

It's not about technology , it's about people and stories. 我要讲的不是技术, 而是人和他们的故事。
I could show you what recently was on television as a high quality video: 60 Minutes, many of you may have seen it. 最近电视上, 播出了一段60分钟的 高清视频。 我想很多人都看过了。
And it was the now director of the entire piece of the veteran's administration -- who, himself, had lost an arm 39 years ago in Vietnam -- who was adamantly opposed to these crazy devices that don't work. 它拍摄的是 现在美国退伍军人管理局的局长。 他39年前在越南 失去了一只手臂, 他坚定地认为那些奇怪的机械义肢 是不会有用的。
adamantly:adv.坚硬无比地;坚强地;固执地;不动摇地; opposed:adj.强烈反对; v.反对(计划、政策等); (oppose的过去分词和过去式) devices:n.[机][计]设备;[机]装置;[电子]器件(device的复数);
And it turns out that with 60 Minutes cameras rolling in the background, after he pretty much made his position clear on this -- he had his hook and he had his -- he wore this arm for less than two hours 在这段60分钟的拍摄开始前, 他明确地表示, 他已经有了带钩子的木棍做手臂的代替品。 而他用了这个新义肢还不到两个小时
and was able to pour himself a drink and got quite emotional over the fact that, quote -- his quote -- it's the first time he's felt like he's had an arm in 39 years. 就可以给自己倒饮料了,这让他激动不已。 他是这么说的: 这是他39年以来第一次感到自己的手臂又回来了。
pour:v.倒; n.流出; (已熔金属的)一次浇注量; emotional:adj.情绪的;易激动的;感动人的; quote:v.引用;报价;举例说明;开价;为(企业的股份)上市;n.引用;
But that would sort of be jumping to the middle of the story, and I'm not going to show you that polished video. 这其实并不是故事的开头, 我也不准备给你们看这段精致的视频。
I'm going to, instead, in a minute or two, show you an early, crude video because I think it's a better way to tell a story. 我下面要给你们看的, 是一段没有剪辑过的早期视频。 因为我觉得 这样你们可以更了解这个故事。
A few years ago I was visited by the guy that runs DARPA, the people that fund all the advanced technologies that businesses and universities probably wouldn't take the risk of doing. 几年前, 国防部高级研究计划局的人来找我。 这些人专门资助开发那些商业界和大学 不肯冒险去做的先进技术。
fund:n.基金;资金;存款;v.投资;资助; advanced:adj.先进的; v.前进; (advance的过去式和过去分词形式) technologies:n.技术;科技(technology的复数);
They have a particular interest in ones that will help our soldiers. 而他们现在对那些可以帮助士兵们的人很感兴趣。
I get this sort of unrequested -- by me anyway -- visit, and sitting in my conference room is a very senior surgeon from the military and the guy that runs DARPA. 总之,我接到了这个意料外的拜访。 当时坐在我的会议室里的, 是一位资深的军医 和国防部研究计划局的负责人。
conference:n.会议;研讨会;商讨会;体育协会(或联合会) senior:adj.大;级别(或地位)高的;成人的;高级水平的;n.上级;上司;较…年长的人; surgeon:n.外科医生; military:adj.军事的;军人的;适于战争的;n.军队;军人;
They proceed to tell me a story which comes down to basically the following. We have used such advanced technologies now and made them available in the most remote places that we put soldiers: hills of Afghanistan , Iraq ... 他们告诉我一个故事,大意是 我们使用的医疗技术已经十分先进, 即使在像阿富汗或是伊拉克的山区 这样最偏远的驻军处,士兵们也能 受益于这些技术。
proceed:n.收入;卖得金额;收益;v.继续;接着做;行进;前往; basically:adv.主要地,基本上; remote:adj.偏远的;偏僻的;遥远的;久远的; Afghanistan:n.阿富汗(国家名称,位于亚洲);
They were quite proud of the fact that you know, before the dust clears, if some soldier has been hurt they will have collected him or her, they will have brought him back, 他们骄傲的说, 如果有士兵们受伤了, 在尘硝未尽时 这些伤员就会被找到并带回来,
