

One way to change our genes is to make new ones, as Craig Venter has so elegantly shown. 改变基因的一个方法是创造出新的基因, 就像克雷格.文特尔的优美结论所展示的那样;
genes:n.基因;(gene的复数) Venter:n.腹部;腹面;母; elegantly:adv.优美地;
Another is to change our lifestyles . 而还有一个方法则是改进我们的生活习惯。
And what we're learning is how powerful and dynamic these changes can be, that you don't have to wait very long to see the benefits. 事实上我们发现,后者所涉及的改动能够较快地带来巨大的成效, 使得我们不用望断秋水般等待这些措施见效。
dynamic:n.动力; adj.充满活力的;
When you eat healthier, manage stress, exercise and love more, your brain actually gets more blood flow and more oxygen. 当你的饮食更加健康,懂得处理与释放压力,坚持锻炼,并且付出爱心的时候, 你的大脑会得到更多的供血与供氧。
But more than that, your brain gets measurably bigger. 不仅如此,你的大脑在体积上也会有所增长。
Things that were thought impossible just a few years ago can actually be measured now. 几年以前我们还以为这种增长是无法测量出来的, 但如今我们已经可以做了。
measured:adj.缓慢谨慎的; v.测量; (measure的过去分词和过去式)
This was figured out by Robin Williams a few years before the rest of us. 这都要归功于罗宾.威廉姆斯的工作, 他走在了我们其他人前面。
Now, there's some things that you can do to make your brain grow new brain cells. 事实上,有不少事情... ...都可以促进新脑细胞的诞生。
Some of my favorite things, like chocolate and tea, blueberries , alcohol in moderation , stress management and canabanoids found in marijuana . 我个人比较偏好的有吃巧克力、喝茶、吃蓝莓... ...适量饮酒,自我调节心理压力... ...以及大麻类物质。
blueberries:n.蓝莓(blueberry的复数); v.采集越橘或乌饭树浆果(blueberry的三单形式); alcohol:n.酒精;乙醇;含酒精饮料; moderation:n.适度;节制;温和;缓和; management:n.管理;管理人员;管理部门;操纵;经营手段; marijuana:n.大麻;大麻毒品;
I'm just the messenger . 当然啦,我只是这么说(意为并无鼓励人们使用大麻的意图)。
(Laughter) (笑)
What were we just talking about? 我们前面说到哪儿了来着?
(Laughter) (笑)
And other things that can make it worse, that can cause you to lose brain cells. 然而有些事情做了呢只会适得其反, 使你的脑细胞数量减少。
The usual suspects , like saturated fat and sugar, nicotine , opiates , cocaine , too much alcohol and chronic stress. 比较普遍的罪魁祸首有饱和脂肪、糖类... ...尼古丁、鸦片类物质、可卡因、酗酒以及长期压力过大。
suspects:v.怀疑;不信任;(suspect的第三人称单数) saturated fat:n.饱和脂肪(存在于黄油、煎炸食品和很多肉类中,能促使胆固醇增长,危害身体); nicotine:n.[有化]尼古丁;[有化]烟碱; opiates:n.[毒物][药]鸦片剂; v.用鸦片制剂治疗; cocaine:n.[药]可卡因; chronic:adj.慢性的;长期的;习惯性的;
Your skin gets more blood flow when you change your lifestyle, so you age less quickly, your skin doesn't wrinkle as much. 当你改进你的生活习惯的时候,皮肤的供血会更加充足, 这可以起到延缓衰老的效果,因为皮肤不那么容易起皱纹了。
Your heart gets more blood flow. 你的心脏供血量也会增大,
We've shown that you can actually reverse heart disease . 我们的研究指出,这甚至可以阻止心脏病的发作。
reverse:n.反面; v.颠倒; adj.相反的; disease:n.病,[医]疾病;弊病;vt.传染;使…有病;
That these clogged arteries that you see on the upper left, after only a year become measurably less clogged. 大家可以看到,幻灯片左上角显示的是被阻塞了的动脉, 而经过一年的健康生活以后,动脉的阻塞程度明显降低。
clogged:v.(使)阻塞,堵塞;(clog的过去分词和过去式) arteries:n.[解剖]动脉(artery的复数);v.给…提供动脉(artery的单数第三人称); upper:adj.上面的;内陆的;n.靴面;兴奋剂;
And the cardiac PET scan shown on the lower left, the blue means no blood flow. 我们再来看左下角这张心脏的断层显像, 蓝色部分表示没有血液流通。
A year later -- orange and white is maximum blood flow. 同样也是一年以后,我们看到大块的橙色与白色,它们正表示最大的血流量。
