED)。
ecstatic:adj.狂喜的;入迷的;n.狂喜的人; Evidence:n.证据,证明;迹象;明显;v.证明; Disease:n.病,[医]疾病;弊病;vt.传染;使…有病;
Which I used to think meant Not Entirely Dead. 我以前以为NED的意思是没有完全死去。
So they were ecstatic, we sat down to visit, and it was so weird , because within two minutes, she started retelling me the story of her diagnosis and her surgery and her chemo, 所以她们很开心,我们坐下来闲谈, 然而事情有点奇怪,因为 谈不到两分钟,她开始对我复述 关于她的诊断、手术和化疗的故事,
weird:adj.奇怪的;奇异的;离奇的;n.命运;宿命;命运女神; retelling:n.复述;复述法;v.复述;再讲(retell的ing形式); diagnosis:n.诊断;
even though, as her chaplain, I saw her every week, and so I knew this story. 尽管做为她的牧师,我之前每个星期都见她, 所以我是知道那些故事的。
And she was using words like suffering, agony , struggle. 而且她使用了像“煎熬“、 “痛苦”、“挣扎”这样的字眼。
And she ended her story with, "I felt crucified ." 最后她用 “我感到自己被钉在了十字架上”结束了她的故事。
And at that point, her two daughters got up and said, "We're going to go get coffee." 就在那时,她的两个女儿起身说道, “我们去喝咖啡了。”
And they left. 然后她们离开了。
Tell me three things about yourself before the next stop. 在下一站之前告诉我三件关于你的事。
People were leaving the bus before she even got to number two or number three. 人们可能会在她 说到第二件或第三件事之前就下车。
So I handed her a tissue , and I gave her a hug, and then, because I really cared for this woman, 我给她递了一张纸巾, 并且拥抱了她, 然后,因为我真的很关心这个女人,
I said, "Get down off your cross." 所以我对她说, “从十字架上下来吧。“
And she said, "What?" 然后她说,“什么?”
And I repeated, "Get down off your cross." 我重复道,“从十字架上下来吧。”
And to her credit, she could talk about her reasons for embracing and then clinging to this identity. 为了给自己增光,她可以说出她 接受然后坚持这个身份标识的理由。
embracing:n.拥抱;v.拥抱,包含;(embrace的现在分词) clinging:adj.紧身的; v.依附; (cling的现在分词)
It got her a lot of attention. 它给她带来了很多关注。
People were taking care of her for a change . 人们本来希望通过关心使她改变。
for a change:为了改变一下;为了换换口味;
But now, it was having the opposite effect. 但是现在,它正取得相反的效果。
It was pushing people away. 它反而在促使人们离开。
People kept leaving to get coffee. 人们离开她去喝咖啡。
She felt crucified by her experience, but she didn't want to let that crucified self die. 她通过自己的经历使自己感觉到被钉在十字架上, 但是她又不想让这个被钉在十字架上的自己死掉。
Now, perhaps you are thinking 也许你们在想
I was a little harsh with her, so I must tell you that 我对她有一点苛刻, 所以我必须告诉你
I was speaking out of my own experience. 我只是在说出我自己的经历。
Many, many years before, 很多很多年前,
I had been fired from a job that I loved, and I would not stop talking about my innocence and the injustice and the betrayal and the deceipt, until finally , just like this woman, people were walking away from me, until I finally realized 我从一个自己喜欢的职位上被炒了, 然后我不停地述说我的清白、 受到的不公正的待遇、公司的背叛和卑鄙, 直到最后,就像这个女人一样, 人们离我而去, 直到我最终意识到
innocence:n.清白,无罪;天真无邪; injustice:n.不公正;不讲道义; betrayal:n.背叛;辜负;暴露; finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地;
I wasn't just processing my feelings, 我不仅仅是在炮制我自己的感受,
I was feeding them. 而且也在将这些感受输送给他们。
I didn't want to let that crucified self die. 我不想让被钉在十字架上的自己死去。
But we all know that with any resurrection story, you have to die first. 但是我们都知道在任何的重生故事中, 你都必须先死去。
The Christian story, 基督教的故事中,
Jesus was dead a whole day in the tomb before he was resurrected . 耶稣在复活之前 被埋在坟墓里整整一天。
Jesus:int.上帝啊:天哪:n.耶稣:耶稣基督: resurrected:使复活;使(断层等)复露;复苏(resurrect的过去式和过去分词);
And I believe that for us, being in the tomb means doing our own deep inner work around our wounds and allowing ourselves to be healed . 我认为对于我们来说, 在坟墓里 的意思就是围绕着自己的创伤 去做内心深处的工作, 并且允许自己的创伤愈合。
inner:n.内部;射中接近靶心部分的一发;adj.里面的;向内的;内部的;接近中心的; healed:v.(使)康复,复原;治愈(病人);(使)结束;(heal的过去分词和过去式)
We have to let that crucified self die so that a new self, a truer self, is born. 我们得让被钉在十字架上的自我死去, 这样才能让一个全新的、更真实的自我 诞生。
We have to let that old story go so that a new story, a truer story, can be told. 我们要让旧的故事成为过去, 这样才能讲述全新的、 更真实的故事。
Claim your experience. Don't let it claim you. 定义你的经历,不要让它定义你。
What if there were no survivors, meaning, what if people decided to just claim their trauma as an experience instead of taking it on as an identity? 如果没有幸存者, 没有所谓的意义会怎么样,如果人们 仅仅把他们的创伤当作一种经历 而不是作为一个身份标识又会怎么样?
What if:如果…怎么办?
Maybe it would be the end of being trapped in our wounds and the beginning of amazing self-exploration and discovery and growth. 也许这将使我们不再 受困于我们的创伤 并且开始奇妙的 自我探索、发现和成长。
Maybe it would be the start of defining ourselves by who we have become and who we are becoming. 也许它将使我们开始通过 认识到我们曾经是什么样的人 以及我们将会成为什么样的人来定义自己。
So perhaps survivor was not one of the three things that you would tell me. 所以也许成为幸存者不是 你将要告诉我的三件事之一。
No matter. 没关系。
I just want you all to know that 我只是想让你们都知道
I am really glad that we are on this bus together, and this is my stop. 很高兴我们能在同一辆公交车上, 并且我到站了。
(Applause) (掌声)