they will be getting world-class triage emergency care faster than you and I would be getting it if we were hurt in a car accident in a major city in the United States. 并得到顶级的急救护理。 比我们在美国的一个大城市里遭车祸受伤后 得到的急救更加快。
world-class:n.世界级;adj.世界级的; triage:n.分类;伤员验伤分类; emergency:n.紧急情况;突发事件;非常时刻;adj.紧急的;备用的; United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式)
That's the good news. 这些是好的方面。
The bad news is if they've collected this person and he or she is missing an arm or leg, part of the face, it's probably not coming back. 而坏消息是,如果他们带回来的人 失去了一只手臂,一条腿 或是一部分的脸,那他面临基本就是终生残疾。
So, they started giving me the statistics on how many of these kids had lost an arm. 接着他们给我看了那些失去手臂的战士们的人数统计。
And then the surgeon pointed out, with a lot of anger, he said, "Why is it? At the end of the Civil War, they were shooting each other with muskets . If somebody lost an arm, we gave them a wooden stick with a hook on it. 然后那位军医愤怒的说: “在用步枪打仗的内战末期, 如果有人失去了一只手臂, 我们给他一只带钩子的木棍做代替。
Civil:adj.公民的;民间的;文职的;有礼貌的;根据民法的; muskets:n.步枪;滑膛枪,毛瑟枪; wooden:adj.木制的;木头的;木头似的;死板的
Now we've got F18s and F22s, and if somebody loses an arm, we give them a plastic stick with a hook on it." 现在,我们有了黄蜂和猛禽战机, 但是如果有人失去了一只手臂, 为什么我们能给他的还只是一只带钩子的塑料棍?”
And they basically said, "This is unacceptable ," 他们认为这根本说不过去。
and then the punchline : "So, Dean , we're here because you make medical stuff . “所以,迪恩 我们来这
punchline:n.结尾警语;妙语如珠; Dean:n.院长;系主任;教务长;主持牧师; stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本:
You're going to give us an arm." 是想让你为我们做一只手臂。”
And I was waiting for the 500 pages of bureaucracy , paperwork and DODs. 我正等着他们给我看那可能长达500页的 来自官方机构的、国防部的文件。
bureaucracy:n.官僚主义;官僚机构;官僚政治; paperwork:n.文书工作;
No, the guy says, "We're going to bring a guy into this conference room, and wearing the arm you're going to give us, he or she is going to pick up a raisin or a grape off this table. 不,他说 “我们会带一个人来这, 给他装上你做的义肢, 然后他或她可以从桌上 拿起一粒葡萄干或是葡萄。
If it's the grape, they won't break it." 如果拿的是葡萄,他们不会把它捏碎。“
Great he needs efferent , afferent , haptic response sensors . 好吧,那他需要传出,传入和触觉的反应传感器。
efferent:n.传出神经;输出管;adj.传出的,输出的; afferent:adj.[生理]传入的,输入的; haptic:adj.触觉的; response:n.响应;反应;回答; sensors:n.[自]传感器,感应器;感测器(sensor的复数);
'"If it's the raisin, they won't drop it." ”如果拿的是葡萄干,他会拿得很稳,不会弄掉。“
So he wants fine motor control: flex at the wrist , flex at the elbow , abduct and flex at the shoulder. 那么,还需要良好的电机控制来保证腕关节的弯曲 肘部的弯曲,及肩膀的伸展和弯曲。
flex:vt.折曲;使收缩;vi.弯曲;收缩;n.屈曲;电线;松紧带;adj.弹性工作制的; wrist:n.手腕;腕关节;v.用腕力移动[送出,抛掷等]; elbow:n.肘;弯头;肘状物;v.用肘推;挤进;讨价还价; abduct:vt.绑架;诱拐;使外展;
Either way they were going to eat it. 无论拿的是什么,他们都会把它吃下去。
'"Oh, by the way Dean. It's going to fit on a 50th percentile female frame -- namely 32 inches from the long finger -- and weigh less than nine pounds." ”哦,对了,迪恩,这义肢应该适合百分之五十女性的身体结构, 也就是说它到中指有32英寸长, 而且轻于9磅。