We've shown you may be able to stop and reverse the progression of early prostate cancer and, by extension , breast cancer, simply by making these changes. 我们的研究还表明,[通过采取健康的生活策略]我们有可能阻止甚至逆转... ,,,早期的前列腺癌,推而广之,也包括乳腺癌。 而我们要做的就是改变不良的生活习惯。
progression:n.前进;连续; prostate:adj.前列腺的;n.[解剖]前列腺; cancer:n.癌症;恶性肿瘤; extension:n.延长;延期;扩大;伸展;电话分机;
We've found that tumor growth in vitro was inhibited 70 percent in the group that made these changes, whereas only nine percent in the comparison group. 通过进行肿瘤生长的体外试管实验我们发现, 实验组中的肿瘤生长被抑制了百分之七十, 而在对照组中这个比例却只有百分之九。
tumor:n.肿瘤;肿块;赘生物; vitro:n.在试管内; inhibited:adj.抑制的;禁止的;羞怯的;v.抑制;控制(inhibit的过去分词); whereas:conj.然而;鉴于;反之; comparison:n.比较;对比;相比;
These differences were highly significant . 这是一个非常显著的差异。
highly:adv.高度地;非常;非常赞许地; significant:adj.重大的;有效的;有意义的;值得注意的;意味深长的;n.象征;有意义的事物;
Even your sexual organs get more blood flow, so you increase sexual potency . 人们的性器官也会得到更多的血液, 从而提高性能力。
sexual:adj.性的;性别的;有性的; organs:n.[生物]器官;机构;风琴(organ的复数); potency:n.效能;力量;潜力;权势;
One of the most effective anti-smoking ads was done by the Department of Health Services, showing that nicotine, which constricts your arteries, can cause a heart attack or a stroke , but it also causes impotence . 在所有的禁烟广告中,最有效的一个... ...是健康服务部所拍摄的。 这则广告上说,尼古丁不仅会由于紧缩动脉... ...而导致心脏病或中风, 它还会导致性无能。
effective:adj.有效的,起作用的;实际的,实在的;给人深刻印象; constricts:vt.压缩;束紧; heart attack:n.[医]心肌梗塞 stroke:n.中风;笔画;钟声;抚摩;v.抚摩(动物的毛皮);轻抚;轻挪;轻触; impotence:n.[泌尿][中医]阳萎;虚弱;无效(等于impotency);
Half of guys who smoke are impotent . 男性吸烟者中有一半是性无能者,
How sexy is that? 事情变得不那么性感了吧?
Now we're also about to publish a study -- a study showing you can change gene expression in men with prostate cancer 最近我们还在准备发表一项调查研究, 它显示罹患前列腺癌的男性有能力改变他们的基因表达。
publish:v.出版;发表;公布; expression:n.表现,表示,表达;
This is what's called a heat map and the different colors, and along the side on the right are different genes 这张幻灯片就是我们所说的“热图”, 它用不同的颜色[代表不同的属性]。右边的图显示的是变化了的基因。
And we found that over 500 genes were favorably changed in effect turning on the good genes, the disease-preventing genes turning off the disease-promoting genes. 我们发现500多个基因发生了良性变异, 我们可以把这理解为那些好的、能够预防疾病的基因被激活, 而会导致疾病的基因则失效了。
And so these findings I think are really very powerful giving many people new hope and new choices 我认为这些发现会有非常巨大的影响, 它能带给很多人新的希望和新的选择。
And companies like Navigenix and DNA Direct and 23andMe, that are giving you your genetic profiles , are giving some people a sense of, "Gosh, well what can I do about it?" 那些为客户提供个人基因档案的公司, 诸如“基因导航(Navigenics)”、“DNA直通车(DNA Direct)”和“染色体与我(23andMe)”, 常给客户造成“天哪,那我该怎么办呢?”的感觉(因为客户有基因缺陷不可改变的错觉)。
genetic:adj.基因的;遗传学的; profiles:n.配置文件; v.扼要描述;
Well, our genes are not our fate, and if we make these changes -- they're a predisposition , but if we make bigger changes than we might have made otherwise we can actually change how our genes are expressed . 但事实上,我们的基因并不是一切的终结。如果我们做出积极的改变, 那么即使我们有更易患病的倾向, 只要我们比普通人作出更大的积极改变, 我们依然可以改变我们的基因的外化表达。
predisposition:n.倾向;素质;易染病体质; expressed:v.表示;表达;显而易见;不言自明;(express的过去分词和过去式)
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (鼓掌)