by the way:顺便说一下; percentile:adj.百分率的;按百等分排列的;n.百分位; female:adj.女性的;雌性的;柔弱的,柔和的;n.女人;[动]雌性动物; frame:n.框架; v.设计; adj.有木架的; namely:adv.也就是;即是;换句话说;
50th percentile female frame. (要适合)百分之五十的女性。
'"And it's going to be completely self contained including all its power." 这个手臂应该是完全自足的,包括电源在内。“
So, they finished that. And I, as you can tell, am a bashful guy. 他们终于说完了。 我很明显是个胆小的人。
I told them they're nuts. 我告诉他们他们疯了。
(Laughter) (笑声)
They've been watching too much " Terminator ." 他们终结者看多了。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Then, the surgeon says to me, "Dean, you need to know more than two dozen of these kids have come back bilateral ." 然后,那个军医说: ”迪恩,你应该知道, 超过24个孩子回来时 已经失去双臂“
Now, I cannot imagine -- 我无法想象,
I'm sorry, you may have a better imagination than I do -- 也许你们的想象力 比我丰富,
I can't imagine losing my arm, and typically at 22 years old. 但是我实在不能想象自己在22岁这个年纪, 失去一只手臂会是怎样的情况。
But compared to that, losing two? 但是这和两只手臂都没有了比起来
compared:adj.比较的,对照的; v.相比; (compare的过去式和过去分词)
Seems like that would be an inconvenience . 却显得方便多了。
Anyway, I went home that night. I thought about it. 就这样,那天晚上回到家,我开始考虑这事。
I literally could not sleep thinking about, "I wonder how you'd roll over with no shoulders." 我怎么也睡不着, 满脑子想着一个人要是没有肩膀 要怎么翻身。
So, I decided we've got to do this. 所以,我决定我要做这个义肢。
And trust me, I've got a day job, I've got a lot of day jobs. 然而,我白天的工作很多,真的很多。
Most of my day job keeps me busy funding my fantasies like FIRST and water and power .... 我大部分的工作时间用在了 为我的诸如弗斯特(迪恩 卡门创立的科学技术项目)和水抑或电力之类的梦想提供资金
funding:n.基金;资金;提供资金;v.为…提供资金;拨款给;(fund的现在分词) fantasies:n.梦想,幻想(fantasy的复数);
And I've got a lot of day jobs. 所以光是白天的工作都已经很多了。
But I figured I gotta do this. 但是我认为,”我一定要做这件事。“
Did a little investigation, went down to Washington, told them 我做了一点调查。 我去了华盛顿,告诉他们
I still think they're nuts but we're going to do it. 我还是觉得他们疯了,但是我决定要做下去。
And I told them I'd build them an arm. 我说我会给他们做一只义肢。
I told them it would probably take five years to get through the FDA, and probably 10 years to be reasonably functional . 我说这个义肢大概5年才能通过食品药品管理局的审核, 大概10年才能正常运作。
reasonably:adv.合理地;相当地;适度地; functional:adj.功能的;
Look what it takes to make things like iPods. 就像当初苹果刚推出Ipod时一样。
'"Great," he said, "You got two years." ”好,“他说,”你只有两年时间。“
(Laughter) (笑声)
I said, "I'll tell you what. I'll build you an arm that's under nine pounds that has all that capability in one year. 我说,”这样说吧,在一年内我会做出一只义肢。 它会少于9磅 并且具备所有那些功能。
It will take the other nine to make it functional and useful." 但我需要9年使它能够正常的工作。“
We sort of agreed to disagree. 我们各自保留不同意见。
I went back and I started putting a team together, the best guys I could find with a passion to do this. 回去后,我开始召集我能找到的 最优秀的并且热衷于此的人,组成工作团队。
At the end of exactly one year we had a device with 14 degrees of freedom, all the sensors, all the microprocessors , all the stuff inside. 整整一年后, 我们做出了具备14个自由度的义肢。 所有的传感器,所有的微处理器, 所有的东西都包括在里面了。
I could show you it with a cosmesis on it that's so real it's eerie , but then you wouldn't see all this cool stuff. 如果在上面做些修饰,你会发现它几可乱真, 但那样 你就看不到它里面有趣的部分了。
I then thought it would be years before we'd be able to make it really, really useful. 然后,我想接下来可能还需要好多年 才能让它变得真正实用。
It turned out, as I think you could see in Aimee's capabilities and attitudes , people with a desire to do something are quite remarkable and nature is quite adaptable . 但实际上,你们可以 从艾米的表现和态度中看出, 那些强烈想要做成某事的人 是多么的了不起,他们的适应性是多么的强。
attitudes:n.态度,看法(attitude复数); remarkable:adj.卓越的;非凡的;值得注意的; adaptable:adj.适合的;能适应的;可修改的;
Anyway, with less than 10 hours of use, two guys -- one that's bilateral. 就这样,两个试用者装上了义肢不过10小时, 其中一个两只手臂都没了,
He's literally, he's got no shoulder on one side, and he's high trans-humeral on the other. 一边的肩膀完全没了, 另一边肩膀也只剩下一小节。
And that's Chuck and Randy together, after 10 hours -- were playing in our office. 他们,查克和兰迪, 在我们的办公室待了10个多小时。
And we took some pretty cruddy home movies. 而我们为他们拍了一些简单但不错的录影。
At the end of the one I'm going to show, it's only about a minute and a couple of seconds long, 等一下结束前我会放映一段只有一分钟左右的 和几段几秒钟的录影。
Chuck does something that to this day I'm jealous of, 查克做了一件到现在我还在嫉妒的事。
to this day:至今; jealous:adj.妒忌的;猜疑的;唯恐失去的;戒备的;
I can't do it. 因为我自己根本做不到。
He picks up a spoon, picks it up, scoops out some Shredded Wheat and milk, holds the spoon level as he translates it, moving all these joints simultaneously , to his mouth, and he doesn't drop any milk. 他拿起一根勺子, 舀了一勺小麦片和牛奶, 拿稳勺子, 同时运用所有的关节把勺子放进嘴里, 而且没有泼出一点牛奶。
Shredded:adj.切碎的;v.变成碎片(shred的过去分词形式); joints:n.关节; v.接合,联合; (joint的第三人称单数和复数) simultaneously:adv.同时地;
(Laughter) (笑声)
I cannot do that. 我可做不到啊。
(Laughter) (笑声)
His wife was standing behind me. 他的妻子站在我后面。
She's standing behind me at the time and she says, "Dean, 她当时正站在我后面。 她说,”迪恩,
Chuck hasn't fed himself in 19 years. 查克已经19年没有自己喂自己吃过东西了。
So, you've got a choice: 所以,你现在有个选择:
We keep the arm, or you keep Chuck." 要不让我们把这个手臂带回去,要不你把查克带回去。“
(Laughter) (Applause) (笑声)
So, can we see that? 现在,我们来看录影
This is Chuck showing simultaneous control of all the joints. 这是查克 在同时运用所有的关节。
He's punching our controls guy. The guy behind him is our engineer/surgeon, which is a convenient guy to have around. 他在用拳打我们的控制人员。 在他后面的是我们的工程师兼外科医生, 有他在总是很方便。
punching:v.拳打;以拳痛击;给…打孔;(punch的现在分词) convenient:adj.实用的;便利的;方便的;
There's Randy, these guys are passing a rubber little puck between them. 这是兰迪,他们在传递 一个小橡皮球。
rubber:n.橡胶;橡皮;v.涂橡胶于…; puck:n.冰球(由硬橡胶制成);顽皮的小妖精;(英)鼠状定位器;欧夜莺;脾脱疽;
And just as in the spirit of FIRST, gracious professionalism , they are quite proud of this, so they decide to share a drink. 而且,基于弗斯特的优雅而专业精神 他们为此很是自豪 于是他们准备分享一瓶饮料。
gracious:adj.亲切的;高尚的;和蔼的;雅致的;int.天哪;哎呀; professionalism:n.专业主义;专家的地位;特性或方法;
This is a non-trivial thing to do, by the way. 这不是一件简单的事。
Imagine doing that with a wooden stick and a hook on the end of it, doing either of those. 想象要是用一根一头带钩子的木棍该怎么倒饮料, 或是接饮料。
Now Chuck is doing something quite extraordinary , at least for my limited physical skill. 现在查克正在做一件不寻常的事, 至少对于我来说。
extraordinary:adj.非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的; limited:adj.有限的; n.高级快车; v.限制; (limit的过去分词和过去式) physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查;
And now he's going to do what DARPA asked me for. 现在,他要做国防部研究局让我完成的事。
He's going to pick up a grape -- he didn't drop it, he didn't break it -- and he's going to eat it. 他拿起了一粒葡萄,没有弄掉 也没有弄碎。 他把它吃了下去。
So, that's where we were at the end of about 15 months. 好了,这就是15个月后 我们的成果。
(Applause) (掌声)
But, as I've learned from Richard, the technology, the processors, the sensors, the motors, is not the story. 但是,我从理查德那学到, 技术,处理器,传感器,电动机, 并不重要。
I hadn't dealt with this kind of problem or frankly, this whole segment of the medical world. 我没有关心这些方面的问题, 或者说,这整个与医学相关的 部分我都没有关心。
I'll give you some astounding things that have happened as we started this. 我要讲一些在我们开始做义肢时发生的 惊人的事。
After we were pretty much convinced we had a good design, and we'd have to make all the standard engineering trade-offs you always make -- you can always get three out of four of anything you want; 在我们确信我们设计得很好了后, 我们还需要做所有工程师都做的取舍。 通常你可以从四样想要的东西中选出三样来,
convinced:adj.坚信; v.使确信; (convince的过去分词和过去式) standard:n.标准;水准;旗;度量衡标准;adj.标准的;合规格的;公认为优秀的; engineering:n.工程;工程学;v.密谋策划;设计制造;改变…的基因;(engineer的现在分词) trade-offs:n.权衡(trade-off的复数);交易;物物交换;
the weight, the size, the cost, the functionality -- 比如在重量,大小,花费,功能里进行挑选。
I put a bunch of guys in my plane and I said, "We're flying down to Walter Reed , and we're going talk to these kids, because frankly it doesn't matter whether we like this arm. 我把一帮人带上了飞机, 我告诉他们我们现在要去沃尔特里德医院,去和那些孩子们聊天。 因为实际上无论我们喜不喜欢这个手臂都不要紧。
a bunch of:一群;一束;一堆; Reed:n.芦笛;[植]芦苇;芦苇杆;[乐]舌簧;
It doesn't matter whether the 国防部喜不喜欢这个手臂
Department of Defense likes this arm." 也不要紧。
When I told them that they weren't entirely enthusiastic , but I told them, "It really doesn't matter what their opinion is. 在我说的时候,他们并不感兴趣。 但是我说,他们的观点如何一点也不重要。
There is only one opinion that matters, the kids that are either going to use it or not." 重点只有一个, 那些孩子们会不会用这个手臂。
I told a bunch of my engineers, "Look we're going to walk into Walter Reed, and you're going to see people, lots of them, missing major body parts. 我告诉我的工程师们,”我们要去沃尔特里德医院, 在那里,你们会看到很多 失去了身体重要部分的人。
They're probably going to be angry, depressed , frustrated . 这些人可能是愤怒的,消沉的,沮丧的。
depressed:adj.沮丧的; v.使抑郁; (depress的过去式和过去分词) frustrated:adj.失意的,挫败的;泄气的;v.挫败;阻挠;(frustrate的过去式和过去分词)
We're probably going to have to give them support, encouragement. 所以我们需要给他们支持和鼓励,
But we've got to extract from them enough information to make sure we're doing the right thing." 但我们要从他们那儿获取足够的信息 以保证我们现在所做的事情是正确的。
We walked into Walter Reed and I could not have been more wrong. 当我们走进沃尔特里德医院时,我发现自己大错特错了。
We did see a bunch of people, a lot of them missing a lot of body parts, and parts they had left were burned; half a face gone, an ear burned off. 我们的确见到了很多人。 其中有很多人失去了身体的众多部件, 而剩下的部分还被烧伤了, 有的半张脸没有了,或是一只耳朵烧掉了。
They were sitting at a table. They were brought together for us. 他们被带来这里,坐在一张桌子旁与我们聊天。
And we started asking them all questions. 我们问了他们很多我们想知道的事。
'"Look," I'd say to them, "We're not quite as good as nature yet. “看,”我告诉他们,“我们还没有像造物主那么厉害。
I could give you fine motor control, or I could let you curl 40 pounds; 我可以给你们良好的运动控制系统, 或者我可以让你们举起40磅,
I probably can't do both. 但是我恐怕不能同时完成这两项。
I can give you fast control with low reduction ratios in these gears , or I can give you power; 我可以给你们带低损耗率传动装置的 快速控制系统, 或者我可以给你们力量,
reduction:n.减少;缩小;降低;减价;折扣;缩图; ratios:n.比率(ratio的复数); v.以比率表示; gears:n.[机]齿轮,[机]传动装置(gear的复数形式); v.以齿轮连起,安排(gear的三单形式);
I can't give you both. 但我不能同时完成这两项。
And we were trying to get them to all help us know what to give them. 我们尝试着让他们告诉我们 他们到底需要什么。
Not only were they enthusiastic, they kept thinking they're there to help us. 他们不但很感兴趣,而且不断地考虑 怎样才能帮到我们。
'"Well, would it help if I ..." ”这样能起到帮助吗....
'"Guys, and woman, you've given enough. 大家听我说, 你们给予的够多了。
We're here to help you. We need data. We need to know what you need." 我们来这是为了帮助你们。我们需要数据,我们需要知道 你们想要什么。
After a half an hour, maybe, there was one guy at the far end of the table who wasn't saying much. 半个小时左右后,有一个坐在桌子远端的人 没有说上什么。
You could see he was missing an arm. 他失去了一只手臂。
He was leaning on his other arm. 而他正用另一只手撑着脑袋
I called down to the end, "Hey, you haven't said much. 我叫他说,“嘿,你还没有说什么呢,
If we needed this or this, what would you want?" 如果是这个或这个,你想要哪一个?”
And he said, "You know, 然后他说,“你知道吗,
I'm the lucky guy at this table. 我是这个桌子上的幸运儿。
I lost my right arm, but I'm a lefty ." 我失去了我的右臂, 但是我是个左撇子。”
(Laughter) (笑声)
So, he wouldn't say much. 所以,他没有怎么说话。
He had a great spirit, like all the rest of them had great spirits. 他有伟大的精神,他们都有。
all the rest:其他所有相关信息;
And he made a few comments. 然后他做了一番评论。
And then the meeting ended. We said goodbye to all these guys. 聚会结束后,我们向所有的人道别,
And that guy pushed himself back from the table ... 然后那人把自己从桌子边推出,
he has no legs. 他没有腿。
So, we left. 然后,我们离开了。
And I was thinking, "We didn't give them support and encouragement; they gave it to us. 我想 我们没有给他们支持和鼓励, 是他们给了我们这些。
They're not finished giving yet." 而他们还一直再给。
It was astounding. 这是令人震惊的。
So, we went back. 就这样,我们回去了。
And I started working harder, faster. 我开始更努力地、更快地工作。
Then we went out to Brooke Army Medical Center. 然后我们去了布鲁克陆军医学中心。
And we saw lots of these kids, lots of them. 接着我们看到了很多这样的孩子,很多很多。
And it was astounding how positive they are. 以及他们那令人震惊的 乐观的生活态度。
So, we went back, and we've been working harder yet. 然后,我们又回去了。 回去后更是倍加努力地工作。
We're in clinical trials, we've got five of them on people. 我们开始了临床实验, 安装了5个义肢在人身上。
We're screaming along. 我们在独自挣扎。
And I get a call and we go back to Washington. 然后我接到了一个电话,我们又去了 华盛顿。
We go back to Walter Reed, and a kid, literally, 20 some-odd days before that was blown up. 我们再次去了沃尔特里德医院。 那里有个孩子, 正值20岁的大好年华, 不幸遭遇了一场爆炸。
And they shipped him to Germany and 24 hours later they shipped him from Germany to Walter Reed. 他先是被送去了德国 24小时后他们把他从德国 运到了沃尔特里德医院。
And he was there, and they said we needed to come. 然后他就在那了。 他们说我们一定得来。
And I went down and they rolled him into a room. 于是我去了。 他们把他推到一个房间里。
He's got no legs. 他已经失去了双腿。
He's got no arms. 也失去了双臂。
He's got a small residual limb on one side. 他只在身体一边还剩下一小部分肢体,
residual:n.剩余;残渣;adj.剩余的;残留的; limb:n.肢,臂;分支;枝干;v.切断…的手足;从…上截下树枝;
Half of his face is gone, but they said his vision is coming back. 他的半张脸已经没有了, 但他们说他的视力回复了。
He had one good eye. 他有一只好的眼睛。
His name is Brandon Marrocco. 他叫布兰登 摩洛克。
And he said, "I need your arms, but I need two of them." 然后他说, “我需要你发明的手臂, 但我需要两个。”
'"You'll get them." 你会得到他们的。
This kid was from Staten Island. 这个孩子来自斯塔藤岛(位于美国纽约)。
And he said, "I had a truck, before I went over there, and it had a stick. 接着他说,“我有一辆卡车, 在我去那边之前, 它有一个棍子。
You think I'll be able to drive it?" 你觉得我还能再开它么?”
'"Sure." 当然。
And I turned around and went, "How are we going to do this?" 然后我转身思考,“这下该怎么办啊?”
(Laughter) (笑声)
Anyway, he was just like all the rest of them. 不管怎样,他就像剩下的所有人一样。
He doesn't really want a lot. 他真的不需要很多。
He wants to help. He told me that he wanted to go back to help his buddies . 他告诉我,他想帮忙。 他想回去 去帮助他的同伴。
So, I was on my way out here. 所以,我来到了这里。
I was asked to stop at Texas. 我被邀请去了德克萨斯州。
There were 3,500 people, the Veteran's Administration, 在退役士兵管理局, 有3500个人。
U.S. ... just 3,500 at this huge event to help the families of all the kids -- some that have died, some that are like Brandon -- and they wanted me to speak. 美国在这件重要的事情上只有3500个人 来帮助那些孩子们的 家庭。 这些孩子,有的死了 有的像布兰登一样。 而他们希望我去做一个演讲。
I said, "What am I going to say? 我说,“我该说些什么呢?
This is not a happy thing. Look, if this happens to you, 这些并不是好事情。要是,发生在你们身上
I can give you ... This stuff is still not as good at the original equipment." 我能给你们的 永远比不上你原来自己的手臂。“
'"You need to come." ”我们需要你过来一趟。“
So, I went. 所以,我去了。
And, as I think you get the point, there were a lot people there recovering. 你们大概可以想象, 那儿有很多人在康复。
Some further along than others. 有些人比其他人伤的更严重。
But universally , these people that had been through this had astounding attitudes, and just the fact that people care makes a huge difference to them. 但是,每一个经历了这些的人 都有着惊人的乐观态度。 而只是他人的关心,对于这些人 就有着巨大的影响。
I'll shut up, except one message or concern I have. 最后,我还想跟你们说一个 我所忧虑的事情。
I don't think anybody does it intentionally , but there were people there literally talking about, "Well, how much will they get?" 我不并是说有谁是故意这样做的, 但是,有很多人一直在强调 他们可以得到什么。
You know, this country is involved as we've all heard, in this great healthcare debate . 就你们所知,这个国家 一直在争论医疗保健的问题。
involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词) healthcare:n.医疗保健;健康护理,健康服务;卫生保健; debate:n.辩论;争论;考虑;v.辩论;争论;考虑;
'"Who is entitled to what? 谁拥有什么样的利益?
Who is entitled to how much? 谁拥有多少利益?
Who is going to pay for it?" 谁来支付这些利益?
Those are tough questions. 都是些很难的问题。
I don't have an answer to that. Not everybody can be entitled to everything simply because you were born here. 我没有这些问题的答案。并不是每个 出生在这里的人都会得到所有的利益,。
It's not possible. It would be nice but let's be realistic . 虽然那样很美好,但是是不可能的。 所以让我们现实一些吧。
They were tough questions. There's polarized groups down there. 这些都是难题。有许多意见相左的阵营。
polarized:v.(使)两极化,截然对立; (polarize的过去分词和过去式)
I don't know the answers. 我不知道这些问题的答案。
There are other questions that are tough. 还有另一些难题。
'"Should we be there? 我们应该在这儿吗?
How do we get out? 我们该怎样离开?
What do we need to do?" There's very polarized answers to that question too, and I don't have any answers to that. 我们该做些什么?对于这些问题 也有着许多不同的答案。 而我也没有这些问题的的答案。
Those are political questions, economic questions, strategic questions. 对于那些政治方面的,经济方面的 和策略方面的问题,
economic:adj.经济的,经济上的;经济学的; strategic:adj.战略上的,战略的;
I don't have the answer. But let me give you a simple concern or maybe statement , then. 我也不知道该怎样回答。但我有一个 简单的想法,也可以说是立场。
It is an easy answer. 这是一个简单的答案。
I know what these kids deserve on the healthcare side. 我知道什么是这些受伤了的孩子 在医疗方面应得的。
I was talking to one of them, and he was really liking this arm -- it's way, way, way better than a plastic stick with a hook on it -- but there's nobody in this room that would rather have that than the one you got. 我和其中一个孩子聊过天, 他很喜欢这个机械义肢, 因为这比一支带钩的塑料棍 好很多。 但是现在在场的人,没有人会愿意用义肢代替 原来的手臂。
would rather:宁愿,宁可;
But I was saying to him, "You know, the first airplane went 100 feet in 1903. 但,我告诉那个孩子,“你知道吗, 第一架飞机 在1903年飞行了100英尺。
Wilbur and Orville. 那是威尔伯和奥威尔制造的。
But you know what? It wouldn't have made an old pigeon jealous. 但那并不会让鸽子羡慕。
But now we got Eagles out there, 然而我们现在有了老鹰战机,
F15s, even that Bald Eagle . F 15鹰式战机,甚至是秃鹰战机。
Bald Eagle:(美)秃鹰(美国的国鸟);比喻秃头的政治家;
I've never seen a bird flying around at Mach 2. 我从没在马赫机场附近看过一只飞鸟。
I think eventually we'll make these things extraordinary." 所以我想我们最终一定会有非凡的成果。”
And I said to that kid, "I'll stop when your buddies are envious of your Luke arm because of what it can do, and how it does it. 我还对他说, “在你的伙伴嫉妒 你的义肢的能力和用法之时, 我会停止我的工作。
And we'll keep working. And I'm not going to stop working until we do that." 在那之前,我会一直做下去。 不停止地做下去。”
And I think this country ought to continue its great debate, whining and complaining , "I'm entitled." "You're a victim ." 我认为这个国家应该 继续它的辩论。 还有关于“我有权利”“你是受害者”的抱怨。
whining:v.哭哭啼啼;哭嚷;哀鸣;惨叫;(whine的现在分词) complaining:adj.抱怨的;v.抱怨;控诉;(complain的现在分词) victim:n.受害人;牺牲品;牺牲者;
And whining and complaining about what our foreign policy ought to be. 关于我们外交政策的抱怨。
But while we have the luxury of whining and complaining about who's paying for what and how much we get, the people that are out there giving us that great privilege of whining and complaining, 但在我们奢望着抱怨着 谁该出钱,我们得到了多少的同时, 记得是有些人让给了我们 抱怨的特权。
luxury:n.奢侈,奢华;奢侈品;享受;adj.奢侈的; privilege:n.特权;优待;v.给与…特权;特免;
I know what they deserve: everything humanly possible. 我知道什么是他们应得的, 他们应该得到我们所能做到的一切。
And we ought to give it to them. 我们应该给他们。
(Applause) (掌声)